Saturday, January 22, 2022

(Sociology UGC NET) (Concepts & Sociologist)

1. Positivism (Auguste Comte)
2. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy (RK Merton)
3. Culture of Poverty (Oscar Lewis)
4. Rational Action (Max Weber)
5. Beyond Family Planning (Bernard Berelson) (Philip Morris Houser)
6. Step Migration (Ernst Georg Ravenstein)
7. Concept of Moral Community (Emile Durkheim)
8. Functional Alternatives (RK Merton)
9. Generalised Other (George Herbert Mead)
10. Focussed Interaction (Erving Goffman)
11. Internal and External Systems (George Casper Homans)
12. Communicative Action (Jurgen Habermas)
13. Id, Ego and Super Ego (Sigmund Freud)
14. Expressive Role and Instrumental Role (Talcott Parsons)
15. Social Justice (BR Ambedkar)
16. Purity and Pollution (Louis Dumont)
17. Freedom Movement (AR Desai)
18. Who propounded the concept of "Latent" and "Manifest" function?
(RK Merton)
19. Ethnocentrism (William Graham Sumner)
20. Urbanism as a way of life (Louis Wirth)
21. Folk-Urban Continuum (Robert Redfield)
22. Little and Great Traditions (Milton Singer & Robert Redfield)
23. Born Criminal (Cesare Lombroso)
24. Vote Bank (MN Srinivas)
25. Class Consciousness and False Consciousness (Karl Marx)

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(Sociology UGC NET) | Books & Authors

1. The Resurgence of Ethnicity: Myth or Reality? (Margaret Elaine Burgess)
2. Marriage and Family in India (KM Kapadia)
3. Social Change in Modern India (MN Srinivas)
4. Indian Sadhus (GS Ghurye)
5. The Second Sex (Simone De Beauvoir)
6. The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non Communist Manifesto (Walt Whitman Rostow)
7. Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society (Ralf Dahrendorf)
8. Born to Work: Child Labour in India (Neera Burra)
9. Women Workers and Society (Annie Marion MacLean)
10. Social Problems in India (Ram Ahuja)
11. Rural Sociology in India (AR Desai)
12. Some Aspects of Family in Mahuva (IP Desai)
13. The Challenge of World Poverty (Gunnar Myrdal)
14. Unemployment Technology and Rural Poverty (Bepin Behari)
15. The People of India (Herbert Risley)
16. Hindu Jajmani System (William H. Wiser)
17. The Untouchables (Eliot Ness)
18. A Rajasthan Village (Brij Raj Chauhan)
19. Village India (Stephen P. Huyler)
20. "Dominant Caste" यानि "प्रमुख जाति" Concept किसने दिया है? (Guess the Answer)
Option (A) MN Srinivas    Option (B) Oscar Lewis
Option (C) SC Dube      Option (D) Majumdar
21. Suicide: A Study in Sociology (Emile Durkheim)
22. Delinquent Boys: The Culture of the Gang (Albert K Cohen)
23. Social Theory and Social Structure (RK Merton)
24. The Buddha and His Dhamma (BR Ambedkar)
25. India's Villages (MN Srinivas)

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Sociology UGC NET Paper Sample Question-Answer in English (Lesson 25) :-

1. Who supports the view that social structure is more or less stable and unchangeable, while its qualitative character is dynamic and changeable?
 (1) AR Radcliffe-Brown
 (2) SF Nadel
 (3) Bronislaw Malinowski
 (4) Claude Levi-Strauss

2. Who gave the 'Mechanical' and 'Statistical' models in his study of kinship structure?
(1) Claude Levi-Strauss
(2) James Frazer
(3) AR Radcliffe-Brown
(4) SF Nadel

3. Who among the following talked about moving
equilibrium (Balance) in the process of progressive
growth in the social system?
 (1) Talcott Parsons
 (2) RK Merton
 (3) Max Weber
 (4) B Malinowski

4. To Emile Durkheim, Moral density means:-
 (1) Sheer (Complete) increase in the number of individuals
 (2) Individuals working morally
 (3) Individuals feeling sobriety
 (4) Increased interaction between the individuals

5. Self-fulfilling prophecy was the concept explained by:-
 (1) Max Weber
 (2) RK Merton
 (3) T Parsons
 (4) None of the above

