Tuesday, March 09, 2021

National Education Policy 2020 (Higher Education System) (Policies, Governance, and Administration)

1. When were the first two education policies introduced? पहले की दो शिक्षा नीतियां कब लाई गई थीं?
(A) 1968 & 1992
(B) 1986 & 1992
(C) 1968 & 1986
(D) 1986 & 1994

(C) 1968 & 1986 || On the basis of recommendations of Kothari Commission, the first National Education Policy was released in 1968. The first NPE was promulgated by the Government of India by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1968, the second by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1986, and the third by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2020. National Education Policy 2020 will replace the 34 year old National Policy on Education (NPE),1986.

1986 :- In 1986, the government led by Rajiv Gandhi introduced a new National Policy on Education. The new policy called for "special emphasis on the removal of disparities and to equalize educational opportunity," especially for Indian women, Scheduled Tribes (ST) and the Scheduled Caste (SC) communities. The policy expanded the open university system with the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), which had been created in 1985. 1986 education policy expected to spent 6% of GDP on education.

1992 :- The 1986 National Policy on Education was modified in 1992 by the P. V. Narasimha Rao government. 

2020 :- In 2019, the Ministry of Human Resource Development released a Draft New Education Policy 2019, which was followed by a number of public consultations. 2019 में, मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय ने एक मसौदा नई शिक्षा नीति 2019 जारी की, जिसके बाद कई सार्वजनिक परामर्श हुए। On 29 July 2020, the cabinet approved a new National Education Policy with an aim to introduce several changes to the existing Indian education system.

This is the first education policy of the 21st century and replaces the thirty-four year old National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986.  Built on the foundational pillars (मूलभूत स्तंभ) of Access, Equity, Quality, Affordability and Accountability, this policy is aligned to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and aims to transform India into a vibrant knowledge society and global knowledge superpower by making both school and college education more holistic, flexible, multidisciplinary, suited to 21st century needs and aimed at bringing out the unique capabilities of each student.

2. According to the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, The Union Cabinet has also approved the renaming of which ministry as the Ministry of Education? राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 के अनुसार, केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने किस मंत्रालय का नाम बदलकर शिक्षा मंत्रालय करने की भी मंजूरी दे दी है?
(A) Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Ministry
(B) Ministry of Communications
(D) Ministry of Human Rights

(C) Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) (मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय) || The National Education Policy, 2020 aims at making “India a global knowledge superpower” (भारत को एक वैश्विक ज्ञान महाशक्ति).

3. Under the chairmanship of whom "Committee for Evolution of the New Education Policy" submitted its report in May 2016? मई 2016 में किसकी अध्यक्षता में "नई शिक्षा नीति के विकास के लिए समिति" ने अपनी रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत की?
(A) Late Shri T.S.R. Subramanian
(B) Dr. K. Kasturirangan
(C) Natarajan Chandrasekaran
(D) Venkat Chandrasekaran

(A) Late Shri T.S.R. Subramanian || The Committee for Evolution of the New Education Policy aka the TSR Subramanian Committee submitted its National Policy on Education 2016 draft to the Union HRD ministry on May 28, 2016. 
(10 Recommendations of Subramanian Committee on new education policy)
:- An Indian Education Service (IES) should be established.
:- The outlay on education should be raised to at least 6% of GDP without further loss of time.
:- Top 200 foreign universities should be allowed to open campuses in India.

4. The _______ will be created as an apex body for fostering a strong research culture and building research capacity across higher education. एक मजबूत अनुसंधान संस्कृति को बढ़ावा देने और उच्च शिक्षा के लिए अनुसंधान क्षमता के निर्माण के लिए _______ एक शीर्ष निकाय के रूप में बनाया जाएगा।
(D) Research Foundation of India (RFI)

(A) National Research Foundation (NRF)

5. Which autonomous body will be created to provide a platform for the free exchange of ideas on the use of technology to enhance learning, assessment, planning, administration? सीखने, मूल्यांकन, योजना, प्रशासन को बढ़ाने के लिए प्रौद्योगिकी के उपयोग पर विचारों के मुक्त आदान-प्रदान के लिए एक मंच प्रदान करने के लिए कौन-सा स्वायत्त निकाय बनाया जाएगा?

(D) National Educational Technology Forum (NETF)

6.  _______ will be set up as a single umbrella body for the entire higher education, excluding medical and legal education. किस आयोग को चिकित्सा और कानूनी शिक्षा को छोड़कर पूरे उच्च शिक्षा के लिए एकल अम्ब्रेला निकाय के रूप में स्थापित किया जाएगा?

