Wednesday, November 09, 2022

(Mock TEST Series For NET Paper 1 November/December 2021)

(Mock TEST #1) (May Current Affairs 2021) (15 MCQs)

1. What is the theme of National Technology Day 2021? राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी दिवस 2021 का विषय क्या है?
(A) Technology for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth
(B) Life without technology
(C) Press & Science Technology
(D) Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future

(D) Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future (एक सतत भविष्य के लिए विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी) || India observes its National Technology Day on 11th May every year. The day, which was first observed on 11th May, 1999, aims to commemorate the scientific and technological achievements of Indian scientists, engineers. यह दिन, जिसे पहली बार 11 मई, 1999 को मनाया गया था, का उद्देश्य भारतीय वैज्ञानिकों, इंजीनियरों की वैज्ञानिक और तकनीकी उपलब्धियों को याद करना है। 
National Technology Day in India (History)
1. "National Technology Day" was first observed on May 11, 1999.
2. May 11 was declared as "National Technology Day" by former Prime Minister of India, Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
3. The Government of India, officially declared 11 May as National Technology Day to commemorate the 5 nuclear tests that were successfully carried out on 11 May 1998.

2. What is the World Press Freedom Day theme 2021?
(A) Safety in the Digital Age
(B) Media for Democracy
(C) Media & Responsibilities
(D) Information as a Public Good

(D) Information as a Public Good (एक सार्वजनिक वस्तु के रूप में सूचना) || The United Nations General Assembly declared May 3 to be World Press Freedom Day or just World Press Day. The theme for World Press Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good". Every year World Press Freedom Day is celebrated on May 3 to commemorate journalists and highlight the difficulties they face while reporting truth.

3. Which day of the year is celebrated as the International Day for Biological Diversity? वर्ष के किस दिन को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जैव विविधता दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है?
(A) 21st September
(B) 22nd May
(C) 23rd May
(D) 24th June

(B) 22nd May || The theme of 2021 World Biodiversity Day is “We’re part of the solution”. The International Day for Biological Diversity is a United Nations–sanctioned international day for the promotion of biodiversity issues.
2020 Theme :- Our solutions are in nature
Biological diversity — or biodiversity — is the term given to the variety of life on Earth. Examples of species include blue whales, sunflowers, and microscopic bacteria that can't even be seen by the naked eye.

4. The US has approved a massive solar energy project in which of its states? अमेरिका ने अपने किस राज्य में बड़े पैमाने पर सौर ऊर्जा परियोजना को मंजूरी दी है?
(A) Texas
(B) Florida
(C) Nevada
(D) California 

(D) California || The US government recently approved a major solar energy project in the California desert, which will be capable of providing power to almost 90,000 homes. The 550 million dollar Crimson Solar Project will be set up 2,000 acres of federal land west of Blythe, California. The project will include a battery storage system. 

5. Indian Army has launched the first Green Solar Energy plant in which state? भारतीय सेना ने किस राज्य में पहला हरित सौर ऊर्जा संयंत्र शुरू किया है?
(A) Mizoram
(B) Sikkim
(C) Arunachal Pradesh
(D) Telangana

(B) Sikkim || The Indian Army on April 30, 2021, launched the first Green Solar Energy plant in North Sikkim to harness renewable energy for its troops. The Green Solar Energy plant with a capacity of 56 KVA.

6. As per the latest report, which nation's greenhouse gas emissions exceed all developed nations combined? नवीनतम रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, किस देश का ग्रीनहाउस गैस उत्सर्जन संयुक्त रूप से सभी विकसित देशों से अधिक है?
(A) India
(B) Bangladesh
(C) China 
(D) US

(C) China || According to a new report by think tank Rhodium Group, China emits greenhouse gas pollution more than the 37 member nations of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The report was published on May 6, 2021.

7. Which Indian state has launched a digital flood reporting system? किस भारतीय राज्य ने डिजिटल बाढ़ रिपोर्टिंग प्रणाली शुरू की है?
(A) Meghalaya 
(B) Assam 
(C) Manipur 
(D) Odisha 

(B) Assam || Assam has become the first Indian state to have a real-time digital flood reporting system. 

8. Which state has undertaken Monkey Census as a part of Wildlife Census? किस राज्य ने वन्यजीव जनगणना के एक भाग के रूप में बंदरों की गणना की है?
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Delhi
(C) Haryana
(D) Rajasthan

(C) Haryana || The Wildlife Institute of India recently launched a “Monkey Census” in Haryana, as a part of the “Wildlife Census of Haryana-2021”.

9. Who has been appointed as People’s Advocate of COP26 for Climate Change? जलवायु परिवर्तन के लिए COP26 के पीपुल्स एडवोकेट के रूप में किसे नियुक्त किया गया है?
(A) David Attenborough
(B) Dia Mirza
(C) Greta Thunberg
(D) Joe Biden

(A) David Attenborough || Sir David Attenborough, a natural historian and a world-renowned broadcaster, was appointed on May 10, 2021 as the People’s Advocate of the COP26 for the UK’s Presidency of the UN Climate Change summit to be held in Glasgow in November 2021.

10. Noted Indian environmentalist Sunderlal Bahuguna passed away due to COVID-19 on May 21, 2021. He was a prominent leader of which among the following movements?
(A) Narmada Bachao Andholan
(B) Chipko Movement
(C) Save Silent Valley Movement
(D) Appiko Movement

(B) Chipko Movement || Sunderlal Bahuguna, the 94-year-old Chipko movement leader and a noted environmentalist, passed away due to COVID-19 on May 21, 2021, at AIIMS hospital in Rishikesh. The Chipko movement or Chipko Andolan, was a forest conservation movement in India. It began in 1973 in Uttarakhand, then a part of Uttar Pradesh. 

11. Russia has started its biggest Nuclear Power Project with which nation? रूस ने किस देश के साथ अपनी सबसे बड़ी परमाणु ऊर्जा परियोजना शुरू की है?
(A) China 
(B) US
(C) Japan
(D) India

(A) China || Russia and China started their biggest Nuclear Power Project on May 19, 2021. Under the project, Russia and China will jointly build four high-power nuclear power plants in two Chinese cities.

12. Which state will include disaster and pandemic management in the school and college curriculum? कौन-सा राज्य स्कूल और कॉलेज के पाठ्यक्रम में आपदा और महामारी प्रबंधन को शामिल करेगा?
(A) Odisha 
(B) Jharkhand
(C) West Bengal
(D) Bihar

(A) Odisha || Odisha's Council of Ministers on May 29, 2021 adopted a resolution to include disaster and pandemic management as a part of the curriculum in every high school and college. 

13. Name the new Prime Minister’s scheme launched by the government for mentoring Young Authors’? युवा लेखकों को सलाह देने के लिए सरकार द्वारा शुरू की गई नई प्रधान मंत्री योजना का नाम क्या है?

(D) YUVA || The Department of Higher Education under Ministry of Education, has launched a new initiative called "YUVA Prime Minister’s Scheme For Mentoring Young Authors". YUVA stands for Young, Upcoming and Versatile Authors. 

14. Which state has launched the "Ankur Scheme" to encourage citizens for planting trees during monsoon? मानसून के दौरान पेड़ लगाने के लिए नागरिकों को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए किस राज्य ने "अंकुर योजना" शुरू की है?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Punjab

(A) Madhya Pradesh || In Madhya Pradesh, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan government has launched a scheme named "Ankur" under which citizens will be awarded for planting trees during monsoon. Citizens taking part in this initiative will be given the Pranvayu Award, to ensure public participation in the programme. 

15. As of 1st June 2021, How many countries have have Signed and Ratified the ISA (International Solar Alliance) Framework Agreement? 1 जून 2021 तक, कितने देशों ने अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सौर गठबंधन फ्रेमवर्क समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर और पुष्टि की है?
(A) 83
(B) 63
(C) 77
(D) 54

(C) 77 (Zimbabwe)
Signatory Countries :- Kingdom of Denmark (95)

(Mock TEST #2) (Institutions of higher learning and education in ancient India)

1. _______ was an ancient Hindu-Buddhist University in the ancient kingdom of Magadha (modern-day Bihar) in India. _______ भारत में मगध (आधुनिक बिहार) के प्राचीन साम्राज्य में एक प्राचीन हिंदू-बौद्ध विश्वविद्यालय था।
(A) Vikramashila
(B) Odantapuri
(C) Taxila
(D) Nalanda

(D) Nalanda || Subjects like Vēda, the vēdāṅga-s, grammar (vyākaraṇa), astronomy (jyōtiṣa), logic (tarka), etc were studied at Nālandā. It was devoted to Buddhist studies, but it also trained students in fine arts, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, politics and the art of war. यह बौद्ध अध्ययन के लिए समर्पित था, लेकिन इसने छात्रों को ललित कला, चिकित्सा, गणित, खगोल विज्ञान, राजनीति और युद्ध की कला में भी प्रशिक्षित किया।

Historical figures associated with Nalanda :-
:- Xuanzang, Chinese Buddhist traveller
:- Yijing, Chinese Buddhist traveller
:- Shilabhadra, the teacher of Xuanzang
:- Aryabhata
:- student of Nagarjuna (Aryadeva & Chandrakirti)
:- Dharmakirti, logician (तर्कशास्त्री)
:- Dharmapala

Contribution also was given by :- The King Harshwardhan, Kumar Gupta, Dharmpal.

2. Who identified the extensive site as Nalanda in 1861-62? 1861-62 में नालंदा के रूप में विस्तृत स्थल की पहचान किसने की?
(A)  Alexander Cunningham
(B) John Marshall
(C) Mortimer Wheeler
(D) James Prinsep

(A) Alexander Cunningham

3. When was the Nalanda site declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site? कब नालंदा साइट को यूनेस्को की विश्व धरोहर स्थल घोषित किया गया था?
(A) 2008
(B) 2012
(C) 2016
(D) 2014

(C) 2016 || In June 2016 the site was declared as UNESCO world heritage site. Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In 2016 the ruins were designated a UNESCO World Heritage site. 2016 में खंडहरों को यूनेस्को की विश्व धरोहर स्थल नामित किया गया था।

4. Who attacked the ancient Nalanda University for the third time? प्राचीन नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय में तीसरी बार किसने आक्रमण किया?
(A) Alauddin Khalji
(B) Sikandar Lodi
(C) Babur
(D) Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji

(D) Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji || According to the records Nalanda University was destroyed three times by invaders, but rebuilt only twice.
The third and most destructive attack came when the ancient Nalanda university was destroyed by the Muslim army led by the Turkish invader Bakhtiyar khalji in 1193.

5. Who among the following visited Nalanda? निम्नलिखित में से किसने नालंदा का दौरा किया?
(A) Han Wudi
(B) Dong Zhongshu
(C) Hiuen Tsang
(D) Wang Mang

(C) Hiuen Tsang  (also known as Xuanzang) (Chinese Scholar)
spending a total of around two years at the monastery.
studied under the guidance of Shilabhadra

6. Inspired by the travels of Faxian and Xuanzang, who lived in Nalanda for fourteen years, of which he spent ten years in the Nalanda Monastery. फैक्सियन और जुआनज़ांग, की यात्रा से प्रेरित होकर, कौन चौदह वर्षों तक नालंदा में रहे जिसमें से दस वर्ष उन्होंने नालंदा महाविहार में बिताए।
(A) Hong Zhou
(B) Shiyuan Hao
(C) Huang Baosheng
(D) Yijing

(D) Yijing (also known as I-tsing)

7. Odantapuri was founded in the 7th century by _______. ओदंतपुरी की स्थापना 7वीं शताब्दी में _______ द्वारा की गई थी।
(A) Chandragupta II
(B) Gopala
(C) Skandagupta
(D) Kumaragupta I

(B) Gopala || Odantapuri, also spelled Uddandapura, in ancient times a celebrated Buddhist centre of learning (vihara) in India, in Bihar state. It was founded in the 7th/8th century by Gopala I, the first ruler of the Pala dynasty. इसकी स्थापना 7वीं शताब्दी में पाल वंश के पहले शासक गोपाल ने की थी। Odantapuri (also called Odantapura or Uddandapura) was a prominent Buddhist Mahavihara in what is now Bihar, India. It is considered the second oldest of India's Mahaviharas after Nalanda and was situated in Magadha. Acharya Sri Ganga of Vikramshila was a student at this Mahavihara. According to the Tibetan records there were about 12000 students at Odantapuri which was situated at a mountain called Hiranya Prabhat Parvat & by the bank of the river Panchanan.

8. Our chief sources for Nalanda are the writings of _______. नालंदा के लिए हमारे मुख्य स्रोत _______ के लेखन हैं।
(A) Wang Mang & King Dharmapala
(B) Yijing & Kumaragupta I
(C) Xuanzang & Yijing
(D) Xuanzang & Wang Mang

(C) Xuanzang & Yijing

(Mock TEST #3)

1. According to historians, Nalanda flourished during the reign of? इतिहासकारों के अनुसार, नालंदा किस के शासनकाल के बीच फला-फूला?
(A) Gopala
(B) Ashoka the Great
(C) Kumāragupta
(D) Bakhtiyar Khalji

(C) Kumāragupta

2. Times Higher Education (THE) Asia University Rankings 2021 में IIT Indore की रैंक (Rank) क्या है?
(A) 43
(B) 63
(C) 78
(D) 82

(C) 78

3. Times Higher Education (THE) Asia University Rankings 2021 में किस University ने Top किया है?
(A) Tsinghua University
(B) Peking University
(C) National University of Singapore
(D) University of Hong Kong

(A) Tsinghua University || The Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2021 use the same 13 performance indicators as the THE World University Rankings. 
Top 5 :-
(1) Tsinghua University
(2) Peking University
(3) National University of Singapore
(4) University of Hong Kong
(5) Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

4. _______ is the highest placed educational Institute of the Northeast India in Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2021. _______ टाइम्स हायर एजुकेशन एशिया यूनिवर्सिटी रैंकिंग 2021 में पूर्वोत्तर भारत का सर्वोच्च शैक्षणिक संस्थान है।
(A) Tezpur University
(B) Mizoram University
(C) National Institute of Technology Agartala
(D) National Institute of Technology (NIT) Silchar

(D) National Institute of Technology (NIT) Silchar || It has been ranked in between 201-250 in the recently declared list of THE Asia. The only other University from Assam amongst the top 500 in the list is Tezpur University, which is ranked between 301-350. This is the first time that NIT Silchar has managed to get a place in the list. The educational institute is also gradually rising in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), currently placed 46th there. 

From Indian perspective, NIT Silchar is ranked of 19 among 63 universities mentioned in Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2021. It is haring same rank with 9 Indian Universities, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, NIT Rourkela, IISER Bhopal, Delhi University, Delhi Technological University, Jadavpur University, Aligarh Muslim University, and Jamia Hamdard University.

NIT Silchar is one of the 31 NITs in India which was established in 1967 as a Regional Engineering College in Silchar. In 2002, it was upgraded to the status of National Institute of Technology and was declared as Institute of National Importance under the National Institutes of Technology Act, 2007.

Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2021: Only two state universities — Savitribai Phule Pune University and Punjab University — are ahead of the Kolkata-based Jadavpur University in the ranking.

Jadavpur University secured the third position among all state universities in the country in the Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2021. 

5. Overall Sustainable Development Goal score of India is _______ out of 100. भारत का समग्र सतत विकास लक्ष्य स्कोर 100 में से कितना है।
(A) 58.1
(B) 63.2
(C) 65.5
(D) 61.9

(D) 61.9 || According to the New Report, India’s rank has slipped by two places from last year to 117 on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted as a part of the 2030 agenda by 193 United Nations member states in 2015.

The State of India’s Environment Report 2021 revealed that India’s rank was 115 last year and dropped by two places primarily because major challenges like ending hunger and achieving food security (SDG 2), achieving gender equality (SDG 5) and building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation (SDG 9) remain in the country.

India ranks below four South Asian countries — Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Elaborating State-wise preparedness, the report said Jharkhand and Bihar are the least prepared to meet the SDGs by 2030, which is the target year. While Jharkhand lags in five of the SDGs, Bihar lags in seven.

The States/UTs with the best overall score which are on the path to achieving the SDGs are Kerala, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, was adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, which provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.

There are 17 SDGs which are an urgent call for action by all countries — developed and developing — in a global partnership.

The 17 SDGs adopted by U.N. member states are :-
SDG1 — no poverty, 
SDG 2 — zero hunger, 
SDG 3 — good health and well-being, 
SDG4 — quality education, 
SDG 5 — gender equality, 
SDG 6 — clean water and sanitation, 
SDG 7 — affordable and clean energy, 
SDG 8 – decent work and economic growth, 
SDG 9 — industry, innovation and infrastructure, 
SDG 10 – reduced inequalities, 
SDG 11 — sustainable cities and communities, 
SDG 12 — responsible consumption and production, 
SDG 13 — climate action, 
SDG 14 — life below water, 
SDG 15 — life on land, 
SDG 16 — peace, justice and strong institutions 
and lastly SDG 17 — strengthening global partnerships for the goals.

The report also said that India ranked 168 out of 180 countries in terms of Environmental Performance Index (EPI) which is calculated on various indicators, including environmental health, climate, air pollution, sanitation and drinking water, ecosystem services, biodiversity, etc.

India’s rank was 172 in the environmental health category, which is an indicator of how well countries are protecting their populations from environmental health risks.

According to the EPI 2020 report by Yale University, India ranked 148, 21 positions behind Pakistan which was at 127th position in the category of biodiversity and habitat.

(Mock TEST #4)

1. By 1st August 2021, 98 countries have signed the ISA (International Solar Alliance) Framework Agreement. Which is the 98th country? 1 अगस्त 2021 तक, 98 देशों ने अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सौर गठबंधन फ्रेमवर्क समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं। 98th देश कौन-सा है?
(A) Italy
(B) Luxembourg
(C) Germany
(D) Sweden

(D) Sweden (98th)

2. By 1st August 2021, 79 countries have signed and ratified the ISA (International Solar Alliance) Framework Agreement. Which is the 79th country? 1 अगस्त 2021 तक, 79 देशों ने अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सौर गठबंधन फ्रेमवर्क समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर और पुष्टि की है। 79वां देश कौन-सा है?
(A) Zimbabwe
(B) Barbados
(C) Republic of Botswana
(D) Kingdom of Denmark

(C) Republic of Botswana (79th)

3. How long is the term of the Director General of the International Solar Alliance? अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सौर गठबंधन के महानिदेशक का कार्यकाल कितने साल के लिए होता है?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three 
(D) Four

(D) Four 
The International Solar Alliance is headed by the Director General, who leads the operations and carries out the functions of the ISA Secretariat and is responsible to the ISA Assembly. The Director General has a term of four years and is eligible for re-election. H.E. Dr. Ajay Mathur holds the office of the Director General presently.

4. Which of these gases is not included in Annex A of the Kyoto Protocol? इनमें से किस गैस को क्योटो प्रोटोकॉल के अनुबंध A में शामिल नहीं किया गया है?
(1) carbon dioxide (CO2)
(2) Methane (CH4)
(3) nitrous oxide (N2O)
(4) hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
(5) perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
(6) Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF3)

Code :-
(A) 1-2-3
(B) Only 4
(C) 2-4-5
(D) Only 6

(D) Only 6
The Kyoto Protocol applied to the six greenhouse gases listed in Annex A :- carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).
Kyoto Protocol :- to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005.

5. Consider the following pairs :- निम्नलिखित युग्मों पर विचार कीजिए:-
Convention :- Purpose
(1) Basel Convention :- Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes
(2) Stockholm Convention :- Controlling Persistent Organic Pollutants

Q. Which of the pairs given above are correctly matched? ऊपर दिए गए युग्मों में से कौन-सा सही सुमेलित है?
(A) Only 2
(B) Only 1
(C) None
(D) Both

(D) Both

Basel Convention :- Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes (खतरनाक अपशिष्टों के सीमापार संचलन का नियंत्रण)
Basel Convention, is an international treaty that was designed to reduce the movements (आवाजाही) of hazardous waste between nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of hazardous waste from developed to less developed countries (LDCs). The convention was opened for signature on 21 March 1989, and entered into force on 5 May 1992.

Q. What are examples of hazardous waste?
batteries for electronic devices, pesticides, cell phones, and computers.

Stockholm Convention :- Controlling Persistent Organic Pollutants (स्थायी कार्बनिक प्रदूषकों को नियंत्रित करना)
Stockholm Convention :- Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants is an international environmental treaty, signed in 2001 and effective from May 2004, that aims to eliminate or restrict the production and use of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are toxic chemicals that adversely affect human health and the environment around the world. Types of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) include :- pesticides aldrin, chlordane, DDT, endrin etc.

(Mock TEST #5)

1. With reference to Convention on Biological Diversity, consider the following statements :-
(1) It is a legally binding treaty to conserve biodiversity. यह जैव विविधता के संरक्षण के लिए कानूनी रूप से बाध्यकारी संधि है।
(2) The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) entered into force on 29 December 1993.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 only 
(B) 2 only
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both
(1) It is a legally binding treaty to conserve biodiversity. यह जैव विविधता के संरक्षण के लिए कानूनी रूप से बाध्यकारी संधि है।

(2) The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) entered into force on 29 December 1993.
It has 3 main objectives :-
:- The conservation of biological diversity
:- The sustainable use of the components of biological diversity. जैविक विविधता के घटकों का सतत उपयोग।
:- The fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources. आनुवंशिक संसाधनों के उपयोग से होने वाले लाभों का उचित और न्यायसंगत बंटवारा।

Biodiversity is the biological variety and variability of life on Earth. जैव विविधता पृथ्वी पर जीवन की क़िस्म और परिवर्तनशीलता है। Biodiversity refers to all species and living things on Earth or in a specific ecosystem. The simplest definition of an ecosystem is that it is a community or group of living organisms that live in and interact with each other in a specific environment.

Q. What are examples of genetic resources?
They include, for example, microorganisms, plant varieties, animal breeds, etc.

2. Who is the current Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity?
(A) Calestous Juma
(B) Elizabeth Maruma Mrema
(C) Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias
(D) Angela Cropper

(B) Elizabeth Maruma Mrema

3. The first ordinary meeting of the parties to the convention (Convention on Biological Diversity) took place in _______. जैविक विविधता पर कन्वेंशन के लिए पार्टियों की पहली साधारण बैठक कहाँ हुई थी?
(A) Nairobi, Kenya
(B) Bonn, Germany
(C) Nassau, Bahamas
(D) Jakarta, Indonesia

(C) Nassau, Bahamas
The first ordinary meeting of the parties to the convention took place in November and December 1994, in Nassau, Bahamas.

4. How many COPs (Conference of the Parties) have been held so far for Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)? CBD के लिए अब तक कितने COP हो चुके है?
(A) COP 11
(B) COP 21
(C) COP 15
(D) COP 14

(D) COP 14
2018 COP 14 :- The 14th ordinary meeting of the parties to the convention took place on 17–29 November 2018, in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. 

The 15th meeting of the parties is due to take place in the second quarter of 2021 in Kunming, China. पार्टियों की 15वीं बैठक चीन के कुनमिंग में 2021 की दूसरी तिमाही में होने वाली है।

5. How many signatures of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) were received in 1992-93? 1992-93 में CBD के लिए कितने signatures प्राप्त हुए?
(A) 147
(B) 153
(C) 168
(D) 172

(C) 168
The Convention was opened for signature on 5 June 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Rio "Earth Summit"). It remained open for signature until 4 June 1993, by which time it had received 168 signatures. The Convention entered into force on 29 December 1993.

6. When were Aichi Biodiversity Targets incorporated into Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)? Aichi Biodiversity Targets को CBD में कब शामिल किया गया?
(A) COP 13
(B) COP 6
(C) COP 5
(D) COP 10

(D) COP 10
The tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, held from 18 to 29 October 2010, in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, adopted a revised and updated Strategic Plan for Biodiversity, including the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, for the 2011-2020 period.

The new plan consists of five strategic goals, including twenty Aichi Biodiversity Targets.
:- Strategic Goal A
:- Strategic Goal B
:- Strategic Goal C
:- Strategic Goal D
:- Strategic Goal E

Strategic Goal B :- Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use जैव विविधता पर सीधे दबाव को कम करना और सतत उपयोग को बढ़ावा देना
Strategic Goal C :- To improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity पारिस्थितिक तंत्र, प्रजातियों और आनुवंशिक विविधता की रक्षा करके जैव विविधता की स्थिति में सुधार करना

7. In Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), for what period were the Aichi Biodiversity Targets? CBD में, Aichi Biodiversity Targets किस अवधि के लिए थे?
(A) 2005-2015
(B) 2011-2020
(C) 2000-2010
(D) 1992-2001

(B) 2011-2020

8. What is the theme of International Day for Biological Diversity 2020? अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जैव विविधता दिवस 2020 का विषय क्या है?
(A) We’re part of the solution
(B) Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism
(C) Our solutions are in nature
(D) Water and Biodiversity

(C) Our solutions are in nature (हमारे समाधान प्रकृति में हैं)
2021 Theme :- We’re part of the solution (हम समाधान का हिस्सा हैं)
The United Nations has proclaimed May 22 The International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने जैव विविधता के मुद्दों की समझ और जागरूकता बढ़ाने के लिए 22 मई को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जैव विविधता दिवस (IDB) घोषित किया है।

(Mock TEST #6)

1. World's largest floating solar farm is being planned to be built in which nation? विश्व का सबसे बड़ा तैरता सौर फार्म किस देश में बनाने की योजना है?
(A) China
(B) The Philippines
(C) Indonesia 
(D) India

(C) Indonesia || Singapore-based solar energy provider Sunseap will spend more than $2 billion to build the world's largest floating solar farm and energy storage system on Indonesia's Batam Island. The floating solar farm is expected to have a capacity of 2.2 gigawatt-peak.

Singapore is one of the smallest countries in the world. But it is also among the biggest per capita carbon dioxide emitters in Asia.

2. What is the theme for International Tiger Day 2021? अंतर्राष्ट्रीय बाघ दिवस 2021 का विषय क्या है?
(A) "Think about Tigers"
(B) "Tiger and Climate Change"
(C) "tiger conservation is important"
(D) “Their survival is in our hands”

(D) “Their survival is in our hands” "उनका अस्तित्व हमारे हाथ में है"
Global Tiger Day, often called International Tiger Day, is an annual celebration to raise awareness for tiger conservation, held annually on 29 July. It was created in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in Russia. The day was founded in 2010, when the 13 tiger range countries came together to create Tx2 – the global goal to double the number of wild tigers by the year 2022.  India is a habitat of about 70% of total tigers on the earth. In 1973, Project Tiger was started in India. But according to WWF around 3,900 wild tigers are left in the world.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) :- The World Wide Fund for Nature is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1961 that works in the field of wilderness preservation and the reduction of human impact on the environment.
Headquarters :- Gland, Switzerland
Founded :- 29 April 1961, Morges, Switzerland
Director :- Marco Lambertini (Director General) 

Reasons behind the declining population of Tigers
:- Poaching and illegal trade (अवैध शिकार और अवैध व्यापार)
:- Habitat loss (प्राकृतवास नुकसान)
:- Climate Change
:- Several diseases

Observing World Tiger Day is significant because according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), there are only 3900 wild tigers present globally. According to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) numbers of the Wild Tiger dropped by more than 95% over the last 150 years. However, for the first time in their conservation history, WWF has observed that their numbers are on the increase. Around 3,000 of those wild tiger populations are in India.

3. Which country has started operation of the world's second largest hydroelectric dam, Baihetan Dam? किस देश ने दुनिया के दूसरे सबसे बड़े जलविद्युत बांध, बैहेतन बांध का संचालन शुरू कर दिया है?
(A) Germany
(B) India
(C) China

(C) China
Recently, China has put into operation the Baihetan Dam, world’s Second Biggest Hydropower Dam.
The Three Gorges Dam is the largest hydropower dam in the world and is also along China’s Yangtze River. It began operations in 2003.

About the Dam :- 
:- It is on the Jinsha River, a tributary of the Yangtze (the longest river in Asia).
:- It has been built with a total installed capacity of 16,000 megawatts.

Way Forward :- 
:- India has urged China to ensure that the interests of downstream states are not harmed by any activity in upstream areas. Meanwhile, India is considering building a 10 gigawatts (GW) hydropower project in the Dibang valley in Arunachal Pradesh, to mitigate the adverse impact of the Chinese dam. भारत ने चीन से यह सुनिश्चित करने का आग्रह किया है कि अपस्ट्रीम क्षेत्रों में किसी भी गतिविधि से डाउनस्ट्रीम राज्यों के हितों को नुकसान न पहुंचे। इस बीच, भारत चीनी बांध के प्रतिकूल प्रभाव को कम करने के लिए अरुणाचल प्रदेश में दिबांग घाटी में 10 गीगावाट (GW) जलविद्युत परियोजना बनाने पर विचार कर रहा है।
:- However, the larger point is that too much hydro-power development is not a great idea in a fragile mountainscape (नाजुक पहाड़ी).