6. Who has studied "Trobriand Islanders" ?
 (1) AR Brown
 (2) James Frazer
 (3) B Malinowski
 (4) Emile Durkheim

7. The concept : “The generalized other”
was introduced by:-
 (1) GH Mead
 (2) Herbert Blumer
 (3) V Pareto
 (4) None of the above

8. Max Weber distinguished power from authority
as the presence or absence of:-
 (1) Hierarchy
 (2) Rationality
 (3) Legitimacy
 (4) Bureaucracy

9. Who were the first to develop the elite theory ?
 (1) Pareto and Mosca
 (2) Mills and David Lane
 (3) Pareto and Mills
 (4) Mosca and Mitchell

10. The Book:- “The Methodological Position of
Symbolic Interactionism” was written by:- 
 (1) H Blumer
 (2) CH Cooley
 (3) Erving Goffman
 (4) GH Mead

11. Functionalism approach to conflict was propounded by:-
 (1) Ralf Dahrendorf
 (2) LA Coser
 (3) Karl Marx
 (4) R Collins

12. Identify the correct logical order as explained by Marx:-

 (1) Class-in-Itself, Class for Itself, Social Transformation, Class Conflict
 (2) Class-in-Itself, Class for Itself, Class Conflict, Social Transformation
 (3) Class in Itself, Class Conflict, Class for Itself, Social Transformation
 (4) Class for Itself, Class Conflict, Class-in-Itself, Social Transformation

13. Who has stated that, ‘human activity can be observed and
comprehended from only inside’?
 (1) Max Weber
 (2) W Dilthey
 (3) E Durkheim
 (4) P Sorokin

14. Who has considered that ‘social phenomenon
can be treated like natural phenomenon, in terms of
observation, classification and also in direct experiment’ ?
 (1) Emile Durkheim
 (2) AR Radcliffe-Brown
 (3) Both (1) and (2)
 (4) None of the above

15. Among the Indian sociologists, who has pleaded for
an integrated approach to the study of
social phenomenon ?
 (1) DP Mukerji
 (2) GS Ghurye
 (3) Radhakamal Mukherjee
 (4) Ram Krishna Mukherjee

16. Who has undertaken for the first time ‘survey
of an industrial city’ in India and employed
statistical concepts and tools ?
 (1) DN Majumdar
 (2) MN Srinivas
 (3) VS D’Souza
 (4) SC Dube

17. Who is said to have used the participant observation
method in the study of a street corner
society in U.S.A. ?
 (1) B Malinowski
 (2) WF Whyte
 (3) Paul F Lazarsfeld
 (4) Rk Merton

18. Census is an example of:-
 (1) Explanatory research
 (2) Exploratory research
 (3) Descriptive research
 (4) Diagnostic research

19. Which one of the following measures of average
can be applied to qualitative data?
 (1) Mean
 (2) Median
 (3) Mode
 (4) All the above

20. Case study aims at:-
(1) Qualitative analysis of a unit
(2) Quantitative analysis of a unit
(3) Both Qualitative and Quantitative analysis
(4) Qualitative and detailed analysis of all
aspects of a unit

(Answer Key)
1. Option 2 (SF Nadel)
2. Option 1 | Claude Levi Strauss
3. Option 1 | Talcott Parsons
4. Option 4 (Increased interaction between the individuals)
5. Option 2 (RK Merton)
6. Option 3 (Bronislaw Malinowski)
7. Option 1 (George Herbert Mead)
8. Option 3 (Legitimacy) 
9. Option 1 | Pareto and Mosca
10. Option 1 (Herbert Blumer)
11. Option 2 (LA Coser)
12. Option 2 (Class-in-itself | Class-for-itself | Class conflict | Social Transformation) 
13. Option 2 (Wilhem Dilthey) 
14. Option 3 Both (1) and (2) 
15. Option 3 (Radhakamal Mukherjee)
16. Option 1 (DN Majumdar) 
17. Option 2 (William Foote Whyte)
18. Option 3 (Descriptive Research) 
19. Option 3 | Mode 
20. Option 4 | Qualitative and detailed analysis of all aspects of a unit 