(C) Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) (भारत का उच्च शिक्षा आयोग) || Also, HECI will be having four independent verticals namely,
:- National Higher Education Regulatory Council (NHERC) for regulation,
:- General Education Council (GEC) for standard setting,
:- Higher Education Grants Council (HEGC) for funding,
:- National Accreditation Council (NAC) for accreditation.

Public and private higher education institutions will be governed by the same set of norms for regulation (Control & maintained by an authority), accreditation, funding and academic standards.

7. National Assessment Centre _______ has been created to assess the students. छात्रों का मूल्यांकन करने के लिए राष्ट्रीय मूल्यांकन केंद्र _______ बनाया गया है।

(B) PARAKH || PARAKH stands for Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development.

8. The 42nd Amendment to the Constitution in 1976 moved education from the _______. 1976 में संविधान के 42 वें संशोधन ने शिक्षा को _______ में स्थानांतरित कर दिया।
(A) State to the Union List (राज्य से संघ सूची)
(B) Concurrent to the State List (समवर्ती सूची से राज्य सूची)
(C) State to the Concurrent List (राज्य से समवर्ती सूची)
(D) Concurrent to the Union List (समवर्ती सूची से संघ सूची)

(C) State to the Concurrent List (राज्य से समवर्ती सूची) || The 42nd Amendment to the Constitution in 1976 moved education from the State to the Concurrent List. It includes the power to be considered by both the union and state government. इसमें केंद्र और राज्य सरकार दोनों द्वारा विचार की जाने वाली शक्ति शामिल है।

9. The three-language formula is a language learning policy first formulated in ______. त्रिभाषा सूत्र _______ में पहली बार तैयार की गई भाषा सीखने की नीति है। 
(A) 1968
(B) 1986
(C) 1992
(D) 1994

(A) 1968 || The three-language formula prescribed by the first education policy in 1968. The three-language formula is a language learning policy first formulated in 1968 by the Ministry of Education of the Government of India in consultation with the states.

10. The 86th Amendment in 2002 made education an enforceable right under Article _______. 2002 में 86 वें संशोधन ने शिक्षा को किस अनुच्छेद के तहत एक लागू करने योग्य अधिकार बना दिया?
(A) Article 51A
(B) Article 39 (f)
(C) Article 45 
(D) Article 21-A

(D) Article 21-A

11. According to the New Education Policy 2020, how much of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be spent on education? नई शिक्षा नीति 2020 के अनुसार, शिक्षा पर GDP (सकल घरेलू उत्पाद) का कितना खर्च किया जाएगा?
(A) 6.5 percent
(B) 6 percent
(C) 4.4 percent
(D) 5 percent

(B) 6 percent || Currently, India spends around 4.6 % of its total GDP on education.

12. According to the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, What percentage will be increased in higher education to gross enrollment ratio by 2035? राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 के अनुसार,उच्च शिक्षा में सकल नामांकन अनुपात 2035 तक बढ़ाकर कितना प्रतिशत किया जाएगा?
(A) 25%
(B) 50%
(C) 65%
(D) 75%

(B) 50% || Also, 3.5 crore seats to be added in higher education. The current Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in higher education is 26.3%.

13. By which year, the minimum degree qualification for teaching is going to be a 4-year integrated B.Ed. degree? किस वर्ष तक शिक्षण के लिए न्यूनतम डिग्री योग्यता 4-वर्षीय एकीकृत बी.एड. डिग्री होगी?
(A) 2022
(B) 2025
(C) 2030
(D) 2035

(C) 2030 || By 2030, the minimum degree qualification for teaching is going to be a 4-year integrated B.Ed. degree as per National Education Policy 2020.

14. Who among the following was the Chairman of newly constituted drafting NEP 2020 in June 2017? निम्नलिखित में से कौन जून 2017 में नवगठित प्रारूपण NEP 2020 के अध्यक्ष थे?
(A) Dr. K. Kasturirangan
(B) Natarajan Chandrasekaran
(C) Natarajan Chandrasekaran
(D) Vanita Goel

(A) Dr. K. Kasturirangan || A "Committee for the Draft National Education Policy"  was constituted in June 2017 under the Chairmanship of eminent scientist Dr. K. Kasturirangan, which submitted the Draft National Education Policy, 2019 to the Hon’ble Human Resource Development Minister on 31 May, 2019.

