Thursday, December 01, 2022

Sociology UGC NET Paper Question-Answer

Sociology UGC NET Paper Question-Answer:-

1. One of the key points about ethno methods, according to Garfinkel, is:-

 (1) That they are reflexively accountable
 (2) That ethno methodologists provide description
 (3) That for objective and subjective reality they are accountable
 (4) None of the above

2. Match List - I with List - II:-

 List - I                                                                                        List - II

(Works)                                                                                     (Authors)

(a) Presentation of Self in Everyday Life                         (i) Peter Berger
(b) The Social Construction of Reality                             (ii) Harold Garfinkel
(c) The Phenomenology of the Social World                   (iii) Erving Goffman
(d) Studies in Ethno methodology                                     (iv) Alfred Schutz
                                                                                           (v) George Lukacs

      (a)       (b)          (c)            (d)

(1)  (i)       (ii)         (iii)           (v)

(2)  (ii)      (iii)        (iv)           (v)

(3)  (iii)      (i)         (iv)           (ii)

(4)  (iv)      (i)         (iii)           (v)

3.  Which of the following concepts is not related to Althusser’s theory?

(1) Altruism
(2) Epistemological Break
(3) Repressive State Apparatuses
(4) Ideology

4.  Which of the following is not the work of Michel Foucault?

(1) Discipline and Punish
(2) Reading Capital
(3) The Order of Things
(4) Madness and Civilization

5. Surajit Sinha’s work was mainly based on:-

(a) Tribe - Caste Continuum
(b) Tribal Movements
(c) Field Studies
(d) Sociology of Religion

Select the answer using the code given below:-

(1) (a), (b)
(2) (b), (c), (d)
(3) (a), (c), (d)
(4) All the above

6. Who did attributional and interactional analysis of caste system?

(1) L. Dumont
(2) Surajit Sinha
(3) M.N. Srinivas
(4) D.P. Mukerji

7. Who is the Author of the book “Garibi Hatao: Strategy Options” ?

(1) Indira Gandhi
(2) M.L. Dantwala
(3) Thomas Gladwin
(4) S. Bagachi

8. Who has written the book “Nation Building and Citizenship”?

(1) Reinhard Bendix
(2) Wendell Bell
(3) W.J. Foltz
(4) C.J. Freiderich

9. Who has applied Robert Redfield’s concept of ‘Little and great Traditions’ in understanding the Indian Society?

(1) Milten Singer
(2) M.N. Srinivas
(3) S.C. Dube
(4) Yogesh Atal

10. Who among the following is the author of the book entitled “The Rise of the Network Society”?

(1) Cohen, I
(2) Cheal, D
(3) Collins, P. Hills
(4) Castells, Manuel

11. ‘The Punjab Peasant in prosperity and Debt: Wisdom and waste in Punjab village’ was authored by:-

(1) Baden - Powell
(2) F.G. Bailey
(3) Malcolm L. Darling
(4) I. Natrajan

12. Who among the following introduced the term “Post Industrial Society”?

(1) J. Burnham
(2) J.K. Galbraith
(3) Daniel Bell
(4) R. Dahrendorf

13. Who said, that Three basic principles of authentic development are: Justice, Sustaniability and Inclusiveness?

(1) Dudley Seers
(2) David Korten
(3) A. Gunder Frank
(4) Amratya Sen

14. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below the lists:-

List - I                                                           List - II

(Concepts)                                                   (Authors)

(a) Self Development                                  (i) G. Watson
(b) World System Theory                           (ii) Mahbub Ul Haq
(c) Liberal                                                   (iii) I. Wallerstein
(d) Human Development                            (iv) M.K. Gandhi


           (a)             (b)                (c)                (d)

(1)      (iv)           (iii)                (i)                 (ii)
(2)       (i)            (ii)                (iv)                (iii)
(3)      (ii)            (i)                 (iii)                (iv)
(4)      (iii)          (iv)                (ii)                  (i)

15. The World Population Plan of Action was drafted and accepted by Member States of U.N. at:-

(1) Mexico Conference
(2) Bucharest Conference
(3) Cairo Conference
(4) Copenhagen Summit

16. Which one of the following is not the work of Leela Dube?

(1) Reflections on the Women’s Movement in India
(2) Women and Kinship
(3) Anthropological Explorations in Gender
(4) Matriliny and Islam

17. In India, the year 2001 was declared as the year of:-

(1) Development of Women’s Studies Year
(2) Women and Panchayati Raj Year
(3) Girl Children Education Year
(4) Women’s Empowerment Year

18. Who has written the book ‘Sociology of Economic Life’?

(1) Weber
(2) Smelser
(3) Parsons
(4) Merton

19. Who has given the cognitive development theory of socialization ?

(1) Marx
(2) Freud
(3) Piaget
(4) Cooley

20. Who was of the opinion that revolutions are locomotives of history?

(1) E. Kant
(2) K. Marx
(3) G.W.F. Hegal
(4) F. Engels

21. In Mead’s work, the attitude of the entire community or in any game, the attitude of the entire team is known by the term:-

(1) Self Perception
(2) Generalized Other
(3) Social Act
(4) Sensuous Stimulation