4. Consider the following statements :- निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार कीजिए :-
(1) The International Solar Alliance (ISA) was launched by India and France on the side-lines of the Conference of the Parties (COP-21) in Paris. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सौर गठबंधन भारत और फ्रांस द्वारा पेरिस में पार्टियों के सम्मेलन (सीओपी-21) की तर्ज पर शुरू किया गया था।
(2) PM-KUSUM scheme aims to provide financial and water security to farmers through harnessing solar energy capacities. पीएम-कुसुम योजना का उद्देश्य सौर ऊर्जा क्षमताओं का उपयोग करके किसानों को वित्तीय और जल सुरक्षा प्रदान करना है।

Q. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 only 
(B) 2 only
(C) Both 1 and 2 
(D) Neither 1 nor 2

(C) Both 1 and 2 
(1) The International Solar Alliance (ISA) was launched by India and France on the side-lines of the Conference of the Parties (COP-21) in Paris. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सौर गठबंधन भारत और फ्रांस द्वारा पेरिस में पार्टियों के सम्मेलन (सीओपी-21) की तर्ज पर शुरू किया गया था।

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is a treaty-based intergovernmental organization launch by Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India and Former President François Hollande of France. 
Promote solar energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Headquarters :- Gurugram, Haryana, India

COP 21 :- The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21 or CMP 11 was held in Paris, France, from 30 November to 12 December 2015. It was the 21st yearly session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 11th session of the Meeting of the Parties (CMP) to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.

The Paris Climate Conference is officially known as the 21st Conference of the Parties (or “COP”) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United Nations body which is responsible for climate and based in Bonn, Germany.

(2) PM-KUSUM scheme aims to provide financial and water security to farmers through harnessing solar energy capacities. पीएम-कुसुम योजना का उद्देश्य सौर ऊर्जा क्षमताओं का उपयोग करके किसानों को वित्तीय और जल सुरक्षा प्रदान करना है। The Central Government has announced the Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan or KUSUM scheme which aims at furthering the production of solar power in India and also gives the benefits of solar farming to farmers. The Union Budget 2018-19 has set aside a sum of Rs.48000 crores for this program for ten years. केंद्रीय बजट 2018-19 ने इस कार्यक्रम के लिए दस वर्षों के लिए 48000 करोड़ रुपये की राशि अलग रखी है।

Kusum Scheme implemented by :- The Ministry responsible for this scheme is the New and Renewable Energy Ministry.
10000 Mega Watts Solar plants will be put up on lands that are barren.
Tube wells and existing pumps of the government will be converted to run on solar power.
Farmers will get a subsidy of 60% on solar pumps.
The scheme aims to add solar and other renewable capacity of 25,750 MW by 2022 with total central financial support of Rs. 34,422 Crore.
PM-Kusum Yojana got its administrative approval in March 2019 and guidelines were framed in July 2019. पीएम-कुसुम योजना को मार्च 2019 में अपनी प्रशासनिक मंजूरी मिली और जुलाई 2019 में दिशानिर्देश तैयार किए गए। This scheme was launched by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for the installation of solar pumps and other renewable power plants across the nation.

5. GOAL stands for?
(A) Global Online As Leaders
(B) Global Online Academic Leaders
(C) Going Online As Leaders
(D) Going Online As Learning

(C) Going Online As Leaders
The Union Minister for Tribal Affairs launched “GOAL (Going Online As Leaders)” programme at a webinar in New Delhi.
GOAL is a joint initiative of Facebook and the Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
The GOAL programme is designed to provide mentorship to tribal youth through digital mode. GOAL प्रोग्राम को डिजिटल मोड के माध्यम से आदिवासी युवाओं को मेंटरशिप प्रदान करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है।
The program will focus on three core areas - Digital Literacy, Life Skills and Leadership and Entrepreneurship.

(Mock TEST #7)

1. Mark the Incorrect one. गलत को चिह्नित करें।
(A) Cartagena Protocol :- 2003
(B) Nagoya Protocol :- 2014
(C) Awaaz Foundation :- 2006
(D) The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act - 1974

(D) The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act - 1974
The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act - 1981

(A) Cartagena Protocol :- 2003
Cartagena Protocol :- The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity is an international treaty. It was adopted on 29 January 2000 as a supplementary agreement to the Convention on Biological Diversity and entered into force on 11 September 2003.

(B) Nagoya Protocol :- 2014
Nagoya Protocol :- The Nagoya Protocol was adopted on 29 October 2010 in Nagoya, Japan and entered into force on 12 October 2014.

(C) Awaaz Foundation :- 2006
Awaaz Foundation :- Awaaz Foundation (meaning "the organisation against sound" – "Awaaz" means "sound" in Urdu) is a charitable trust and non-governmental organisation in Mumbai. Awaaz Foundation was founded on 21 February 2006 by Sumaira Abdulali, a well-known environmentalist. 

2. Who started "honk more wait more"?
(A) Delhi
(B) Mumbai
(C) Chennai
(D) Chandigarh

(B) Mumbai 
Mumbai is one of the noisiest cities in the world. 

3. Which city has been declared India’s first "Water Plus" certified city under the Swachh Survekshan 2021? स्वच्छ सर्वेक्षण 2021 के तहत किस शहर को भारत का पहला "वाटर प्लस" प्रमाणित शहर घोषित किया?
(A) Indore
(B) Chandigarh
(C) Mumbai
(D) Kerala

(A) Indore
Q. What is "Water+" city certificate?
A Water Plus city certificate is provided to a city which maintains cleanliness in rivers and drains under its administration.

4. Find the odd one out.
(1) Nitrous oxide
(2) Water vapor
(3) Argon
(4) Carbon dioxide
(5) Sulphur dioxide
(6) Nitrogen

Code :-
(A) 4 & 5
(B) 1 & 6
(C) 2 & 3
(D) 3 & 6 

(D) 3 & 6
A greenhouse gas is a gas which produces heat in the atmosphere as it increases. It also gets stuck in the environment and can not leave the internal layer of the Earth’s atmosphere. These gases introduce pollution because they contaminate the environment.
Examples for greenhouse gases :- Carbon dioxides, Methane, Chlorofluorocarbon, sulphur dioxide.
Whereas oxygen, nitrogen and argon are not examples of greenhouse gases. Hydrogen is indirect greenhouse gas.

Greenhouse effect :- The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface. When the Sun’s energy reaches the Earth’s atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases. The absorbed energy warms the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth. 
Greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and some artificial chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
The problem we now face is that human activities – particularly burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), agriculture and land clearing – are increasing the concentrations of greenhouse gases. This is the enhanced greenhouse effect, which is contributing to warming of the Earth.
Fluorinated gases :- Hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride are synthetic (artificial), powerful greenhouse gases that are emitted from a variety of industrial processes.

5. Which of the Following Greenhouse Gases is Present in Very High Quantities? निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी ग्रीनहाउस गैस बहुत अधिक मात्रा में मौजूद है?
(A) Carbon dioxide
(B) Ozone
(C) Propane & Ethane
(D) Methane

(A) Carbon dioxide
Greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. The major greenhouse gases are water vapor, which causes about 36-70% of the greenhouse effect on Earth (not including clouds); carbon dioxide, which causes 9-26%; methane, which causes 4-9%, and ozone, which causes 3-7%.

6. India emitted the most carbon dioxide after which countries? भारत किन देशों के बाद सबसे अधिक कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड उत्सर्जित करता है?
(A) United States & Germany
(B) China & Japan
(C) United States & Japan
(D) China & United States

(D) China & United States

7. When is the first commitment period for the Kyoto protocol expired? क्योटो प्रोटोकॉल के लिए पहली प्रतिबद्धता अवधि कब समाप्त हुई है?
(A) 2008
(B) 2010
(C) 2012
(D) 2014

(C) 2012
The Protocol's first commitment period started in 2008 and ended in 2012.
:- to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005.

8. Bhopal gas tragedy of 1984 took place because methyl isocyanate reacted with _______. 1984 की भोपाल गैस त्रासदी हुई क्योंकि मिथाइल आइसोसाइनेट _______ के साथ प्रतिक्रिया करता है।
(B) Ammonia
(C) CO2
(D) Water

(D) Water
The Bhopal Gas Tragedy was a gas leak incident at the Union Carbide pesticide plant on the night of 2-3 December 1984. 

(Mock TEST #8) (June Current Affairs 2021)

1. Which bank has pledged to become carbon neutral by 2031-32? किस बैंक ने 2031-32 तक कार्बन न्यूट्रल बनने का संकल्प लिया है?
(C) Axis

(B) HDFC || HDFC Bank has said that it targets to become carbon neutral by 2031-32.

2. We celebrate World Environment Day on 5th June. What is the theme of World Environment Day 2021? हम 5 जून को विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस मनाते हैं। विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस 2021 का विषय क्या है?
(A) Beat Plastic Pollution
(B) Beat Air Pollution
(C) Time for Nature
(D) ​Ecosystem Restoration

(D) ​Ecosystem Restoration || World Environment Day is the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment.
Global host :- Pakistan

What is an ecosystem?
An ecosystem is a community of plants and animals interacting with each other in a given area, and also with their non-living environments. The non-living environments include weather, earth, sun, soil, climate and atmosphere.

What is ecosystem restoration?
Ecosystem restoration means preventing this damage. Restoration can happen in many ways – for example through actively planting or by removing pressures so that nature can recover on its own. उदाहरण के लिए सक्रिय रूप से रोपण के माध्यम से या दबावों को हटाकर ताकि प्रकृति अपने आप ठीक हो सके। All kinds of ecosystems can be restored, including forests, farmlands, cities, wetlands, and oceans. Lakes and coastlines (झीलें और समुद्र तट) can become polluted because of poor waste management or an industrial accident.

The United Nations Assembly established World Environment Day in 1972, which was the first day of the Stockholm Conference on the human environment. In 1974, it was celebrated with the theme "Only One Earth". World Environment Day was first observed in 1974 in the US. In 2020, the theme was "Celebrate Biodiversity".

3. What is the theme of the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 2021 observed every year on 17th June? हर साल 17 जून को मनाए जाने वाले मरुस्थलीकरण और सूखे से निपटने के लिए विश्व दिवस 2021 का विषय क्या है?
(A) Land Degradation
(B) Protect Earth. Restore Land. Engage People.
(C) Land has true value. Invest in it
(D) Restoration, Land and Recovery. We build back better with healthy land.

(D) Restoration, Land and Recovery. We build back better with healthy land. बहाली, भूमि और वसूली। हम स्वस्थ भूमि के साथ बेहतर निर्माण करते हैं। || focus on turning degraded land into healthy land. It helps biodiversity to recover. 
The World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is a United Nations observance celebrated each year on 17 June. Its purpose is to raise awareness of the presence of desertification and drought, highlighting methods of preventing desertification and recovering from drought.

4. ________, a Rajasthan-based climate activist, has won the prestigious United Nations' Land for Life Award for his environment conservation concept, Familial Forestry. ________, राजस्थान के एक जलवायु कार्यकर्ता ने अपनी पर्यावरण संरक्षण अवधारणा, पारिवारिक वानिकी के लिए प्रतिष्ठित संयुक्त राष्ट्र का लैंड फॉर लाइफ अवार्ड जीता है।
(A) Hitendra Dave 
(B) Manesh Mahatme 
(C) Thomas Vijayan 
(D) Shyam Sundar Jyani

(D) Shyam Sundar Jyani
The winner was announced on 17th June 2021 which is the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought.
Familial Forestry means transferring the care of the tree and environment in the family so that a tree becomes a part of the family's consciousness. पारिवारिक वानिकी का अर्थ है परिवार में पेड़ और पर्यावरण की देखभाल को स्थानांतरित करना ताकि एक पेड़ परिवार की चेतना का हिस्सा बन जाए।
Every two years, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) organizes the Land for Life Award. The Award recognizes excellence and innovation (उत्कृष्टता और नवाचार) in efforts towards land in balance.
They all made a significant contribution towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15: "Life on Land", in particular Target 15.3 Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) (भूमि क्षरण तटस्थता).

The Land for Life Award was launched in 2011 at the UNCCD Conference of Parties (COP)10 in the Republic of Korea as part of the Changwon Initiative 10 to 21 October 2011 (City in South Korea).

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, is one of the three Rio Conventions, the other two are Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). 

5. NITI Aayog Releases SDG India Index 2020–21 :- Which state is in bottom list?
(A) Sikkim
(B) Assam
(C) Bihar
(D) Uttar Pradesh

(C) Bihar (52)
The third edition of the SDG India Index 2020–21 was released by NITI Aayog on 3rd June, 2021. 
Launch in 2018
NITI Aayog Vice Chairperson Dr Rajiv Kumar launched the report titled, SDG India Index and Dashboard 2020–21: Partnerships in the Decade of Action. 
CEO, NITI Aayog :- Amitabh Kant

The NITI Aayog is a public policy think tank of the Government of India, established with the aim to achieve sustainable development goals.
Formed :- 1 January 2015
Headquarters :- New Delhi
Chairperson :- Narendra Modi
Founder :- National Democratic Alliance

The SDG India Index 2020–21, developed in collaboration with the United Nations in India, tracks progress of all States and UTs on 115 indicators that are aligned to (Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation) MoSPI’s National Indicator Framework (NIF).

Top Five States :- 
(1) Kerala (75)
(2) Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
(3) Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Uttarakhand
(4) Sikkim
(5) Maharashtra

Top Five bottom states :-
(1) Chhattishgarh, Nagaland, Odisha
(2) Arunachanl Pradesh, Meghalaya, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh
(3) Assam
(4) Jharkhand
(5) Bihar (52)

Top UT :- Chandigarh (79)
Bottom in UT list :- Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu (62) 

6. According to the Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2021, Best Indian University?
(A) IISc Bengaluru
(B) IIT Ropar
(C) IIT Indore
(D) None of these

(A) IISc Bengaluru || IISc, Bengaluru Ranked Best Indian University in Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2021. 
Three Indian Universities have made it to the top 100 list.
Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru was the highest ranked university from India for the seventh year in a row, ranked at 37th spot.
The other two universities in the top 100 are :- Indian Institute of Technology Ropar (55) and Indian Institute of Technology Indore (78).
Chinese universities Tsinghua University ranked first. 

IISc Adjudged World’s Top Research University in QS World University Rankings 2022.
:- Eight Indian universities have found place among the best 400 global universities.
:- However, only three Universities feature among the top 200.
:- IIT-Bombay is ranked as the best University from India at 177. It is followed by IIT-Delhi (185) and IISc (I86). 
:- The Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, has also been adjudged as “world’s top research university, achieving a perfect score of 100/100 for Citations Per Faculty (CPF) indicator, which measures research impact.
:- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has topped the ranking for 10th years in a row.

7. Who released Performance Grading Index (PGI) 2019-20 for States and Union Territories?
(A) Prakash Javadekar
(B) Ramesh Pokhriyal "Nishank"
(C) Dharmendra Pradhan
(D) Narendra Modi

(B) Ramesh Pokhriyal "Nishank" || Former Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal "Nishank" releases Performance Grading Index (PGI) 2019-20 for States and Union Territories.
The PGI index measure the performance of states in school education.
2021 PGI is the third edition of the PGI Index and has considered 2019-20 as reference year.
Chandigarh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Andaman and Nicobar and Kerala have obtained Grade 1++ (or Level II), which makes them the best performing states UTs. 
Ladakh has obtained the lowest grade, Grade VII.
Current Education Minister :- Dharmendra Pradhan

8. Every year the Global Wind Day is celebrate worldwide on _______. हर साल वैश्विक पवन दिवस _______ को दुनिया भर में मनाया जाता है।
(A) 15th June
(B) 20th June
(C) 18th June
(D) 23rd June

(A) 15th June || Every year the Global Wind Day is celebrated worldwide on 15 June to spread awareness about wind energy, the various uses of wind energy, and the ways and possibilities as to how wind energy can help change the world. Global Wind Day was first observed as Wind Day in 2007. Later, it was renamed Global Wind Day in 2009. Global Wind Day is organized by WindEurope and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).

According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), wind energy is one of the fastest-growing renewable energy sources in the world. India will install 20GW of wind capacity over 2021-25. Wind energy is a source of clean energy and it is inexhaustible. At present, India has a total installed wind power capacity of 38.789 GW. India has the fourth-largest installed wind power capacity in the world.
China at 1st
2nd United States
3rd Germany

Global Wind Energy Council Headquarters location :- Brussels, Belgium
Global Wind Energy Council Founded :- 2005

9. What is the theme of ocean Day in 2021? 2021 में महासागर दिवस का विषय क्या है?
(A) "Clean our Ocean!"
(B) Our Oceans, Our Responsibilities".
(C) "Oceans & People"
(D) The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods

(D) The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods (महासागर: जीवन और आजीविका)
2020 :- "Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean"
SDGs Goal 14 :- Life Below Water
Sustainable Development Goal 14, “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources”, by 2030. The ocean covers over 70% of the planet. It is home to most of earth’s biodiversity, and is the main source of protein for more than a billion people around the world. In December 2008, the UN General Assembly passed a Declaration to officially recognize the Day.

Did you know?
The ocean produces at least 50% of the planet’s oxygen. 

The ocean is key to our economy with an estimated 40 million.

people being employed by ocean-based industries by 2030.
Oceans absorb about 30% of carbon dioxide produced by humans, buffering the impacts of global warming.

10. As of March 2021, Which state in India has the highest number of National Parks? मार्च 2021 तक, भारत के किस राज्य में राष्ट्रीय उद्यानों की संख्या सबसे अधिक है?
(A) Assam
(B) Kerala
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Uttar Pradesh

(C) Madhya Pradesh
The central state of Madhya Pradesh had the highest number of national parks in India as of March 2021. Uttarakhand ranked second in that time period. The country totaled 104 national parks.

(Mock TEST #9)

1. Mark the correct statement/s.
(1) The Chinese scholars’ I-Qing and Xuan Zang visited Nalanda in the 9th century CE.
(2) When Xuan Zang visited Nalanda, Nalanda was called Nala.

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(B) Only 2
The Chinese scholars’ I-Qing and Xuan Zang visited Nalanda in the 7th century CE. When Xuan Zang visited it, Nalanda was called Nala, which was a centre of higher learning in various subjects.

2. Mark the correct statement/s.
(1) Xuan Zang studied Yogashastra, grammar, logic and Sanskrit during his time at the Nalanda University in India.
(2) Takshashila and Nalanda have been declared as heritage sites. तक्षशिला और नालंदा को विरासत स्थल घोषित किया गया है।

Code :-
(A) Only 2
(B) Only 1
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both
Q. Which subject did Xuanzang study in India?
#1 Statement is Correct :- Xuan Zang studied Yogashastra, grammar, logic and Sanskrit during his time at the Nalanda University in India.

#2 Statement is Correct :- Takshashila and Nalanda have been declared as heritage sites. तक्षशिला और नालंदा को विरासत स्थल घोषित किया गया है।
Takshashila :-1980
Nalanda :- 2016

3. Mark the correct statement/s.
(1) Holistic education refers to the development of the inner and outer self of an individual. समग्र शिक्षा से तात्पर्य व्यक्ति के आंतरिक और बाहरी स्व के विकास से है।
(2) Pāṇini (पाणिनि) is the Indian father of linguistics.

Code :-
(A) Only 2
(B) Only 1
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both
Holistic education refers to the development of the inner and outer self of an individual which prepares them for life. Although ancient education system in India was free, it was not centralized. Its foundations were mostly laid in the rich cultural traditions of India that helped in the development of the physical, spiritual, intellectual and artistic aspects (भौतिक, आध्यात्मिक, बौद्धिक और कलात्मक पहलुओं) of life holistically. Holistic education is a relatively new movement in education that seeks to engage all aspects of the learner, including mind, body, and spirit.
For example, if a child shows excitement for building things, a holistic educator might guide that child to various learning activities that involve building—such as using blocks, creating structures out of sand, or reading books about builders.
Education is considered "a way of life" because in ancient India, there was the existence of both formal and informal modes of education system. Indigenous education was imparted at home, gurukuls, tols, temples, Pathshalas and chatuspadis. People in homes, villages and temples would guide young children and help them in imbibing the pious and ideal ways of life. घरों, गांवों और मंदिरों में लोग छोटे बच्चों का मार्गदर्शन करेंगे और जीवन के पवित्र और आदर्श तरीकों को अपनाने में उनकी मदद करेंगे।

In ancient times, students from China, Korea, Tibet, Burma, Ceylon, Java, Nepal and other distant countries were attracted to come to India and study as India was considered a land of wonder with a rich source of knowledge that had educational centres of higher learning. Various monasteries or viharas were set up for monks and nuns to meditate, debate and discuss with the learned to satisfy their quest for knowledge during this period.
Besides, Takshashila was also a noted centre of learning that included religious teachings of Buddhism, for several centuries.
The free form of education was mostly prevalent in ancient universities such as Valabhi, Vikramshila and Jagaddala. शिक्षा का मुक्त रूप ज्यादातर प्राचीन विश्वविद्यालयों जैसे वल्लभी, विक्रमशिला और जगदला में प्रचलित था।

#2 :- Pāṇini (पाणिनि) is the Indian father of linguistics. Pāṇini (पाणिनि) was a Sanskrit philologist (संस्कृत भाषाविद्), grammarian, and revered scholar (व्याकरणविद् और श्रद्धेय विद्वान) in ancient India. 

4. Mark the correct statement/s.
(1) Vikramashila was established by the Pala emperor Dharmapala. विक्रमशिला की स्थापना पाल सम्राट धर्मपाल ने की थी।
(2) Education system in ancient India was on maintaining a healthy mind and healthy body. प्राचीन भारत में शिक्षा प्रणाली स्वस्थ मन और स्वस्थ शरीर को बनाए रखने पर थी।

Code :- 
(A) Only 2
(B) Only 1
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both
(1) Vikramashila was established by the Pala emperor Dharmapala. विक्रमशिला की स्थापना पाल सम्राट धर्मपाल ने की थी।

(2) Education system in ancient India was on maintaining a healthy mind and healthy body. प्राचीन भारत में शिक्षा प्रणाली स्वस्थ मन और स्वस्थ शरीर को बनाए रखने पर थी।
Education system focused both on learning and physical development.

5. What were the sources of the ancient education system? प्राचीन शिक्षा प्रणाली के स्रोत क्या थे?
(1) Vedas
(2) Brahmanas
(3) Upanishads
(4) Dharmasutras

Code :-
(A) 1-2-3-4
(B) Only 2 & 4
(C) 1-3-4
(D) Only 1

(A) 1-2-3-4

Vedas :- The Vedas are ancient texts that are sacred in India and reknowned the world over. There are four vedas, known as the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda and the Atharva Veda. Vedas teach the three paths to salvation. वेद मोक्ष के तीन मार्ग बताते हैं। These paths are jnana (knowledge), bhakti (devotion) and karma (action).

Brahmanas :- Each Veda has one or more of its own Brahmanas, and each Brahmana is generally associated with a particular Shakha or Vedic school. प्रत्येक वेद के अपने एक या अधिक ब्राह्मण होते हैं, और प्रत्येक ब्राह्मण आम तौर पर एक विशेष शाखा या वैदिक स्कूल से जुड़ा होता है।

Upanishads :- The Upanishads are late Vedic Sanskrit texts of Hindu philosophy which form the foundations of Hinduism. उपनिषद हिंदू दर्शन के वैदिक संस्कृत ग्रंथ हैं जो हिंदू धर्म की नींव बनाते हैं।

Dharmasutras :- The Dharmasutras can be called the guidebooks of dharma as they contain guidelines for individual and social behavior, ethical norms, as well as personal, civil and criminal law व्यक्तिगत और सामाजिक व्यवहार, नैतिक मानदंड, साथ ही व्यक्तिगत, नागरिक और आपराधिक कानून. They discuss the duties and rights of people at different stages of life like studenthood, householdership (गृहस्थी), retirement and renunciation (त्याग).

The different sources of ancient system of education was the education imparted (communicate) from the Vedas, Brahmanas, Upanishads and Dharmasutras. The writings of Aryabhata, Panini, Katyayana and Patanjali and the medical treatises (चिकित्सा ग्रंथ) of Charaka and Sushruta were also some of the rich sources of learning. Besides, the sources of learning were drawn from various disciplines such as Itihas (history), Anviksiki (logic), Mimamsa (interpretation), Shilpashastra (architecture), Arthashastra, Varta (agriculture, trade, commerce, animal husbandry) and Dhanurvidya (archery). The term "Varta" has been used for :- agriculture, trade, commerce, animal husbandry (कृषि, व्यापार, वाणिज्य, पशुपालन).

(Mock TEST #10) (July Current Affairs 2021)

1. When did Van Mahotsav 2021 begin? वन महोत्सव 2021 कब शुरू हुआ?
(A) 1st July
(B) 15th July
(C) 1st June
(D) 15th June

(A) 1st July
Van Mahotsav 2021 is a week-long celebration that will be observed across India from July 1st till July 7, 2021. The Van Mahotsav is celebrated every year in the first week of July to raise awareness on tree plantation and forest conservation in the country.
The name Van Mahotsava means "the festival of trees". It began after the July 1947 tree planting initiative in Delhi proclaimed by national leaders like Dr Rajendra Prasad and Jawaharlal Nehru participated. Van Mahotsav was inaugurated in the year 1950.  Its is an annual tree-planting festival in the month of July. During this festival, thousands of trees are planted all over India. It was started by K. M. Munshi, the Union Minister for Agriculture and Food at that time to create awareness and the importance of the conservation of forests and the planting of new trees.

2. India's largest solar park will be built in which state? भारत का सबसे बड़ा सोलर पार्क किस राज्य में बनाया जाएगा?
(A) Telangana
(B) Gujarat
(C) Andhra Pradesh
(D) Karnataka

(B) Gujarat
NTPC REL will set up a 4.75 gigawatt (GW) renewable energy park at Rann of Kutch in Khavada, Gujarat. This will be India’s largest solar park to be built by the largest power producer of the country. यह देश के सबसे बड़े बिजली उत्पादक द्वारा बनाया जाने वाला भारत का सबसे बड़ा सोलर पार्क होगा।
Kutch region in Gujarat, the largest salt desert in the country and host to two of India’s largest coal-fired power plants.

NTPC to set up India’s single largest solar park at Rann of Kutch
:- NTPC Renewable Energy Limited gets the go-ahead from MNRE to build the 4750 MW renewable energy park at Khavada in Gujarat.
:- NTPC successfully commissioned India’s largest Floating Solar of 10 MW on the reservoir of Simhadri Thermal Power Plant. An additional 15 MW would be commissioned by August 2021. (Visakhapatnam city in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh)
:- NTPC strides towards building 60 GW Renewable Energy capacity by 2032. एनटीपीसी 2032 तक 60 गीगावाट अक्षय ऊर्जा क्षमता के निर्माण की दिशा में अग्रसर है।
:- Further, a 100 MW Floating Solar Project on the reservoir of Ramagundam Thermal Power Plant, Telangana is in the advanced stage of implementation.

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC) Renewable Energy Ltd (REL) :- NTPC Limited, formerly known as National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, is an Indian statutory corporation.
Founded :- 1975
Headquarters :- New Delhi, India

MNRE :- The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is a ministry of the Government of India, headed by current Union Cabinet Minister Raj Kumar Singh. The current secretary of the ministry is Anand Kumar. The ministry is headquartered in Lodhi Road, New Delhi. The ministry was established as the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources in 1992. It adopted its current name in October 2006. 
Renewable Energy :- Renewable energy is useful energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, including carbon neutral sources like sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. 

3. As per a new study, which rainforest is emitting more carbon dioxide (CO2) than it absorbs? एक नए अध्ययन के अनुसार, कौन-सा वर्षावन अवशोषित होने से अधिक कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड (CO2) उत्सर्जित कर रहा है?
(A) Sundarbans Reserve Forest
(B) Congo Rainforest
(C) New Guinea Rainforestt
(D) Amazon Rainforest

(D) Amazon Rainforest
Amazon Rainforest Now Emits More Carbon Dioxide Than It Absorbs, Study Confirms New research published in the journal Nature suggests that mass deforestation and fire have dramatically undercut the Amazon's ability to absorb heat-trapping carbon emissions.

4. Which nation has launched world’s largest carbon market? किस देश ने दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा कार्बन बाजार लॉन्च किया है?
(A) Russia
(B) Japan
(C) China
(D) US

(C) China
China, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, has launched its first national emissions-trading scheme. ग्रीनहाउस गैसों के दुनिया के सबसे बड़े उत्सर्जक चीन ने अपनी पहली राष्ट्रीय उत्सर्जन-व्यापार योजना शुरू की है।

Q. What is Carbon Trading?
The scheme works on the cap-and-trade model where the coal-and-gas-fired energy plants are allocated a specific number of emissions allowances.
If they exceed this limit, the energy plants are permitted to buy allowances from the open market. In case, if they manage to stay within their prescribed limits, they can sell the remainder of their allowances to the other emitters. As allowances become stricter, prices rise, which encourages companies to become greener.

A certificate will be issued by the local governments for every tonne of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas equivalent which a company will be allowed to emit, and they will need to pay fines for not complying.
The Vice-President of the Environmental Defence Fund China, Zhang Jianyu said that the companies can either cut the emissions or pay to pollute, however, the latter will become pricier over time as the governments will issue fewer pollution permits.

China, in 2019, had contributed 27% of the total global carbon emissions and over 10 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. The country relies on coal for 60% of its energy needs and since the year 2011 has burned more coal each year than the rest of the world combined.
However, it must be mentioned that its per capita emissions-roughly 6.8 tonnes of carbon dioxide per person-  is lower than half of those nations such as Canada, Australia, and the United States.

5. Who launched the Green Sohra Afforestation Campaign in Cherrapunji? चेरापूंजी में ग्रीन सोहरा वनीकरण अभियान किसने शुरू किया?
(A) Amit Shah
(B) PM Narendra Modi 
(C) Rajnath Singh
(D) Jitendra Singh 

(A) Amit Shah
Union Home Minister Amit Shah on July 25, 2021, launched the Green Sohra Afforestation Campaign at Sohra (Cherrapunji) during his visit to Meghalaya. He also inaugurated the Greater Sohra Water Supply Scheme. Shri Amit Shah gave the slogan "Evergreen Northeast", underlining the importance of afforestation and tree plantation. Today the world is fighting against global warming and climate change. Shri Narendra Modi has done the work of reducing carbon emissions by distributing a large number of cooking gas cylinders across the country. 
Paris Agreement :- is an international treaty on climate change, adopted in 2015. It covers climate change mitigation, adaptation, and finance. As of July 2021, 191 members of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are parties to the agreement. The Paris Agreement was opened for signature on 22 April 2016 (Earth Day) at a ceremony in New York.

