Monday, May 15, 2023

UGC NET Paper 1 2023 MCQs | NTA UGC NET Paper 1 Questions & Answers


Q. According to THE CENTRAL UNIVERSITIES ACT, 2009, Which of the following will be the visitor of the university? केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय अधिनियम, 2009, इनमें से कौन-सा विश्वविद्यालय का परिदर्शक होगा?
(A) President of India
(B) Vice-President of India
(C) Chief Justice of India
(D) Prime Minister of India

(A) President of India

The Visitor may, from time to time, appoint one or more persons to review the work and progress of the University.

Example of Delhi University :- The President of India is the Visitor, the Vice-President of India is the Chancellor and the Chief Justice of India is the Pro-Chancellor of the University. 

The Court, the Executive Council, the Academic Council and the Finance Committee are the administrative authorities of the University. 

The University Court is the supreme authority of the University and has the power to review the acts of the Executive Council and the Academic Council. 

The Executive Council is the highest executive body of the University. The Academic Council is the highest academic body of the University and is responsible for the maintenance of education and examination within the university. It has the right to advise the Executive Council on all academic matters. 

The Finance Committee is responsible for recommending financial policies, goals, and budgets.

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Q. Which of these Convention is associated with hazardous waste? इनमें से कौन-सा सम्मेलन खतरनाक अपशिष्ट से जुड़ा है?
(A) Stockholm Convention
(B) Bonn Convention
(C) Basel Convention
(D) COP24

(C) Basel Convention

Basel Convention, is an international treaty that was designed to reduce the movements of hazardous waste between nations. The convention was opened for signature on 21 March 1989, and entered into force on 5 May 1992. 

The Basel Convention aims to protect the environment by bringing measures to control hazardous and other waste disposals.

Basel Convention (Wastes)/Examples of Hazardous Waste :- Pesticides and other garden chemicals, paint thinners, batteries, cleaners, Biomedical (organs and body parts, needles, syringes, broken glass) and healthcare wastes etc. 

Q. Is India member of Basel Convention?
Yes, India is a member of the Basel Convention. It ratified the convention in June 1992 and brought it into force on 22nd September 1992.

The Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MOEF&CC) introduced Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules of 2016.

Q. What is Kigali Amendment?
(A) Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol
(B) Amendment to the Paris Agreement
(C) Amendment to the Rio Summit
(D) Amendment to the Montreal Protocol

(D) It is an amendment to the Montreal Protocol. (यह मॉन्ट्रियल प्रोटोकॉल में संशोधन है।)

Q. Mark the correct statement/s.
(1) Raymond Samuel Tomlinson is the father of email.
(2) Paul Buchheit created Gmail.

Code :-
(A) Only 2
(B) Only 1
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both

Gmail is a free email service provided by Google.

Q. Paris Agreement is the successor of _______. 
(A) Stockholm Convention
(B) Vienna Convention
(C) Montreal Protocol
(D) Kyoto Protocol

(D) Kyoto Protocol

Q. DKIM is used for authentication in _______. DKIM का उपयोग _______ में प्रमाणीकरण के लिए किया जाता है।
(A) social networking sites
(B) e-mails
(C) blogs
(D) payments systems

(B) e-mails

DomainKeys Identified Mail, or DKIM, is a technical standard that helps protect email senders and recipients from spam, spoofing, and phishing.

Q. What is the name of the highest body in India that advises the Central and State Governments in the field of education? भारत में सर्वोच्च निकाय का क्या नाम है जो शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में केंद्र और राज्य सरकारों को सलाह देता है?
(A) National Knowledge Commission
(B) National Commission for Higher Education and Research
(C) Central Advisory Board of Education
 (D) Both (A) and (B)

(C) Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE)

The Central Advisory Board of Education, the oldest and the most important advisory body of the Government of India in education was first established in 1920 and dissolved in 1923. It was revived in 1935 and has been in existence ever since.

:- Its main function is to advise Central and State Govt. in the field of education.

Q. Which Indian state planted 6 crores saplings in 12 hours in July, 2017 in an attempt to full fill Paris agreement promise? पेरिस समझौते के वादे को पूरा करने के प्रयास में किस भारतीय राज्य ने जुलाई, 2017 में 12 घंटे में 6 करोड़ पौधे लगाए?
(A) Kerala
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) West Bengal
(D) Jharkhand

(B) Madhya Pradesh

Paris Agreement :- Paris Agreement is an international treaty on climate change, adopted in 2015. The Paris Agreement was opened for signature on 22 April 2016 (Earth Day) at a ceremony in New York. As of September 2022, 194 members of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are parties to the agreement.

Q. The following list indicates different types of computer networks. Arrange them in an ascending order on the basis of geographical space implied.


Local Area Network (LAN) :- A local area network connects computers that are in the same building.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) :- a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is basically a bigger version of LAN and normally uses similar technology. It can be a private or public network. It might cover a group of nearby corporate offices or it can be in a city.

Wide Area Network (WAN) :- A wide area network connects computers in different cities or countries.

WAN covers the largest area and LAN covers the smallest area.

Q. Who is attributed to the the founder of modern educational psychology? आधुनिक शिक्षा मनोविज्ञान के जनक का श्रेय किसे जाता है?
(A) John Dewy
(B) Edward Thorndike
(C) Jean Piaget
(D) Lawrence Kohlberg

(B) Edward Thorndike

Q. Which committee/commission recommended the choice-based credit system in higher education? किस समिति/आयोग ने उच्च शिक्षा में च्वाइस बेस्ड क्रेडिट सिस्टम की सिफारिश की?
(A) Administrative and Academic Reform Committee of the UGC
(B) Justice Verma Commission on Teacher Education 
(C) Ramamurti Committee on Higher Education
(D) Chattopadhyay Committee on Teacher Education

(A) Administrative and Academic Reform Committee of the UGC

:- The administrative and Academic Reform Committee of the UGC recommended the choice-based credit system in higher education.

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