Sociology UGC NET Paper Practice Question-Answer in Hindi (Lesson 24) :-

1. निम्नलिखित में से किसने सामाजिक व्यवस्था में प्रगामी विकास की प्रक्रिया में गतिमान संतुलन की बात की है?
(A) Talcott Parsons
(B) RK Merton
(C) Max Weber
(D) Bronislaw Malinowski

2.  Emile Durkheim के लिए नैतिक घनत्व का अर्थ है:-
(A) व्यक्तियों की संख्या में मात्र वृद्धि
(B) नैतिक रूप से कार्य कर रहे व्यक्ति
(C) संयम अनुभव करने वाले व्यक्ति
(D) व्यक्तियों के बीच अधिक अंतक्रिया

3. "स्वतः साधक भविष्योक्ति" की संकल्पना की व्याख्या किसने की थी?
(A) Max Weber
(B) RK Merton
(C) Talcott Parsons
(D) उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं

4. "Trobriand Islanders" का अध्ययन किसने किया?
(A) AR Radcliffe Brown
(B) James Frezer
(C) Bronislaw Malinowski
(D) Emile Durkheim

5. “The generalized other” की संकल्पना के प्रवर्तक थे:-  
(A) GH Mead
(B) H Blumer
(C) V Pareto
(D) उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं

6. Max Weber ने किसकी उपस्थिति या अनुपस्थिति के रूप में शक्ति और सत्ता में विभेद किया है?
(A) अनुक्रम
(B) तर्कसंगतता
(C) वैधता
(D) नौकरशाही

7. अभिजात्य वर्ग सिद्धांत का सबसे पहले विकास किन्होंने किया?
(A) Pareto & Mosca
(B) Mills & David Lane
(C) Pareto & Mills
(D) Mosca & Mitchell

8. “The Methodological Position of
Symbolic Interactionism” Book के लेखक कौन है?  
(A) H Blumer
(B) CH Cooley
(C) Erving Goffman
(D) GH Mead

9. संघर्ष  प्रकार्यवाद उपागम का प्रतिपादन किसने किया था?
(A) R Dahrendorf
(B) LA Coser
(C) Karl Marx
(D) R Collins

10. कार्ल मार्क्स के अनुसार सही तर्कसंगत क्रम की पहचान कीजिये:-
(A) स्वयं में वर्ग | स्वयं के लिए वर्ग | सामाजिक रूपांतरण | वर्ग संघर्ष
(B) स्वयं में वर्ग | स्वयं के लिए वर्ग | वर्ग संघर्ष | सामाजिक रूपांतरण
(C) स्वयं में वर्ग | वर्ग संघर्ष | स्वयं के लिए वर्ग | सामाजिक रूपांतरण
(D) स्वयं के लिए वर्ग | वर्ग संघर्ष | स्वयं में वर्ग | सामाजिक रूपांतरण

11. यह किसने  कहा है कि "मानव कार्यकलाप को केवल अंदर से ही देखा और समझा जा सकता है" ?
(A) Max Weber
(B) W Dilthey
(C) Emile Durkheim
(D) P Sorokin

12. यह विचार किसने किया है कि "अवलोकन, वर्गीकरण और अप्रत्यक्ष प्रयोग की दृष्टि से सामाजिक प्रघटना को प्राकृतिक प्रघटना जैसा माना जा सकता है" ?
(A) Emile Durkheim
(B) AR Radcliffe-Brown
(C) (A) और (B) दोनों
(D) उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं

13. भारतीय समाजशास्त्रियों में से किसने सामाजिक प्रघटना के अध्ययन के समेकित उपागम की वकालत की है?
(A) DP Mukerji
(B) GS Ghurye
(C) Radhakamal Mukherjee
(D) Radha Krishna Mukherjee

14. निम्नलिखित में से किसने पहली बार भारत में "एक ओद्योगिक नगर का सर्वेक्षण" किया तथा सांख्यिकीय अवधारणाओं और साधनो का प्रयोग किया?
(A) DN Majumdar
(B) MN Srinivas
(C) VS D'souza
(D) SC Dube

15. किसके बारे में यह कहा जाता है कि उसने USA में "Street Corner Society" के अध्ययन में सहभागी अवलोकन विधि का प्रयोग किया था?
(A) Bronislaw Malinowski
(B) WF Whyte
(C) Paul F Lazarsfeld
(D) RK Merton