6. Which country has inked USD 1.3 billion deal with India, for development of 679-megawatt Lower Arun Hydropower project with Indian assistance? भारतीय सहायता से 679 मेगावाट की लोअर अरुण जलविद्युत परियोजना के विकास के लिए किस देश ने भारत के साथ 1.3 बिलियन अमरीकी डालर का समझौता किया है?
(A) Nepal
(C) Bangladesh
(D) Russia

(A) Nepal
Nepal has signed a USD 1.3 billion deal with India, to develop a 679-megawatt Lower Arun Hydropower project, located between Sankhuwasabha and Bhojpur districts in eastern Nepal. As per the deal, India’s state owned Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN), will develop the 679-megawatt hydropower project in the neighbouring Himalayan nation. 

7. Singapore has launched one of the world’s largest floating solar panel farms, to fight climate change. What is the capacity of this solar farm? सिंगापुर ने जलवायु परिवर्तन से लड़ने के लिए दुनिया के सबसे बड़े फ्लोटिंग सोलर पैनल फार्मों में से एक को लॉन्च किया है। इस सोलर फार्म की क्षमता कितनी है?
(A) 30 MW
(B) 60 MW
(C) 90 MW
(D) 120 MW

(B) 60 MW
On July 14, 2021, Singapore unveiled one of the world’s largest floating solar panel farms. The project is part of efforts by the country to increase its solar energy production four times by 2025 to help tackle climate change. The 60 megawatt-peak floating solar system is built at Tengeh Reservoir by Sembcorp Floating Solar Singapore, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sembcorp Industries, in collaboration with Singapore Public Utilities Board.

8. The Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) is the only Indian institute to be placed among the top 50 world’s rising institutions in the Nature Index 2021 Materials Science list. Where is JNCASR located?
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Chandigarh
(C) Kerala
(D) Bengaluru

(D) Bengaluru
The Bengaluru-based research institute Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) is placed among the top 50 rising institutions in the world for materials science. JNCASR is placed at 23rd slot in the Nature Index 2021 Materials Science list. 

9. Name the Union Environment Minister of India, who represented the country at G20 Environment Ministerial Meeting 2021? भारत के केंद्रीय पर्यावरण मंत्री का नाम बताइए, जिन्होंने G20 पर्यावरण मंत्रिस्तरीय बैठक 2021 में देश का प्रतिनिधित्व किया?
(A) Anil Madhav Dave
(B) Harsh Vardhan
(C) Prakash Javadekar
(D) Bhupender Yadav

(D) Bhupender Yadav
The G20 Environment Ministerial Meeting 2021 was organised on July 22, 2021, at Naples, in Italy. From India, Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav participated in the two-day meeting virtually, along with Minister of State for Environment Ashwini Choubey and senior officials. 

10. Which country is the latest to formally join the International Solar Alliance (ISA) in July 2021? जुलाई 2021 में औपचारिक रूप से अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सौर गठबंधन में शामिल होने वाला नवीनतम देश कौन-सा है?
(A) Japan
(B) Zimbabwe
(C) Sweden
(D) Kingdom of Denmark

(C) Sweden
Leading European nation, Sweden has ratified the framework agreement for the International Solar Alliance (ISA) and its membership to officially join the Gurugram-based global platform, aimed at promoting renewable energy and sustainable development. 
As of July 2021,
Member countries of ISA :- Sweden (78th)
Signatory countries of ISA :- Sweden (98th)

11. What is the theme of World Nature Conservation Day 2021? विश्व प्रकृति संरक्षण दिवस 2021 का विषय क्या है?
(A) Forests: Nature at your Service
(B) hink.Eat.Save. Reduce Your Foodprint
(C) Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.
(D) Forests and Livelihoods : Sustaining People and Planet

(D) Forests and Livelihoods : Sustaining People and Planet (वन और आजीविका : लोगों और ग्रह को बनाए रखना)
World Nature Conservation Day is observed on July 28. The day is meant to create awareness among the masses about the conservation of natural resources such as flora and fauna that might go extinct a few years or decades from now. The day is celebrated to spread awareness to preserve our natural resources. Today nature is facing a lot of challenges like deforestation, urbanization, the loss of flora and fauna, global warming among other things. The purpose of this day has always been to make people aware of the importance of nature. Saving plants and animals that are threatened with extinction is one of the primary focuses of the World Nature Conservation Day. These include flora & fauna, energy resources, soil water and air. The theme for this year's World Nature Conservation Day 2021 is "Forests and Livelihoods : Sustaining People and Planet". 

(Mock TEST #11)

1. The maximum file size limit for attachment in Gmail is? जीमेल में अटैचमेंट के लिए अधिकतम फाइल साइज लिमिट है?
(A) 45 MB
(B) 15 MB
(C) 20 MB
(D) 25 MB

(D) 25 MB
You can send up to 25 MB in attachments. If you have more than one attachment, they can't add up to more than 25 MB. If your file is greater than 25 MB, Gmail automatically adds a Google Drive link in the email instead of including it as an attachment.

2. In Internet, the first search engine created was ________. इंटरनेट में, बनाया गया पहला सर्च इंजन ________ था।
(A) Google
(B) Netscape
(C) Archie
(D) Safari

(C) Archie
The first Internet search engine is released in 1990. Early online journalists used an Internet search tool called Archie, which was released on September 10, 1990. Here's a screen shot of a Web-based Archie search engine.

3. Which country has the largest internet uses? सबसे अधिक इंटरनेट का उपयोग किस देश में होता है?
(B) China
(C) India
(D) Indonesia

(B) China
Top countries with the highest number of Internet users as of 2021 :-
(1) China
(2) India
(3) USA
(4) Indonesia

4. Loopback IP address is?

A loopback address is a special IP address, The IP address is called a loopback address.
An IP address is a unique address that identifies a device on the internet or a local network. IP stands for Internet Protocol.

5. Voice mail, email, online services, internet, Online social networks and WWW are examples of _______. 
(A) Computer categories
(B) Connectivity
(C) Telecommuting
(D) Information technology

(C) Telecommuting

6. Which of the following is not a part of an e-mail address? निम्नलिखित में से कौन ई-मेल पते का हिस्सा नहीं है?
(1) User name
(2) Domain name
(3) @
(4) Protocol
(5) a dot

Code :-
(A) Only 5
(B) Only 4
(C) 1-2-3-4
(D) Only 3 & 4

(B) Only 4
There are four parts for an email address which include the username, an @ symbol, domain name, a dot, and the domain.

7. Which is sometimes called “network of networks"?
(A) Internet
(B) Intranet
(C) Telnet

(A) Internet
The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to communicate between networks and devices. Sometimes referred to as a “network of networks,” the Internet emerged in the United States in the 1970s but did not become visible to the general public until the early 1990s. The Internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the world. Through the Internet, people can share information and communicate from anywhere with an Internet connection. By 2020, approximately 4.5 billion people, or more than half of the world’s population, were estimated to have access to the Internet. It supports human communication via social media, electronic mail (e-mail), “chat rooms,” newsgroups, and audio and video transmission and allows people to work collaboratively at many different locations.

Computer network types by spatial scope :- स्थानिक क्षेत्र द्वारा कंप्यूटर नेटवर्क के प्रकार :-
Nanoscale :- Body (BAN)
Personal (PAN)
Near-me (NAN)

Local (LAN)
:- Home (HAN)
:- Storage (SAN)
:- Wireless (WLAN)

Campus (CAN)

Metropolitan (MAN)
:- Municipal wireless (MWN)

radio access network (RAN)

Wide (WAN)

8. The year of World Wide Web started in _______.
(A) 1968
(B) 1969
(C) 1989
(D) 1985

(C) 1989
English scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989.
The World Wide Web (WWW), commonly known as the Web, is an information system where documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs, such as, which may be interlinked by hyperlinks, and are accessible over the Internet.

(Mock TEST #12)

1. A commonplace example of _______ communications is a telephone call where both parties can communicate at the same time. _______ संचार का एक सामान्य उदाहरण एक टेलीफोन कॉल है जहां दोनों पक्ष एक ही समय में संवाद कर सकते हैं।
(A) Simplex
(B) Oneway
(C) full-duplex
(D) Half-duplex

(C) full-duplex

2. Which of the following is/are part of MS-DOS?
(1) Kernel
(2) Shell
(3) TCP/IP

Code :-
(A) 1-2-3
(B) Only 1 & 2
(C) Only 1 & 3
(D) Only 1

(B) Only 1 & 2

MS-DOS :- Microsoft Disk Operating System
MS-DOS is an operating system for x86-based personal computers mostly developed by Microsoft.

Kernel :- A Kernel is a computer program that is the heart and core of an Operating System. Kernel is central component of an operating system that manages operations of computer and hardware.

Shell :- The shell or command shell is a software program that provides direct communication between the user and the operating system. DOS Shell is a file manager, debuted in MS-DOS and IBM PC DOS version 4.0 (June 1988). 

TCP/IP :- Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is a networking protocol that allows two computers to communicate. 

3. What was the first commercially successful mini computer? पहला व्यावसायिक रूप से सफल मिनी कंप्यूटर कौन-सा था?
(A) CDC - 1600
(B) PDP - 8
(C) CDC - 1700
(D) PDP - 1

(B) PDP - 8

4. GPS stands for?
(A) Global Positioning Secure
(B) General Positioning System
(C) Global Positioning System
(D) Global Program System

(C) Global Positioning System
The full form of GPS is the Global Positioning System and it is a satellite navigation system used to identify the ground position of an object. The Global Positioning System (GPS) tells you where you are on Earth. The GPS project was started by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1973. 

5. Mark the correct statement/s about VoIP.
(1) VoIP is the transmission of voice over an internet connection. VoIP एक इंटरनेट कनेक्शन पर आवाज का प्रसारण है।
(2) VoIP, also called IP telephony.

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both
#1 Statement is Correct :- VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol) is the transmission of voice over an internet connection.
#2 Statement is Correct :- Voice over Internet Protocol, also called IP telephony, Internet telephony, and Digital Phone. 

6. In MS Word 2019, page setup can be found under which tab? MS Word 2019 में किस टैब के अंतर्गत पेज सेटअप पाया जा सकता है?
(A) Layout
(B) View
(C) Review
(D) Design

(A) Layout

7. Match the following with reference to input devices.
(i) Image scanner (1) Light pen
(ii) Mouse (2) Flatbed
(iii) Electronic pen (3) Optical

Code :-
(A) i-2, ii-3, iii-1
(B) i-1, ii-2, iii-3
(C) i-1, ii-3, iii-2
(D) i-3, ii-2, iii-1

(A) i-2, ii-3, iii-1

Flatbed scanner :- A flatbed scanner is an optical scanner which makes use of a flat surface for scanning documents.

Optical Mouse :- Optical or optical technology refers to anything relating to light or vision, whether it be visible light or infrared light, that performs a specific function. A computer mouse is an example of an optical device that uses optical technology.

8. _______ is a measure of how many units of information a system can process in a given amount of time. _______ इस बात का माप है कि एक सिस्टम एक निश्चित समय में सूचना की कितनी इकाइयों को संसाधित कर सकता है।
(A) Efficiency
(B) Throughput
(C) Response time
(D) Turnaround time

(B) Throughput (also known as the flow rate)

9. SSD stands for?
(A) Solid State Drive
(B) Solid State Data
(C) Single State Disk
(D) Solid State Disk
(E) Single State Device

(A) Solid State Drive
An SSD, or solid-state drive, is a type of storage device used in computers. A solid-state drive (SSD) is a new generation of storage device used in computers. Solid state drives use flash memory to deliver superior performance and durability.

10. SIM stands for?
(A) Subscriber Identification Metrics
(B) Subscriber Identification Method
(C) Subscriber Identification Module
(D) Subscriber Identification Mode

(C) Subscriber Identification/Identity Module
SIM stands for subscriber identity module and it's a small plastic card that slots into your phone.

11. How many function keys are there in a computer keyboard? कंप्यूटर की-बोर्ड में कितनी फंक्शन कुंजियाँ होती हैं?
(A) 15
(B) 10
(C) 12
(D) 14

(C) 12

12. In which generation computer transistors and magnetic cores were introduced? किस पीढ़ी के कंप्यूटर में ट्रांजिस्टर और चुंबकीय कोर की शुरुआत हुई?
(A) First
(B) Second
(C) Third
(D) Fourth

(B) Second

(Mock TEST #13)

1. Java which is used in computer basically a :-
(A) hardware
(B) programming language
(C) storage device
(D) bootable device

(B) programming language
Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented and secure programming language. Java is a powerful general-purpose programming language. It is used to develop desktop and mobile applications. According to Oracle, the company that owns Java, Java runs on 3 billion devices worldwide, which makes Java one of the most popular programming languages. Our core Java programming tutorial is designed for students and working professionals. Java was developed by Sun Microsystems (which is now the subsidiary of Oracle) in the year 1995. James Gosling is known as the father of Java. Before Java, its name was Oak. Since Oak was already a registered company, so James Gosling and his team changed the name from Oak to Java.

There are many devices where Java is currently used. Some of them are as follows :-
(1) Desktop Applications such as acrobat reader, media player, antivirus, etc.
(2) Web Applications such as,, etc.
(3) Enterprise Applications such as banking applications.
(4) Mobile
(5) Embedded System
(6) Smart Card
(7) Robotics
(8) Games, etc.

There are mainly 4 types of applications that can be created using Java programming :-
(1) Standalone Application
(2) Web Application
(3) Enterprise Application
(4) Mobile Application

There are 4 platforms or editions of Java :-
(1) Java SE (Java Standard Edition)
(2) Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition)
(3) Java ME (Java Micro Edition)
(4) JavaFX :- It is used to develop rich internet applications. It uses a lightweight user interface API (Application programming interface).

2. Which software provides the interaction between hardware and software? कौन-सा सॉफ्टवेयर हार्डवेयर और सॉफ्टवेयर के बीच संपर्क प्रदान करता है?
(A) Excel
(B) Office word
(C) Broxy
(D) Operating System

(D) Operating System
An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs. An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. 

3. The full form of OCR input device for computer is :-
(A) Optical Computer Reader
(B) Optical Command Recognition
(C) Operating Character Recognition
(D) Optical Character Recognition

(D) Optical Character Recognition
OCR is an input device used to read a printed text. OCR scans the text optically, character by character, converts them into a machine readable code, and stores the text on the system memory.

4. The binary equivalent of 56 decimal number is _______. 
(A) 111000
(B) 111100
(C) 111110
(D) 110010

(A) 111000
In a binary system, we use only 2 digits that are 0 and 1 (bits). 

5. This is not any classification of computer :-
(A) Super
(B) Micro
(C) Mini
(D) Mainfirm

(D) Mainfirm
Types of Computer :-
(1) Mainframe Computer :- It is high capacity and costly computer. It is largely used by big organizations where many people can use it simultaneously.
(2) Super Computer :- This category of computer is the fastest and also very expensive. A typical supercomputer can solve up to ten trillion individual calculations per second.
(3) Workstation Computer :- The computer of this category is a high-end and expensive one. It is exclusively made for complex work purpose.
(4) Personal Computer (PC) :- It is a low capacity computer developed for single users.
(5) Apple Macintosh (Mac) :- It is a sort of personal computer manufactured by Apple company.
(6) Laptop computer (notebook) :- It is a handy computer that can be easily carried anywhere.
(7) Tablet and Smartphone :- Modern technology has advanced further. It has helped develop computers that are pocket-friendly. Tablets and smartphones are the best examples of such computer.

6. Which one is not kind of printer? कौन-सा एक प्रकार का प्रिंटर नहीं है?
(A) Inkjet
(B) Droll
(C) Daisy Wheel 
(D) Dot Matrix

(B) Droll 

7. Which of the following is not a computer language?
(C) C++


8. Pen Drive used in computer is a _______.
(A) Software Device
(B) Central Processing Device
(C) Storage Device
(D) Assembler

(C) Storage Device

9. Which one is not an output device?
(A) Monitor
(B) Printer
(C) Plotter
(D) Light Pen

(D) Light Pen

10. Popular Operating System Windows 10 is a product of :-
(A) Google
(B) Microsoft
(C) Sun Microsystems
(D) Apple

(B) Microsoft
Initial release date :- 29 July 2015

11. In Networking the full form of WAN is :-
(A) Wide Aerial Network
(B) Wide Area Network
(C) World Area Network
(D) World Aerial Network

(B) Wide Area Network
A wide area network (WAN) is a large computer network that connects groups of computers over large distances. WANs are often used by large businesses to connect their office networks; each office typically has its own local area network, or LAN, and these LANs connect via a WAN. In its simplest form, a wide-area network (WAN) is a collection of local-area networks (LANs) or other networks that communicate with one another.

12. This is not any kind of Number system :-
(A) Octal
(B) Hexadecimal
(C) Binary
(D) Bool

(D) Bool
There are different types of number systems in which the four main types are :- 
(1) Binary number system 
(2) Octal number system
(3) Decimal number system 
(4) Hexadecimal number system

13. This is one not a valid email id?

There are four parts for an email address which include the username, an @ symbol, domain name, and a dot.

14. This software converts the high level language program to low level language and vice versa :-
(A) Assembler
(B) Compiler
(C) Simulator
(D) Moderator 

(B) Compiler

15. Which of the following is the most expensive storage of computer in terms of 256GB Capacity?
(A) Hard disk
(B) Floppy Disk
(D) Pen Drive


(Mock TEST #14)

1. United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 7 is related to?
(A) Ensure environmental sustainability
(B) Reduce child mortality
(C) Improve maternal health
(D) Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

(A) Ensure environmental sustainability
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) :- 8 Goals
Achieved by 2015
Indicators :- 48

2. Which of the following MDGs Goal is associated with Improve maternal health? निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा MDGs लक्ष्य बेहतर मातृ स्वास्थ्य से जुड़ा है?
(A) Goal 3
(B) Goal 4
(C) Goal 5
(D) Goal 8

(C) Goal 5

3. Which of the following MDGs Goal is associated with Promote gender equality and empower women? निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा MDGs लक्ष्य लैंगिक समानता को बढ़ावा देने और महिलाओं को सशक्त बनाने से जुड़ा है?
(A) Goal 3
(B) Goal 4
(C) Goal 7
(D) Goal 8

(A) Goal 3

4. Where did countries signed the historic Millennium Declaration?
(A) United Nations Millennium Summit in 1998
(B) United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000
(C) United Nations Millennium Summit in 2002
(D) United Nations Millennium Summit in 2004

(B) United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000
To meet these goals and eradicate poverty, leaders of 189 countries signed the historic millennium declaration at the United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000.

5. How many targets were included in the MDGs & SDGs? MDGs & SDGs में कितने लक्ष्य शामिल थे?
(A) 16 & 169 targets
(B) 18 & 169 targets
(C) 20 & 172 targets
(D) 24 & 172 targets

(B) 18 & 169 targets

6. In _______, India introduced the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (RTE). _______ में, भारत ने बच्चों के मुफ्त और अनिवार्य शिक्षा का अधिकार अधिनियम (RTE) पेश किया।
(A) 2008
(B) 2009
(C) 2012
(D) 2013

(B) 2009
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act or Right to Education Act (RTE) is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted on 4 August 2009, which describes the modalities of the importance of free and compulsory education for children between the age of 6 to 14 years in India under Article 21A of the Indian Constitution. India became one of 135 countries to make education a fundamental right of every child when the act came into force on 1 April 2010.

7. Whose overall index was highest with a score of 85.90 as per SDG Index 2021?
(A) Finland
(B) Sweden
(C) Denmark

(A) Finland

8. As per SDG Index 2021, India ranked _______ with a score of 60.07.
(A) 107th
(B) 117th
(C) 120th
(D) 123rd

(C) 120th

9. SDG India Index 2020-21 released by NITI Aayog, Which state tops the list with a score of 75?
(A) Odisha
(B) Himachal Pradesh
(C) Kerala
(D) Tamil Nadu

(C) Kerala
Kerala retained its position at the top of the rankings in the third edition of the index, with a score of 75, followed by Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, both scoring 72.
At the other end of the scale, Bihar, Jharkhand and Assam were the worst performing States.

10. Ashtadhyayi was written by the _______.
(A) Xuanzang
(B) Charaka
(C) Patanjali
(D) Pāṇini

(D) Pāṇini

(Mock TEST #15)

1. As per SDG India Index 2020–21, Which state topped in climate action?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Gujarat
(C) Odisha
(D) Kerala

(C) Odisha
The SDG India Index 2020–21 is developed in collaboration with the United Nations in India.
There are 17 SDGs :-
Goal wise top states :-
Goal 1 : No poverty :- Tamil Nadu
Goal 2 : Zero hunger (No hunger) :- Kerala
Goal 3 : Good health and well-being :- Gujarat
Goal 4 : Quality education :- Kerala
Goal 5 : Gender equality :- Chhattishgarh
Goal 6 : Clean water and sanitation :- Goa
Goal 7 : Affordable and clean energy :- Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Mizoram, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh
Goal 8 : Decent work and economic growth :- Himachal Pradesh
Goal 9 : Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure :- Gujarat
Goal 10 : Reduced inequality :- Meghalaya
Goal 11 : Sustainable cities and communities :- Punjab
Goal 12 : Responsible consumption and production :- Tripura
Goal 13 : Climate action :- Odisha
Goal 14 : Life below water :- Odisha
Goal 15 : Life on land :- Arunachal Pradesh
Goal 16 : Peace, justice and strong institutions :- Uttarakhand
Goal 17 : Partnership for the goals

Goal wise top UT :- 
Goal 1 : No poverty :- Delhi
Goal 2 : Zero hunger (No hunger) :- Chandigarh
Goal 3 : Good health and well-being :- Delhi
Goal 4 : Quality education :- Chandigarh
Goal 5 : Gender equality :- Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Goal 6 : Clean water and sanitation :- Lakshadweep
Goal 7 : Affordable and clean energy :- Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh
Goal 8 : Decent work and economic growth :- Chandigarh
Goal 9 : Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure :- Delhi
Goal 10 : Reduced inequality :- Chandigarh
Goal 11 : Sustainable cities and communities :- Chandigarh
Goal 12 : Responsible consumption and production :- Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh
Goal 13 : Climate action :- Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Goal 14 : Life below water 
Goal 15 : Life on land :- Chandigarh
Goal 16 : Peace, justice and strong institutions :- Puducherry
Goal 17 : Partnership for the goals

Top State :- Kerala
Last State :- Bihar

Top UT :- Chandigarh
Last UT :- Dadra & Nagar Haveli & Daman & Diu

2. Mark the Incorrect one.
(A) AICTE :- 1945
(B) SWAYAM :- 2017
(D) IGNOU :- 1985

The SWAYAM PRABHA is a group of 34 DTH channels devoted to telecasting of high-quality educational programmes on 24X7 basis using the GSAT-15 satellite. The contents are provided by NPTEL, IITs, UGC, CEC, IGNOU.

(A) AICTE :- 1945
All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Formation :- November 1945

(B) SWAYAM :- 2017
SWAYAM was launched on 9th July 2017 by Honorable President of India. SWAYAM (meaning "Self") is a Sanskrit acronym that stands for "Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds" is an Indian Massive open online course (MOOC) platform. SWAYAM is an initiative launched by the then Ministry of Human Resource Development (M.H.R.D.) (now Ministry of Education), Government of India under Digital India to give a coordinated stage and free entry to web courses, covering all advanced education, High School and skill sector courses. 
SWAYAM has been developed cooperatively by MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development) and AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) with the help of Microsoft and is equipped for facilitating 2,000 courses.

(D) IGNOU :- 1985
Indira Gandhi National Open University known as IGNOU, is a Central Open Learning University located at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India. Named after former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi, the university was established in 1985 with a budget of ₹20 million, after the Parliament of India passed the Indira Gandhi National Open University Act, 1985 (IGNOU Act 1985). IGNOU is run by the central government of India, and with total active enrollment of over 4 million students, claims to be the largest university in the world.

3. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is a _______ body. अखिल भारतीय तकनीकी शिक्षा परिषद एक _______ निकाय है।
(A) Executive body
(B) Statutory body
(C) Regulatory body
(D) Quasi-judicial body

(B) Statutory Body
Statutory Bodies :- These are non-constitutional bodies as they do not find any mention in the Constitution. ये गैर-संवैधानिक निकाय हैं क्योंकि इनका संविधान में कोई उल्लेख नहीं मिलता है।
They are created by an Act of Parliament. वे संसद के एक अधिनियम द्वारा बनाए गए हैं।
They are called "statutory" since statutes are laws made by the Parliament or the legislature.
Since these bodies derive their power from statutes or laws made by the Parliament, they are known as statutory bodies.

Q. What is the difference between statutory and constitutional bodies?
Statutory bodies are established by an act of a parliament whereas constitutional bodies are mentioned in the constitution and derive their powers from it.

The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is a statutory body, and a national-level council for technical education, under the Department of Higher Education. Established in November 1945 first as an advisory body and later on in 1987 given statutory status by an Act of Parliament, AICTE is responsible for proper planning and coordinated development of the technical education and management education system in India.
Chairman :- Anil Sahasrabudhe
Headquarters :- New Delhi

4. Mark the incorrect one.
(A) NPTEL :- 2003
(B) UGC Chairman :- D.P. Singh
(C) NCERT Director :- Amarendra P Behera
(D) IIM Bangalore :- 1973

(C) NCERT Director :- Amarendra P Behera
Dr. Sridhar Srivastava is director of the council since September 2015.

(A) NPTEL :- 2003
National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) is an Indian online learning platform for university-level science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects. It is jointly developed by Indian Institutes of Technology and Indian Institute of Science. NPTEL was initiated in 2003 by seven IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Guwahati and Roorkee) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc). Since March 2014, NPTEL began offering online courses along with certificates to those who completed the courses successfully.

(B) UGC :- D.P. Singh
Chairman :- D.P. Singh

(D) IIM Bangalore :- 1973
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM Bangalore or IIMB) is a public business school and Institute of National Importance located in Bangalore, India. 
Founded :- 1973

5. Mark the Incorrect One.
(A) UGC :- statutory body
(B) NCERT :-  autonomous
(C) NIOS :- 1982
(D) NITTTR :- National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research

(C) NIOS :- 1982
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), formerly National Open School (name changed in 2002), is the board of education under the Union Government of India. It was established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development of the Government of India in 1989 to provide education to all segments of society under the motive to increase literacy.
The NIOS is a national board that administers examinations for Secondary and Senior Secondary examinations similar to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). It also offers vocational courses after the high school.
NIOS had a cumulative enrollment of about 1.5 million students from 2004 to 2009 at secondary and senior secondary levels and enrolls about 350,000 students annually which makes it the largest open schooling system in the world.

(A) UGC :- statutory body
The University Grants Commission of India (UGC India) is a statutory body set up by the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India in accordance to the UGC Act 1956. It provides recognition to universities in India, and disbursements of funds to such recognized universities and colleges. The headquarters are in New Delhi, and it has six regional centres in Pune, Bhopal, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Guwahati and Bangalore. A proposal to replace it with another new regulatory body called HECI (Higher Education Commission of India) is under consideration by the Government of India.

(B) NCERT :-  autonomous
The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is an autonomous organisation of the Government of India which was established in 1961. Its headquarters are located at Sri Aurbindo Marg in New Delhi. 

(D) NITTTR :- National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research

(Mock TEST #16)

1. Which of these is not provide SWAYAM PRABHA content? इनमें से कौन स्वयं प्रभा सामग्री प्रदान नहीं करता है?

SWAYAM PRABHA contents are provided by NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning), IITs, UGC, CEC (Consortium for Educational Communication), IGNOU, NCERT and NIOS.

2. Which of the following is not coordinator of SWAYAM? निम्नलिखित में से कौन स्वयं का समन्वयक नहीं है?
(5) IIMB & IITs

Code :-
(A) Only 3
(B) Only 4 & 5
(C) Only 4
(D) Only 3 & 5

(B) Only 4 & 5
SWAYAM :- Nine national coordinators are appointed to manage the course content. Each coordinator is assigned a particular area for maintenance.
(1) All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
(2) National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)
(3) University Grants Commission (UGC) 
(4) Consortium for Educational Communication (CEC)
(5) National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
(6) National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) 
(7) Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
(8) Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB) 
(9) National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR)

3. IIM Bangalore is one of the coordinator of Swayam, it was the third IIM to be established, after _______. आईआईएम बैंगलोर स्वयं के समन्वयक में से एक है, यह किसके बाद स्थापित होने वाला तीसरा आईआईएम था?
(1) IIM Lucknow
(2) IIM Ahmedabad
(3) IIM Calcutta
(4) IIM Ahmedabad

Code :-
(A) 1 & 2
(B) 2 & 3
(C) 3 & 4
(D) 4 & 1

(B) 2 & 3
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM Bangalore or IIMB) is a public business school and Institute of National Importance located in Bangalore, India. Founded in 1973, it was the third IIM to be established, after IIM Calcutta and IIM Ahmedabad.