22. Who among the following gave the concepts of ‘Residues’ and ‘Derivatives’ in his theory?

(1) C.H. Mead
(2) G. Mosca
(3) C.W. Mills
(4) V. Pareto

23. Who is the author of the book “The Functions of Social Conflict”?

(1) Jeffrey Alexander
(2) Lewis A. Coser
(3) Randall Collins
(4) Ralf Dahrendorf

24. Who was Auguste Comte's Mentor?

(1) Karl Marx
(2) Emile Durkheim
(3) Saint Simon
(4) Robert Redfield

25. The term "White-Collar Crime" was first introduced by:-

(1) E Sutherland
(2) GS Ghurye
(3) Oscar Lewis
(4) Mckim Marriott

26. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below the lists:-

List - I                                                             List - II

(Concepts)                                                     (Authors) 

(a) Over determination                              (i) Alexander
(b) Structuration                                        (ii) Giddens
(c) Neofunctionalism                                (iii) Habermas 
(d) Undistorted communication                (iv) Althusser


               (a)          (b)            (c)             (d)
(1)           (i)          (ii)           (iii)            (iv)
(2)           (iv)         (ii)           (i)             (iii)
(3)           (iv)         (i)           (iii)            (ii)
(4)           (ii)         (iii)          (iv)             (i)

Answer Key :-

1. Option No. 1 That they are reflexively accountable
2. Correct Code is Option No. 3
3. Option No. 1 Altruism
4. Optional No. 2 Reading Capital
5. Correct Code is Option No. 4 All the Above
6. Option No. 1 Louis Dumont
7. Option No. 2 Mohanlal Lallubhai Dantwala
8. Optional No. 1 Reinhard Bendix
9. Option No. 1 Milten Singer
10. Option No. 4 Spanish Sociologist Manuel Castells
11. Option No. 3 Malcolm L. Darling
12. Option No. 3 Daniel Bell
13. Option No. 2 David Korten
14. Correct Code is Option No. 1
15. Option No. 2 Bucharest Conference | Bucharest is the Capital of Romania...
16. Option No. 1 Reflections on the Women’s Movement in India
17. Option No. 4 Women’s Empowerment Year
18. Option No. 2 Neil Joseph Smelser
19. Option No. 3 Jean Piaget
20. Option No. 2 Karl Marx
21. Option No. 2 Generalized Other
22. Option No. 4 Vilfredo Pareto
23. Option No. 2 Lewis A. Coser
24. Option No. 3 Saint Simon
25. Option No. 1 Edwin Sutherland
26. Correct Code is Option No. 2

(August Current Affairs 2020)

Which state has decided to set up a snow leopard conservation centre? किस राज्य ने हिम तेंदुआ संरक्षण केंद्र स्थापित करने का निर्णय लिया है?

(A) Uttarakhand 

(B) Himachal Pradesh

(C) Arunachal Pradesh

(D) Sikkim

(A) Uttarakhand || Uttarakhand has decided to set up a snow leopard conservation centre to promote winter tourism in the state. The centre would be set up in the Uttarkashi forest division area.

Which nation has become the first one in the Arab world to produce nuclear energy? परमाणु ऊर्जा का उत्पादन करने वाला अरब दुनिया का पहला राष्ट्र कौन-सा बन गया है?

(A) Saudi Arabia


(C) Bahrain

(D) Qatar

(B) UAE || The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has become the first gulf nation to produce nuclear energy. Unit 1 of the Abu Dhabi-based Barakah nuclear power plant has become operational.

Which nation’s former King has exited the country amid corruption allegations? भ्रष्टाचार के आरोपों के बीच किस देश के पूर्व राजा ने देश से बाहर कर दिया है? 

(A) Spain 

(B) Denmark

(C) The Philippines 

(D) Switzerland

(A) Spain || Spain’s former king Juan Carlos has decided to leave the country amid serious corruption allegations. The once-popular king, who is now scandal-ridden, has left the nation with no indication on where he may have gone. The 82-year-old king’s sudden exit has stunned the Spaniards. 

Which nation has provisionally approved dexamethasone for COVID treatment? COVID उपचार के लिए किस राष्ट्र ने अस्थायी रूप से डेक्सामेथासोन को मंजूरी दी है?

(A) Japan

(B) South Korea

(C) Taiwan

(D) UK

(C) Taiwan

A UN-backed tribunal is expected to announce its verdict on the assassination of Rafik al-Hariri. Hariri was the former Prime Minister of which nation? संयुक्त राष्ट्र समर्थित एक ट्रिब्यूनल से रफीक अल-हरीरी की हत्या पर अपना फैसला सुनाने की उम्मीद है। हरीरी किस राष्ट्र के पूर्व प्रधान मंत्री थे?

(A) Syria

(B) Turkey

(C) Sudan

(D) Lebanon

(D) Lebanon || A UN-backed tribunal will pronounce its verdict on the asssassination of Rafik al-Hariri in 2005. Hariri served as the Prime Minister of Lebanon five times after the 1975-90 Civil War. He had led the efforts to rebuild the nation’s capital Beirut.

Which nation has warned to put TikTok out of business if it is not sold by September 15? किस देश ने 15 सितंबर तक बिकने पर टिकटोक को व्यवसाय से बाहर करने की चेतावनी दी है?

(A) UK

(B) US

(C) India

(D) Australia

(B) US || US President Donald Trump said on August 3, 2020 that TikTok will be "out of business" in the United States if it is not sold to a US firm by September 15.

US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to restrict the use of which visa? अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प ने किस वीजा के उपयोग को प्रतिबंधित करने के लिए एक कार्यकारी आदेश पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?

(A) H1B 

(B) H14

(C) K3

(D) F2A

(A) H1B