Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sociology UGC NET Paper Practice Question-Answer :-

1. The book Social Structure of Values was written by:-

(1) MN Srinivas 
(2) Radhakamal Mukherjee 
(3) SC Dube 
(4) Yogendra Singh

2. Whose name is associated with Verstehen Approach?

(1) Emile Durkheim 
(2) F Tonnies 
(3) Max Weber 
(4) William Graham Sumner

3. Of the following, who has written on “Self-Fulfilling Prophecy”?

(1) Talcott Parsons 
(2) RK Merton 
(3) Max Weber 
(4) V Pareto

4. Who is the Author of Deschooling Society?

(1) Ivan Illich 
(2) Max Weber 
(3) Kingsley Davis 
(4) Emile Durkheim

5. Which of the following Concepts, Anthony Giddens uses in his Theory of Structuration?

(1) Dual Analysis 
(2) Dual Roles 
(3) Duality of Structure 
(4) Structural Dualism

6. The Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act was enacted in:-

(1) 1999
(2) 2000
(3) 2001
(4) 2002

7. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below the lists:-

List - I                                                                List - II

(Concepts)                                                     (Authors) 

(a) Over determination                             (i) Alexander
(b) Structuration                                        (ii) Giddens
(c) Neofunctionalism                                (iii) Habermas 
(d) Undistorted communication            (iv) Althusser


                (a)          (b)            (c)              (d)
(1)           (i)           (ii)           (iii)             (iv)
(2)           (iv)         (ii)            (i)              (iii)
(3)           (iv)         (i)            (iii)             (ii)
(4)           (ii)         (iii)           (iv)             (i)

8. What are three concentric circles depicted in Wallerstein’s World System Theory?

1. Core, Semi Periphery & Periphery
2. Core, Periphery & Edges
3. Centre, Semi Edges & Edges
4. Centre, Semi Periphery & Periphery

9. Which decade was declared as UN decade for Women?

1. 1966-1975  
2. 1976-1985
3. 1986-1995
4. 1971-1980

10. Who among the following wrote the book titles “Second Sex”?

1. Eva Rosenfeld
2. Simone De Beauvoir
3. Kate Millet
4. None of the Above

11. The International Labour Organization came into existence in:-

(1) 1919
(2) 1924
(3) 1933
(4) 2006

12. Which year was declared as International women’s year by UN?

1. 1975
2. 1986
3. 1980
4. 1971

13. Who among the following wrote “Essay on the Principle of Population”, giving the Fundamental of population growth?

1. Raul Prebisch
2. Milton Friedman
3. Thomas Malthus
4. WW Rostow

14. Who among the following can be classified as a "Critical Theorist"?

(1) Alexander
(2) Habermas
(3) Althusser
(4) Bourdieu

15. What is meant by sex-ratio?
1. The relation between male & Female
2. The ratio between the number of adult male and adult females in a population
3. The ratio between number of female and number of male in a population
4. The number of females per 1000 males in a population

16. Who among the following used the “Demography” for the first time?

1. Achille Guillard
2. T Malthus
3. Herbert Spencer
4. Ricardo L

17. What does NPP stand for?

1. National Population Programmed
2. National Population Project
3. National Population Policy
4. National Population Production

18. Who coined the concept "Culture of Poverty"?

(1) Oscar Lewis
(2) Gunnar Myrdal
(3) MN Srinivas
(4) McKim Marriott

19. How many towns are there in India as per census 2011?

(1) 5582
(2) 8112
(3) 5161
(4) 7935

20. Who among the following has developed the theory of “Step Migration”?

1. Ravenstein
2. R Redfield
3. Mumford
4. Herbert Spencer

21. Who wrote First “The book An Essay on the Principle of Population”?

1. John Locke
2. Rousseau
3. T Hobbes
4. Malthus

22. Among the following who has given six-fold classification of Indian traditions?

(1) MN Srinivas
(2) McKim Marriott
(3) Milton Singer
(4) SC Dube

23. The death of children below one year of life is known as:-

1. Child Mortality
2. Intra-Uterine Mortality
3. Neo-Natal Mortality
4. Infant Mortality

24. National Commission for Women was established on:-

1. 1992
2. 1993
3. 2001
4. 2005

25. “The Human Group” Book is written by:-

1. Zimmerman
2. Malinowski
3. GC Homans
4. Thomas Moore

Answer Key:-

1. Option No. 2 Radhakamal Mukherjee
2. Option No. 3 Max Weber
3. Option No. 2 Robert King Merton
4. option No. 1 Ivan Illich
5. Option No. 3 Duality of Structure
6. Option No. 2 | 2000
7. Correct Code is Option No. 2
8. Option No. 1 | Core, Semi-Periphery & Periphery
9. Option No. 2 | 1976-1985
10. Option No. 2 Simone De Beauvoir
11. Option No. 1 | 1919
12. Option No. 1 | 1975
13. Option No. 3 | Thomas Robert Malthus
14. Option No. 2 | Jurgen Habermas
15. Option No. 4 (The number of females per 1000 males in a population)
16. Option No. 1 (Achille Guillard)
17. Option No. 3 (National Population Policy)
18. Option No. 1 (Oscar Lewis)
19. Option No. 4 (7935)
20. Option No. 1 (Ernst George Ravenstein)
21. Option No. 4 | Thomas Robert Malthus
22. Option No. 4 | SC Dube
23. Option No. 4 (Infant Mortality)
24. Option No. 1 (1992)
25. Option No. 3 (GC Homans)

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