4. As of 27 July 2021, there are _______ Institutes of National Importance under various Acts of Parliament. 27 जुलाई 2021 तक, संसद के विभिन्न अधिनियमों के तहत राष्ट्रीय महत्व के _______ संस्थान हैं।
(A) 175
(B) 161
(C) 153
(D) 133

(B) 161
As of 27 July 2021, there are 161 Institutes of National Importance under various Acts of Parliament. These INIs include 23 IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology); 15 AIIMSs (All India Institute Of Medical Sciences); 20 IIMs (Indian Institutes of Management); 31 NITs (National Institutes of Technology); 25 IIITs (Indian Institutes of Information Technology); 7 IISERs (Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research), 7 NIPERs (National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research); 5 NIDs (National Institute of Design); 3 (School of Planning and Architecture) SPAs; 5 central universities; 4 medical research institutes, and 16 other specialized institutes.

INI :- Institute of National Importance (INI) is a status that may be conferred on a premier public higher education institution in India by an act of Parliament of India. Institutes of National Importance receive special recognition, higher autonomy and funding from the Government of India.

5. NITI Aayog is which type of body? नीति आयोग किस प्रकार का निकाय है?
(A) Constitutional body
(B) Statutory body
(C) A & B
(D) Executive body

(D) Executive body
NITI Aayog is neither a constitutional body nor a statutory body. It is a non-constitutional because it is not created by the Constitution of India and also a non-statutory body as it is not created by an Act of the Parliament.

(Executive Bodies)
These bodies are non-constitutional and non-statutory. 
:- They are not mentioned in the Constitution.
:- They are also not established by an act of Parliament.
:- They are formed by executive resolution or action, which means that they are formed by the government’s action only.
:- They can be converted into a statutory body by enacting a law. For example, the UIDAI was made into a statutory body after it was established by enacting a new law.

NITI Aayog :- The NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India) is a public policy think tank of the Government of India, established with the aim to achieve sustainable development goals. 
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals :- 17
Established :- 2016
Achieved by :- 2030

NITI Aayog :- It was established in 2015, by the NDA government, to replace the Planning Commission. The NITI Aayog council comprises all the state Chief Ministers, along with the Chief Ministers of Delhi and Puducherry, Lieutenant Governors of all UTs, and a vice-chairman nominated by the Prime Minister. 

6. Who is the Chairperson of NITI Aayog? नीति आयोग का अध्यक्ष कौन होता है?
(A) President 
(B) Prime Minister
(C) President & Prime Minister
(D) Governor
(E) Attorney-General for India

(B) Prime Minister
As of 1st September 2021,
The Prime Minister (Narendra Modi) as the Chairperson.
Vice Chairperson :- Rajiv Kumar
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) :- Amitabh Kant

7. VoLTE stands for?
(A) Video over Long-Term Evolution
(B) Virtual over Long-Term Ethernet
(C) Visual over Long-Term Entity
(D) Voice over Long-Term Evolution

(D) Voice over Long-Term Evolution
Voice over Long-Term Evolution (VoLTE) is a highspeed wireless communication standard for mobile phones.

8. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) OLED :- Organic Liquid Emitting Diode
(2) GPRS :- General Packet Remote Service
(3) BINAC :- Berkeley Automatic Computer
(4) .wmv :- Web Media Video

Code :-
(A) Only 2 & 4
(B) Only 1
(C) All of these
(D) None of these

(D) None of these
(1) OLED :- Organic Liquid Emitting Diode
An organic light-emitting diode (OLED or organic LED), also known as organic electroluminescent (organic EL) diode. OLEDs are used to create digital displays in devices such as television screens, computer monitors, and portable systems such as smartphones and handheld game consoles.

(2) GPRS :- General Packet Remote Service
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
It is used for mobile internet, MMS and other data communications.

(3) BINAC :- Berkeley Automatic Computer
BINAC (Binary Automatic Computer) was an early electronic computer designed for Northrop Aircraft Company by the Eckert–Mauchly Computer Corporation (EMCC) in 1949.

(4) .wmv :- Web Media Video
WMV file format was introduced by Microsoft. The full abbreviation of WMV is "Windows Media Video". It is a Video file format.

(Mock TEST #17)

1. To take appropriate steps for the protection and improvement of human environment, India participated at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held at Stockholm in ________. मानव पर्यावरण के संरक्षण और सुधार के लिए उचित कदम उठाने के लिए, भारत ने ________ में स्टॉकहोम में आयोजित मानव पर्यावरण पर संयुक्त राष्ट्र सम्मेलन में भाग लिया।
(A) 1986
(B) 1976
(C) 1972
(D) 1992

(C) 1972
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, 5-16 June 1972, Stockholm
The first world conference on the environment :- The 1972 United Nations Conference on the Environment in Stockholm was the first world conference to make the environment a major issue. 

2. What is the result of United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in June 1972? जून 1972 में स्टॉकहोम में मानव पर्यावरण पर संयुक्त राष्ट्र सम्मेलन का परिणाम क्या है?
(C) Convention on Biodiversity
(D) Kyoto & Montreal Protocol

(A) UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)
It was established by Maurice Strong. As a member of the United Nations Development Group, UNEP aims to help the world meet the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. UNEP hosts the secretariats of several multilateral environmental agreements and research bodies, including The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), The Minamata Convention on Mercury, The Convention on Migratory Species and The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
In 1988, the World Meteorological Organization and UNEP established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
UNEP :- Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol.
UNEP sometimes uses the alternative name UN Environment.
Formation :- 5 June 1972
Headquarters :- Nairobi,  Kenya
Executive Director :- Inger Andersen || Inger Andersen was appointed Executive Director of UNEP by UN secretary-general António Guterres in February 2019.

United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, 5-16 June 1972 :- In this conference various topics were discussed such as pollution, marine life, protection of resources, environment change, disasters related to nature and biological change. This conference resulted in a Declaration on the Human Environment (Stockholm Declaration) and the establishment of an environmental management body, which was later named the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

In December 1972, the UN General Assembly unanimously elected Maurice Strong to be the first head of UN Environment. He was also secretary-general of both the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and the Earth Summit (1992).

Several awards programs have been established to recognize outstanding work in the environmental field. The Global 500 Roll of Honour was initiated in 1987 and ended in 2003. Its 2005 successor, Champions of the Earth, and a similar award, Young Champions of the Earth, are given annually to entrepreneurs, scientists, policy leaders, upcoming talent, individuals and organizations who make significant positive impacts on resources and the environment in their areas.

3. The international years currently observed by the United Nations. 2010 was the International Year of _______. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय वर्ष वर्तमान में संयुक्त राष्ट्र द्वारा मनाया जाता है। 2010 _______ का अंतर्राष्ट्रीय वर्ष था।
(A) International Year of Forests
(B) International Year of Biodiversity
(C) International Literacy Year
(D) International Education Year

(B) International Year of Biodiversity (जैव विविधता का अंतर्राष्ट्रीय वर्ष)
Options :- 
(A) International Year of Forests (2011)
(B) International Year of Biodiversity (2010)
(C) International Literacy Year (1990)
(D) International Education Year (1970)

International Years :- The international years currently observed by the United Nations. The United Nations designates specific days, weeks, years and decades as occasions to mark particular events or topics in order to promote, through awareness and action, the objectives of the Organization.
On occasion, these celebrations are declared by the specialized agencies of the United Nations, such as UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), etc.

United Nations :- The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization aiming to maintain international peace and security. It is the world's largest, and most familiar, international organization.

Headquarters :- New York, United States
Founded :- 24 October 1945, San Francisco, California, United States
Secretary general :- António Guterres

4. Mark the Correct code with Correct Chronological Order.
(1) Biodiversity Convention
(2) Kyoto Protocol
(4) Montreal Protocol
(5) ISA

Code :-
(A) 4-2-1-3-5
(B) 4-1-2-3-5
(C) 4-1-3-2-5
(D) 4-3-2-1-5

(B) 4-1-2-3-5
(4) Montreal Protocol (1989)
(1) Biodiversity Convention (1993)
(2) Kyoto Protocol (1997)
(3) NAPCC (2008)
(5) ISA (2015)

(4) Montreal Protocol :- Open for signature on 16 September 1987 & entered into force on 1 January 1989.
to protect the ozone layer

(1) Biodiversity Convention (Convention on Biological Diversity) :- The convention was opened for signature at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro on 5 June 1992 and entered into force on 29 December 1993. 

(2) Kyoto Protocol :- The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005.
To reduce greenhouse gas emissions

(3) National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) :- 2008
A climate action plan is a detailed and strategic framework for measuring, planning, and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. to “take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.”

(5) International Solar Alliance (ISA) :- 2015
Promote solar energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

5. India hosted World Environment Day Only 2 times, 1st time in 2011 & 2nd time in 2018. What was the theme of World Environment Day when India hosted it for the second time in 2018? भारत ने केवल 2 बार विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस की मेजबानी की, पहली बार 2011 में और दूसरी बार 2018 में। विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस का विषय क्या था जब भारत ने 2018 में दूसरी बार इसकी मेजबानी की थी?
(A) Beat Air Pollution
(B) Beat Plastic Pollution
(C) Time for Nature
(D) One Earth One Family

(B) Beat Plastic Pollution
2011 :- Forests: Nature at your Service
2020 :- Celebrate Biodiversity
2021 :- Ecosystem restoration

(Mock TEST #18) (August Current Affairs 2021)

1. Which state government plans to bring a policy for the protection of forests? वनों की सुरक्षा के लिए कौन सी राज्य सरकार की नीति लाने की योजना है?
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Gujarat
(C) Tamil Nadu 
(D) Kerala

(A) Rajasthan
The Rajasthan government will soon bring a policy for the protection of forests in the state, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot.
India’s forests are currently governed by the National Forest Policy, 1988. भारत के वन वर्तमान में राष्ट्रीय वन नीति, 1988 द्वारा शासित हैं।

Green India mission :- Green India mission is one of the missions that come under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC). Green India Mission was launched in 2014. The primary aim is to protect, restore and enhance India’s diminishing forest cover. उनका प्राथमिक उद्देश्य भारत के घटते वन आवरण की रक्षा, पुनर्स्थापना और वृद्धि करना है।

2. India’s first earthquake early warning mobile app has been launched for which state? भारत का पहला भूकंप पूर्व चेतावनी मोबाइल ऐप किस राज्य के लिए लॉन्च किया गया है?
(A) Sikkim
(B) Assam
(C) Gujarat 
(D) Uttarakhand

(D) Uttarakhand 
On Wednesday, August 4, 2021, IIT Roorkee launched an Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) Mobile App called “Uttarakhand Bhookamp Alert”. The project was sponsored by Uttarakhand State Disaster Management Authority (USDMA) since the Uttarakhand region is the most seismically active and prone to earthquakes. The programme was initially launched as a pilot project by the Ministry of Earth Sciences for the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand.
Launched by :- Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami
IIT Roorkee director :- Ajit K Chaturvedi

3. Which state's Chief Minister has announced Educational Empowerment Fund? किस राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री ने शैक्षिक अधिकारिता कोष की घोषणा की है?
(A) Kerala
(B) Karnataka
(C) Telangana
(D) Madhya Pradesh

(A) Kerala
Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said that an Educational Empowerment Fund will be set up, similar to the Disaster Relief Fund, as part of the Vidyakiranam initiative to provide digital education to all students.

4. India has signed a $250 million project with which international financial institution to increase long-term safety of existing dams? भारत ने मौजूदा बांधों की दीर्घकालिक सुरक्षा बढ़ाने के लिए किस अंतरराष्ट्रीय वित्तीय संस्थान के साथ $250 मिलियन की परियोजना पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?
(A) WB

(A) WB (World Bank)
The World Bank has approved a USD 250 million projects in India for a long-term dam safety program and improving the safety and performance of existing dams across various states of India.
World Bank Headquarters :- Washington, D.C., United States
World Bank Formation :- July 1944
World Bank President :- David Malpass

5. The centre has allocated how much fund to implement the Deep Ocean Mission? केंद्र ने डीप ओशन मिशन को लागू करने के लिए कितना फंड आवंटित किया है?
(A) Rs 4077 crore
(B) Rs 3000 crore 
(C) Rs 2567 crore 
(D) Rs 5873 crore 

(A) Rs 4077 crore
Deep Ocean Mission to be implemented by Centre at budget of Rs 4077 cr during 2021-2026. The Union Earth Sciences Ministry will implement Deep Ocean Mission at budget of Rs 4077 crore in five years. This was informed by Minister of State for Science and Technology Dr. Jitendra Singh in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha.

6. Which state has become the second one after Karnataka to implement National Education Policy 2020? कौन-सा राज्य राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 को लागू करने वाला कर्नाटक के बाद दूसरा राज्य बन गया है?
(A) Kerala
(B) Gujarat 
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Andhra Pradesh

(C) Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh becomes the second state after Karnataka to implement the National Education Policy 2020. Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan had announced the implementation of NEP in the presence of Governor Mangubhai Patel on August 26, 2021. 

PM Modi launches several educational initiatives while addressing nation on first NEP anniversary on July 29, 2021.
The initiatives are listed below :-
:- Academic Bank of Credit
:- First-year engineering programmes in regional languages
:- Guidelines for the internationalisation of higher education
:- Vidya Pravesh
:- Indian Sign Language
:- NISHTHA 2.0
:- Structured Assessment For Analyzing Learning Levels (SAFAL)
:- A website dedicated to Artificial Intelligence
:- National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR) and National Education Technology Forum (NETF)

Ministry of Education launches the booklet on One-year New Education Policy (NEP) – 2020 Achievement and some other initiatives :-
:- E-Comic cum Activity Book -“Priya -The Accessibility Warrior”
:- Virtual School of NIOS
:- NIPUN Bharat Mission
:- Vidya Pravesh
:- Blueprint of National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR)

7. Which state/UT will implement a new 10-year climate action plan by year-end? कौन-सा राज्य/केंद्र शासित प्रदेश साल के अंत तक एक नई 10 वर्षीय जलवायु कार्य योजना लागू करेगा?
(A) Delhi 
(B) Chandigarh
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Punjab 

(A) Delhi 
Delhi was the last to submit its climate action plan to the centre. The central government had prepared the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in 2009 and had requested the states to prepare their own specific plans. Delhi was the last to submit its climate action plan in 2019. 

8. National Thermal Power Corporation Limited Renewable Energy Ltd (NTPC REL) has commissioned India's largest floating solar PV project of _______ MW power on the reservoir of its Simhadri thermal station in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. 
(A) 15 MW
(B) 25 MW
(C) 35 MW
(D) 10 MW

(B) 25 MW
Photovoltaics (PV) :- convert sunlight directly into electricity

9. For high speed internet access to North Eastern States, Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) has inked an agreement with _______. उत्तर पूर्वी राज्यों में हाई स्पीड इंटरनेट एक्सेस के लिए, Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) ने _______ के साथ एक समझौता किया है।
(B) Jio
(C) VI

:- for making available high quality and high-speed internet access to the northeastern states. 
:- providing services like digital governance, e-education, e-health, e-commerce, e-banking among others.
Union Communications Minister :- Ashwini Vaishnaw

10. ________ becomes India’s first national park with satellite phones. ________ सैटेलाइट फोन के साथ भारत का पहला राष्ट्रीय उद्यान बन गया है।
(A) Kaziranga National Park
(B) Kanha National Park
(C) Jim Corbett National Park
(D) Bandhavgarh National Park

(A) Kaziranga National Park (KNP) in Assam

11. As of May 2021, There are _______ Ramsar sites in India. मई 2021 तक, भारत में _______ रामसर स्थल हैं।
(A) 42
(B) 44
(C) 46
(D) 48

(C) 46
Four new sites of India added to Ramsar list as "wetlands of International importance". With this, the total number of Ramsar sites in India have reached 46.
These sites are :-
:- Thol Lake, Gujarat
:- Wadhwana Wetland, Gujarat
:- Sultanpur National Park, Haryana
:- Bhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary, Haryana 

12. India’s highest altitude herbal park inaugurated in _______. भारत के सबसे अधिक ऊंचाई वाले हर्बल पार्क का उद्घाटन _______ में किया गया। 
(A) Kerala
(B) Panchkula
(C) Rajasthan
(D) Uttarakhand

(D) Uttarakhand
(Mana village in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand)

13. Which has become the first "Water Plus" certified city in India?
(A) Bhopal
(B) Ahmedabad
(C) Indore
(D) Pune

(C) Indore
India’s cleanest city, Indore in Madhya Pradesh, has achieved another feat of being declared as the country’s first "water plus" certified city, under the Swachh Survekshan 2021. Swachh Survekshan is an annual survey of cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation in cities and towns across India launched as part of the Swachh Bharat Mission.

Q. What is the "Water+" city certificate?
A Water Plus city certificate is provided to a city that maintains cleanliness in rivers and drains under its administration.

14. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) World Lion day is observed every year on August 10.
(2) Maharashtra state government has announced Rajiv Gandhi Award for excellence in the IT sector.

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) None
(D) Both

(D) Both

(1) World Lion day is observed every year on August 10.
World Lion Day 2021 :- World Lion day is observed every year on August 10 to raise awareness about the conservation of lions. The lion is an endangered species on the IUCN Red List. India is also recorded as the highest lion population with an increase of 29 percent from 2015 to 2020. In 2013, co-founders Dereck and Beverly Joubert the Big Cat Initiative, and National Geographic made a partnership to create World Lion Day.

(2) Maharashtra government announced on August 10, 2021 that it has decided to introduce Rajiv Gandhi Award for firms that are excelling in the Information Technology (IT) sector in the state. The award will be given annually on August 20, the birth anniversary of Rajiv Gandhi.

India to host its first Internet Governance Forum in October 2021. 
Theme :- “Inclusive Internet for Digital India” 

Some Other Important Points :- 
:- India’s first smog tower inaugurated in Connaught Place, Delhi.

:- PM Modi sets India’s target to become "energy independent" by 2047. 

:- Chhattisgarh becomes first state to recognise Community Forest Resource rights in an urban area. छत्तीसगढ़ शहरी क्षेत्र में सामुदायिक वन संसाधन अधिकारों को मान्यता देने वाला पहला राज्य बना।

Q. What are Community Forest Resource Rights?
The Forest Rights Act, 2006, gives Gram Sabhas the right to protect, regenerate or conserve or manage any forest resources used by the entire community, or village which they have been traditionally protecting and conserving for sustainable use.

:- India’s first Solar Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station inaugurated at the Karnal Lake Resort. With this, Delhi Chandigarh Highway becomes India’s first e-vehicle friendly highway. 

:- NITI Aayog and World Resources Institute India Jointly Launch "Forum for Decarbonizing Transport" in India.

(Important Days in August 2021)
World Elephant Day :- 12th August

International Youth Day :- 12th August
Theme 2021 :-Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health 

World Mosquito Day :- 20th August
Akshay Urja Diwas (Renewable Energy Day) :- 20th August

World Sanskrit Day :- 22nd August

World Water Week 2021 :- 23-27 August

(Mock TEST #19)

1. Match the following about SDGs Goal.
(A) Goal 7 :- (l) Climate Action
(B) Goal 6 :- (ll) Quality Education
(C) Goal 4 :- (lll) Affordable and Clean Energy
(D) Goal 13 :- (IV) Clean Water and Sanitation

Code :- 
(1) A - lll, B - IV, C - ll, D - l
(2) A - lll, B - l, C - lV, D - ll
(3) A - ll, B - lll, C - IV, D - l
(4) A - ll, B - IV, C - lll, D - l

(1) A - lll, B - IV, C - ll, D - l

2. What is the full form of SSID?
(A) Secure Set Identifier
(B) Streaming Set Identifier
(C) Structured Set Identifier
(D) Service Set Identifier

(D) Service Set Identifier
The SSID (Service Set Identifier) is the name of your wireless network, also known as Network ID. If you open the list of Wi-Fi networks on your laptop or phone, you'll see a list of SSIDs.

3. Sia bought a 1TB Laptop Hard Disk 7200 RPM. In her laptop RPM stands for?
(A) Routing per minute
(B) Rotations per minute
(C) Revolutions per minute
(D) Run-time per minute

(C) Revolutions per minute
It is the spinning speed of hard disk. Revolutions per minute is the number of turns in one minute.

4. _______ is a cyberattack intended to redirect a website’s traffic to another, fake site. _______ एक साइबर हमला है जिसका उद्देश्य किसी वेबसाइट के ट्रैफ़िक को दूसरी, नकली साइट पर पुनर्निर्देशित करना है।
(A) Sharking
(B) Luring
(C) Pharming
(D) Barring

(C) Pharming
Pharming is a form of cyberattack that sends you to a fake website that looks like the real thing.

5. Mark the Correct code :-
(1) Cold booting is the process of starting a computer from shutdown.
(2) Warm Booting refers to restarting system using restart button.

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both
(1) Cold booting is the process of starting a computer from shutdown or a powerless state.
(2) Warm Booting refers to restarting system using restart button.

6. Denary number system uses how many digits?
(A) 2
(B) 8
(C) 10
(D) 16

(C) 10
Decimal number system is also known as denary. The decimal number system uses ten digits :- 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 with the base number as 10.

7. Which of the following terminology describe the billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to the internet, all collecting and sharing data? निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी शब्दावली दुनिया भर में अरबों भौतिक उपकरणों का वर्णन करती है जो अब इंटरनेट से जुड़े हैं, सभी डेटा एकत्र और साझा कर रहे हैं?
(D) IoT

(D) Internet of Things (IoT)

8. With reference to "Agenda 21", consider the following statements :- (UPSC Prelims 2016) 
(1) It is a global action plan for sustainable development. यह सतत विकास के लिए एक वैश्विक कार्य योजना है।
(2) It originated in the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg in 2002. 

Q. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 only
(B) 2 only
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) Neither 1 nor 2

(A) 1 only

Statement #1 is Correct :- (1) It is a global action plan for sustainable development. यह सतत विकास के लिए एक वैश्विक कार्य योजना है।
In every area in which human impacts on the environment.

Sustainable development :- Sustainable development is the development of a country or world not only at present, but the development which is to be continued and maintained for future generations. सतत विकास किसी देश या दुनिया का न केवल वर्तमान में विकास है, बल्कि वह विकास है जिसे भविष्य की पीढ़ियों के लिए जारी रखना और बनाए रखना है।
For example, groundwater is a natural resource which is replenished by nature. उदाहरण के लिए, भूजल एक प्राकृतिक संसाधन है जिसकी पूर्ति प्रकृति द्वारा की जाती है। People of a particular generation must use water in such a way that people of future generation may also be able to use groundwater. People should not overuse and degrade the quality of water so that water is exhausted or if it remains, it is contaminated to such an extent that it becomes unusable for people of future generations.

Statement #2 is Incorrect :- (2) It originated in the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg in 2002. 
Agenda 21 is a product of the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992.

(Mock TEST #20)

1. Mark the Correct Code about EPA 1986.
(1) Environment Protection Act (EPA) is also known as umbrella act.
(2) The purpose of the Act is to implement the decisions of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment of 1972.

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both

Statement #1 is Correct :- (1) Environment Protection Act (EPA) is also known as umbrella act.
Q. Why is Environmental Protection Act called umbrella act? 
Environmental protection act 1986 is also the Umbrella act because it provides the framework to the central government in order to make the coordination between different state as well as the central authorities using different act like water act etc.

Statement #2 is Correct :- (2) The purpose of the Act is to implement the decisions of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm Conference) of 1972.

2. Acid rain is caused by the pollution of environment by _______. अम्लीय वर्षा _______ द्वारा पर्यावरण के प्रदूषण के कारण होती है।
(A) carbon dioxide and nitrogen
(B) carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
(C) ozone and carbon dioxide
(D) nitrous oxide and Sulphur dioxide

(D) nitrous oxide and Sulphur dioxide
Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain.
According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, which considers him the “father of acid rain,” the word acid rain was invented in 1852 by Scottish chemist Robert Angus Smith.

(Effects of Acid Rain)
:- Acid rain is very harmful to agriculture, plants, and animals.
:- It causes respiratory issues in animals and humans.
:- When acid rain falls down and flows into the rivers and ponds it affects the aquatic ecosystem and causes water pollution.
:- It damages the buildings and monuments made up of stones and metals. Examples :- Taj Mahal, Statue of Liberty etc.

Q. What are ways to reduce acid rain?
Alternative energy sources should be used, such as solar and wind power. Renewable sources of energy are helping to reduce acid rain, as they produce much fewer emissions. There are other electricity sources as well, such as nuclear power, hydropower, and geothermal energy. 

3. Mark the Correct Code :- 
(1) As per State of Forest Report, 2019 The Total Forest and Tree cover is 24.56% of the geographical area of the country.
(2) Kerala has the largest forest cover in India.

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(A) Only 1
Statement #1 is Correct :- 
(1) As per State of Forest Report, 2019 The Total Forest and Tree cover is 24.56% of the geographical area of the country.

:- The Total Forest cover is 7,12,249 sq km which is 21.67% of the geographical area of the country.
:- The Tree cover is 2.89% of the geographical area of the country.

National Forest Policy of India, 1988 envisages a goal of achieving 33% of geographical area of the country under forest and tree cover.

Statement #2 is Incorrect :-
(2) Kerala has the largest forest cover in India.
Madhya Pradesh has the largest forest cover in India.

Largest forest cover in India :- Madhya Pradesh > Arunachal Pradesh > Chhattisgarh > Odisha > Maharashtra

Forest cover as percentage of total geographical area :- Mizoram (85.41%) > Arunachal Pradesh (79.63%) > Meghalaya (76.33%) > Manipur (75.46%) > Nagaland (75.31%).

4. Which state is lowest forest area in India? भारत में सबसे कम वन क्षेत्र कौन-सा राज्य है?
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Bihar
(C) Rajasthan
(D) Haryana

(D) Haryana

5. Mark the Correct code.
(1) The first geothermal power plant in India is in Ladakh. 
(2) Geothermal energy's largest producer is the United States.

Code :-
(A) Both
(B) None
(C) Only 1
(D) Only 2

(A) Both
(1) The first geothermal power plant in India is in Ladakh. 
(2) Geothermal energy's largest producer is the United States.

Geothermal energy is heat within the earth. 

Q. Which are the Natural Examples of Geothermal energy?
(1) Geysers
(2) Lava Fountain
(3) Hot Springs

On 8th February, 2021, the Union Government has decided to develop India's first geothermal power project at Puga village of eastern Ladakh.
:- The power project is known as Geothermal Field Development Project.
The geothermal power project is planned to commission by the end of 2022.

(Mock TEST #21)

1. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) C Programming Language was created by James Gosling.
(2) COBOL used in Space technology.

Code :-
(A) Only 2
(B) Only 1
(C) Both
(D) None

(D) None
Statement #1 is Incorrect :- (1) C Programming Language was created by James Gosling.

Dennis Ritchie is the father of C Programming Language and also co-founded the Unix operating system.

C, computer programming language developed in the early 1970s by American computer scientist Dennis M. Ritchie at Bell Laboratories.

Java was developed by James Gosling, who is known as the father of Java.

C is considered as a middle-level language because it supports the feature of both low-level and high-level languages.

Statement #2 is Incorrect :- (2) COBOL used in Space technology.
COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language) is a high-level programming language for business applications. COBOL is a programming language that is mainly focused on solving a business problem. COBOL is primarily used in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments. 

2. Mark the Correct Code about University Education Commission (1948-49).
(1) Second education commission of independent India.
(2) Chairman :- Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
(3) Inaugurated by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the then minister of Education. 
(4) This Commission consists of 10 members.

Code :-
(A) Only 2 & 3
(B) 2, 3 & 4
(C) All of these
(D) Only 1 & 2

(B) 2, 3 & 4
Statement #1 is Incorrect :- (1) Second education commission of independent India.
First education commission of independent India.

Correct Statements :- 
(2) Chairman :- Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

(3) Inaugurated by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the then minister of Education. Set up by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, and Education Minister, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, to assess the situation and the needs of the university education system in the country. Since Radhakrishnan chaired the Commission, it came to be known as the Radhakrishnan Commission.

(4) This Commission consists of 10 members.

3. Which of the following Prime Minister has been the chairman of UGC? निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा प्रधान मंत्री यूजीसी का अध्यक्ष रहे हैं?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Narendra Modi
(C) Manmohan Singh
(D) Inder Kumar Gujral

(C) Manmohan Singh
Chairman, University Grants Commission (15 March 1991 – 20 June 1991)

4. Who was the first Chairperson of the UGC from 1953 - 1955? 1953-1955 तक यूजीसी के पहले अध्यक्ष कौन थे?
(A) Shri C.D. Deshmukh
(B) Dr. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar
(C) Dr. George Jacob
(D) Dr. D.S.Kothari

(B) Dr. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar

5. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) AVI :- Audio Video Integrated
(2) Adobe Meet is not a Video Conferencing app/tool.
(3) According to the storage capacity Blu-ray > DVD > Floppy > CD is the correct Chronological order.

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) 1/2/3
(D) Only 3

(B) Only 2
(2) Adobe Meet is not a Video Conferencing app/tool.

Statement #1 is Incorrect :- (1) AVI :- Audio Video Integrated
Audio Video Interleave || AVI stands for Audio Video Interleave, a widely used video file format created by Microsoft in 1992. 

Statement #3 is Incorrect :- (3) According to the storage capacity Blu-ray > DVD > Floppy > CD is the correct Chronological order.

6. Mark the Correct code about UNFCCC.
(1) The UNFCCC entered into force on 21 March 1994.
(2) Annex I countries were expected by the year 2000 to reduce emissions to 1990 levels. अनुलग्नक I देशों से वर्ष 2000 तक उत्सर्जन को 1990 के स्तर तक कम करने की उम्मीद की गई थी।

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both
(1) The UNFCCC entered into force on 21 March 1994.
(2) Annex I countries (developed countries) were expected by the year 2000 to reduce emissions to 1990 levels. अनुलग्नक I देशों से वर्ष 2000 तक उत्सर्जन को 1990 के स्तर तक कम करने की उम्मीद की गई थी।

UNFCCC :- The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) established an international environmental treaty to combat "dangerous human interference with the climate system", in part by stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. It was signed at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), informally known as the Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro from 3 to 14 June 1992. It established a Secretariat headquartered in Bonn, Germany and entered into force on 21 March 1994. The secretariat is established under Article 8 of the convention. It is headed by the Executive Secretary. The current Executive Secretary, Patricia Espinosa, was appointed on 18 May 2016 by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and took office on 18 July 2016.

