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UGC NET Paper 1 2023 MCQs | NTA UGC NET Paper 1 Questions & Answers

Click To Order :- NTA UGC NET /SET/JRF Paper 1, Sikshan evam Shodh Abhiyogyata – 2023, Includes latest 2022 paper and 2600+ Practice Questions with Solutions | Includes NEP - 2020 | 6th Edition - By Pearson

(15 MCQs)

1. Which of these convention has not been opened for signature at the Earth Summit 1992? इनमें से कौन-सा सम्मेलन 1992 के पृथ्वी शिखर सम्मेलन में हस्ताक्षर के लिए नहीं खोला गया है?
(A) Convention on Biological Diversity
(C) Kyoto Protocol
(D) United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

(C) Kyoto Protocol

:- The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in 1997.

These convention has been opened for signature at the Earth Summit 1992 :- 
(1) Convention on Biological Diversity
(2) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
(3) United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

2. Mark the Important Outcome/s of Earth Summit 1992. पृथ्वी शिखर सम्मेलन 1992 के महत्वपूर्ण परिणाम/परिणामों को चिह्नित करें।
(1) Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
(2) Forest Principles
(3) Bonn Convention
(4) Agenda 21

Code :-
(A) 1-2-3
(B) 1-2-4
(C) 1-3-4
(D) 2-3-4

(B) 1-2-4

Important Outcomes (महत्वपूर्ण परिणाम) :-
(1) Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
(2) Agenda 21
(3) Forest Principles

3. Which of the following is within the UNFCCC? इनमें से कौन-सा UNFCCC के भीतर है?
(1) Kyoto Protocol
(2) Montreal Protocol
(3) Vienna Convention
(4) Paris Agreement

Code :-
(A) 1 & 4
(B) 1-3-4
(C) 1-2-3
(D) 1-2-4

(A) 1 & 4

4. International Day for Biological Diversity is observed on _______. जैविक विविधता के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस कब मनाया जाता है?
(A) 16th September
(B) 22nd May
(C) 23rd April
(D) 5th June

(B) 22nd May 

The theme in 2022 is “Building a shared future for all life” (सभी जीवन के लिए एक साझा भविष्य का निर्माण).

Theme 2021 :- We're part of the solution (हम समाधान का हिस्सा हैं)

5. Which is the most common protocol used for sending emails? ईमेल भेजने के लिए सबसे आम प्रोटोकॉल कौन-सा है?
(1) HTTP
(2) FTP
(3) SMTP
(4) POP
(5) IMAP

Code :-
(A) 1-2-3-4-5
(B) 2-3-4-5
(C) 3-4-5
(D) 2-3-4

(C) 3-4-5

There are three common protocols used to deliver email over the Internet :- the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), the Post Office Protocol (POP), and the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP).

6. There are _______ kinds of interactions in e-governance. ई-गवर्नेंस में कितने प्रकार के इंटरैक्शन होते हैं?
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C) Four
(D) Five

(C) Four 

There are 4 types of e-governance namely :-
(1) G2C (Government to Citizens)
(2) G2B (Government to Business)
(3) G2E (Government to employees)
(4) G2G (Government to Government)

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7. The free available known repair of software bug on internet _______.
(A) Version
(B) Patch
(C) Tutorial

(B) Patch

An error in a computer program is called a bug.

8. Which among the following options is the line that describes the contents of the message while sending an e-mail? निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा विकल्प वह पंक्ति है जो ई-मेल भेजते समय संदेश की सामग्री का वर्णन करती है?
(a) to
(B) Blind carbon copy (BCC)
(C) Carbon copy (cc)
(D) Subject

(D) Subject

9. To receive the degree Vasu learner was expected to learn minimum _______ years in Gurukul. डिग्री प्राप्त करने के लिए वासु शिक्षार्थी से गुरुकुल में न्यूनतम कितने वर्ष सीखने की उम्मीद की गई थी?
(A) 12
(B) 24
(C) 36
(D) 18

(B) 24

The Gurukul was a type of school in ancient education system. The Gurus train their students with meditations, yogas and other standards. The teacher is called as a Guru and the students are called as Shisyas.

Students were divided into three categories like :- 
(1) Vasu - Those obtaining education up to the age of 24. 24 वर्ष की आयु तक शिक्षा प्राप्त करने वाले।
(2) Rudra - Those obtaining education up to the age of 36. 36 वर्ष की आयु तक शिक्षा प्राप्त करने वाले।
(3) Aaditya - Those obtaining education up to the age of 48. 48 वर्ष की आयु तक शिक्षा प्राप्त करने वाले।

10. Internet cafes, college labs, college hostels, residence, school, university campus or office building etc. are examples of which network? इंटरनेट कैफे, कॉलेज लैब्स, कॉलेज हॉस्टल, निवास, स्कूल, विश्वविद्यालय परिसर या कार्यालय भवन आदि किस नेटवर्क के उदाहरण हैं?

(D) LAN 

A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects computers within a limited area such as a residence, school, laboratory, university campus or office building. Ethernet and Wi-Fi are the two most common technologies in use for local area networks.

11. According to the Montreal Protocol, which gas damages the Earth's protective ozone layer? मॉन्ट्रियल प्रोटोकॉल के अनुसार, कौन सी गैस पृथ्वी की सुरक्षात्मक ओजोन परत को नुकसान पहुँचाती है?
(A) CO2
(B) CH4
(C) Nitrous oxide (N2O)
(D) CFCs

(D) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

The Montreal Protocol is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer.

Signed :- 16 September 1987
Effective :- 1 January 1989

12. The University of Valabhi was an important centre of _______ learning. वल्लभी विश्वविद्यालय _______ शिक्षा का एक महत्वपूर्ण केंद्र था। 
(A) Greek culture (ग्रीक संस्कृति)
(B) Jain education (जैन शिक्षा)
(C) Buddhist (बौद्ध)
(D) Brahmanical Education (ब्राह्मणवादी शिक्षा)

(C) Buddhist (बौद्ध)

Xuanzang visited the university in the middle of the 7th century.

13. Which of the following initiatives is designed for engineers? निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी पहल इंजीनियरों के लिए डिज़ाइन की गई है?
(B) e-kalpa
(D) e-Yantra

(D) e-Yantra (ई-यंत्र)

For undergraduate students in science and engineering colleges, polytechnic. Sponsored by MHRD (Now Ministry of Education) under the National Mission on Education through ICT program.

14. Which project is also called "Creating Digital-learning Environment for Design"?
(A) Virtual Learning Environment
(B) e - Labs
(C) e - kalpa
(D) e - vidwan

(C) e - kalpa

Sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resources (Now Ministry of Education), Government of India as part of the National Mission in Education through Information and Communication Technology.

15. Which was the oldest university-system of education in the world? विश्व में शिक्षा का सबसे पुराना विश्वविद्यालय-व्यवस्था कौन-सा था?
(A) Nadia (नादिया)
(B) Vikramshila (विक्रमशिला)
(C) Taxila (तक्षशिला)
(D) Nalanda (नालंदा)

(D) Nalanda (नालंदा)

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