Tuesday, December 14, 2021

(2011 Census of India)

Census :- an official count of the people who live in a country, including information about their ages, jobs, etc.

:- A Census studies every member of a population. A census is the procedure of systematically acquiring and recording information about the members of a population.

(Conducted in every 10 years)

:- Census has been conducted in India since 1872 and 2011 marks the first time biometric information was collected. It was 15th Indian Census. The motto of census 2011 was "Our Census, Our future."
Examples of these biometric identifiers are fingerprints, facial patterns, voice.

:- The Census Covered
640 Districts
5924 (Sub-Districts)
7935 (Towns) 
& More than Six (6) lakh Villages (classifying the population according to gender, religion, education and occupation)

:- A total of 27 lakh officials visited in households. The cost of the exercise was approximately ₹2,200 crore (US$340 million)

:- Information on castes was included in the census following demands from several ruling coalition leaders including Lalu Prasad Yadav | Sharad Yadav & SP Suprimo Mulayam Singh supported by opposition parties Bharatiya Janata Party | Akali Dal | Shiv Sena & Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK). Information on caste was last collected during the British Raj in 1931.

:- C Chandramauli was the Register General and Census Commissioner of India for the 2011 Indian Census. In 2011, India and Bangladesh also conducted their first-ever joint census of areas along their border. 2011 में, भारत और बांग्लादेश ने अपनी सीमा के साथ क्षेत्रों की पहली संयुक्त जनगणना भी की।

:- Transgender population was counted in population census in India for first time in 2011. The official count of the third gender in India is 4.9 lakh. 

(Census Report) :- Total Population (1,210,854,977) 
:- Males (623,724,568)
:- Females (586,469,294) 

(Literacy Percentage)
:- Total (74.04%)
:- Males (82.10%)
:- Females (65.50%)

:- According to Census 2011, Density of Population :- 382 Per Kilometre Square | km2
:-  (Sex Ratio) Per 1000 males | 943 Females 
:- Child Sex Ratio (0-6 age group) | (Per 1000 males | 919 females)
:- Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state. Total population of Uttar Pradesh (UP) is (199,812,341). (16.5% of Total population)
:- Over half the population resided in the six most populous states of Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Of the 121 crore Indians, 83.3 crore (68.84%) live in rural areas while 37.7 crore stay in urban areas. 45.36 crore people in India are migrants, which is 37.8% of total population.

:- Highest Sex Ratio State (Kerala | Per 1000 males | 1084 females
:- Most Literate State in India as per census 2011
(Kerala State with 92.94% Literacy Rate)

:- Most Rural population in Uttar Pradesh (155,111,022) & Most Urban population in Maharashtra (50,827,531) 

:- Largest Area as per census 2011?
(Rajasthan with 342,239 Kilometer Square Area)  

:- Most Density of Population in Delhi (UT) with 11,297 per kilometre square.

:-  Decadal Growth Percent (2001-2011) 
Most Decadal Growth in Union Territory Dadra and Nagar Haveli with 55.5% & Overall Decadal Growth is 17.64% in India as per census 2011.

:- Lowest Population in Lakshadweep (64,473) | Which is 0.01 percent of the total population
Lowest males in Lakshadweep (33,123)
Lowest females in Lakshadweep (31,350)

:- Lowest Sex Ratio as per census 2011 in Daman and Diu (UT) | Per 1000 males | 618 Females

:- Lowest Literacy Rate belongs to the Bihar State (63.82%)

:- Least Rural population in Lakshadweep (14,121) & Minimum Urban population in (UT) Lakshadweep with 50,308 urban population.

:- Least Area also belongs to the Lakshadweep 32 kilometer square.

:- Lowest Density of population in Arunachal Pradesh State with 17 per kilometer square.

:- Lowest decadal growth in Nagaland State with -0.5% as per census 2011.

