Tuesday, January 25, 2022

(UGC NET Sociology Practice Set in English)

1. A method of historical research in which the
recollections of living persons are collected, is
called :- 
 (1) Case study
 (2) Content analysis
 (3) Oral history
 (4) Conjectural history

2. Which method involves counting of the incidence
of particular items belonging to a set of usually
pre-determined categories?
 (1) Case Study
 (2) Content Analysis
 (3) Both (1) and (2)
 (4) None of the above

3.  "The Sociological Imagination" Who is the writer of this book?
(1) C Wright Mills
(2) Daniel Bell
(3) Pierre Bourdieu
(4) Wilhelm Dilthey 

4. Marriage among Nayars of Kerala is known as :- 
(1) Shadia Vivaha 
(2) Sambandham 
(3) Troille 
(4) Karanvam

5. Walt Whitman Rostow proposed five categories of the stages of economic growth.
Which one of the following is not a part of those categories?
(1) Traditional society
(2) The pre-conditions for take-off
(3) Post-industrial society
(4) The drive for maturity
6. Social Institution is/are :- 
(1) the family
(2) the state
(3) the school 
(4) all of these

7. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

(1) Latent functions                       : Max Weber
(2) Pattern-maintenance               : SF Nadel and tension management
(3) Functions and dysfunctions     : Karl Max
(4) Anomie                                     : Emile Durkheim

8. The word "Varna" means:-
(1) colour 
(2) cloth 
(3) caste 
(4) clan 

9. Who said, "Stratification is an integrative principle"?
(1) Moore 
(2) Tumin
(3) Parsons 
(4) Weber 

10. The defining feature of traditional Jajmani System is exchange of :-
(1) Documents 
(2) Land 
(3) Goods and Services 
(4) Money 

11. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(1) CH Cooley : Primary group
(2) Talcott Parsons : Positivism
(3) RK Merton : Reference groups
(4) WG Sumner : In-group out-group

12.Who looks into social stratification as "the unequal division of material rewards and social prestige"?
(1) Max Weber
(2) Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore
(3) Karl Marx
(4) Melvin Tumin

13. Who divided the science of Sociology into two major parts—Social statics and Social dynamics?
(1) Max Weber
(2) Karl Marx
(3) Saint Simon
(4) Auguste Comte

14. Who was the Maharaja under whose patronage the Dalit movement flourished in Maharashtra?
(1) The Maharaja of Kolhapur
(2) The Maharaja of Raigarh
(3) The Maharaja of Nagpur
(4) The Maharaja of Amravati

15. The concept of ‘dominant caste’ was first systematically developed by:
(1) NK Bose
(2) A Beteille
(3) MN Srinivas
(4) SC Dubey

(Answer Key)
1. (3) Oral history
2. (2) Content Analysis
3. (1) Charles Wright Mills
4. (2) Sambandham
5. (3) Post-industrial society
6. (4) all of these
7. (4) Anomie  :  Emile Durkheim
8. (1) colour
10. (3) Talcott Parsons
11. (3) Goods and Services
12. (2) Talcott Parsons  :  Positivism
13. (2) Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore
14. (4) Auguste Comte
15. (1) The Maharaja of Kolhapur

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