Monday, January 24, 2022

(Sociology UGC NET) (Theories & Sociologist)

1. Imitation Theory of Deviance (Gabriel Tarde)
2. World System Theory (Immanuel Wallerstein)
3. Social Capillarity Theory (Louis Dumont)
4. Theory of Evolution (Charles Darwin)
5. Critical Theory (Max Horkheimer)
6. Dependency Theory (Raul Prebisch)
7. Social Structure and Fertility: An Analytic Framework (Kinsley Davis & Judith Blake)
8. Social Theory of Religion (Emile Durkheim)
9. Wealth Flow Theory (John Cadwell)
10. Theory of Social Stratification (Davis-Moore)
11. Theory of Structuration (Anthony Giddens)
12. Demographic Transitions Model Theory (Warren Thompson & Frank Notestein)
13. Social Theory of Suicide (Emile Durkheim)
14. Class Conflict Theory (Karl Marx)
15. Labeling Theory (Emile Durkheim)
16. Theory of Differential Association (Edwin Sutherland)
17. Cyclical Theory (Arthur Schlesinger)
18. Optimum Population Theory (Edwin Cannan)
19. Middle-Range Theory (RK Merton)
20. Theory of Entrepreneurship (Joseph Schumpeter)
21. Magic and Religion: Functional Theory (Bronislaw Malinowski)
22. Theory of Collective Behaviour (Neil Joseph Smelser)
23. Magic Theory of Religion (James George Frazer)
24. Theory of Leisure Class (Thorstein Veblen)
25. Theory of Surplus Value (Karl Marx)

(Sociology UGC NET) (Books & Authors)

1. Indian Village (1955) (SC Dube)
2. Marriage and Family in Mysore (1942) (MN Srinivas)
3. The Remembered Village (1978) (MN Srinivas)
4. Caste and Race in India (1932) (GS Ghurye)
5. Homo-Hierarchicus (1966) (Louis Dumont)
6. Religion and Society (Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan) 
7. The Sociology of Economic Life (Neil Smelser)
8. Cultural Sociology: An Introduction (Les Back | Laura Desfor | Edles | Andrew Benett | David Inglis | Margaret Gibson) 
9. Mind, Self and Society (George Herbert Mead)  
10. HandBook of Social Psychology (Gardner Lindzey)
11. Human Society (1949) (Kingsley Davis)
12. The Leisure Class (1989) (Thorstein Veblen) 
13. "Discipline and Punish" Book के लेखक कौन है?
(A) Ralf Dahrendorf 
(B) Jacques Derrida
(C) Michel Foucault
(D) James Frazer
14. The Class Structure of The Advanced Socities (1973) (Anthony Giddens)
15. The Language of Post-Modern Architecture (1977) (Charles Jencks)
16. Eurocentrism (Samir Amin)
17. Phenomenology of the Social World (Alfred Schutz)
18. The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledgy (1966) (Thomas Luckman & Peter L. Berger)
19. Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs: Life and Times of a Sociologist (TK Oommen)   
20. Politics of the Kula Ring: An Analysis of the Findings of Bronislaw Malinowski (JPS Uberoi) 
21. Totemism and Exogamy (Sir James George Frazer)
22. The Sociology of Science (1962) (RK Merton)
23. Who wrote "An Essay on the History of Civil Society", 1767, Which represents a systematic developmental Sociology? (Adam Ferguson)
24. The Protestant Ethnic and the spirit of Capitalism (1905) (Max Weber)
25. Magic, Science and Religion and other essays (Bronislaw Malinowski) 
26. Structure and Change in Indian Society (1968) (Milton Singer)
27. "Economy and Society" (1922) (Max Weber)
28. The Structure of Social Action (Talcott Parsons) 
29. Street Corner Society (1943) (William Foote Whyte) 
30. Latin America: Underdevelopment or revolution (1970) (Andre Gunder Frank) 
31. The Third World (1964) (Peter Worsley) 
32. Nation-Building and Citizenship: Studies of our Changing Social Order (1964) (Reinhard Bendix)
33. Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations (1968) (Gunner Myrdal) 
34.  The Symmetrical Family: A Study of Work and Leisure in the London Region (1973) (Michael Young)
35. Theory of Social Structure (Siegfried Frederick Nadel) (SF Nadel) 
36. Social Institutions (2003) (Derik Gelderblom)
37. Social Organization (Anthony J. Bradley & Mark P. Mcdonald) 
38. An Outline of Social Psychology (Muzafer Sherif & Corolyn W. Sherif)
39. Little Community (1956) Robert Redfield 
40. Mirror for Man (1944) (Clyde Kluckhohn) 
41. Tepoztlan, a Mexican Village: A Study of Folk Life (1930) Robert Redfield
42. The Making of a Counter Culture (1969) Theodore Roszak 
43. The New Class: An Analysis of the Communist System (1957) (Milovan Djilas)
44. The Human Group (1950) (George Casper Homans) 
45. The Mind and Society (Vilfredo Pareto)
46. What is Sociology? (Nobert Elias)
What is Sociology? An Introduction To The Discipline and Profession (Ales Inkeles)
What is Sociology? (Johann Graff)  
47. Caste and Race in India (1932) (GS Ghurye)  
48. Castes in India: Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development (1916) (BR Ambedkar) 
49. The Savage Mind (1962) (French Language) (Claude Levi-Strauss)
Original Title:- La Pensée sauvage  
50. Caste, Class and Power (1965) (Andre Beteille)