15. Who is the last minister of MHRD and first minister of Ministry of Education?
(A) Kapil Sibal
(B) Prakash Javadekar
(C) Smriti Irani
(D) Ramesh Pokhriyal

(D) Ramesh Pokhriyal (Ministry of Education)
:- India celebrates National Education Day on November 11 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, who served as the first Minister of Education of independent India.

16. Mark the Correct Code about New Education Policy Committees.
(1) Bhure Lal Committee
(2) Bhagwan Sahai Committee
(3) K Kasturirangan Committee
(4) TSR Subramanian Committee 

Code :-
(A) 2 & 4
(B) 1 & 4
(C) 2 & 3
(D) 3 & 4

(D) 3 & 4

17. The vocational education will start from _______. व्यावसायिक शिक्षा _______ से शुरू होगी।
(A) 5th Class
(B) 6th Class
(C) 10th Class
(D) 12th Class

(B) 6th Class || Vocational education is education that prepares people to work as a technician or to take up employment in a skilled craft or trade as a tradesperson or artisan. Vocational education is sometimes referred to as career and technical education. 

18. The NEP 2020 replace the :- 
(A) National Education Policy (NEP), 1986
(B) National Policy on Education, 1968
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the Above

(A) National Education Policy (NEP), 1986

19. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) Setting up of Gender Inclusion Fund for Female and Transgender students.
(2) Setting up of Special Education Zones (SEZs) for large population from Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups (SEDGs).

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both (1) & (2)
(D) None of these

(C) Both (1) & (2) || The Socially Disadvantaged Groups include the Scheduled Castes (SCs), the Scheduled Tribes (STs), the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and the Minorities.

20. Which is not an educational committee? कौन-सी एक शैक्षिक समिति नहीं है?
(A) D. S. Kothari Committee
(B) T. S. R. Subramanian Committee
(C) Dr. K. Kasturirangan Committee
(D) K. Santhanam Committee

(D) K. Santhanam Committee
The Kothari Commission was appointed by the Government of India to overhaul the Indian Education sector. कोठारी आयोग को भारत सरकार द्वारा भारतीय शिक्षा क्षेत्र में सुधार के लिए नियुक्त किया गया था। Its objectives and the important recommendations submitted on 29th June 1966. Kothari Commission was an ad-hoc (for the special purpose) commission set up by the Government of India. Kothari Commission was formed on 14 July 1964. On 29 June 1966, Kothari Commission was dissolved. It was formed under the Chairmanship Daulat Singh Kothari. He was the then chairman of University Grants Commission (UGC). Kothari Commission was the sixth commission in India, post-independence but it was the first commission mandated to comprehensively deal with the education sector of India. कोठारी आयोग भारत में छठा आयोग था, स्वतंत्रता के बाद, लेकिन भारत के शिक्षा क्षेत्र के साथ व्यापक रूप से निपटने के लिए यह पहला आयोग था। The Kothari Commission had a Core group of 20 members. The Report was submitted by the Kothari Commission on 29th June 1966 to M.C.Chagla, the then minister of education. To provide policies and guidelines for the development of education in India. भारत में शिक्षा के विकास के लिए नीतियां और दिशानिर्देश प्रदान करना। To examine every aspect of the Indian education sector. Although the Kothari Commission was established to review the entire education sector, two important domains were left out of its purview – they were legal education and medical education. यद्यपि पूरे शिक्षा क्षेत्र की समीक्षा के लिए कोठारी आयोग की स्थापना की गई थी, लेकिन दो महत्वपूर्ण डोमेन को इसके दायरे से बाहर रखा गया था - वे कानूनी शिक्षा और चिकित्सा शिक्षा थे। The Kothari Commission had given 23 recommendations to revamp the education system in India. कोठारी आयोग ने भारत में शिक्षा प्रणाली को पुनर्जीवित करने के लिए 23 सिफारिशें दी थीं।

K. Santhanam Committee :- Establishment of CBI (Central Vigilance Commission)

21. NEP 2020 conceptualized a concept for ancient India and its contributions to modern India and its successes and challenges. What is the name of this concept? NEP 2020 ने प्राचीन भारत और आधुनिक भारत और इसकी सफलताओं और चुनौतियों के लिए एक विचार की अवधारणा की। इस अवधारणा का नाम क्या है?
(A) “Knowledge of Ancient India”
(B) “Knowledge of Modern India”
(C) “Knowledge of Medieval India”
(D) “Knowledge of India”

(D) “Knowledge of India”