7. The parties to the convention (UNFCCC) have met annually from _______ in Conferences of the Parties (COP) to assess progress in dealing with climate change. जलवायु परिवर्तन से निपटने में प्रगति का आकलन करने के लिए सम्मेलन के दलों ने कब से पार्टियों के सम्मेलन (COP) में सालाना मुलाकात की है?
(A) 1992
(B) 1993
(C) 1995
(D) 1997

(C) 1995
The first conference (COP1) was held in 1995 in Berlin.

(Mock TEST #22) ICT Rapid Fire Questions - Answers

1. Which type of memory is mainly used to store programs and data, which do not change and are frequently used? प्रोग्राम और डेटा को स्टोर करने के लिए मुख्य रूप से किस प्रकार की मेमोरी का उपयोग किया जाता है, जो बदलता नहीं है और अक्सर उपयोग किया जाता है?  
(B) Cache
(D) Magnetic disk

(A) ROM (Read-only memory)

2. Rj45 is a _______ jack used by devices to physically connect to Ethernet based local area networks (LANs). Rj45 एक _______ जैक है जिसका उपयोग उपकरणों द्वारा ईथरनेट आधारित स्थानीय क्षेत्र नेटवर्क (LAN) से भौतिक रूप से कनेक्ट करने के लिए किया जाता है।
(A) 2 pin
(B) 6 pin
(C) 8-pin
(D) 4 pin

(C) 8-pin/8-position plug or jack

3. Core of optical fiber is made up of _______. ऑप्टिकल फाइबर का कोर _______ से बना होता है।
(A) Silica Glass or Plastic
(B) Aluminum
(C) Solid water
(D) Copper

(A) Silica Glass or Plastic

4. Time-sharing operating systems emerged during _______ generation. टाइम-शेयरिंग ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम _______ पीढ़ी के दौरान उभरा।
(A) Fourth
(B) First
(C) Second
(D) Third

(D) Third

5. Which of the following is a/are desirable (आकर्षक) quality/qualities of operating system?
(1) Robustness (मजबूती)
(2) Convenience (सुविधा)

Code :-
(A) Only 2
(B) Both 1 & 2
(C) Only 1
(D) Neither 1 nor 2

(B) Both 1 & 2

6. Which of the following is/are the reasons towards using the Email? निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा/से ईमेल का उपयोग करने का कारण है/हैं?
(1) It is more secure and inexpensive compared to other modes of communication. यह संचार के अन्य साधनों की तुलना में अधिक सुरक्षित और सस्ता है।
(2) It is easy to archive for future recall. Most of the email services provide search facility through emails. भविष्य के स्मरण के लिए संग्रह करना आसान है। अधिकांश ईमेल सेवाएं ईमेल के माध्यम से खोज की सुविधा प्रदान करती हैं।

Code :- 
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None 

(C) Both
Email archiving is the process of removing emails from your inbox to be stored in a separate yet easily accessible location. Messages you archived aren't deleted, and you can access them at any time. Only messages that are deleted are removed from the Trash after 30 days.

7. Which of the following functions is/are coordinated by operating system? निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा कार्य ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम द्वारा समन्वित है/हैं?
(1) Networking
(2) Memory Management (स्मृति प्रबंधन)

Code :- 
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None 

(C) Both

8. PARAM supercomputers are the representative systems of which generation? परम सुपरकंप्यूटर किस पीढ़ी के प्रतिनिधि सिस्टम हैं?
(A) Second
(B) Fourth
(C) Third
(D) Fifth

(D) Fifth

9. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) Inkjet - Line Printer
(2) Laser - Line Printer

Code :- 
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None 

(D) None 

Line Printer can Print One Line at a Time. The types of line printers are drum printers, band-printers, and chain printers.

10. In Email, IMAP stands for?
(A) Internet Mail Access Protocol
(B) Internet Mail Advanced Protocol
(C) Internet Message Advanced Protocol
(D) Internet Message Access Protocol

(D) Internet Message Access Protocol

11. Which of the following is not used to measure the processing speed of a microcomputer? निम्न में से किसका उपयोग माइक्रो कंप्यूटर की प्रोसेसिंग गति को मापने के लिए नहीं किया जाता है?
(A) picoseconds
(B) aquaseconds
(C) nanoseconds
(D) microseconds

(B) aquaseconds

12. Which of the following is modern example of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)? निम्नलिखित में से कौन सूचना और संचार प्रौद्योगिकी (आईसीटी) का आधुनिक उदाहरण है?
(A) Print media
(B) Television
(C) Radio
(D) Call centre

(D) Call centre

13. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a computer? निम्न में से कौन कंप्यूटर की विशेषता नहीं है?
(A) Accuracy
(B) IQ
(C) Data storage
(D) Speed

(B) IQ

14. System boot program is stored in _______. सिस्टम बूट प्रोग्राम को _______ में स्टोर किया जाता है।
(A) Cache
(D) Floppy disk


15. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding VDT (video display terminal, or sometimes visual display terminal)?
(1) It can be an Input device. यह एक इनपुट डिवाइस हो सकता है।
(2) It is an output device. यह एक आउटपुट डिवाइस है।

Code :- 
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None 

(C) Both

16. Storage capacity of optical disk = _______.
(A) Number of surface X Number of tracks X Number of sector
(B) Number of surface X Number of bytes per sector
(C) Number of sectors X Number of byte per sector
(D) Number of tracks X Number of sector

(C) Number of sectors X Number of byte per sector

17. Who is considered as father of markup languages? मार्कअप भाषाओं का जनक किसे माना जाता है?
(A) Doryras Engelbart
(B) Charles Godfarb
(C) Sir Tim Berners - Lee
(D) Jack Miles

(B) Charles Godfarb

18. Which of the following is/are correct regarding XML (extensible markup language)?
(1) XML is not a replacement of HTML.
(2) XML can make data more useful.

Code :- 
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None 

(C) Both

19. Blogger is a service provided by _______.
(A) Yandex
(B) Duck Duck Go
(C) Google
(D) Bing

(C) Google

20. Unix has been written in _______. यूनिक्स को _______ में लिखा गया है।
(A) .NET
(B) C++
(C) C
(D) Scala

(C) C

21. Personal computers were introduced in which generation? पर्सनल कंप्यूटर किस पीढ़ी में पेश किए गए थे?
(A) Third
(B) Fifth
(C) Second
(D) Fourth

(D) Fourth

22. Which of the following pair/s is/are correct?
(1) UNIX operating system :- 4th generation computer
(2) World wide web :- 5th generation computer
(3) C++ programming language :- 4th generation computer

Code :-
(A) 1-2-3
(B) 2 & 3
(C) 1 & 3
(D) 1 & 2

(A) 1-2-3

23. Which input device is used to evaluate objective type test?
(C) Mouse

(B) Optical mark recognition (OMR)

24. Which of the following holds the ROM, CPU, RAM and expansion cards?
(A) Bus
(B) Motherboard
(C) Hard disk
(D) Floppy disk

(B) Motherboard

25. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.
(2) ENIAC :- Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer

Code :- 
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None 

(C) Both

CAPTCHA :- Captcha is a method used to protect websites against spam. CAPTCHA test is made up of two simple parts: a randomly generated sequence of letters and/or numbers that appear as a distorted image, and a text box. CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.

ENIAC was the first programmable, electronic, general-purpose digital computer.

(Mock TEST #23)

1. Which Conference of Parties resulted in the Kyoto Protocol? पार्टियों के किस सम्मेलन के परिणामस्वरूप क्योटो प्रोटोकॉल हुआ?
(A) COP1
(B) COP2
(C) COP3
(D) COP4

(C) COP3
The Kyoto Protocol was adopted on 11 December 1997. It entered into force on 16 February 2005.
:- reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions

2. As a result of which conference of the parties the Paris Agreement was adopted? पार्टियों के किस सम्मेलन के परिणामस्वरूप पेरिस समझौते को अपनाया गया था?
(A) COP 18
(B) COP 20
(C) COP 21
(D) COP 24

(C) COP 21

3. Which of the following establishes the second commitment period of 2013-2020 of the Kyoto Protocol? इनमें से कौन क्योटो प्रोटोकॉल की 2013-2020 की दूसरी प्रतिबद्धता अवधि स्थापित करता है?
(A) Rio Summit
(B) Kigali Amendment
(D) Doha Amendment

(D) Doha Amendment
The Doha Amendment, which establishes the Kyoto Protocol’s 2013-2020 second commitment period.
:- held in Doha, Qatar, on 8 December 2012.
The Protocol's first commitment period started in 2008 and ended in 2012.

4. The Doha Amendment has set a target for participating countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by what percentage compared to 1990 levels? दोहा संशोधन में भाग लेने वाले देशों के लिए 1990 के स्तर की तुलना में ग्रीनहाउस गैस उत्सर्जन को कितना प्रतिशत कम करने का लक्ष्य निर्धारित किया गया है?
(A) 33%
(B) 15%
(C) 18%
(D) 22%

(C) 18%

5. How much GW was India's solar installed capacity as on 31st August 2021? 31 अगस्त 2021 तक भारत की सौर स्थापित क्षमता कितनी GW थी?
(A) 42.5 GW
(B) 43.8 GW
(C) 44.3 GW
(D) 48.6 GW

(C) 44.3 GW

6. Mark the Incorrect One.
(A) Chernobyl accident :- 1980
(B) Fukushima, Japan :- 2011
(C) GPU stands for Graphics processing unit.
(D) Shareware software is a software that are freely distributed to users on trial basis.

(A) Chernobyl accident :- 1980
Chernobyl disaster :- The Chernobyl disaster was caused by a nuclear accident that occurred on Saturday 26 April 1986, at the No. 4 reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, near the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR).

(B) Fukushima, Japan :- 2011
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster :- 11 March 2011

(C) GPU stands for Graphics processing unit.

(D) Shareware software is a software that are freely distributed to users on trial basis.

7. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) Sir Charles Wood had introduced the Universities act, 1904.
(2) Banaras Sanskrit College - 1791

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(B) Only 2
(2) Banaras Sanskrit College - 1791
Banaras Sanskrit College was established in 1791-92 by Jonathan Duncan, the East India Company Resident in Banaras.

(1) Sir Charles Wood had introduced the Universities act, 1904.
Lord Curzon had introduced the Universities act, 1904.

8. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) Vikramshila is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
(2) Radio Gyan Vani is the India’s first online radio station.

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(D) None
(1) Vikramshila is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Vikramshila is not a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

(2) Radio Gyan Vani is the India’s first online radio station.
Radio Umang is the India’s first online radio station.

(Mock TEST #24)

1. Mark the correct Code.
(1) Asia’s first solar-powered textile mill will be set up in Madhya Pradesh state.
(2) IMPRESS scheme is set to attract the best talent in social sciences for high quality research. उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले अनुसंधान के लिए सामाजिक विज्ञान में सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रतिभा को आकर्षित करने के लिए IMPRESS योजना निर्धारित की गई है।

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(A) Only 2
#2 is Correct :- (2) IMPRESS scheme is set to attract the best talent in social sciences for high quality research. उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले अनुसंधान के लिए सामाजिक विज्ञान में सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रतिभा को आकर्षित करने के लिए IMPRESS योजना निर्धारित की गई है। The launch of IMPRESS (IMpactful Policy REsearch in Social Science) by MHRD in October 2018.

#1 is Wrong :- (1) Asia’s first solar-powered textile mill will be set up in Madhya Pradesh state.
Asia’s first solar-powered Textile Mill in Asia will come up in the Parbhani district, Maharashtra. The Jai Bhawani women's cooperative textile mill will become the first Solar Power enabled textile mill in Asia.

2. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) In 1857, the first three official universities were started in Bombay, Calcutta and Allahabad.
(2) As per the 2011 Census, About 8.15% of Indians graduate.

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(B) Only 2
#2 is Correct :- (2) As per the 2011 Census, About 8.15% of Indians graduate.
As per the 2011 Census, about 8.15% (68 million) of Indians are graduates, with Union Territories of Chandigarh and Delhi topping the list with 24.65% and 22.56% of their population being graduates respectively.

Literacy rate in India as per Census 2011 :- 74% || (Literacy rate :- Male :- 82.1% & Female :- 65.5%) (Kerala tops the rankings) (Bihar is the lowest among states)

#1 is Wrong :- (1) In 1857, the first three official universities were started in Bombay, Calcutta and Allahabad.
In 1857, the first three official universities were started in Bombay (Mumbai), Calcutta (Kolkata) and Madras (Chennai).

3. Mark the incorrect pair.
(A) SWAYAM platform :- Facebook & AICTE
(B) ARPIT :- Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching
(C) NPTEL provides quality education to anyone interested in learning from IITs.
(D) Three Mile Island :- nuclear accident

(A) SWAYAM platform :- Facebook & AICTE
SWAYAM platform is indigenously developed by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) with the help of Microsoft.

(Correct Pairs)
(B) ARPIT :- Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching
ARPIT (Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching) is an initiative for online professional development of 15 lakh higher education faculty using the Massive open online courses (MOOCs) platform SWAYAM.

(C) NPTEL provides quality education to anyone interested in learning from IITs.
NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) is another key project of MHRD initiated by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs-Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Guwahati and Roorkee) along with the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2003 to provide quality education to anyone interested in learning from the IITs.

(D) Three Mile Island :- nuclear accident
It was the site of a nuclear accident. यह एक परमाणु दुर्घटना का स्थल था। || 28 March 1979, It is the most significant accident in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant history. 28 मार्च 1979, यह अमेरिकी वाणिज्यिक परमाणु ऊर्जा संयंत्र के इतिहास में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण दुर्घटना है।
Location :- Three Mile Island (United States)

4. Which of these documents did not develop since Rio Summit 1992? पृथ्वी शिखर सम्मेलन 1992 से इनमें से किन दस्तावेजों का विकास नहीं हुआ? 
(A) Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
(B) Agenda 21
(C) Forest Principles
(D) Global Agenda

(D) Global Agenda
The Rio Summit 1992 is also called the Earth Summit. This summit led to the development of the following documents :-
(1) Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
(2) Agenda 21
(3) Forest Principles

5. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) Tim Berners-Lee created the Gmail.
(2) In the Buddhist system, a child started his education at the age of eight, with a ceremony called Pabbajja. बौद्ध व्यवस्था में, एक बच्चे ने अपनी शिक्षा आठ साल की उम्र में पव्वज्जा नामक समारोह के साथ शुरू की।

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(B) Only 2
#2 is correct :- (2) In the Buddhist system, a child started his education at the age of eight, with a ceremony called Pabbajja.
In the Buddhist system, a child started his education at the age of eight, with a ceremony called Pabbajja or Prabrajya पव्वज्जा या प्रब्रज्या.
Pabbajja :- Pabbajja was an accepted ceremony of the Buddhist monasteries. Pabbajja means going out‘. According to this ceremony the student after being admitted to a monastery had to renounce all his worldly and family relationship. An individual belonging to any caste could be admitted to a monastery and after being admitted he did not belong to any caste. After admission he had to change his old clothes and all old ways and the manners of living. For the Pabbajja ceremony the minimum age was eight years. पबज्जा बौद्ध मठों का एक स्वीकृत समारोह था। पबज्जा का मतलब होता है बाहर जाना'। इस समारोह के अनुसार एक मठ में भर्ती होने के बाद छात्र को अपने सभी सांसारिक और पारिवारिक संबंधों को त्यागना पड़ा। किसी भी जाति से संबंधित व्यक्ति को मठ में प्रवेश दिया जा सकता था और भर्ती होने के बाद वह किसी भी जाति से संबंधित नहीं था। प्रवेश के बाद उन्हें अपने पुराने कपड़े और सभी पुराने तरीके और रहन-सहन के तौर-तरीकों को बदलना पड़ा। पबज्जा समारोह के लिए न्यूनतम आयु आठ वर्ष थी।

#1 is incorrect :- (1) Tim Berners-Lee created the Gmail.
Paul Buchheit created the Gmail. Gmail is a free email service developed by Google. Today, the service comes with 15 gigabytes of storage. 
English scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989.

6. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) The University of Valabhi was an important centre of Buddhist learning. वल्लभी विश्वविद्यालय बौद्ध शिक्षा का एक महत्वपूर्ण केंद्र था।
(2) e-Yantra (ई-यंत्र) initiative is designed for engineers.

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both
Both Statements are Correct :- 
(1) The University of Valabhi was an important centre of Buddhist learning. वल्लभी विश्वविद्यालय बौद्ध शिक्षा का एक महत्वपूर्ण केंद्र था। Xuanzang visited the university in the middle of the 7th century.

(2) e-Yantra (ई-यंत्र) initiative is designed for engineers.
For undergraduate students in science and engineering colleges, polytechnic. Sponsored by MHRD under the National Mission on Education through ICT program.

7. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) Under Section 13(B) of UGC Act, 1956, state private university is included.
(2) Under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956, deemed universities of India have been established.

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both
Both Statements are Correct :- 
(1) Under Section 13(B) of UGC Act, 1956, state private university is included.
(2) Under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956, deemed universities of India have been established.

8. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) Gautama divided the anumāna into five types. गौतम ने अनुमान को पाँच प्रकारों में विभाजित किया।
(2) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) covers the whole of the world network. मेट्रोपॉलिटन एरिया नेटवर्क (MAN) पूरे विश्व नेटवर्क को कवर करता है।

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(D) None
Both Statements are incorrect :-
(1) Gautama divided the anumāna into five types. गौतम ने अनुमान को पाँच प्रकारों में विभाजित किया।
Gautama divided the anumāna into three types.
(1) pūrvavat (पूर्ववत्)
(2) śeṣavat (शेषवत्)
(3) sāmānyatodṛṣṭa (सामान्यतोदृष्ट)

(2) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) covers the whole of the world network. मेट्रोपॉलिटन एरिया नेटवर्क (MAN) पूरे विश्व नेटवर्क को कवर करता है।
MAN or Metropolitan area Network covers a larger area than that of a LAN and smaller area as compared to WAN. WAN (Wide Area Network) covers the whole of the world network. WAN (वाइड एरिया नेटवर्क) पूरे विश्व नेटवर्क को कवर करता है।

(Mock TEST #25)

1. Mark the incorrect pair.
(A) SLIP :- Serial Line Internet Protocol
(B) TIFF :- Tagged Image File Format
(C) JPEG :- Joint Picture Experts Group
(D) Disk Formatting is a process of dividing the disk into tracks and sector.

(C) JPEG :- Joint Picture Experts Group
JPEG :- Joint Photographic Experts Group (image format)

(Correct Pairs)
(A) SLIP :- Serial Line Internet Protocol
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) is a simple protocol that works with TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) for communication over serial ports and routers.

(B) TIFF :- Tagged Image File Format (image format)

(D) Formatting/Disk Formatting is a process of dividing the disk into tracks and sector.

2. Mark the incorrect pair.
(A) DOS (Disk Operating System) is a multi-user operating system.
(B) EXIF :- Exchangeable Image File Format
(C) Ammonia emitted mainly by agricultural waste. अमोनिया मुख्य रूप से कृषि अपशिष्ट द्वारा उत्सर्जित होते हैं।
(D) Carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gas is described as the "the leading pollutant" & "the worst climate pollutant". कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड ग्रीनहाउस गैस को "प्रमुख प्रदूषक" और "सबसे खराब जलवायु प्रदूषक" के रूप में वर्णित किया गया है।

(A) DOS (Disk Operating System) is a multi-user operating system. DOS (डिस्क ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम) एक बहु-उपयोगकर्ता ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम है।
(single-user operating system)

(Correct Pairs)
(B) EXIF :- Exchangeable Image File Format

(C) Ammonia emitted mainly by agricultural waste. अमोनिया मुख्य रूप से कृषि अपशिष्ट द्वारा उत्सर्जित होते हैं।

(D) Carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gas is described as the "the leading pollutant" & "the worst climate pollutant". कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड ग्रीनहाउस गैस को "प्रमुख प्रदूषक" और "सबसे खराब जलवायु प्रदूषक" के रूप में वर्णित किया गया है।
CO2 are emitted annually by burning of fossil fuels. Coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of fossil fuels. CO2 जीवाश्म ईंधन के जलने से प्रतिवर्ष उत्सर्जित होती है। कोयला, तेल और प्राकृतिक गैस जीवाश्म ईंधन के उदाहरण हैं।

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is released through natural processes such as respiration and volcano eruptions and through human activities such as cement production, Farming, Transportation, Fertilizers, deforestation and burning fossil fuels.

3. Mark the incorrect pair.
(A) MIPS is Million Instructions Per Second.
(B) VIDWAN :- Expert Database & National Researcher's Network
(C) In Visual Devices, PDP stands for Portable Display Panel.
(D) VIRUS :- Vital Information Resources Under Siege

(C) In Visual Devices, PDP stands for Portable Display Panel.
PDP :- Plasma Display Panel

(Correct pairs)
(A) MIPS is Million Instructions Per Second.
Million Instructions Per Second || It is a method of measuring the raw speed of a computer's processor.

(B) VIDWAN :- Expert Database & National Researcher's Network
VIDWAN is the premier database of profiles of scientists / researchers and other faculty members working at leading academic institutions and other R&D organization involved in teaching and research in India.

(D) VIRUS :- Vital Information Resources Under Siege

4. Mark the incorrect pair.
(A) VGA :- Video Graphics Array
(B) MIME :- Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions
(C) BASIC :- Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Codes
(D) PSTN :- Public Switched Telephone Network

(B) MIME :- Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions
MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.

(Correct pairs)
(A) VGA :- Video Graphics Array

(C) BASIC :- Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Codes
BASIC is one of the simplest and earliest high-level programming language supports in all operating systems. BASIC (Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) is a family of general-purpose, high-level programming languages whose design philosophy emphasizes ease of use. The original version was designed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz and released at Dartmouth College in 1964.

(D) PSTN :- Public Switched Telephone Network

5. Which of the following domains is used for Private Institutions? निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा डोमेन निजी संस्थानों के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है?
(A) .mil
(B) .gov
(C) .net
(D) .org

(D) .org | Private Institutions/Organizations/Company
(Domain Name) :- It is the unique name that identifies an Internet site or web site. (जो किसी इंटरनेट साइट या वेबसाइट की पहचान करता है।) There are Six main Domain Name :-
(1) .com (Commercial Institutions or organization) (Profit Businesses)
(2) .edu (Educational institutions)
(3) .gov (Government sites)
(4) .mil (Military sites)
(5) .net (Gateways and administrative hosts)
(6) .org (Private Networks)

(Mock TEST #26) (Expected Current Affairs)

1. By 20 September 2021, How many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Advocates are there? 20 सितंबर 2021 तक, कितने सतत विकास लक्ष्य (SDG) अधिवक्ता हैं?
(A) 10
(B) 12
(C) 16
(D) 18

(C) 16

advocate :- a person who supports or speaks in favour of somebody or of a public plan or action.

2. Which of the following Indian has been appointed as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) advocate recently? इनमें से हाल ही में किस भारतीय को सतत विकास लक्ष्य (SDGs) अधिवक्ता नियुक्त किया गया है?
(A) Bhupender Yadav
(B) Prakash Javadekar
(C) Kailash Satyarthi
(D) Dia Mirza

(C) Kailash Satyarthi
:- United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has appointed four new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Advocates on September 17, 2021, ahead of the 76th UN General Assembly. 
:- The four newly appointed advocates are :- Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi, STEM activist Valentina Muñoz Rabanal, Microsoft President Brad Smith and K-pop superstars BLACKPINK (South Korean girl group).
:- With this, UN now has total 16 SDGs Advocates.
:- The 76th UN General Assembly will be taking place from September 21 to 30, 2021.

3. Which of the following is not included in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) advocate? इनमें से कौन सतत विकास लक्ष्य (SDGs) अधिवक्ता में शामिल नहीं है?
(A) Queen Mathilde of Belgium
(B) Princess Elisabeth
(C) Sheikha Moza bint Nasser
(D) Richard Curtis
(B) Princess Elisabeth

16 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) advocates are :-
(1) Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo (President of Ghana)
(2) Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway
(3) Her Majesty Queen Mathilde of the Belgians
(4) Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser of Qatar
(5) His Highness Muhammad Sanusi II (The Emir of Kano)
(6) Richard Curtis (British screenwriter)
(7) Hindou Ibrahim
(8) BLACKPINK (South Korean girl group)
(9) Graça Machel (Former First Lady of South Africa)
(10) Dia Mirza
(11) Kailash Satyarthi (Indian activist)
(12) Eddie Ndopu (Human rights activist)
(13) Brad Smith
(14) Valentina Muñoz Rabanal
(15) Jeffrey Sachs
(16) Forest Whitaker

4. India was ranked at which position on the Climate Change Performance Index 2021? जलवायु परिवर्तन प्रदर्शन सूचकांक 2021 में भारत को किस स्थान पर रखा गया था?
(A) 8th 
(B) 9th 
(C) 10th 
(D) 15th 

(C) 10th || India is ranked at the 10th position on the Climate Change Performance Index 2021. India slid down by one position, as it was ranked 9th in last year’s Index. 

5. In the Climate Change Performance Index 2021, which country has reached the best ranking with “high” in renewable energy and climate policy categories? जलवायु परिवर्तन प्रदर्शन सूचकांक 2021 में, कौन-सा देश नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा और जलवायु नीति श्रेणियों में "उच्च" के साथ सर्वश्रेष्ठ रैंकिंग पर पहुंच गया है?
(A) Finland
(B) Norway
(C) Sweden
(D) Germany

(C) Sweden
Again, no country performs well enough in all index categories to achieve an overall “very high” rating in the index. Therefore, the first three ranks in the overall ranking and the category specific rankings remain empty. In the overall ranking, the United Kingdom (5th) and Denmark (6th) follow Sweden.

The Climate Change Performance Index 2021 released by Germanwatch. Published annually since 2005. The CCPI assesses each country’s performance in four categories :- GHG Emissions (40% of the overall ranking), Renewable Energy (20%), Energy Use (20%) and Climate Policy (20%).

6. Which country was ranked at the bottom of the Climate Change Performance Index 2021? जलवायु परिवर्तन प्रदर्शन सूचकांक 2021 में किस देश को नीचे स्थान दिया गया था?
(A) US
(B) Russia
(C) Canada
(D) Australia

(A) US (United States)
The country is ranked last for the second consecutive year. While the US was ranked 61st, Saudi Arabia was ranked 60th, Iran 59th, Canada 58th, Australia 54th and Russia 52nd. 

7. Which state’s Chief Minister laid the foundation stone of 11.5 megawatt power plant to be run on municipal waste? किस राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री ने नगर निगम के कचरे पर चलने वाले 11.5 मेगावाट बिजली संयंत्र की आधारशिला रखी?
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Karnataka
(C) Telangana
(D) TamilNadu

(B) Karnataka || Karnataka Former Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa laid the foundation stone for a 11.5 megawatt power plant, which will be run on municipal waste. This is a first-of-its-kind plant in the state and it will be capable of converting 600 tonnes of municipal waste into 11.5 megawatt energy.

8. Which Union Territory has become the first one to become 100 percent organic? 100 प्रतिशत कार्बनिक बनने वाला पहला केंद्र शासित प्रदेश कौन-सा है?
(A) Andaman & Nicobar Islands
(B) Puducherry
(C) Chandigarh
(D) Lakshadweep 

(D) Lakshadweep || Lakshadweep after Sikkim has become the first Union Territory to become 100% organic as all the farming in the region is carried out without the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.

9. Which nation has pledged to make its public sector carbon neutral by 2025? किस देश ने 2025 तक अपने सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के कार्बन को तटस्थ बनाने का संकल्प लिया है?
(A) UK
(B) Italy
(C) New Zealand
(D) Germany

(C) New Zealand

10. Which state government has announced a Solar Power policy 2021 recently? हाल ही में किस राज्य सरकार ने सौर ऊर्जा नीति 2021 की घोषणा की है?
(A) Gujarat
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Telangana

(A) Gujarat || Gujarat Former Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on December 29, 2020, announced the Solar Power Policy, 2021 for the next five years. The policy aims at reducing the power costs of the industrial units by almost 50 percent. नीति का उद्देश्य औद्योगिक इकाइयों की बिजली लागत को लगभग 50 प्रतिशत तक कम करना है।

(Mock TEST #27) National Education Policy 2020 (Higher Education System) (Policies, Governance, and Administration)

1. Under the chairmanship of whom "Committee for Evolution of the New Education Policy" submitted its report in May 2016? मई 2016 में किसकी अध्यक्षता में "नई शिक्षा नीति के विकास के लिए समिति" ने अपनी रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत की?
(A) Late Shri T.S.R. Subramanian
(B) Dr. K. Kasturirangan
(C) Natarajan Chandrasekaran
(D) Venkat Chandrasekaran

(A) Late Shri T.S.R. Subramanian || The Committee for Evolution of the New Education Policy aka the TSR Subramanian Committee submitted its National Policy on Education 2016 draft to the Union HRD ministry on May 28, 2016. 
(10 Recommendations of Subramanian Committee on new education policy)
:- An Indian Education Service (IES) should be established.
:- The outlay on education should be raised to at least 6% of GDP without further loss of time.
:- Top 200 foreign universities should be allowed to open campuses in India.

