Saturday, January 22, 2022

Sociology UGC NET Paper Sample Question-Answer in English (Lesson 19) :-

1. Who has stated that the History of Society is the History of the Class Struggle?
(1) Emile Durkheim 
(2) George Herbert Mead
(3) Erving Goffman
(4) Karl Marx

2. Who has Propounded the Concept of "Collective Representation" in Sociology ?
(1) Emile Durkheim
(2) Max Weber
(3) Auguste Comte
(4) Karl Marx

3. Who has said that "man’s uniqueness lies in his possession of culture" ?
(1) RM MacIver
(2) E Durkheim
(3) R Benedict
(4) K Davis

4. Which one of the following is not an Ascribed Status ?
(1) Sex
(2) Age
(3) Occupation
(4) Kinship

5. The distinction between in-group and out-group was given by:-
(1) G Simmel
(2) P Sorokin
(3) WG Sumner
(4) H Spencer

6. Who has classified groups into "dyad" and "triad" ?
(1) Sorokin
(2) Sumner
(3) Simmel
(4) Giddings

7.  Who has said that marriage is rooted in the family rather than the family is rooted in marriage ?
(1) Kingsley Davis
(2) GP Murdock
(3) E Westermarck
(4) C Levi-Strauss

8.  Which one is the important concept in the theory of Socialization held by Emile Durkheim?
(1) Role performing
(2) Imagining the other
(3) Collective consciousness
(4) Division of labour

9. Who among the following has conceptualized caste stratification into four types namely cultural universalistic, cultural particularistic, structural universalistic and structural particularistic ?
(1) Andre Beteille
(2) ER Leach
(3) Yogendra Singh
(4) AC Mayer

10. According to whom anthropology is a natural science and studies human society, often using the methods of the natural sciences ?
(1) B. Malinowski
(2) AR Radcliffe-Brown
(3) C Levi-Strauss
(4) John Dewey

11. Who talks about "Roles" in virtue of social relationships?
(1) A.R. Radcliffe-Brown
(2) R.K. Merton
(3) S.F. Nadel
(4) C. Levi-Strauss

12. Bronislaw Malinowski is best known for emphasizing the importance of which one of the following?
(1) Oral History
(2) Content Analysis
(3) Ethnography
(4) Narratives

13.  According to Marx "when people become aware of their conflicting relations with other classes" then it results into:- 
(1) Class in itself
(2) Division of labour
(3) Class for itself
(4) Development of leadership

14.  Who has stated that "the conflict is dysfunctional, if the structures are rigid" ?
(1) K. Marx
(2) LA Coser
(3) Emile Durkheim
(4) JC Alexander

15. Who has written the book "Rules of Sociological Method"?
(1) Max Weber
(2) Auguste Comte
(3) Emile Durkheim
(4) Karl Marx

16.  Who said these words:- “I started research as a non-participating observer. As I became accepted into the community, I found myself becoming almost a non-observing participant” ?
(1) B. Malinowski
(2) E. Durkheim
(3) William.F. Whyte
(4) N. Anderson

17. The study of recorded human communications such as books, websites, paintings, Laws is known as:-
(1) Content analysis
(2) Semiotics
(3) Book-view
(4) Ethnography

18.  Which one of the following averages can be applied to the qualitative variables ?
(1) Mean
(2) Mode
(3) Median
(4) Geometric Mean

19.  Who has said that "some of the most powerful American business enterprises were in fact 'Habitual Criminals' "?
(1) Hermann Mannheim
(2) EH Sutherland
(3) John Mack
(4) Elliot and Merril

20. Which of the following is not a form of Domestic Violence ?
(1) Dowry deaths
(2) Sexual Abuse
(3) Abduction
(4) Wife battering

(Answer Key 19)
1. Option 4 | Karl Marx
2. Option 1 | Emile Durkheim
3. Option 4 | Kinsley Davis
4. Option 3 | Occupation (Ascribed Status Examples:- Race, Sex, Birth Order & Ethnicity) (Achieved Status Examples:- Doctor, Husband & Father | It depends on your abilities, skills and life choices) 
5. Option 3 (William Graham Sumner)
6. Option 3 (Georg Simmel)
7. Option 3 (Edvard Alexander Westermarck)
8. Option 3 (Collective Consciousness)
9. Option 3 (Yogendra Singh)
10. Option 2 (Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown)
11. Option 3 (Sf Nadel)
12. Option 3 (Ethnography)
13. Option 3 (Class for itself)
14. Option 2 (Lewis Coser)
15. Option 3 (Emile Durkheim)
16. Option 3 (William Foote Whyte)
17. Option 1 (Content Analysis)
18. Option 2 (Mode)
19. Option 2 (Edwin Hardin Sutherland)
20. Option 3 (Abduction)

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