22. NEP 2020 introduced a bagless concept to intern with local vocational experts such as carpenters, gardeners, potters? Which class group will participate in this vocational activity? NEP 2020 ने स्थानीय व्यावसायिक विशेषज्ञों जैसे बढ़ई, माली, कुम्हार के साथ प्रशिक्षु के लिए एक बैगलेस धारणा पेश किया। इस व्यावसायिक गतिविधि में कौन-सा वर्ग समूह भाग लेगा?
(A) Grades 6-8
(B) Grades 5-8
(C) Grades 7-8
(D) Grades 8-9

(A) Grades 6-8

23. What is full form of “BoAs” in reference to evaluation and assessment?
(A) Boards of Authorities
(B) Boards of Assignments
(C) Boards of Authentic
(D) Boards of Assessment

(D) Boards of Assessment

24. Which year all higher education institutions (HEIs) will become multidisciplinary institutions as per NEP 2020 recommendation? किस वर्ष सभी उच्च शिक्षा संस्थान (HEI) NEP 2020 की सिफारिश के अनुसार बहु-विषयक संस्थान बन जाएंगे?
(A) By 2025
(B) By 2030
(C) By 2035
(D) By 2040

(D) By 2040

25. What is the percentage of the Gross Enrolment Ratio in higher education by 2018 as per as NEP 2020?
(A) 24.3%
(B) 25.3%
(C) 26.3%
(D) 27.3% 

(C) 26.3%

26. Ancient Indian literary works i.e. Banabhatta’s Kadambari described a good education as knowledge of the so many Kalā or arts. What is exact number of Kalā or arts mentioned in NEP 2020?
(A) 62 Kalā or arts
(B) 63 Kalā or arts
(C) 64 Kalā or arts
(D) 66 Kalā or arts

(C) 64 Kalā or arts || Kalā means performing art in Sanskrit. The mastery of over 64 kinds of skills is called chatushashti Kalas. They are :- 
(1) Geet vidya: singing.
(2) Nritya vidya: dancing.
(3) Natya vidya: theatricals.
(4) vastu-vidya: engineering.
(5) alekhya vidya: painting.

The performing arts are arts such as music, dance, and drama which are performed for an audience.

Kādambari is a romantic novel in Sanskrit. It was substantially composed by Bāṇabhaṭṭa in the first half of the 7th century CE, who did not survive to see it through completion. The novel was completed by Banabhatta's son Bhushanabhatta, according to the plan laid out by his late father.

27. How much percentage of the total GDP spends on the research and innovation in India at current time? वर्तमान समय में भारत में कुल जीडीपी का कितना प्रतिशत अनुसंधान और नवाचार पर खर्च होता है?
(A) 0.92 of GDP
(B) 0.25% of GDP
(C) 050% of GDP
(D) 0.69% of GDP

(D) only 0.69% of GDP
Investment on the research and innovation (NEP 2020) :- 
India :- 0.69% of GDP
United States of America :- 2.8% of GDP
Israel :- 4.3% of GDP
South Korea :- 4.2% of GDP

28. What is the single greatest tool for achieving social justice and equality according to NEP 2020? NEP 2020 के अनुसार सामाजिक न्याय और समानता प्राप्त करने के लिए सबसे बड़ा उपकरण क्या है?
(A) Inclusive Education (समावेशी शिक्षा)
(B) Equitable Education (समान शिक्षा)
(C) Vocational Education (व्यावसायिक शिक्षा)
(D) Education (शिक्षा)

(D) Education (शिक्षा)

29. NEP 2020 recommends that the Government of India will constitute a "Fund" to build the nation’s capacity to provide equitable quality education for all girls as well as transgender students. What will be the name of the fund? एनईपी 2020 की सिफारिश है कि भारत सरकार सभी लड़कियों और साथ ही ट्रांसजेंडर छात्रों के लिए समान गुणवत्ता की शिक्षा प्रदान करने के लिए देश की क्षमता का निर्माण करने के लिए "फंड" का गठन करेगी। फंड का नाम क्या होगा?
(A) Gender-Education Fund
(B) Gender-Promotion Fund
(C) Gender-Inclusion Fund
(D) Gender-Employment Fund

(C) Gender-Inclusion Fund

30. According to NEP 2020 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), will be include as new programme. What is the name of the programme?
(A) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA),
(B) Samagra Shiksha Scheme (SSS)
(C) Samagra Shiksha School (SSS)
(D) Samagra School Scheme (SSS)

(B) Samagra Shiksha Scheme (SSS)

(One Liner Questions)

Q. What will be the duration of undergraduate degree according to NEP 2020?
The undergraduate degree will be of either 3 or 4-year duration, with multiple exit options within this period, with appropriate certifications.

