Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) Questions & Answers

(Mock TEST 01)

1. Lawrence Kohlberg was an American psychologist best known for his theory of _______. लॉरेंस कोहलबर्ग एक अमेरिकी मनोवैज्ञानिक थे जिन्हें किसके सिद्धांत के लिए जाना जाता था?
(A) Theory of Education
(B) stages of Psychodynamic
(C) cognitive development 
(D) stages of moral development

(D) stages of moral development (नैतिक विकास के चरण) || Lawrence Kohlberg (October 25, 1927 – January 19, 1987) was an American psychologist best known for his theory of stages of moral development.

2. Whose theory was focused on the physical and mental development of children? बच्चों के शारीरिक और मानसिक विकास पर किसका सिद्धांत केंद्रित था?
(A) Bowlby's Attachment Theory
(B) Freud id, ego and super ego Theory
(C) Gesell's Maturation Theory
(D) Erikson Cognitive Theory

(C) Gesell's Maturation Theory

3. The Maturational Theory of child development was introduced by Dr. Arnold Gesell in _______.
(A) 1825
(B) 1830
(C) 1925
(D) 1930

(C) 1925

4. Whose theory states that children, quite simply, think differently than adults? किसके सिद्धांत में कहा गया है कि बच्चे, काफी सरल, वयस्कों की तुलना में अलग तरह से सोचते हैं?
(A) Erikson’s Psychosocial Developmental Theory
(B) Freud’s Psychosexual Developmental Theory
(C) Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
(D) Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory

(D) Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory || Essentially, this theory divided the child life into four separate categories, or stages. the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational period.

5. Who was the famous coiner of the popular phrase “identity crisis”?
(A) Lawrence Kohlberg
(B) Erik Erikson
(C) Jean Piaget
(D) Sigmund Freud

(B) Erik Erikson

6. Who proposed the eight stages of psychosocial development? मनोसामाजिक विकास के आठ चरणों का प्रस्ताव किसने रखा?
(A) Noam Chomsky
(B) Sigmund Freud
(C) Lev Vygotsky
(D) Erik Erikson

(D) Erik Erikson

7. Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development constitute an adaptation of a psychological theory originally conceived by the _______. लॉरेंस कोहलबर्ग के नैतिक विकास के चरणों का मूल रूप से एक मनोवैज्ञानिक सिद्धांत का अनुकूलन है, जिसकी कल्पना मूल रूप से _______ ने की थी।
(A) Noam Chomsky
(B) Erik Erikson
(C) Sigmund Freud
(D) Jean Piaget

(D) Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget

8. Who gave the Psychodynamic Theoretical approach? मनोवेगीय सैद्धांतिक दृष्टिकोण किसने दिया?
(A) George Herbert Mead
(B) Sigmund Freud
(C) Jean Piaget
(D) Lev Vygotsky

(B) Sigmund Freud || In Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the unconscious mind is defined as a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges (तीव्र इच्छा), and memories that outside of conscious awareness. Behavior is controlled by unconscious urges. Three components of the mind are id, ego and super ego.

9. What is the full form of "BALA"? 
(A) Brain Aided Learning Assignment
(B) Braille as Learning Aid
(C) Building as Learning Aid
(D) Braille Aided Learning Assessment

(C) Building as Learning Aid || Building as Learning Aid (BaLA) is an innovation that can help India's schools become more child friendly.

10. Dysgraphia is a learning disability that affects _______ abilities. डिसग्राफिया एक सीखने की विकलांगता है जो _______ क्षमताओं को प्रभावित करती है।
(A) Listening (सुनने)
(B) Speaking (बोलने)
(C) Reading (पढ़ने)
(D) Writing (लिखने)

(D) Writing (लिखने)

11. Who gave the concept of intelligence quotient for the first time in 1912?
(A) Galton
(B) Binet
(C) Stern
(D) Terman

(C) German psychologist William Stern

12. The vaccine for smallpox was discovered by _______. चेचक के टीके की खोज _______ द्वारा की गई थी।
(A) Ronald Ross
(B) Robert Koch
(C) Edward Jenner
(D) Alexander Fleming

(C) Edward Jenner || The smallpox vaccine, introduced by Edward Jenner in 1796, was the first successful vaccine to be developed.

13. Red Data Book contains a record of _______. रेड डाटा बुक में _______ का रिकॉर्ड होता है।
(A) endangered species (लुप्तप्राय प्रजातियों)
(B) extinct species (विलुप्त प्रजाति)
(C) flora (वनस्पतियाँ)
(D) fauna (पशुवर्ग)

(A) endangered species (लुप्तप्राय प्रजातियों) || Red Data Book is the book which keeps a record of all endangered animals, plants and species. It contains a list of species which are in danger of becoming extinct. इसमें उन प्रजातियों की सूची है जो विलुप्त होने के खतरे में हैं।

14. Who coined the phrase "Unity in Diversity" to describe India? भारत का वर्णन करने के लिए "अनेकता में एकता" वाक्यांश किसने गढ़ा?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) B.R. Ambedkar
(C) M.K. Gandhi
(D) Rajendra Prasad 

(A) Jawaharlal Nehru || Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India and leader of the Indian National Congress. He wrote at length on this topic, exploring it in detail in his work The Discovery of India.

15. _______ is also called reading disability.
(A) Dyscalculia
(B) Dyspraxia
(C) Dysgraphia
(D) Dyslexia

(D) Dyslexia || Dyslexia is a learning disorder (सीखने का विकार) that involves difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and words (decoding).

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