2. The _______ will be created as an apex body for fostering a strong research culture and building research capacity across higher education. एक मजबूत अनुसंधान संस्कृति को बढ़ावा देने और उच्च शिक्षा के लिए अनुसंधान क्षमता के निर्माण के लिए _______ एक शीर्ष निकाय के रूप में बनाया जाएगा।
(D) Research Foundation of India (RFI)

(A) National Research Foundation (NRF)

3. Which autonomous body will be created to provide a platform for the free exchange of ideas on the use of technology to enhance learning, assessment, planning, administration? सीखने, मूल्यांकन, योजना, प्रशासन को बढ़ाने के लिए प्रौद्योगिकी के उपयोग पर विचारों के मुक्त आदान-प्रदान के लिए एक मंच प्रदान करने के लिए कौन-सा स्वायत्त निकाय बनाया जाएगा?

(D) National Educational Technology Forum (NETF)

4. _______ will be set up as a single umbrella body for the entire higher education, excluding medical and legal education. किस आयोग को चिकित्सा और कानूनी शिक्षा को छोड़कर पूरे उच्च शिक्षा के लिए एकल अम्ब्रेला निकाय के रूप में स्थापित किया जाएगा?

(C) Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) (भारत का उच्च शिक्षा आयोग) || Also, HECI will be having four independent verticals namely,
(1) National Higher Education Regulatory Council (NHERC) for regulation,
(2) General Education Council (GEC) for standard setting,
(3) Higher Education Grants Council (HEGC) for funding,
(4) National Accreditation Council (NAC) for accreditation.

Public and private higher education institutions will be governed by the same set of norms for regulation (Control & maintained by an authority), accreditation, funding and academic standards.

5. National Assessment Centre _______ has been created to assess the students. छात्रों का मूल्यांकन करने के लिए राष्ट्रीय मूल्यांकन केंद्र _______ बनाया गया है।

(B) PARAKH || PARAKH stands for Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development.

6. According to the New Education Policy 2020, how much of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be spent on education? नई शिक्षा नीति 2020 के अनुसार, शिक्षा पर GDP (सकल घरेलू उत्पाद) का कितना खर्च किया जाएगा?
(A) 6.5 percent
(B) 6 percent
(C) 4.4 percent
(D) 5 percent

(B) 6 percent || Currently, India spends around 4.6 % of its total GDP on education.

7. According to the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, What percentage will be increased in higher education to gross enrollment ratio by 2035? राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 के अनुसार,उच्च शिक्षा में सकल नामांकन अनुपात 2035 तक बढ़ाकर कितना प्रतिशत किया जाएगा?
(A) 25%
(B) 50%
(C) 65%
(D) 75%

(B) 50% || Also, 3.5 crore seats to be added in higher education. The current Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in higher education is 26.3%.

8. Who among the following was the Chairman of newly constituted drafting NEP 2020 in June 2017? निम्नलिखित में से कौन जून 2017 में नवगठित प्रारूपण NEP 2020 के अध्यक्ष थे?
(A) Dr. K. Kasturirangan
(B) Natarajan Chandrasekaran
(C) Narendra Modi
(D) Vanita Goel

(A) Dr. K. Kasturirangan || A "Committee for the Draft National Education Policy"  was constituted in June 2017 under the Chairmanship of eminent scientist Dr. K. Kasturirangan, which submitted the Draft National Education Policy, 2019 to the Hon’ble Human Resource Development Minister on 31 May, 2019.

9. Who is the last minister of MHRD and first minister of Ministry of Education?
(A) Kapil Sibal
(B) Prakash Javadekar
(C) Smriti Irani
(D) Ramesh Pokhriyal

(D) Ramesh Pokhriyal (Ministry of Education)
Current Education Minister :- Shri Dharmendra Pradhan

10. The NEP 2020 replace the :- 
(A) National Education Policy (NEP), 1986
(B) National Policy on Education, 1968
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the Above

(A) National Education Policy (NEP), 1986
National Education Policy 2020 will replace the 34 year old National Policy on Education (NPE),1986. The second National Policy on Education was introduced by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1986.
Based on the report and recommendations of the Kothari Commission (1964–1966), the government of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi announced the first National Policy on Education in 1968.

(Mock TEST #28) (Current Affairs)

1. Who has won the UN Global Climate Action Award 2020? संयुक्त राष्ट्र वैश्विक जलवायु कार्रवाई पुरस्कार 2020 किसने जीता है?
(A) Greenpeace 
(B) Greta Thunberg
(D) Global Himalayan Expedition
(E) Germanwatch

(D) Global Himalayan Expedition || The Global Himalayan Expedition (GHE) was awarded the prestigious UN Global Climate Action Award 2020 for its efforts to tackle climate change amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Which nation has targeted to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050? किस राष्ट्र ने 2050 तक शून्य कार्बन उत्सर्जन प्राप्त करने का लक्ष्य रखा है?
(A) United States
(B) India
(C) Japan
(D) Germany

(C) Japan || The new Prime Minister of Japan, Yoshihide Suga announced that the country will achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050. 

3. Which nation has been re-elected as the President of the International Solar Alliance? अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सौर गठबंधन के राष्ट्रपति के रूप में किस राष्ट्र को फिर से चुना गया है?
(A) Germany 
(B) India
(C) Russia 
(D) Japan

(B) India || India has been re-elected as the President of the International Solar Alliance (ISA). France was elected as the Co-President at the virtual meeting of ISA’s Third Assembly. Both nations have been elected for a period of two years.

4. The world’s largest solar tree has been installed in which state? विश्व का सबसे बड़ा सौर वृक्ष किस राज्य में स्थापित किया गया है?
(A) West Bengal
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Chandigarh
(D) Madhya Pradesh

(A) West Bengal

5. Which Indian renewable energy company has been ranked the world’s no. 1 in solar capacity? किस भारतीय अक्षय ऊर्जा कंपनी को सौर क्षमता में दुनिया का नंबर 1 स्थान दिया गया है?
(A) NTPC Limited
(B) Tata Power 
(C) JSW Energy 
(D) Adani Green

(D) Adani Green || Indian renewable energy company, Adani Green has been ranked as the world's number 1 solar energy company in terms of capacity. The company is currently the world's top solar developer with around 2.3 GW of operational projects.
Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा वह ऊर्जा है जो अक्षय संसाधनों से एकत्र की जाती है, जो स्वाभाविक रूप से एक मानव समयकाल, जैसे कि सूर्य के प्रकाश, हवा, बारिश, ज्वार, लहरें, और भूतापीय गर्मी पर प्रतिस्थापित होती हैं।

6. Which nation has become the first one in the Arab world to produce nuclear energy? कौन-सा राष्ट्र परमाणु ऊर्जा का उत्पादन करने वाला अरब दुनिया का पहला देश बन गया है?
(A) Saudi Arabia
(C) Kuwait
(D) Qatar

(B) United Arab Emirates (UAE) || The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has become the first gulf nation to produce nuclear energy.

7. According to the Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA), Which institute ranked first in the list of top innovative educational institutes in India? ARIIA के अनुसार, भारत में शीर्ष नवीन शैक्षणिक संस्थानों की सूची में कौन-सा संस्थान पहले स्थान पर है?
(A) IIT Delhi 
(B) IIT Madras
(C) IIT Bombay 
(D) IIT Kanpur

(B) IIT Madras || The Indian Institute of Technology, Madras has retained its top rank in the list of top innovative educational institutes in India for the second consecutive year. The institute was ranked number-one in the "Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)," released by Vice President Venkaiah Naidu in a virtual event on August 18, 2020. 

8. Who launched MANODARPAN initiative?
(A) Narendra Modi
(B) Ramesh Pokhriyal
(C) Piyush Goyal
(D) Prakash Javadekar

(B) Ramesh Pokhriyal || The Former Union HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank launched MANODARPAN initiative to provide psychosocial support to students for their mental health and well-being (मानसिक स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण) on July 21, 2020 in New Delhi. 

The term psychosocial refers to the psychological and social factors that influence mental health. Examples of psychosocial factors include social support, loneliness, marriage status, work environment, social status, and social integration. मनोसामाजिक कारकों के उदाहरणों में सामाजिक समर्थन, अकेलापन, विवाह की स्थिति, कार्य वातावरण, सामाजिक स्थिति और सामाजिक एकीकरण शामिल हैं।

9. Where has Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 750 MW Ultra Mega Solar Power Project? प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने कहाँ पर 750 मेगावाट के अल्ट्रा मेगा सौर ऊर्जा परियोजना का उद्घाटन किया है?
(A) Gujarat 
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Uttar Pradesh

(C) Madhya Pradesh
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will dedicate to the nation the 750 MW Solar Project set up at Rewa, Madhya Pradesh on July 10, 2020.

10. The world’s first yoga university outside India has been launched in which country? भारत के बाहर दुनिया का पहला योग विश्वविद्यालय किस देश में शुरू किया गया है?
(A) US
(B) Denmark
(C) UK
(D) Mauritius

(A) US || The world's first yoga university outside India has been launched in Los Angeles, United States as a part of the 6th International Yoga Day commemorations.

(Mock TEST #29) (Current Affairs)

1. The government will be setting up Winter Sports Institute in which hill station? सरकार किस हिल स्टेशन में विंटर स्पोर्ट्स इंस्टीट्यूट की स्थापना करेगी?
(A) Mussoorie, Uttarakhand
(B) Himachal Pradesh
(C) Gulmarg
(D) Nainital

(C) Gulmarg, Jammu and Kashmir || Former Youth Affairs & Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju informed that the central government is working to set up a Winter Sports Institute in Gulmarg, Kashmir. The centre has a specific roadmap to work towards promoting and training Kashmiri youth in all major sports domains.

2. Mark the Correct Code about World Water Day.
(1) World Water Day is held annually on 22 March.
(2) The theme of World Water Day 2021 is "Valuing Water".
(3) The theme for 2020 is Water and Climate Change.
(4) SDGs 6 :- Clean Water and Sanitation

Code :-
(A) Only 2 & 3
(B) None of these
(C) All of these
(D) Only 1 & 2
(E) Only 2 & 4

(C) All of these
World Water Day :- 
(1) World Water Day is held annually on 22 March.
(2) The theme of World Water Day 2021 is "Valuing Water".
(3) The theme for 2020 is Water and Climate Change.
(4) SDGs 6 :- Clean Water and Sanitation

World Water Day, held on 22 March every year since 1993, focuses on the importance of freshwater. The World Water Day celebrates water and raises awareness of the global water crisis, and a core focus of the observance is to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 :- water and sanitation for all by 2030.

3. Mark the Correct Code about World Wildlife Day.
(1) World Wildlife Day :- 3rd March
(2) The theme for World Wildlife Day 2021 is "Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet".
(3) The theme of World Wildlife Day 2020, “Sustaining all life on Earth” (पृथ्वी पर सभी जीवन को बनाए रखना).

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2 & 3
(C) All of These
(D) 2 & 3

(C) All of These
World Wildlife Day :- 
(1) World Wildlife Day :- 3rd March
(2) The theme for World Wildlife Day 2021 is "Forests and Livelihoods : Sustaining People and Planet". "वन और आजीविका : सतत लोग और ग्रह"
(3) The theme of World Wildlife Day 2020, “Sustaining all life on Earth” (पृथ्वी पर सभी जीवन को बनाए रखना).
Purpose :- To celebrate and raise awareness of the world's wild fauna and flora. विश्व के वन्य जीवों (पशुवर्ग) और वनस्पतियों (पेड़ पौधे) के बारे में जागरूकता फैलाना।

4. Mark the Correct Code about World Ozone Day.
(1) 16 September is World Ozone Day.
(2) The theme for 2020 is Ozone for life : 35 years of ozone layer protection.
(3) Theme 2021 :- Montreal Protocol — Keeping us, our food, and vaccines cool

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2 & 3
(C) All of These
(D) 2 & 3

(C) All of These
World Ozone Day :- 
(1) 16 September is World Ozone Day.
(2) The theme for 2020 is Ozone for life : 35 years of ozone layer protection.
(3) Theme 2021 :- Montreal Protocol — Keeping us, our food, and vaccines cool

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer (ओजोन परत के संरक्षण के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस) World Ozone Day (विश्व ओजोन दिवस) || 16 September is World Ozone Day. The theme for 2020 is Ozone for life : 35 years of ozone layer protection. It marks 35 years of the Vienna Convention. In 2020 World Ozone Day, we celebrate 35 years of the Vienna Convention for the protection of the ozone layer. In 1985, the world’s governments adopted the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer.
September 16 was designated by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.

Theme 2021 :- Montreal Protocol — Keeping us, our food, and vaccines cool
Montreal Protocol :- Montreal Protocol is an international agreement made in 1987. 
:- designed to protect the ozone layer
Signed :- 16 September 1987
Effective :- 1 January 1989

5. Which two countries are involved in the implementation of the Kohala Hydroelectric Power project? कोहाला पनबिजली परियोजना के कार्यान्वयन में कौन से दो देश शामिल हैं?
(A) India and Nepal
(B) India and Sri Lanka
(C) Pakistan and China
(D) India and Bangladesh

(C) Pakistan and China || An agreement was signed between China and Pakistan to implement the Kohala Hydroelectric Power project in the region of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. The project is being implemented under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor.

(Mock TEST #30) (Higher Education System)

1. The 42nd Amendment to the Constitution in 1976 moved education from the _______. 1976 में संविधान के 42 वें संशोधन ने शिक्षा को _______ में स्थानांतरित कर दिया।
(A) State to the Union List (राज्य से संघ सूची)
(B) Concurrent to the State List (समवर्ती सूची से राज्य सूची)
(C) State to the Concurrent List (राज्य से समवर्ती सूची)
(D) Concurrent to the Union List (समवर्ती सूची से संघ सूची)

(C) State to the Concurrent List (राज्य से समवर्ती सूची) || The 42nd Amendment to the Constitution in 1976 moved education from the State to the Concurrent List. It includes the power to be considered by both the union and state government. इसमें केंद्र और राज्य सरकार दोनों द्वारा विचार की जाने वाली शक्ति शामिल है।

2. The three-language formula is a language learning policy first formulated in ______. त्रिभाषा सूत्र _______ में पहली बार तैयार की गई भाषा सीखने की नीति है। 
(A) 1968
(B) 1986
(C) 1992
(D) 1994

(A) 1968 || The three-language formula prescribed by the first education policy in 1968. The three-language formula is a language learning policy first formulated in 1968 by the Ministry of Education of the Government of India in consultation with the states.

3. The 86th Amendment in 2002 made education an enforceable right under Article _______. 2002 में 86 वें संशोधन ने शिक्षा को किस अनुच्छेद के तहत एक लागू करने योग्य अधिकार बना दिया?
(A) Article 51A
(B) Article 39 (f)
(C) Article 45 
(D) Article 21-A

(D) Article 21-A

4. Mark the Correct Code about New Education Policy Committees.
(1) Bhure Lal Committee
(2) Bhagwan Sahai Committee
(3) K Kasturirangan Committee
(4) TSR Subramanian Committee 

Code :-
(A) 2 & 4
(B) 1 & 4
(C) 2 & 3
(D) 3 & 4

(D) 3 & 4
(3) K Kasturirangan Committee :- A "Committee for the Draft National Education Policy"  was constituted in June 2017 under the Chairmanship of eminent scientist Dr. K. Kasturirangan, which submitted the Draft National Education Policy, 2019 to the Hon’ble Human Resource Development Minister on 31 May, 2019.

(4) TSR Subramanian Committee :- The Committee for Evolution of the New Education Policy aka the TSR Subramanian Committee submitted its National Policy on Education 2016 draft to the Union HRD ministry on May 28, 2016. 

5. According to the NEP 2020, The vocational education will start from _______. राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 के अनुसार, व्यावसायिक शिक्षा _______ से शुरू होगी।
(A) 5th Class
(B) 6th Class
(C) 10th Class
(D) 12th Class

(B) 6th Class || Vocational education is sometimes referred to as career and technical education. 

6. Mark the Correct Code about New Education Policy 2020.
(1) Setting up of Gender Inclusion Fund for Female and Transgender students.
(2) Setting up of Special Education Zones (SEZs) for large population from Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups (SEDGs).

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both (1) & (2)
(D) None of these

(C) Both (1) & (2) || The Socially Disadvantaged Groups include the Scheduled Castes (SCs), the Scheduled Tribes (STs), the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and the Minorities.

7. NEP 2020 conceptualized a concept for ancient India and its contributions to modern India and its successes and challenges. What is the name of this concept? NEP 2020 ने प्राचीन भारत और आधुनिक भारत और इसकी सफलताओं और चुनौतियों के लिए एक विचार की अवधारणा की। इस अवधारणा का नाम क्या है?
(A) “Knowledge of Ancient India”
(B) “Knowledge of Modern India”
(C) “Knowledge of Medieval India”
(D) “Knowledge of India”

(D) “Knowledge of India”

8. Which year all higher education institutions (HEIs) will become multidisciplinary institutions as per NEP 2020 recommendation? किस वर्ष सभी उच्च शिक्षा संस्थान (HEI) NEP 2020 की सिफारिश के अनुसार बहु-विषयक संस्थान बन जाएंगे?
(A) By 2025
(B) By 2030
(C) By 2035
(D) By 2040

(D) By 2040

9. What is the percentage of the Gross Enrolment Ratio in higher education by 2018 as per as NEP 2020? NEP 2020 के अनुसार 2018 तक उच्च शिक्षा में सकल नामांकन अनुपात का प्रतिशत कितना है?
(A) 24.3%
(B) 25.3%
(C) 26.3%
(D) 27.3% 

(C) 26.3% || Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education in India is 27.1 per cent for 2019-20, which is an improvement from previous year’s 26.3 per cent, the All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2019-20 report has revealed. The Gross Enrolment Ratio or the percentage of students belonging to the eligible age group enrolled in higher education is 27.1% in 2019-20, which has seen a rise from 26.3% in 2018-19 and 24.3% in 2014-2015.

Gross enrolment ratio in higher education is calculated for the 18-23 age group. It is the ratio of enrolment in higher education to the population in the eligible age group.

10. How many Indian workforce in the age group of 19–24 received formal vocational education in the 12th Five-Year Plan (2012–2017)? 12वीं पंचवर्षीय योजना (2012-2017) में 19-24 आयु वर्ग में कितने भारतीय कर्मचारियों ने औपचारिक व्यावसायिक शिक्षा प्राप्त की?
(A) less than 1%
(B) less than 3%
(C) less than 4%
(D) less than 5%

(D) less than 5%
As documented in the 12th Five-Year Plan (2012–2017) only a very small percentage of the Indian workforce in the age group of 19–24 (less than 5%) received formal vocational education, whereas in USA the number is 52%, in Germany 75%, and South Korea it is as high as 96%.

(Mock TEST #31) (ICT)

1. Which generation computers witnessed the development of handheld devices like mouse? किस पीढ़ी के कंप्यूटरों ने माउस जैसे हाथ में पकड़ने वाले उपकरणों का विकास देखा?
(A) Fourth-Generation
(B) Third-Generation
(C) Second-Generation
(D) First-Generation

(A) Fourth-Generation

2. Command line interpreter is also known as _______.
(B) shell
(C) I/O
(D) kernel

(B) shell

3. _______ controls, manages and supervises each task and overall activities of computer. _________ कंप्यूटर के प्रत्येक कार्य और समग्र गतिविधियों को नियंत्रित, प्रबंधित और पर्यवेक्षण करता है।
(A) Microsoft Office
(B) Hard Disk Drive
(C) Operating system
(D) Motherboard

(C) Operating system

4. Which allows travelling of signals between components inside and outside of computer? इनमें से कौन कंप्यूटर के अंदर और बाहर घटकों के बीच सिग्नल की यात्रा की अनुमति देता है?
(A) Motherboard
(B) Hard Disk Drive
(C) Data Bus
(D) Monitor

(C) Data Bus

5. What was the period of third-generation computers? तीसरी पीढ़ी के कंप्यूटरों की अवधि क्या थी?
(A) 1964 -1951
(B) 1964 -1991
(C) 1964 -1981
(D) 1965 -1971

(D) 1965 -1971

6. Which of the following is also known as CUI? निम्नलिखित में से किसे सीयूआई के नाम से भी जाना जाता है?
(A) Common Line Interface
(B) Graphical User Interface
(C) Graphic User interface
(D) Command Line Interface

(D) Command Line Interface
Short for character user interface or command-line user interface, CUI is a way for users to interact with computer programs.

7. Data bus is known as a set of tracks or wires on the _______. 
(C) Mother Board

(C) Mother Board

8. Which generation computers moved from cryptic binary ML to assembly language?
(A) Second-Generation
(B) Third-Generation
(C) First-Generation
(D) Four-Generation

(A) Second-Generation

9. Which of the following generation of computers used the concept of stored programme?
(A) Fourth generation
(B) Third generation
(C) First generation
(D) Second generation

(C) First generation

10. Which generation of computers allowed the device to run multiple and different applications at a single time? किस पीढ़ी के कंप्यूटर ने डिवाइस को एक ही समय में कई और अलग-अलग एप्लिकेशन चलाने की अनुमति दी?
(A) Four-Generation
(B) First-Generation
(C) Second-Generation
(D) Third-Generation

(D) Third-Generation

11. Static RAM is _______ and _______ than DRAM. DRAM की तुलना में स्टेटिक RAM _______ और _______ है।
(A) fast, cheap
(B) fast, expensive
(C) slower, expensive
(D) slower, cheap

(B) fast, expensive

12. _______ was marketed as the world's first GPU (graphics processing unit).
(A) GeForce 255
(B) GeForce 256
(C) GeForce 253
(D) GeForce 252

(B) GeForce 256

13. A SRAM module consumes _______ as compared to a DRAM module. कोई SRAM Module, किसी DRAM Module के मुकाबले _______ की खपत करता है।
(A) Double power
(B) Equal power
(C) More power
(D) Less power

(D) Less power

14. Mark the correct code.
(1) MIME stands for Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions.
(2) IMAP stands for Internet Mail Access Protocol.

Code :-
(A) Only 2
(B) Only 1
(C) Both
(D) None

(D) None

(1) MIME stands for Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions.
MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.

(2) IMAP stands for Internet Mail Access Protocol.
IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol.

15. Hollerith cards are also known as _______.
(A) SD card
(B) Punch card
(C) MiniSD
(D) XD-Picture card

(B) Punch card

(Mock TEST #32)

1. _______ is a primary human health risk of exposure to Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs). पॉलीसाइक्लिक एरोमैटिक हाइड्रोकार्बन (पीएएच) के संपर्क में आने का _______ एक प्राथमिक मानव स्वास्थ्य जोखिम है।
(A) Asthma
(B) Common Cold
(C) Cancer
(D) Coronavirus (COVID-19)

(C) Cancer
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) :- a chemical compound containing only carbon and hydrogen & a pollutant. 
Sources :- Asphalt (bitumen), Natural fires (प्राकृतिक आग), Volcanic eruptions may emit PAHs.
PAHs have been linked to skin, lung, bladder, liver, and stomach cancers.

2. The phenomenon of marble cancer is due to ________. मार्बल कैंसर की घटना ________ के कारण होती है।
(A) soot particles (कालिख के कण)
(B) CFCs 
(C) fog
(D) acid rain

(D) acid rain
We know that marble is made up of calcium carbonate. And when acid present in rain reacts with calcium carbonate, this results in the corrosion. And this is known as Marble cancer.
Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide are the gases that are responsible for marble cancer.
The acids in the acid rain react with calcium carbonate of marble and degrade it. The phenomenon is called Marble cancer. 
:- Yellowing of Taj Mahal is one of the examples of marble cancer.
:- It is also known as Stone cancer.

Q. How acid rain is formed?
Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain.

3. _______ are rules to follow while communicating over the internet. _______ इंटरनेट पर संचार करते समय पालन करने वाले नियम हैं।
(A) URLs
(B) Topologies
(C) Search engines
(D) Netiquettes

(D) Netiquettes

4. Which of these railway station gets 100% of its electricity from solar power? इनमें से किस रेलवे स्टेशन को 100% बिजली सौर ऊर्जा से मिलती है?
(A) Kanpur Central Station
(B) Chennai Central Railway Station
(C) Howrah Junction Railway Station
(D) Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Mumbai

(B) Chennai Central Railway Station
Dr MG Ramachandran Central (DRM) or Chennai Central railway station will get 100 per cent of energy through Solar Energy. The Chennai Central railway station comes under the South Central Railway (SCR) zone and which is going to become the world’s largest green railway network. The station will now become the first Indian Railways station, which will get 100 per cent day energy through solar panels.

:- The solar power capacity of the station is 1.5 MW and Solar panels are installed on the shelters of the station.
:- South Central Railways has adopted the concept of "energy neutral" railway stations and become the first Indian Railway zones to do so.
:- India has targeted to become “net-zero carbon emission” before the year 2030.

M. G. Ramachandran :- Maruthur Gopala Ramachandran, popularly known as M. G. R., was an Indian politician, actor and filmmaker who served as the chief minister of Tamil Nadu between 1977 and 1987. M.G.R. was the founder of AIADMK (All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam) and mentor of J. Jayalalithaa. 

5. What is the percentage of CO2 emissions by the global shipping industry? वैश्विक शिपिंग उद्योग द्वारा कार्बन डाई ऑक्साइड उत्सर्जन का प्रतिशत कितना है?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

(B) 2
International shipping accounts for about 2.2% of all global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the U.N.

6. Mark the Correct sequence about most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere in chronological order. कालानुक्रमिक क्रम में पृथ्वी के वायुमंडल में सबसे प्रचुर मात्रा में ग्रीनहाउस गैसों के बारे में सही क्रम को चिह्नित करें।
(A) Water vapor > CO2 > Methane > Nitrous oxide
(B) Water vapor > Methane > CO2 > Ozone
(C) Carbon dioxide > Water vapor > Methane > Ozone
(D) Carbon dioxide > Water vapor > Methane > Nitrous oxide

(A) Water vapor > CO2 > Methane > Nitrous oxide
The most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere :- 
:- Water vapor
:- Carbon dioxide 
:- Methane 
:- Nitrous oxide
:- Ozone 
:- Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs and HCFCs)
:- Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
:- Perfluorocarbons

7. Match the following with correct code.
(A) methyl bromide (1) Greenhouse gas
(B) sulfur dioxide (2) reduces oxygen carrying capacity of blood. रक्त की ऑक्सीजन ले जाने की क्षमता को कम करता है।
(C) Carbon monoxide (3) acid rain
(D) Carbon dioxide (4) damage ozone layer

Code :-
(A) A - 4, B - 3, C - 2, D - 1
(B) A - 4, B - 1, C - 2, D - 3
(C) A - 4, B - 2, C - 3, D - 1
(D) A - 4, B - 2, C - 1, D - 3

(A) A - 4, B - 3, C - 2, D - 1

(A) methyl bromide :- (4) damage ozone layer
Ozone depleting substances :- Ozone depleting substances are chemicals that destroy the earth’s protective ozone layer. They include :- 
:- chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
:- halons
:- carbon tetrachloride 
:- methyl chloroform 
:- hydrobromofluorocarbons 
:- hydrochlorofluorocarbons 
:- methyl bromide 
:- bromochloromethane

The use of these chemicals is controlled by the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (the Montreal Protocol). There are other ozone depleting substances, but their ozone depleting effects are very small, so they are not controlled by the Montreal Protocol.

(B) sulfur dioxide :- (3) acid rain
Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air.

(C) Carbon monoxide :- (2) reduces oxygen carrying capacity of blood. रक्त की ऑक्सीजन ले जाने की क्षमता को कम करता है।
Carbon monoxide (CO) prevents the blood system from effectively carrying oxygen around the body, specifically to vital organs such as the heart and brain. CO can cause dizziness, confusion, unconsciousness and death. CO चक्कर आना, भ्रम, बेहोशी और मौत का कारण बन सकता है।

(D) Carbon dioxide :- (1) Greenhouse gas
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities. In 2019, CO2 accounted for about 80 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from human activities.

(Mock TEST #33) (8 MCQs on Montreal Protocol)

1. On 15 October 2016, with the leadership of the United States, 197 countries adopted which amendment to phase out Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) under the Montreal Protocol? 15 अक्टूबर 2016 को, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के नेतृत्व में, 197 देशों ने मॉन्ट्रियल प्रोटोकॉल के तहत हाइड्रोफ्लोरोकार्बन (HFCs) को चरणबद्ध करने के लिए कौन-सा संशोधन अपनाया? 
(A) The London Amendment
(B) The Beijing Amendment
(C) The Kigali Amendment
(D) The Copenhagen Amendment

(C) The Kigali Amendment || The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol is an international agreement to gradually reduce the consumption and production of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The amendment was agreed upon at the twenty-eighth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (28th MOP) held on October 15, 2016, in Kigali (Capital of Rwanda). 
The Kigali Amendment :- The goal is to achieve over 80% reduction in HFC consumption by 2047. 

As of September 27, 2021, 125 states and the European Union have ratified the Kigali Amendment. The US has not ratified the amendment yet, but in April 2021 it pledged to do so.

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, has given its approval for ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer for phase down of Hydroflurocarbons (HFCs) by India.

The Montreal Protocol is an international treaty designed to protect the Ozone layer (ओजोन परत). which bans the production of CFCs, halons and other ozone-depleting chemicals (अन्य ओजोन-क्षयकारी रसायनों). The stratospheric ozone layer protects life on earth from harmful UV radiation.
:- the first step in international efforts to protect stratospheric ozone.