16. जनगणना किसका उदहारण है?
(A) व्याख्यात्मक शोध का
(B) अन्वेषणात्मक शोध का
(C) विवरणात्मक शोध का
(D) नैदानिक शोध का

17. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा एक औसत का माप गुणात्मक आंकड़ों पर लागू किया जा सकता है?
(A) माध्य
(B) मध्य
(C) बहुलक
(D) उपर्युक्त सभी

18. व्यक्तिक अध्ययन का उद्देश्य है:-
(A) एक इकाई का गुणात्मक विश्लेषण
(B) एक इकाई का मात्रात्मक विश्लेषण
(C) गुणात्मक और मात्रात्मक विश्लेषण दोनों
(D) एक इकाई के सभी पहलुओं का गुणात्मक एवं विस्तृत विश्लेषण

19. ऐतिहासिक शोध के एक पद्धति, जिसमें जीवित व्यक्तियों  स्मृतियों का संग्रह किया जाता है, को कहा जाता है?
(A) व्यक्ति अध्ययन
(B) विषय वस्तु विश्लेषण
(C) मौखिक इतिहास
(D) ऊहात्मक (अनुमान पर आधारित) इतिहास

20. "The Sociological Imagination" Book के Writer कौन है?
(A) C Wright Mills
(B) Daniel Bell
(C) Pierre Bourdieu
(D) Wilhelm Dilthey 

(Answer Key)
1. Option (A) Talcott Parsons
2. Option (D) (व्यक्तियों के बीच अधिक अंतक्रिया)
3. Option B (RK Merton)
4. Option C (Bronislaw Malinowski)
5. Option A (George Herbert Mead)
6. Option C | वैधता
7. Option A (Pareto & Mosca)
8. Option A (Herbert Blumer)
9. Option B (LA Coser)
10. Option (B) स्वयं में वर्ग | स्वयं के लिए वर्ग | वर्ग संघर्ष | सामाजिक रूपांतरण
11. Option B (Wilhem Dilthey)
12. Option C (A और B दोनों)
13. Option C (Radhakamal Muherjee)
14. Option A (DN Majumdar)
15. Option B (William Foote Whyte)
16. Option C | विवरणात्मक शोध का
17. Option C | बहुलक
18. Option D | एक इकाई के सभी पहलुओं का गुणात्मक एवं विस्तृत विश्लेषण)
19. Option C | मौखिक इतिहास
20. Option A (Charles Wright Mills)

Daniel Bell (American Sociologist)

(Sociology UGC NET Paper Lesson 24)

:- Daniel Bell was an American Sociologist | Writer | Editor & Professor at Harvard University

:- Born (10 May | 1919) | Manhattan in New York City

:- Died (25 January | 2011) | Cambridge | Massachusetts (United Nations)

:- He is best known for his contributions to the study of post-industrialism... He has been described as "one of the leading American intellectuals of the postwar era."

:- When he was 13 years old, the family's name was changed from Bolotsky to Bell.

:- (Magazine)
1. The New Leader
2. Fortune 
3. The Public Interest 

:- The Antioch Review | as a Board of Advisers 
1. "Crime as an American way of Life" (1953)   
2. "Socialism: The Dream and the Reality" (1952) 
3. "Japanese Notebook" (1958)
4. "Ethics an Evil: Frameworks for Twenty-first Century Culture" (2005)
5. "The Reconstruction of Liberal Education: A Foundational  Syllabus" (2011)

:- He also received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Sociological Association in 1992.

:- Daniel Bell once described himself as a "socialist in economics, a liberal in politics, and a conservative in culture."