Q. Will the college or institution award a certificate, diploma or degree for the students according to NEP 2020 recommendation?
NEP proposed clear guidelines regarding completion of undergraduate programme year wise. College or institution will award certificates i.e.
(1) a certificate after completing 1 year in a discipline or field including vocational and professional areas,
(2) a diploma after 2 years of study,
(3) Bachelor ’s degree after a 3-year programme,
(4) 4-year multidisciplinary Bachelor’s programme a degree ‘with Research

Q. What is GCED mentioned in NEP 2020?
Global Citizenship Education (GCED) || Global citizenship education is a form of civic learning that involves students' active participation in projects that address global issues of a social, political, economic, or environmental nature.

Q. What criteria or structure will be offered or followed in Master’s programmes according to NEP 2020?
HEIs will have the flexibility to offer different designs of Master’s programmes :-
(1) there may be a 2-year programme with the second year devoted entirely to research for those who have completed the 3-year Bachelor ’s programme;
(2) for students completing a 4-year Bachelor ’s programme with Research, there could be a 1-year Master’s programme; and
(3) there may be an integrated 5-year Bachelor’s/Master’s programme
(4) undertaking a Ph.D. shall require either a Master’s degree or a 4-year Bachelor’s degree with Research
(5) the M.Phil. programme shall be discontinued 

Q. What will be the name of model public universities for holistic and multidisciplinary education, at par with IITs, IIMs, etc to attain the highest global standards in quality education?
MERUs (Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities)
Holistic education is a relatively new movement in education that seeks to engage all aspects of the learner, including mind, body, and spirit. समग्र शिक्षा शिक्षा में एक अपेक्षाकृत नया आंदोलन है जो सीखने वाले के सभी पहलुओं को शामिल करना चाहता है, जिसमें मन, शरीर और आत्मा शामिल हैं।
Multidisciplinary :- An example of a multidisciplinary course of study is when you study math, science, English and history.

Q. What will be function of Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) according to NEP 2020?
An Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) shall be established which would digitally store the academic credits earned from various recognized HEIs so that the degrees from an HEI can be awarded taking into account credits earned. Academic Bank of Credits to be established to facilitate Transfer of Credits.

Q. What is CBCS in HEIs according to NEP 2020?
The Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

Q. What is CBGS?
The criterion-based grading system

Q. How many persons in India in the age group of 19–24 received formal vocational education in the 12th Five-Year Plan (2012–2017)?
less than 5%

Q. How many persons shall have exposure to vocational education through the school and higher education system by 2025? 2025 तक स्कूल और उच्च शिक्षा प्रणाली के माध्यम से कितने व्यक्तियों को व्यावसायिक शिक्षा पहुंचाना होगा?
at least 50%
Exposure to vocational education in the age group of 19–24 (NEP 2020)
India :- less than 5%
United States of America :- 52%
Germany :- 75%
South Korea :- 96%

Q. What is “NCIVE” mentioned in NEP 2020?
National Committee for the Integration of Vocational Education (NCIVE), It will be constituted by MHRD. National Committee for the Integration of Vocational Education (NCIVE), consists of experts in vocational education and representatives from across Ministries, in collaboration with industry, to oversee this effort.

Q. NEP 2020 envisions the establishment of national level research for promoting quality research in the nation. What is the proposed name of research organization? NEP 2020 राष्ट्र में गुणवत्ता अनुसंधान को बढ़ावा देने के लिए राष्ट्रीय स्तर के अनुसंधान की स्थापना को लागू करता है। अनुसंधान संगठन का प्रस्तावित नाम क्या है?
National Research Foundation (NRF)

Q. What is full form of “HECI”?
The Higher Education Commission of India (HECI)

Q. What is full form of “NHERC”?
The National Higher Education Regulatory Council

Some Important Points about NEP 2020:-

:- New Policy promotes Multilingualism in both schools and higher education. National Institute for Pali, Persian and Prakrit , Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation to be set up.

Adult Education :- Policy aims to achieve 100% youth and adult literacy.

:- M.Phil courses will be discontinued and all the courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD level will now be interdisciplinary. एम.फिल पाठ्यक्रमों को बंद कर दिया जाएगा और स्नातक, स्नातकोत्तर और पीएचडी स्तर के सभी पाठ्यक्रम अब अंतःविषय होंगे।
Interdisciplinarity or interdisciplinary studies involves the combining of two or more academic disciplines into one activity.

:- It also paves the way for foreign universities to set up campuses in India.

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