Signed :- 16 September 1987
Effective :- 1 January 1989

2. On 16th September 2009, _______ and _______ became the first treaties in the history of the United Nations to achieve universal ratification. 16 सितंबर 2009 को, इनमें से कौन संयुक्त राष्ट्र के इतिहास में सार्वभौमिक अनुसमर्थन प्राप्त करने वाली पहली संधियाँ बन गईं?
(A) Vienna Convention
(B) Kyoto Protocol
(C) Rio Summit
(D) Montreal Protocol

Code :-
(A) D & B
(B) Only A
(C) Only D
(D) A & D

(D) A & D
Universal Ratification (सार्वभौमिक अनुसमर्थन) :- It means ratification by all the members of an organization. इसका अर्थ है किसी संगठन के सभी सदस्यों द्वारा अनुसमर्थन।
Ratification :- the action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty, contract, or agreement, making it officially valid.

Adopted in 1985, The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer is the precursor to the Montreal Protocol.

3. Mark the Correct Code about Montreal Protocol.
(1) Theme for 2021 - Montreal Protocol – keeping us, our food and vaccines cool.
(2) 24th September celebrated as World Ozone Day.

Code :-
(A) Only A
(B) Only B
(C) Both
(D) None

(A) Only A
Correct Statement :- (1) Theme for 2021 - Montreal Protocol – keeping us, our food and vaccines cool.

Incorrect Statement :- (2) 24th September celebrated as World Ozone Day.
:- 16 September is International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. It celebrates the anniversary of the day the Montreal Protocol.

:- On December 19, 1994, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed September 16 the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, commemorating the date, in 1987, on which the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was signed.

:- The purpose of the Montreal Protocol is to protect the Ozone layer by reducing the production of substances that are supposed to be responsible for Ozone layer depletion.

4. Good ozone is found in the _______. अच्छा ओजोन _______ में पाया जाता है।
(A) stratosphere
(B) ionosphere
(C) troposphere
(D) mesosphere

(A) stratosphere
Stratospheric ozone is “good” because it protects living things from ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Ground-level ozone, is “bad” because Breathing ground-level ozone can trigger a variety of health problems including chest pain, coughing, throat irritation (गले में जलन), and congestion. It can worsen bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma. Ozone also can reduce lung function. ओजोन फेफड़ों के कार्य को भी कम कर सकता है।

Bronchitis is when the tubes that carry air to your lungs, called the bronchial tubes, get inflamed and swollen.
Emphysema is a lung condition that causes shortness of breath. वातस्फीति एक फेफड़े की स्थिति है जो सांस की तकलीफ का कारण बनती है।

5. Mark the Correct Code about Montreal Protocol.
(1) Melanoma is not the consequence of ozone layer depletion. मेलेनोमा ओजोन परत की कमी का परिणाम नहीं है।
(2) In 1994, India became a signatory to the Montreal Protocol. 1994 में भारत मॉन्ट्रियल प्रोटोकॉल का हस्ताक्षरकर्ता देश बन गया।

Code :-
(A) Only A
(B) Only B
(C) Both
(D) None

(D) None
Incorrect Statement :- (1) Melanoma is not the consequence of ozone layer depletion. मेलेनोमा ओजोन परत की कमी का परिणाम नहीं है।
:- Skin cancer (melanoma) is the consequence of ozone layer depletion. त्वचा कैंसर (मेलेनोमा) ओजोन परत की कमी का परिणाम है।

Incorrect Statement :- (2) In 1994, India became a signatory to the Montreal Protocol. 1994 में भारत मॉन्ट्रियल प्रोटोकॉल का हस्ताक्षरकर्ता देश बन गया।
:-  On 19 June 1992, India became a signatory to the Montreal Protocol. 19 जून 1992 को भारत मॉन्ट्रियल प्रोटोकॉल का हस्ताक्षरकर्ता देश बन गया। 
:- India is entitled to assistance from the Multilateral Fund. भारत बहुपक्षीय कोष से सहायता का हकदार है।

6. The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer is a multilateral environmental agreement signed in _______. ओजोन परत के संरक्षण के लिए वियना कन्वेंशन _______ में हस्ताक्षरित एक बहुपक्षीय पर्यावरण समझौता है। 
(A) 1972
(B) 1980
(C) 1985
(D) 2001

(C) 1985
Signed :- 22 March 1985
Effective :- 22 September 1988

7. Under the Kigali Amendment countries promised to reduce the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) by more than _______ over the next 30 years. किगली संशोधन देशों के तहत अगले 30 वर्षों में हाइड्रोफ्लोरोकार्बन (एचएफसी) के उपयोग को कितने प्रतिशत से अधिक कम करने का वादा किया गया है?
(A) 30%
(B) 50%
(C) 60%
(D) 80%

(D) 80% || On January 1, 2019 the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol came into force.

8. The Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol was set up in _______ to help developing countries. मॉन्ट्रियल प्रोटोकॉल के कार्यान्वयन के लिए बहुपक्षीय कोष की स्थापना विकासशील देशों की सहायता के लिए _______ में की गई थी।
(A) 1989
(B) 1991
(C) 1993
(D) 1994

(B) 1991
This is under Article 10 mentioned.
:- It provides financial and technical assistance to developing member countries whose yearly per capita consumption and production of ODSs is less than 0.3 kg.
The activities of the Fund are implemented by four bodies :- निधि की गतिविधियों को चार निकायों द्वारा कार्यान्वित किया जाता है: -
:- UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) 
:- UN Development Programme (UNDP)
:- UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
:- World Bank (विश्व बैंक)

(Mock TEST #34) (20+ Current Affairs September 2021)

1. The digital platform "e-Source", is being developed by which institution to tackle the problem of e-waste? ई-कचरे की समस्या से निपटने के लिए किस संस्थान द्वारा डिजिटल प्लेटफॉर्म "ई-सोर्स" विकसित किया जा रहा है?
(A) IIT Madras
(B) IIT Delhi
(C) IIT Kanpur
(D) IIT Hyderabad

(A) IIT Madras
The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras is working on developing an innovative digital model to address the problem of e-waste (electronic wastes). The digital platform, named as "e-Source", will act as an exchange platform, to serve as an online marketplace for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

2. Three institutions from India features in top 400 list of Times World University Rankings 2022. Which university has topped the list?
(A) Harvard University
(B) California Institute of Technology
(C) Stanford University
(D) University of Oxford

(D) University of Oxford
Three Indian educational institutes have found place in the top 400 list of Times World University Rankings 2022, released on September 02, 2021. These are :- IISc Bangalore, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Ropar and IIT Indore. Top University- University of Oxford in United Kingdom has topped the list for the sixth consecutive year.

3. Mark the Correct Code about International Literacy Day.
(1) International Literacy Day :- 8th September
(2) 2021 theme :- literacy for a human-centred recovery : Narrowing the digital divide

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) None
(D) Both

(D) Both
The theme of 55th International Literacy Day is “’Literacy for a human-centred recovery: Narrowing the digital divide’.

4. India’s tallest air purification tower has been installed in which state/UT of the country?
(A) Delhi
(B) Kerala
(C) Gujarat
(D) Chandigarh

(D) Chandigarh
India’s tallest air purification tower has been inaugurated in the Union Territory of Chandigarh on September 08, 2021.

5. Name the portal launched by the Ministry of Environment to regulate air pollution in 132 Non-Attainment cities across the country. देश भर के 132 गैर-प्राप्ति शहरों में वायु प्रदूषण को नियंत्रित करने के लिए पर्यावरण मंत्रालय द्वारा शुरू किए गए पोर्टल का नाम बताइए।

On September 07, 2021, the Union Minister of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, Bhupender Yadav launched a portal named PRANA, for regulation of air pollution in 132 Non-Attainment cities across the country. PRANA stands for Portal for Regulation of Air-pollution in Non-Attainment cities. The PRANA portal can be accessed at

Areas of the country where air pollution levels persistently exceed the national ambient air quality standards may be designated "nonattainment". देश के ऐसे क्षेत्र जहां वायु प्रदूषण का स्तर लगातार राष्ट्रीय परिवेशी वायु गुणवत्ता मानकों से अधिक है, उन्हें "नॉनअटैनमेंट" नामित किया जा सकता है।

6. Which institution has topped the overall category ranking of the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) India Rankings 2021?
(A) IIT Madras
(B) IISc Bengaluru
(C) AIIMS Delhi
(D) IIT Ropar

(A) IIT Madras

7. The NIRF India Rankings 2021 is which edition of the annual ranking of institutions and universities in India, launched by Ministry of Education?
(A) 3rd
(B) 4th
(C) 6th
(D) 7th

(C) 6th
The Union Minister of Education, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan released the NIRF India Rankings 2021, on September 09, 2021 through video conferencing. The NIRF India Rankings 2021 is the sixth edition of the annual list.

8. The Research Institution category is the newly introduced category in NIRF India Rankings 2021. Which Indian institution has topped in this category? अनुसंधान संस्थान श्रेणी एनआईआरएफ इंडिया रैंकिंग 2021 में नई शुरू की गई श्रेणी है। इस श्रेणी में किस भारतीय संस्थान ने शीर्ष स्थान हासिल किया है?
(A) IIT Madras
(B) IIsc Bengaluru
(C) IIM Ahmedabad
(D) IIT Kanpur

(B) IIsc Bengaluru

9. The world’s largest plant designed to capture carbon dioxide directly out of the air has been inaugurated in which country? कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड को सीधे हवा से बाहर निकालने के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए दुनिया के सबसे बड़े संयंत्र का उद्घाटन किस देश में किया गया है?
(A) Finland
(B) Iceland
(C) London
(D) Germany

(B) Iceland
The world’s largest plant designed to capture carbon dioxide out of the air began its operations in Iceland on September 08, 2021.The plant is named Orca, which means "Energy" in Icelandic word. It will suck out up to 4,000 tons of CO2 per year. यह प्रति वर्ष 4,000 टन CO2 तक सोख लेगा।

10. India has jointly launched a "Centre of Excellence on Offshore Wind" with which country? भारत ने किस देश के साथ संयुक्त रूप से "अपतटीय पवन उत्कृष्टता केंद्र" लॉन्च किया है?
(A) Germany
(B) Denmark
(C) China
(D) Australia

(B) Denmark
The Union Minister for Power and New and Renewable Energy, Shri R.K Singh and his Danish counterpart, Mr. Dan Jørgensen, Denmark Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities, jointly launched "Centre of Excellence on Offshore Wind", as part of the Green Strategic Partnership.

11. India has launched the “Climate Action and Finance Mobilization Dialogue (CAFMD)” with which country?
(A) Australia
(B) Germany
(C) United States
(D) Japan

(C) United States
India and the United States of America (USA) have launched the “Climate Action and Finance Mobilization Dialogue (CAFMD)”. It will strengthen India-US bilateral cooperation on climate and environment. यह जलवायु और पर्यावरण पर भारत-अमेरिका द्विपक्षीय सहयोग को मजबूत करेगा।

12. Which of these states has achieved the top position in the installation of off-grid solar pumps under PM-KUSUM? इनमें से किस राज्य ने पीएम-कुसुम के तहत ऑफ-ग्रिड सौर पंपों की स्थापना में शीर्ष स्थान हासिल किया है?
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Haryana
(C) Punjab
(D) Kerala

(B) Haryana
Haryana has topped among all other states of the country in terms of installation of off-grid solar pumps under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthan Mahaabhiyaan (PM-KUSUM), as per the data by the Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.

13. The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi has laid the foundation stone of the Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University in which city?
(A) Aligarh
(B) Gorakhpur & Lucknow
(C) Chandigarh
(D) Delhi

(A) Aligarh
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University at Aligarh, in Uttar Pradesh, on September 14, 2021.

14. The Campaign titled Shoonya has been launched by which organisation to promote zero-pollution delivery vehicles? शून्य-प्रदूषण वितरण वाहनों को बढ़ावा देने के लिए शून्य नामक अभियान किस संगठन द्वारा शुरू किया गया है?
(A) NITI Aayog
(B) World Bank
(C) IIT Ropar
(D) IIT Madras

(A) NITI Aayog
Government think tank NITI Aayog in collaboration with US-based Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) and RMI India, has launched a campaign named Shoonya on September 15, 2021, to promote zero-pollution delivery vehicles by working with consumers and industry.

15. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) In India, the National Forest Martyrs Day (राष्ट्रीय वन शहीद दिवस) is marked and observed every year on 11 September.
(2) The International Day for the preservation for Ozone layer (World Ozone Day) is observed annually on September 16.

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) None
(D) Both

(D) Both
(1) In India, the National Forest Martyrs Day is marked and observed every year on 11 September. The day was officially declared by the Ministry of Environment and Forest in 2013.

(2) The International Day for the preservation for Ozone layer (World Ozone Day) is observed annually on September 16 to spread awareness of the depletion of the Ozone Layer and search for solutions to preserve it. Theme for 2021 World Ozone Day : "Montreal Protocol – keeping us, our food and vaccines cool".

16. NITI Aayog has tied up with which entity to launch tech-driven learning programmes for children from 112 Aspirational districts of the country? नीति आयोग ने देश के 112 आकांक्षी जिलों के बच्चों के लिए तकनीक संचालित शिक्षण कार्यक्रम शुरू करने के लिए किस संस्था के साथ करार किया है?
(A) Google India
(B) Unacademy
(C) Byju’s
(D) Udemy
(E) Khan Academy

(C) Byju’s
Government think tank NITI Aayog has entered into partnered with edtech major Byju’s, to provide free access to Byju’s high-quality and tech-driven learning programmes to children from 112 Aspirational districts of the country. 

17. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) Global Innovation Index 2021 released by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
(2) The World Water Monitoring Day is observed every year on September 24.

Code :-
(A) Only 2
(B) Only 1
(C) None 
(D) Both

(B) Only 1
(1) India has been ranked at 46th place in the Global Innovation Index 2021 released by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Switzerland, Sweden, the U.S., and the U.K. and Republic of Korea are ranked among the top 5 respectively.

Incorrect Statement (2) :- The World Water Monitoring Day is observed every year on September 24.

The World Water Monitoring Day is observed every year on September 18 since 2003 to increase public awareness and involvement in water monitoring and protecting water resources around the world.

18. Name the Indian who has been appointed as one of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Advocate by the UN Secretary General in 2021? उस भारतीय का नाम बताइए जिसे 2021 में संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासचिव द्वारा 17 सतत विकास लक्ष्य अधिवक्ता के रूप में नियुक्त किया गया है?
(A) Sonam Wangchuk
(B) Narendra Modi
(C) Laxmi Agarwal
(D) Kailash Satyarthi

(D) Kailash Satyarthi
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has appointed four new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Advocates on September 17, 2021, ahead of the 76th UN General Assembly. The four newly appointed advocates are :- Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi, STEM (Science, Technology Engineering, and Mathematics) activist Valentina Muñoz Rabanal, Microsoft President Brad Smith and K-pop superstars BLACKPINK (South Korean girl group).

19. How many SDG Advocates are appointed by UN Secretary General till date to deliver the 17 SDGs by 2030? 2030 तक 17 एसडीजी देने के लिए संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासचिव द्वारा अब तक कितने एसडीजी अधिवक्ता नियुक्त किए गए हैं?
(A) 16
(B) 12
(C) 19
(D) 11

(A) 16
UN now has total 16 SDG Advocates.
From India :-
(1) Dia Mirza
(2) Kailash Satyarthi

20. Who has been conferred with the 2021 Global Goalkeeper Award by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?
(A) Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka
(B) Jacob Zuma
(C) Joko Widodo
(D) Sana Marin

(A) Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka

In developing countries, it focuses on improving people's health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. विकासशील देशों में, यह लोगों के स्वास्थ्य में सुधार लाने और उन्हें खुद को भूख और अत्यधिक गरीबी से बाहर निकालने का मौका देने पर केंद्रित है।

On 24 September 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was conferred the "Global Goalkeeper" award by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan launched by his government.

21. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) In 2011, the International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) declared to observe World Environmental Health Day on 26 September every year.
(2) The Theme for the 2021 World Environmental Health Day : “Prioritizing Environmental Health for healthier communities in global recovery.”

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both
(1) In 2011, the International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) declared to observe World Environmental Health Day on 26 September every year.
(2) The Theme for the 2021 World Environmental Health Day : “Prioritizing Environmental Health for healthier communities in global recovery.” 2021 विश्व पर्यावरण स्वास्थ्य दिवस की विषय : "वैश्विक सुधार में स्वस्थ समुदायों के लिए पर्यावरणीय स्वास्थ्य को प्राथमिकता देना।"

(Mock TEST #35) (ICT 15 MCQS)

1. Which of the following term refers to a software program or set of instructions programmed on a hardware device? निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा शब्द एक सॉफ्टवेयर प्रोग्राम या हार्डवेयर डिवाइस पर प्रोग्राम किए गए निर्देशों के सेट को संदर्भित करता है?
(A) liveware
(B) firmware
(C) progware
(D) flashware

(B) firmware

2. Which of the following is a network device that works as a bridge and as a router? निम्नलिखित में से कौन एक नेटवर्क डिवाइस है जो ब्रिज और राउटर के रूप में काम करता है?
(A) switch
(B) rbridge
(C) brouter
(D) packet

(C) bridge router or brouter

3. A _______ is a standard set of rules that allow electronic devices to communicate with each other. _______ नियमों का एक मानक सेट है जो इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरणों को एक दूसरे के साथ संचार करने की अनुमति देता है।
(A) packet
(B) protocol
(C) ethernet

(B) protocol

4. Cat 5e is a type of ethernet cable. What does e stands for in Cat 5e?
(A) exception
(B) extensible
(C) enhanced
(D) export

(C) enhanced
Ethernet :- Ethernet is a family of wired computer networking technologies commonly used in local area networks, metropolitan area networks and wide area networks. Ethernet is a type of communication protocol that connects computers within what's called a “local area network (LAN)” and a “wide area network (WAN).

5. A device that allows wireless devices to connect to a network is known as _______. एक उपकरण जो वायरलेस डिवाइस को नेटवर्क से कनेक्ट करने की अनुमति देता है उसे _______ के रूप में जाना जाता है।
(B) Wi-fi
(C) Internet
(D) Access Point

(D) Access Point
An access point is a device, such as a wireless router, that allows wireless devices to connect to a network.

6. _______ is when an electronic device becomes unusable due to failed software or firmware update. _______ तब होता है जब कोई इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरण विफल सॉफ़्टवेयर या फ़र्मवेयर अपडेट के कारण अनुपयोगी हो जाता है।
(A) Packing
(B) Formatting
(C) Pooling
(D) Bricking
(E) Sector

(D) Bricking
In other words, the electronic device becomes a paperweight or a “brick.”

7. What is the minimum RAM requirement for Windows 11 Operating System? Windows 11 ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम के लिए न्यूनतम RAM आवश्यकता क्या है?
(A) 2 GB
(B) 4 GB
(C) 1 GB
(D) 8 GB
(E) 512 MB

(B) 4 GB
RAM :- 4 GB and Storage :- 64 GB

8. The _______ is a term that refers to the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology (ICT), and those that don’t have access. _______ एक शब्द है जो जनसांख्यिकी और उन क्षेत्रों के बीच के अंतर को संदर्भित करता है जिनकी आधुनिक सूचना और संचार प्रौद्योगिकी (आईसीटी) तक पहुंच है, और जिनके पास पहुंच नहीं है।
(A) digital divide
(B) communication divide
(C) internet divide
(D) broadband divide

(A) digital divide

9. HTTP normally uses port number _______. HTTP आमतौर पर पोर्ट नंबर _______ का उपयोग करता है।
(A) 123
(B) 80
(C) 60
(D) 120

(B) 80
HTTP normally uses port number 80 and for HTTPS it normally uses port number 443.

10. What is the objective of Microsoft Outlook? माइक्रोसॉफ्ट आउटलुक का उद्देश्य क्या है?
(A) Editing Text
(B) Making Presentation
(C) Making Database
(D) Opening e-mails

(D) Opening e-mails
Microsoft Outlook is an application that's used mainly to send and receive emails. It's also used to manage various types of personal data including calendar appointments and similar entries, tasks, contacts, and notes.

11. Which of the following is a network management protocol used on Internet Protocol networks for automatically assigning IP addresses? निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा नेटवर्क प्रबंधन प्रोटोकॉल है जिसका उपयोग इंटरनेट प्रोटोकॉल नेटवर्क पर स्वचालित रूप से आईपी पते निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए किया जाता है?

(C) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Your IP address is assigned to your device by your ISP.

12. Which unit is responsible for power distribution within a computer system? कंप्यूटर सिस्टम के भीतर बिजली वितरण के लिए कौन सी इकाई जिम्मेदार है?
(A) Processor

SMPS :- A switched-mode power supply (SMPS) is responsible for power distribution within a computer system. SMPS also gives power to all the components present on the mother board.

13. Memory and Input/output devices are connected to the CPU through a group of lines called _______. मेमोरी और इनपुट/आउटपुट डिवाइस _________ नामक लाइनों के समूह के माध्यम से सीपीयू से जुड़े होते हैं।
(A) Switch
(B) Hub
(C) Bus

(C) Bus
Memory and I/O devices are connected to the CPU through a group of lines called Bus. These lines are meant to carry information. There are three types of buses :- Address Bus, data bus and control bus.

14. Which of the following Computer Memory Storage Unit is higher than other? निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी कंप्यूटर मेमोरी स्टोरेज यूनिट अन्य की तुलना में अधिक है?
(A) Zeta Byte (ZB)
(B) Exa Byte (XB)
(C) Yota Byte (YB)
(D) Peta Byte (PB)

(C) Yota Byte (YB)
PB < XB < ZB < YB

15. Which of the following is an email authentication technology that verifies a message was sent from a legitimate user of an email address? निम्नलिखित में से कौन एक ईमेल प्रमाणीकरण तकनीक है जो यह सत्यापित करती है कि एक संदेश किसी ईमेल पते के वैध उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा भेजा गया था?

DomainKeys Identified Mail, or DKIM, is a technical standard that helps protect email senders and recipients from spam, spoofing, and phishing.

(Mock TEST #36)

1. Active-matrix is a technology used in which of the following hardware device? एक्टिव-मैट्रिक्स एक तकनीक है जिसका उपयोग निम्नलिखित में से किस हार्डवेयर डिवाइस में किया जाता है?
(A) Mouse
(B) Printer
(C) Keyboard
(D) Monitor

(D) Monitor
Active-matrix is a technology used in LCD displays, such as laptop screens, and flat screen monitors. AMOLED is a display technology and stands for Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diodes. It is a type of OLED display and is used in smartphones.

2. Which of the following is equivalent to 1,000 Mbps speed? निम्नलिखित में से कौन 1,000 एमबीपीएस की गति के बराबर है?
(A) 1 Mbps
(B) 1 Kbps
(C) 1 Tbps
(D) 1 Gbps

(D) 1 Gbps

3. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) NMEICT stands for National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology.
(2) FOSSEE stands for Free and Open Source Software for Education.

Code :-
(A) Only 2
(B) Only 1
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both

Correct Statement #1 :- NMEICT stands for National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology.

Correct Statement #2 :- FOSSEE stands for Free and Open Source Software for Education.
:- Free and Open Source Software for Education (FOSSEE) promoting the use of open source software in educational institutions. 

4. _______ is a type of software that allows users to create 2D and 3D design and modelling. _______ एक प्रकार का सॉफ्टवेयर है जो उपयोगकर्ताओं को 2डी और 3डी डिजाइन और मॉडलिंग बनाने की अनुमति देता है।
(A) Encryption
(C) Bandwidth

(D) Computer-aided design (CAD)
Computer-aided design (CAD) is a type of software that allows users to create 2D and 3D design and modelling. CAD is used by architects, engineers, artists and other professionals to create precise technical drawings.

5. WPA stands for?
(A) Wi-Fi protected advanced
(B) Wi-Fi public access
(C) Wireless protected access
(D) Wi-Fi protected access

(D) Wi-Fi protected access (WPA)
Wi-Fi protected access (WPA) is a security protocol used in wi-fi networks. WPA is a security protocol designed to create secure wireless (Wi-Fi) networks.

6. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) SEO stands for search engine optimization.
(2) IMAP :- a system that enables two or more Internet users to conduct online discussions in real time. एक प्रणाली जो दो या दो से अधिक इंटरनेट उपयोगकर्ताओं को वास्तविक समय में ऑनलाइन चर्चा करने में सक्षम बनाती है।

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(A) Only 1
Correct Statement :- (1) SEO stands for search engine optimization.
This stands for search engine optimization. It’s the process of getting people to your website from search engines.

Incorrect Statement :- (2) IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) :- a system that enables two or more Internet users to conduct online discussions in real time. एक प्रणाली जो दो या दो से अधिक इंटरनेट उपयोगकर्ताओं को वास्तविक समय में ऑनलाइन चर्चा करने में सक्षम बनाती है।

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) :- a system that enables two or more Internet users to conduct online discussions in real time. एक प्रणाली जो दो या दो से अधिक इंटरनेट उपयोगकर्ताओं को वास्तविक समय में ऑनलाइन चर्चा करने में सक्षम बनाती है।

7. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) WAIS :- Wide Area Information Server
(2) SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol.

Code :-
(A) Only 2
(B) Only 1
(C) None
(D) Both

(D) Both
Correct Statement #1 :- WAIS :- Wide Area Information Server
Wide Area Information Server (WAIS) :- a program for finding documents on the Internet.

Correct Statement #2 :- SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol.
SOAP is an acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol. It is an XML-based messaging protocol for exchanging information among computers. SOAP is a communication protocol designed to communicate via Internet. SOAP is a method of transferring messages, or small amounts of information, over the Internet.

(Mock TEST #37) (Weekly Current Affairs) (11th To 15th October 2021)

1. The 2021 State of the Education Report (SOER) for India : “No Teacher, No Class” has been launched by which organization? भारत के लिए 2021 स्टेट ऑफ द एजुकेशन रिपोर्ट (SOER) : "नो टीचर, नो क्लास" किस संगठन द्वारा लॉन्च किया गया है?
(B) NITI Aayog
(D) Ministry of Education

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched the 2021 State of the Education Report (SOER) for India : “No Teacher, No Class”, on the occasion of World Teacher’s Day, on October 05, 2021.

2. Which day of the year is marked as the International Day for Disaster Reduction? वर्ष के किस दिन को आपदा न्यूनीकरण के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस के रूप में चिह्नित किया गया है?
(A) 12th October
(B) 13th October
(C) 12th September
(D) 13th September

(B) 13th October
The United Nations International Day for Disaster Reduction is held annually on 13 October since 1989. 

3. Which state/UT has launched the "Desh Ke Mentor" programme, for its school children studying in Classes IX to XII? किस राज्य/केंद्र शासित प्रदेश ने कक्षा IX से XII में पढ़ने वाले अपने स्कूली बच्चों के लिए "देश के मेंटर" कार्यक्रम शुरू किया है?
(A) Chandigarh
(B) Delhi
(C) Kerala
(D) Madhya Pradesh

(B) Delhi
The Delhi government has launched a mentorship programme called "Desh Ke Mentor", for children studying in Classes IX to XII of state government schools. Under the "Desh Ke Mentor" programme, students will be mentored by professionals and academicians from across the country for 10-15 minutes daily on issues ranging from career choices to teenage-related concerns.

4. What is the theme of the 2021 International Day for Disaster Reduction? आपदा न्यूनीकरण के लिए 2021 अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस का विषय क्या है?
(A) Disaster risk governance
(B) Home Safe Home : Reducing Exposure, Reducing Displacement
(C) Substantially reduce disaster damage to critical infrastructure and disruption services by 2030
(D) International cooperation for developing countries to reduce their disaster risk and disaster losses

(D) International cooperation for developing countries to reduce their disaster risk and disaster losses (विकासशील देशों के लिए उनके आपदा जोखिम और आपदा नुकसान को कम करने के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सहयोग)

5. How many action points have been recommended in the 2021 State of the Education Report (SOER) for India : “No Teacher, No Class”?
(A) 8
(B) 10
(C) 13
(D) 15

(B) 10
The report presented a set of ten action-oriented recommendations to address the challenges facing the teaching profession in India to help achieve the NEP 2020 vision and objective to ensure quality education for all in the country.

6. What is the rank of India in 2021 Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI)? 2021 अक्षय ऊर्जा देश आकर्षण सूचकांक (RECAI) में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
(A) 4th
(B) 6th
(C) 3rd
(D) 5th

(C) 3rd

7. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has recently enhanced the climate financing goals 2019 - 2030 for developing member countries (DMCs). What is the new goal? एशियाई विकास बैंक (एडीबी) ने हाल ही में विकासशील सदस्य देशों (डीएमसी) के लिए जलवायु वित्तपोषण लक्ष्यों 2019 - 2030 को बढ़ाया है। नया लक्ष्य क्या है?
(A) $100 billion
(B) $200 billion
(C) $250 billion
(D) $50 billion

(A) $100 billion
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has announced an increase in its climate financing goals 2019 - 2030 for developing member countries (DMCs) by $20 billion to $100 billion.

8. The International E-Waste Day (IEWD) is celebrated globally every year on _______. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ई-कचरा दिवस (IEWD) हर साल _______ को विश्व स्तर पर मनाया जाता है।
(A) 14th September
(B) 14th October
(C) 14th August
(D) 14th June

(B) 14th October
The International E-Waste Day (IEWD) is celebrated on 14 October every year since 2018, to promote the correct disposal of e-waste throughout the world with the aim to increase re-use, recovery and recycling rates.

9. Who has been awarded the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Award for Excellence in 2021? 2021 में लाल बहादुर शास्त्री राष्ट्रीय उत्कृष्टता पुरस्कार से किसे सम्मानित किया गया है?
(A) Dr. Manyata Chouhan 
(B) Dr. Vivaan Choudhary
(C) Dr. Naresh Sharma
(D) Dr. Randeep Guleria

(D) Dr. Randeep Guleria
The Vice President of India Shri M Venkaiah Naidu presented the 22nd Lal Bahadur Shastri National Award for Excellence on October 11, 2021, to Dr. Randeep Guleria. Dr. Randeep Guleria is an eminent pulmonologist and Director of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).