:- (Important Books) | (He wrote more than 25 Books) Three important books are :- 
1. The End of Ideology (1960)
2. The Coming of Post-Industrial Society (1973)
3. The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism (1976) 

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Sociology UGC NET Paper Sample Question-Answer in English (Lesson 21) :-

1. Which one of the following gender-related issues, according to the Supreme Court guidelines, formed into an Act in 2013 ?
(1) Dowry deaths
(2) Honour killings
(3) Sexual Harassment at the workplace
(4) Domestic Violence

2. Low Birth weight and pregnancy wastage in a given population occur primarily due to:-
(1) Insufficient health care
(2) Female illiteracy
(3) Maternal malnutrition
(4) Traditional practices

3.  In which year the first phase of the ‘"Reproductive and Child Health Project" was initiated in India ?
(1) 1995
(2) 2000
(3) 2005
(4) 1997

4. Who among the following has developed the theory of Step Migration ?
(1) Ravenstein
(2) DJ Bogue
(3) ES Lee
(4) K Davis

5. The slogan “Save Planet Earth” was generated at:-
(1) Rio Earth Summit
(2) Jakarta Summit
(3) Copenhagen Summit
(4) Brazil Summit

6. Which one is not the part of dependency theories of development ?
(1) Centre-Periphery
(2) Under development
(3) Core
(4) Smart City

7. Human Development Index was developed by:-
(1) Dr. Manmohan Singh
(2) Dr. Mahbub ul Haq
(3) Dr. Asish Bose
(4) Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia

8. When did the first National Commission on Labour submit its Report on labour problems, both in the organized and unorganized sector ?
(1) 2002
(2) 1969
(3) 1952
(4) 2006

9. According to Max Weber "alienation in a capitalistic system" refers to:-
(1) Estrangement with one’s work
(2) Disenchantment of a worker
(3) Freedom from the routine work
(4) Engagement with the work

10. Which among the following is not the essential characteristic of bureaucracy ?
(1) Oral communication
(2) Division of labour
(3) Written rules
(4) Impersonal relations

11.  Who initiated the studies in Industrial Sociology in India after its Independence?
(1) Rangarajan and Ramaswamy
(2) Mehta and Tripathi
(3) Sheth and Mayers
(4) Breman and Das

12. From among the following who has studied peasant movements in the Indian context ?
(1) David Hardiman
(2) DN Majumdar
(3) DN Dhanagare
(4) SC Dube

13. “Nationalism in India is a product of the material condition created by the British colonialism.” Whose statement is it ?
(1) David E. Apter
(2) R. Bendix
(3) TK Oommen
(4) AR Desai

14. Who has written/edited the book "Peasants and Peasant Societies" ?
(1) Robert Redfield
(2) T Shanin
(3) Eric Wolf
(4) Oscar Lewis

15. Who among the following are the prominent members of little tradition in Indian Society?

(1) Folk artists
(2) Teachers
(3) Elites
(4) Nobles

16. Among the following who has given six-fold classification of Indian traditions ?
(1) MN Srinivas
(2) McKim Marriott
(3) Milton Singer
(4) SC Dube

17. Who among the following attempted to discover the social causes of suicide by relating the rates of suicide in different social groups to the characteristics of the group ?
(1) EH Sutherland
(2) E Durkheim
(3) Max Weber
(4) RK Merton

18.  How many towns are there in India as per census 2011 ?
(1) 7935
(2) 8112
(3) 5161
(4) 7703

19. Who among the following has mobilized the poor for the right to information in Rajasthan particularly and other parts of the country as well ?
(1) Mridula Mukherjee
(2) Aruna Roy
(3) Pupul Jayakar
(4) Krishan Bhatia

20.  Which of the following tribes is metrilocal and matrilineal ?
(1) Kadar
(2) Toda
(3) Khasi
(4) Mizo

(Answer Key 21)
1. Option 3 (Sexual Harassment at the Workplace)
2. Option 3 (Maternal Malnutrition)
3. Option 4 (1997)
4. Option 1 | Ernst Georg Ravenstein
5. Option 1 (Rio Earth Summit)
6. Option 4 (Smart City)
7. Option 2 (Dr. Mahbub ul Haq)
8. Option 2 (1969)
9. Option 2 (Disenchantment of a Worker)
10. Option 1 (Oral Communication)
11. Option 3 (Sheth & Mayers)
12. Option 3 (DN Dhanagare)
13. Option 4 (AR Desai)
14. Option 2 (Teodor Shanin)
15. Option 1 (Folk Artists)
16. Option 4 (SC Dube)
17. Option 2 (Emile Durkheim)
18. Option 1 (7935)
19. Option 2 (Aruna Roy)
20. Option 3 (Khasi)