Saturday, January 22, 2022

Sociology UGC NET Paper Sample Question-Answer in English (Lesson 22) :-

1. The first Scientific Racial Classification of India was attempted by which one of the following?
(1) DN Majumdar
(2) Herbert Risley
(3) Max Muller
(4) LP Vidyarthi

2. Who among the following has developed the concept of ‘discourse’ in his writings ?
(1) J Alexander
(2) A Giddens
(3) M Foucault
(4) J Derrida

3. Who among the following makes use of the concept of ‘communicative action’ in the process of making ‘validity claims’ ?
(1) Turner
(2) Althusser
(3) Habermas
(4) Giddens

4. Who among the following can be classified as a "Critical Theorist"?
(1) Alexander
(2) Habermas
(3) Althusser
(4) Bourdieu

5. Who is said to be the founder of the specialist approach of Ethnomethodology ?
(1) Alfred Schutz
(2) Harold Garfinkel
(3) Erving Goffman
(4) John K. Galbraith

6. Who provides an account of ‘the role of common sense knowledge in the social construction of every day life and institution’ ?
(1) Peter Berger
(2) George Lucas
(3) Max Weber
(4) Erving Goffman

7. Which one of the following approaches mainly focuses on "Consciousness" ?
(1) Ethnomethodology
(2) Comparative method
(3) Phenomenology
(4) Functionalism

8. Who among the following is of the view that people grasp the consciousness of others while they live within their own stream of consciousness ?
(1) Erving Goffman
(2) Alfred Schutz
(3) Peter Berger
(4) Michel Foucault

9. Which one of the following statements represents the idea of C. Wright Mills about sociological imagination ?
(1) Looking social world as social fact.
(2) Understanding differences among the classical theorists.
(3) Bringing together private troubles and public issues.
(4) Avoiding individual based explanation. 

10. According to Max Weber, an ideal type is
(1) The most common situation in a given society
(2) Philosophical model of an ideal society
(3) Conceptual or analytical tool to understand social phenomena
(4) Statistical evidences collected by social researcher

11. According to whom internalized "shared values" are regarded as playing a decisive role in the social integration of any society ? 
 (1) T. Parsons 
 (2) B. Malinowski 
 (3) E. Durkheim
 (4) R.K. Merton

12. Which according to Robert Redfield is not the characteristic of Little Community ? 
 (1) Distinctiveness
 (2) Homogeneity
 (3) Location
 (4) Self-sufficiency 

13. According to whom, role is the dynamic aspect of status, where ‘status’ refers to the position and ‘role’ to its performance ? 
 (1) Ralph Linton 
 (2) R.K. Merton
 (3) Max Weber 
 (4) PL Kendall 

14. Type of authority in a religious sect is:-
 (1) Traditional
 (2) Bureaucratic
 (3) Rational
 (4) Legal

15. Who among the following is the author of ‘Mind, Self and Society’ ? 
 (1) Talcott Parsons 
 (2) Margaret Mead
 (3) George H. Mead
 (4) Gardner Murphy 

16. The Functional Theory of social stratification was expounded in the writings of:-
 (1) Davis & Black 
 (2) Davis & Moore
 (3) Parsons & Bales
 (4) Wiser & Wiser 

17. In a family, the grandfather was a potter in a village and father taught in a school of a town and now son is an engineer in a multi-national company in a metro city. This illustrates:- 
(1) Cultural Mobility
(2) Horizontal Mobility
(3) Intra-generational Mobility
(4) Inter-generational Mobility

18. Which view among the following is the oldest view of social change? 
 (1) Cyclical 
 (2) Linear
 (3) Evolutionary 
 (4) Dialectical 

19. Who said that revolutions are locomotives of history ?
 (1) G.W.F. Hegel 
 (2) E. Kant
 (3) K. Marx
 (4) F. Engels 

20. Who used the phrase ‘necessary conditions of existence’ as an important component of social structure ?
 (1) S.F. Nadel 
 (2) C. Levi-Strauss 
 (3) A.R. Radcliffe-Brown 
 (4) R.K. Merton 

(Answer Key) 
1. Option No. 2 (Herbert Risley) 
2. Option No. 3 (Michel Foucault) 
3. Option No. 3 (Habermas)
4. Option No. 2 (Habermas)
5. Option No. 2 (Harold Garfinkel)
6. Option No. 1 (Peter Berger)
7. Option No. 3 | Phenomenology
8. Option No. 2 (Alfred Schutz)  
9. Option No. 3 | Bringing together private troubles and public issues 
10. Option No. 3 (Conceptual or analytical tool understood social phenomena) 
11. Option No. 1 (Talcott Parsons)
12. Option No. 3 (Location)
13. Option No. 1 | Ralph Linton
14. Option No. 1 | Traditional
15. Option No. 3 (George Herbert Mead)
16. Option No. 2 (Davis & Moore)
17. Option No. 4 (Inter-generational Mobility)
18. Option No. 3 (Evolutionary)
19. Option No. 3 (Karl Marx)
20. Option No. 3 (AR Radcliffe-Brown)

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