Tuesday, January 25, 2022

(UGC NET Sociology) (Terms and Sociologist)

1. Life Chances and Life Styles (Max Weber)
2. Sociology (Auguste Comte)
3. Total Institution (Erving Goffman)
4. The Ruiling Class (Gaetano Mosca)
5. The Non-Governing Elite (Vilfredo Pareto)
6. The Iron Law of Oligarchy (Robert Michels)
7. The Three Dimensional View (Steven Lukes)
8. Reference Group (Herbert Hyman)
9. White - Collar Crime (Edwin Sutherland)
10. Who has used the term "Faction" in the study of rural society at first?
(Raymond Firth)
11. Patterns of Culture (Ruth Benedict)
12. Sociography (Sebald Rudolf Steinmetz)
13. The Opium of Masses (Karl Marx)
14. Carceral Archielago (Michel Foucault)
15. Sons of the Soil (Myron Weiner)
16. Status Set (Robert King Merton)
17. Role Set (RK Merton)
18. Primary Group (CH Cooley)
19. Statistical Group (Robert Bierstedt)
20. In-Group and Out-Group (WG Sumner)

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