(Religious Demographics) (धार्मिक जनसांख्यिकी)

:- The religious data on India Census 2011 was released by the Government of India on 25 August 2015. Hindus are 79.8% (966.3 million), while Muslims are 14.23% (172.2 million) in India. and Christians are 2.30% (28.7 million). 

:- According to the 2011 Census of India, there are 57,264 Parsis in India. For the first time, a "No religion" category was added in the 2011 census. 2.87 million were classified as people belonging to "No Religion" in India in the 2011 census. 

:- There are six religions in India that have been awarded "National Minority" "राष्ट्रीय अल्पसंख्यक" status - Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists and Parsis. Sunnis, Shias, Bohras, Agakhanis and Ahmadiyyas were identified as sects (मज़हब) of Islam in India. 

:- As per 2011 census, six major faiths - Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains make up over 99.4% of India’s 121 crore population, while “other religions, persuasions” (ORP) count is 8.2 million. 

:- Maharashtra is having the highest number of atheists (नास्तिक) in the country with 9,652 such people, followed by Meghalaya (9,089) and Kerala.

:-  Any one above age 7 who can read and write in any language with an ability to understand was considered a literate. In censuses before 1991, children below the age 5 were treated as illiterates.  

(Expected GK Questions From Census 2011) (Top One Liner Questions)

1. Census 2011 is the which census of India.
15th & After Independence 7th 

2. Slogan of census 2011.
"Our census, Our Future" 

3. Total population of India According to 2011 census? 
121 Crore

4. According to census 2011, India has the what Percentage of world's population?

5. What is the population growth rate of India in census 2011?

6. What is the total Literacy Rate of India?

7. Male Literacy Rate of India as per census 2011?

8. Female Literacy Rate of India as per census 2011?

9. Most literate state in India?
Kerala (93.91%)

10. Least Literate state in India?
Bihar (63.82%)

11. Most Literate Union Territory in India?
Lakshadweep (92.28%)

12. Least Literate Union Territory in India?
Dadra and Nagar Haveli (77.65%)

13. Most Populated State in India.
(Uttar Pradesh)

14. Least populated state in India.

15. State with Highest Sex Ratio?
Kerala (Per 1000 males | 1084 females)

16. State with Lowest Sex Ratio?
Haryana (Per 1000 males | 879 females) 

17. UT which has Highest sex Ratio?  

18. UT which has Lowest sex Ratio?
Daman and Diu

19. Census commissioner of India in 2011.
C. Chandermouli 

20. Which union territory has highest Child Sex Ratio (0-6 age group)?
 Puducherry (UT)

21. Which union territory has lowest child sex ratio (0-6 age group)?
Daman & Diu

22. Which state has highest child sex ratio (0-6 age group)? 

23. Which state has lowest child sex ratio (0-6 age group)? 

24. What is the sex ratio of India as per census 2011? 
Per 1000 males | 943 females 

25. What is the Child Sex Ratio (0-6 age group) of India as per census 2011? 
Per 1000 males | 919 females

26. According to census 2011 what is the population density of India? 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार भारत का जनसंख्या घनत्व कितना है?

27. What is the total number districts in India as per census 2011? 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार भारत में कुल कितने जिले हैं?

28. What is the population growth rate of India in Census 2011? 2011 की जनगणना में भारत की जनसंख्या वृद्धि दर क्या है?

29. According to Census 2011 which Indian state has highest fertility rate? 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार किस भारतीय राज्य में प्रजनन दर सबसे अधिक है?

30. State with Highest population density? सर्वाधिक जनसंख्या घनत्व वाला राज्य?
Bihar (1102)

31. State with Lowest population density? सबसे कम जनसंख्या घनत्व वाला राज्य? 
Arunachal Pradesh (17)

32. State which has Highest rural population? राज्य जिसकी ग्रामीण आबादी सबसे अधिक है?  
Uttar Pradesh

33. According to Census 2011 which is the most populated district? 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार सबसे अधिक आबादी वाला जिला कौन-सा है?

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