10. Which country has topped the 58th Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI) in 2021? कौन-सा देश 2021 में 58वें अक्षय ऊर्जा देश आकर्षण सूचकांक (RECAI) में शीर्ष पर है?
(A) United States
(B) India
(C) China
(D) Germany

(A) United States
The United States has retained its top position on RECAI 58, followed by China at the second position.

11. Who has been appointed as the new CEO of the Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL)?
(A) Ravi Sharma
(B) Rajnish Kumar
(C) Vimal Samrat
(D) Arun Kumar Mishra 

(D) Arun Kumar Mishra 
State-owned Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL) has appointed Arun Kumar Mishra as the new chief executive officer (CEO) of the company on deputation, on October 11, 2021.

12. What is the theme of the International E-Waste Day (IEWD) in 2021? 2021 में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ई-कचरा दिवस (IEWD) का विषय क्या है?
(A) Consumer is the key to Circular Economy!
(B) Educate about E-Waste
(C) Time of Recycle
(D) Understand Your E-Waste

(A) Consumer is the key to Circular Economy!

13. The Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI) is published by which entity? अक्षय ऊर्जा देश आकर्षण सूचकांक (RECAI) किस संस्था द्वारा प्रकाशित किया जाता है?
(A) GreenWatch
(B) Niti Aayog
(C) Ernst & Young (EY)

(C) Ernst & Young (EY)
India has retained the third position in the 58th Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI) released by the consultancy firm Ernst & Young (EY). 

14. World Students’ Day is observed every on which day? विश्व छात्र दिवस प्रत्येक दिन किस दिन मनाया जाता है?
(A) 15th September
(B) 15th October
(C) 15th August
(D) 15th June

(B) 15th October
World Students’ Day is observed every year on October 15 to mark the birth anniversary of former President A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.

15. India’s first 5G network trial in a rural location has been undertaken by which company? ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में भारत का पहला 5G नेटवर्क परीक्षण किस कंपनी द्वारा किया गया है?
(A) Reliance Jio
(C) Bharti Airtel
(D) Vodafone Group

(C) Bharti Airtel
Bharti Airtel and Ericsson conducted India’s first 5G network trial in a rural location in the first week on October 2021.

(Mock TEST #38) (Kyoto Protocol)

1. Mark the correct code about Kyoto Protocol.
(1) UNFCCC :- Signed at the Montreal Protocol
(2) Kyoto Protocol :- Adopted in 1995
(3) First Commitment Period :- 2005 - 2015

Code :-
(A) All
(B) None
(C) Only 1
(D) Only 2 & 3

(B) None

Incorrect Statement :- (1) UNFCCC :- Signed at the Montreal Protocol
UNFCCC :- The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) established an international environmental treaty to combat "dangerous human interference with the climate system". It was signed at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), informally known as the Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro from 3 to 14 June 1992. 

UNFCCC :- It established a Secretariat headquartered in Bonn and entered into force on 21 March 1994. Its supreme decision-making body, the Conference of the Parties (COP), meets annually to assess progress in dealing with climate change.

Incorrect Statement :- (2) Kyoto Protocol :- Adopted in 1995
:- The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005. 
The Kyoto Protocol was an international treaty which extended the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
:- to reduce greenhouse gas emissions & human-made CO2 emissions.
:- The main goal of the Kyoto Protocol is to control emissions of the main anthropogenic (human-emitted) greenhouse gases.
:- The Kyoto Protocol implemented the objective of the UNFCCC to reduce the onset of global warming by reducing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere to "a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system" (Article 2).

Incorrect Statement :- (3) First Commitment Period :- 2005 - 2015
The Kyoto Protocol had two commitment periods, the first of which lasted from 2008 to 2012. The Protocol was amended in 2012 to encompass the second one for the period 2013–2020 in the Doha Amendment. प्रोटोकॉल को 2012 में संशोधित किया गया था ताकि दोहा संशोधन में 2013–2020 की अवधि के लिए दूसरा शामिल किया जा सके।

Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol entered into force on 31 December 2020, although the second commitment period ended on the same day.

2. Which of these greenhouse gas was added for the second compliance period during the Doha Round? इनमें से कौन सी ग्रीनहाउस गैस को दोहा दौर के दौरान दूसरी अनुपालन अवधि के लिए जोड़ा गया था?
(A) Ozone
(B) Nitrous oxide
(C) Sulfur hexafluoride 
(D) Nitrogen trifluoride

(D) Nitrogen trifluoride
The Kyoto Protocol applied to the six greenhouse gases listed in Annex A :- carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). Nitrogen trifluoride was added for the second compliance period during the Doha Round.

3. Which of these became the first signatory to announce its withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol? इनमें से कौन क्योटो प्रोटोकॉल से अपनी वापसी की घोषणा करने वाला पहला हस्ताक्षरकर्ता बना?
(A) Canada
(B) United States
(C) Russia
(D) Germany

(A) Canada
2011 :- Canada became the first signatory to announce its withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol.

2004 :- Russia and Canada ratify the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC bringing the treaty into effect on 16 February 2005.

Signatory :- a party that has signed an agreement, especially a country that has signed a treaty.

4. According to the Kyoto Protocol, Which is the most important anthropogenic GHG (greenhouse gas)? क्योटो प्रोटोकॉल के अनुसार, सबसे महत्वपूर्ण मानवजनित ग्रीनहाउस गैस कौन-सा है?
(A) Ozone (O3)
(B) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
(C) Methane (CH4)
(D) Nitrous oxide (N2O)

(B) Carbon dioxide (CO2)

5. The Kyoto Protocol defines how many flexibility mechanisms? क्योटो प्रोटोकॉल कितने लचीले तंत्र को परिभाषित करता है?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four

(C) Three || The Protocol defines three "flexibility mechanisms" that can be used by Annex I Parties (industrialized countries) in meeting their emission limitation commitments. The flexibility mechanisms are :-
(1) International Emissions Trading (IET) (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय उत्सर्जन व्यापार), 
(2) the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) (स्वच्छ विकास तंत्र), and 
(3) Joint Implementation (संयुक्त कार्यान्वयन) (JI).

:- International Emissions Trading (IET) allows Annex I Parties to "trade" their emissions.
Emissions trading is a market-based approach to controlling pollution by providing economic incentives for reducing the emissions of pollutants.

:- The CDM and JI (Clean Development Mechanism & Joint Implementation) are called "project-based mechanisms," in that they generate emission reductions from projects. 

6. At which Conference of the Parties (Cop), Parties to the UNFCCC agreed that future global warming should be limited below 2°C relative to the pre-industrial temperature level. किस COP में, UNFCCC को पार्टियों ने सहमति व्यक्त की कि भविष्य के ग्लोबल वार्मिंग को पूर्व-औद्योगिक तापमान स्तर के सापेक्ष 2 ° C से नीचे सीमित किया जाना चाहिए।
(A) UNFCCC Cop 10
(B) UNFCCC Cop 7
(C) UNFCCC Cop 13
(D) UNFCCC Cop 16

(D) UNFCCC Cop 16 || The 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC Cop 16) was held in Cancún, Mexico, from 29 November to 10 December 2010. The conference is officially referred to as the 16th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 16) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 6th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties (CMP 6) to the Kyoto Protocol.

7. The Kyoto Protocol was adopted at the Which session of the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan? 1997 में क्योटो, जापान में UNFCCC को पार्टियों के सम्मेलन के किस सत्र में क्योटो प्रोटोकॉल को अपनाया गया था?
(A) Second
(B) Third
(C) Fourth
(D) Fifth

(B) Third || The Kyoto Protocol was adopted at the third session of the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 3) in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan. Only Parties to the UNFCCC can become Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. 

8. Mark the correct Code.
(1) COP 7 was held to establish the final details of the Kyoto Protocol. COP 7 को क्योटो प्रोटोकॉल के अंतिम विवरण को स्थापित करने के लिए आयोजित किया गया था।
(2) The first Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (MOP1) was held in Geneva, Switzerland.

Code :- 
(A) Only 2 
(B) Only 1
(C) None
(D) Both

(B) Only 1

Correct Statement #1 :- COP 7 was held to establish the final details of the Kyoto Protocol. COP 7 को क्योटो प्रोटोकॉल के अंतिम विवरण को स्थापित करने के लिए आयोजित किया गया था।

COP7 was held from 29 October 2001 through 9 November 2001 in Marrakech to establish the final details of the protocol. (2001 :- COP 7, Marrakech, Morocco)

Incorrect Statement #2 :- The first Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (MOP1) was held Geneva, Switzerland.

The first Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (MOP1) was held Montreal, Canada. 

The first Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (MOP1) was held in Montreal from 28 November to 9 December 2005, along with the 11th conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP11). It was one of the largest intergovernmental conferences on climate change ever. यह जलवायु परिवर्तन पर अब तक के सबसे बड़े अंतर-सरकारी सम्मेलनों में से एक था।

9. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) The concept of carbon credits originated from the Montreal Protocol. कार्बन क्रेडिट की अवधारणा मॉन्ट्रियल प्रोटोकॉल से उत्पन्न हुई।
(2) Clean Development Mechanism are defined by Montreal Protocol. स्वच्छ विकास तंत्र को मॉन्ट्रियल प्रोटोकॉल द्वारा परिभाषित किया गया है।

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) None
(D) Both

(C) None
Incorrect Statement #1 :- The concept of carbon credits originated from the Montreal Protocol. कार्बन क्रेडिट की अवधारणा मॉन्ट्रियल प्रोटोकॉल से उत्पन्न हुई।

:- The concept of carbon credits originated from the Kyoto Protocol.

Carbon credit :- A carbon credit is a permit or certificate allowing the holder, such as a company, to emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases.

Incorrect Statement #2 :- Clean Development Mechanism are defined by Montreal Protocol. स्वच्छ विकास तंत्र को मॉन्ट्रियल प्रोटोकॉल द्वारा परिभाषित किया गया है।

:- Clean Development Mechanism are defined by Kyoto Protocol.

National emission targets specified in the Kyoto Protocol exclude international aviation and shipping. 

10. Currently, there are _______ Parties to the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC. वर्तमान में, UNFCCC के क्योटो प्रोटोकॉल के इतने पक्ष हैं?
(A) 187
(B) 191
(C) 192
(D) 197

(C) 192

(Mock TEST #39) (Weekly Current Affairs) (16th To 25th October Current Affairs 2021)

1. What is the rank of India in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2021? ग्लोबल हंगर इंडेक्स (GHI) 2021 में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
(A) 107
(B) 91
(C) 101
(D) 97

(C) 101
India’s rank has dropped to 101st position among 116 countries in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2021. In 2020, India was placed at 94th spot, out of 107 countries. The 2021 GHI score of India is recorded at 27.5 out of 50, which comes under serious category.

2. When is the World Food Day observed? विश्व खाद्य दिवस कब मनाया जाता है?
(A) 13th October
(B) 14th October
(C) 16th October
(D) 15th October

(C) 16th October
World Food Day (WFD) is celebrated every year on 16 October across the globe to eradicate worldwide hunger from our lifetime. WFD also commemorates the date of founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1945.

World Food Day 2021 :- In order to mark the anniversary of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, every year, World Food Day is celebrated across the globe on October 16. This day aims at tackling global hunger and striving to eradicate hunger across the world.

:- Every year, we celebrate World Food Day to appreciate the amazing food we eat, but also to tackle world hunger. This day is celebrated on October 16, which marks the creation of FAO in 1945. हर साल, हम अपने द्वारा खाए जाने वाले अद्भुत भोजन की सराहना करने के लिए विश्व खाद्य दिवस मनाते हैं, लेकिन विश्व की भूख से निपटने के लिए भी। यह दिन 16 अक्टूबर को मनाया जाता है, जो 1945 में एफएओ के निर्माण का प्रतीक है।

:- World Food Day was established in November 1979, suggested by former Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr Pal Romany. It is celebrated by more than 150 countries around the world.

:- The theme for World Food Day 2021 is "Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow".

Sustainable Development Goal 2 :- Zero Hunger || Goal 2 aims to end hunger and all forms of malnutrition by 2030. लक्ष्य 2 का लक्ष्य 2030 तक भूख और सभी प्रकार के कुपोषण को समाप्त करना है। It also commits to universal access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food at all times of the year. यह वर्ष के हर समय सुरक्षित, पौष्टिक और पर्याप्त भोजन तक सार्वभौमिक पहुंच के लिए भी प्रतिबद्ध है। Sustainable Development Goal 2 aims to achieve "zero hunger". It is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. The official wording is :- "End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture". आधिकारिक शब्दांकन है : - "भूख समाप्त करें, खाद्य सुरक्षा और बेहतर पोषण प्राप्त करें और स्थायी कृषि को बढ़ावा दें"।

3. India’s first Atal Community Innovation Center (ACIC) has been launched in which city? भारत का पहला अटल सामुदायिक नवाचार केंद्र किस शहर में शुरू किया गया है?
(A) Hyderabad
(B) Jaipur
(C) Ahmedabad
(D) Pune

(B) Jaipur
India’s first Atal Community Innovation Center (ACIC) has been launched at Vivekananda Global University (VGU) in Jaipur. It is the first center in the country to be set up by the Government of India, Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) and NITI Aayog. 

4. When is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty observed? गरीबी उन्मूलन के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस कब मनाया जाता है?
(A) 13th October
(B) 14th October
(C) 17th October
(D) 15th October

(C) 17th October
The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is observed every year on 17 October across the globe.

Sustainable Development Goals :- (Goal 1) No Poverty
Millennium Development Goals :- (Goal 1) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger (अत्यधिक गरीबी और भूख मिटाना)

5. What is the theme of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty in 2021?
(A) World against poverty : Secure future
(B) Innovation and Eradication of Poverty
(C) Acting together to achieve social and environmental justice for all
(D) “Building forward together : Ending Persistent Poverty, Respecting all People and our Planet.”

(D) “Building forward together : Ending Persistent Poverty, Respecting all People and our Planet.” "एक साथ आगे बढ़ना : लगातार गरीबी को समाप्त करना, सभी लोगों और हमारे ग्रह का सम्मान करना।"

6. Which edition of the annual General Assembly of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) has been organized in October 2021? अक्टूबर 2021 में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सौर गठबंधन की वार्षिक आम सभा का कौन-सा संस्करण आयोजित किया गया है?
(A) 3rd
(B) 4th
(C) 6th
(D) 5th

(B) Fourth (4th)
The fourth general assembly of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), is to be held virtually between October 18th and October 21st, 2021, and will be presided over by Shri R.K. Singh, Minister for Power, New and Renewable Energy, Government of India and the President of the ISA Assembly.

7. What is the rank of India in the Global Food Security (GFS) Index 2021? वैश्विक खाद्य सुरक्षा सूचकांक 2021 में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
(A) 71
(B) 87
(C) 57
(D) 63

(A) 71
India has achieved 71st position in the Global Food Security (GFS) Index 2021 from among a list of 113 countries. The GFS Index is designed and constructed by London-based Economist Impact and is sponsored by Corteva Agriscience (American Agricultural chemical company).

8. The 4th General Assembly of International Solar Alliance (ISA) has decided to achieve what amount of global investments in solar energy by 2030? अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सौर गठबंधन की चौथी महासभा ने 2030 तक सौर ऊर्जा में वैश्विक निवेश की कितनी राशि हासिल करने का फैसला किया है?
(A) USD 1 billion
(B) USD 5 trillion
(C) USD 5 billion
(D) USD 1 trillion

(D) USD 1 trillion
The 4th General Assembly of multilateral body International Solar Alliance (ISA) concluded with the member nations promising to achieve USD 1 trillion global investments in solar energy by 2030.

9. Who shall head the National Steering Committee (NSC) constituted for implementation of the NIPUN Bharat Mission? NIPUN भारत मिशन के कार्यान्वयन के लिए गठित राष्ट्रीय संचालन समिति (NSC) का नेतृत्व कौन करेगा?
(A) Dharmendra Pradhan 
(B) Mansukh Mandaviya
(C) Amit Shah
(D) Narendra Modi

(A) Dharmendra Pradhan 
The Department of School Education and Literacy has constituted a National Steering Committee (NSC) for implementation of the NIPUN Bharat Mission. The Union Education Minister, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan will be the Chairperson of the NSC and Minister of State for Education, Smt. Annpurna Devi will be the Vice Chairperson.

The Ministry of Education has launched NIPUN (National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy) (समझ और संख्यात्मकता के साथ पढ़ने में प्रवीणता के लिए राष्ट्रीय पहल) Bharat Scheme. It aims to cover the learning needs of children in the age group of 3 to 9 years. इसका उद्देश्य 3 से 9 वर्ष के आयु वर्ग के बच्चों की सीखने की जरूरतों को पूरा करना है।

This initiative is being launched as a part of NEP (National Education Policy) 2020.

NIPUN Bharat will be implemented by the Department of School Education and Literacy.

10. India’s first ever Radio over Internet Protocol (ROIP) System for Major port of the country has been unveiled at which of these ports? देश के प्रमुख बंदरगाह के लिए भारत के पहले रेडियो ओवर इंटरनेट प्रोटोकॉल सिस्टम का अनावरण इनमें से किस बंदरगाह पर किया गया है?
(A) Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port 
(B) Port Blair Port
(C) Cochin Port
(D) Kandla Port

(A) Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port 
The Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port (SPM) in Kolkata has become the first Major Indian Port to get a Radio over Internet Protocol (ROIP) System.

Radio over Internet Protocol, or RoIP, is similar to Voice over IP (VoIP), but augments two-way radio communications rather than telephone calls.

(Mock TEST #40) (October 25 Current Affairs 2021)

1. What is the theme of the 7th edition of the Swachh Survekshan, launched by the government for the year 2022? वर्ष 2022 के लिए सरकार द्वारा शुरू किए गए स्वच्छ सर्वेक्षण के 7वें संस्करण का विषय क्या है?
(A) People First
(B) Protecting India From Waste
(C) Sustainable Living
(D) Make India Clean

(A) People First || Shri Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) launched the seventh consecutive edition of Swachh Survekshan (SS), the world’s largest urban cleanliness survey conducted by Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban (SBM-U) at New Delhi.

About Swachh Survekshan :- It is an annual survey of cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation across cities and towns in India. This survey initiative was launched under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, that aimed to make India clean and free of open defecation by 2nd October 2019. First ever survey was conducted in 2016, covering 73 cities. As of 2020, this survey has covered about 4242 cities.

Q. Who conducts the survey?
This survey is conducted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) in association with the Quality Council of India (QCI) as its implementation partner.

Q. Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT 2.0) launched by whom?
PM Narendra Modi || The outlay of Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) 2.0 is around Rs 2.87 lakh crore.

Q. How much amount has been allocated to the second phase of the scheme “Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban (SBM-U) 2.0”?
(Rs 1.41 lakh crore) || Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the second phase of the Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban (SBM-U) on October 01, 2021, from Dr Ambedkar International Centre in New Delhi. The outlay of SBM-U 2.0 is around Rs 1.41 lakh crore.

2. In India, the week from October 02 to 08 is celebrated every year as _______. भारत में, 02 अक्टूबर से 08 तक का सप्ताह हर साल _______ के रूप में मनाया जाता है।
(A) Cleanliness Week
(B) Education Week
(C) Nutrition Week
(D) Wildlife Week

(D) Wildlife Week
National Wildlife Week is annually celebrated across India between 2nd to 8th October with an aim to protect and preserve the flora and fauna (वनस्पतियों और जीवों) of India. The Wildlife Week 2021 is celebrated from 2nd October to 8th October. In 2021, we celebrated 67th Wildlife Week. This year National Wildlife Week theme 2021 : “Forests and Livelihoods :- Sustaining People and Planet” (वन और आजीविका : लोगों और ग्रह को बनाए रखना).

History of Wildlife Week :- The Indian Board of Wildlife was constituted and the idea of Wildlife Week was conceptualized in 1952 to raise awareness about the long term goals of protecting the wildlife of India. Initially, in 1955 the Wildlife day was celebrated which was later upgraded as Wildlife Week in 1957.

3. Name the web portal launched by the government to find solutions to India’s waste problems, through community participation? सामुदायिक भागीदारी के माध्यम से भारत की अपशिष्ट समस्याओं का समाधान खोजने के लिए सरकार द्वारा शुरू किए गए वेब पोर्टल का नाम बताएं?
(A) Sustaining Waste
(B) Waste to Wealth
(C) Millennium Action For Waste
(D) Urban Action For Waste

(B) Waste to Wealth

4. Mark the Correct Code.
(1) International Teacher's Day is celebrated every year on 5 October.
(2) The Theme for 2021 International Teachers Day is “Teachers at the heart of education recovery”.

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both
(1) World Teachers’ Day, also known as International Teachers Day, is held annually on October 5 since 1994.
(2) The Theme for 2021 International Teachers Day is “Teachers at the heart of education recovery”.

5. The combined area of the Guru Ghasidas National Park and Tamor Pingla Wildlife Sanctuary has been declared as the new Tiger Reserve of India. In which state is it located? गुरु घासीदास राष्ट्रीय उद्यान और तमोर पिंगला वन्यजीव अभयारण्य के संयुक्त क्षेत्र को भारत का नया टाइगर रिजर्व घोषित किया गया है। यह किस राज्य में स्थित है?
(A) Punjab
(B) Haryana
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Chhattisgarh

(D) Chhattisgarh
The combined areas of the Guru Ghasidas National Park and Tamor Pingla Wildlife Sanctuary in Chhattisgarh has been declared as a Tiger Reserve by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) on October 05, 2021.

6. The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) Report is released by which organization? बहुआयामी गरीबी सूचकांक (MPI) रिपोर्ट किस संगठन द्वारा जारी की जाती है?
(B) World Bank
(C) World Economic Forum
(D) International Monetary Fund
(E) NITI Aayog

(A) UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
The 2021 Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) Report was released on 7 October 2021. The report is produced jointly by UNDP and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI). 

7. The 2021 State of the Education Report (SOER) for India : “No Teacher, No Class” has been launched by which organization? भारत के लिए 2021 स्टेट ऑफ द एजुकेशन रिपोर्ट (SOER) : "नो टीचर, नो क्लास" किस संगठन द्वारा लॉन्च किया गया है?
(B) NITI Aayog
(D) Ministry of Education

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched the 2021 State of the Education Report (SOER) for India : “No Teacher, No Class”, on the occasion of World Teacher’s Day, on October 05, 2021.

The report presented a set of ten action-oriented recommendations to address the challenges facing the teaching profession in India to help achieve the NEP 2020 vision and objective to ensure quality education for all in the country.

8. Which day of the year is marked as the International Day for Disaster Reduction? वर्ष के किस दिन को आपदा न्यूनीकरण के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस के रूप में चिह्नित किया गया है?
(A) 12th October
(B) 13th October
(C) 12th September
(D) 13th September

(B) 13th October
The United Nations International Day for Disaster Reduction is held annually on 13 October since 1989. 

Theme 2021 :- International cooperation for developing countries to reduce their disaster risk and disaster losses (विकासशील देशों के लिए उनके आपदा जोखिम और आपदा नुकसान को कम करने के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सहयोग)

9. Which state/UT has launched the "Desh Ke Mentor" programme, for its school children studying in Classes IX to XII? किस राज्य/केंद्र शासित प्रदेश ने कक्षा IX से XII में पढ़ने वाले अपने स्कूली बच्चों के लिए "देश के मेंटर" कार्यक्रम शुरू किया है?
(A) Chandigarh
(B) Delhi
(C) Kerala
(D) Madhya Pradesh

(B) Delhi
The Delhi government has launched a mentorship programme called "Desh Ke Mentor", for children studying in Classes IX to XII of state government schools. Under the "Desh Ke Mentor" programme, students will be mentored by professionals and academicians from across the country for 10-15 minutes daily on issues ranging from career choices to teenage-related concerns.

10. What is the rank of India in 2021 Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI)? 2021 अक्षय ऊर्जा देश आकर्षण सूचकांक (RECAI) में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
(A) 4th
(B) 6th
(C) 3rd
(D) 5th

(C) 3rd 
The United States has retained its top position on RECAI 58, followed by China at the second position. India was ranked third, followed by France and the United Kingdom at fourth and fifth place respectively. India has retained the third position in the 58th Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI) released by the consultancy firm Ernst & Young (EY). 

11. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has recently enhanced the climate financing goals 2019 - 2030 for developing member countries (DMCs). What is the new goal? एशियाई विकास बैंक (एडीबी) ने हाल ही में विकासशील सदस्य देशों (डीएमसी) के लिए जलवायु वित्तपोषण लक्ष्यों 2019 - 2030 को बढ़ाया है। नया लक्ष्य क्या है?
(A) $100 billion
(B) $200 billion
(C) $250 billion
(D) $50 billion

(A) $100 billion
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has announced an increase in its climate financing goals 2019 - 2030 for developing member countries (DMCs) by $20 billion to $100 billion.

12. The International E-Waste Day (IEWD) is celebrated globally every year on _______. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ई-कचरा दिवस (IEWD) हर साल _______ को विश्व स्तर पर मनाया जाता है।
(A) 14th September
(B) 14th October
(C) 14th August
(D) 14th June

(B) 14th October
The International E-Waste Day (IEWD) is celebrated on 14 October every year since 2018, to promote the correct disposal of e-waste throughout the world with the aim to increase re-use, recovery and recycling rates.

Theme 2021 :- Consumer is the key to Circular Economy!

13. Who has been awarded the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Award for Excellence in 2021? 2021 में लाल बहादुर शास्त्री राष्ट्रीय उत्कृष्टता पुरस्कार से किसे सम्मानित किया गया है?
(A) Dr. Manyata Chouhan 
(B) Dr. Vivaan Choudhary
(C) Dr. Naresh Sharma
(D) Dr. Randeep Guleria

(D) Dr. Randeep Guleria
The Vice President of India Shri M Venkaiah Naidu presented the 22nd Lal Bahadur Shastri National Award for Excellence on October 11, 2021, to Dr. Randeep Guleria. Dr. Randeep Guleria is an eminent pulmonologist and Director of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).

14. Who has been appointed as the new CEO of the Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL)?
(A) Ravi Sharma
(B) Rajnish Kumar
(C) Vimal Samrat
(D) Arun Kumar Mishra 

(D) Arun Kumar Mishra 
State-owned Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL) has appointed Arun Kumar Mishra as the new chief executive officer (CEO) of the company on deputation, on October 11, 2021.

15. World Students’ Day is observed every year on which day? 
(A) 15th September
(B) 15th October
(C) 15th August
(D) 15th June

(B) 15th October
World Students’ Day is observed every year on October 15 to mark the birth anniversary of former President Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.

16. India’s first 5G network trial in a rural location has been undertaken by which company? ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में भारत का पहला 5G नेटवर्क परीक्षण किस कंपनी द्वारा किया गया है?
(A) Reliance Jio
(C) Bharti Airtel
(D) Vodafone Group

(C) Bharti Airtel
Bharti Airtel and Ericsson conducted India’s first 5G network trial in a rural location in the first week on October 2021.

17. What is the rank of India in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2021? ग्लोबल हंगर इंडेक्स (GHI) 2021 में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
(A) 107
(B) 91
(C) 101
(D) 97

(C) 101
India’s rank has dropped to 101st position among 116 countries in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2021. In 2020, India was placed at 94th spot, out of 107 countries. The 2021 GHI score of India is recorded at 27.5 out of 50, which comes under serious category.

18. When is the World Food Day observed? विश्व खाद्य दिवस कब मनाया जाता है?
(A) 13th October
(B) 14th October
(C) 16th October
(D) 15th October

(C) 16th October
World Food Day (WFD) is celebrated every year on 16 October across the globe to eradicate worldwide hunger from our lifetime. WFD also commemorates the date of founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1945.

:- World Food Day was established in November 1979, suggested by former Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr. Pal Romany. It is celebrated by more than 150 countries around the world.

:- The theme for World Food Day 2021 is "Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow".

Sustainable Development Goal 2 :- Zero Hunger || Goal 2 aims to end hunger and all forms of malnutrition by 2030. लक्ष्य 2 का लक्ष्य 2030 तक भूख और सभी प्रकार के कुपोषण को समाप्त करना है। It also commits to universal access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food at all times of the year. यह वर्ष के हर समय सुरक्षित, पौष्टिक और पर्याप्त भोजन तक सार्वभौमिक पहुंच के लिए भी प्रतिबद्ध है। Sustainable Development Goal 2 aims to achieve "zero hunger". It is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. The official wording is :- "End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture". आधिकारिक शब्दांकन है : - "भूख समाप्त करें, खाद्य सुरक्षा और बेहतर पोषण प्राप्त करें और स्थायी कृषि को बढ़ावा दें"।

19. India’s first Atal Community Innovation Center (ACIC) has been launched in which city? भारत का पहला अटल सामुदायिक नवाचार केंद्र किस शहर में शुरू किया गया है?
(A) Hyderabad
(B) Jaipur
(C) Ahmedabad
(D) Pune

(B) Jaipur
India’s first Atal Community Innovation Center (ACIC) has been launched at Vivekananda Global University (VGU) in Jaipur. It is the first center in the country to be set up by the Government of India, Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) and NITI Aayog.

20. When is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty observed? गरीबी उन्मूलन के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस कब मनाया जाता है?
(A) 13th October
(B) 14th October
(C) 17th October
(D) 15th October

(C) 17th October
The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is observed every year on 17 October across the globe.

Theme 2021 :- “Building forward together : Ending Persistent Poverty, Respecting all People and our Planet.” "एक साथ आगे बढ़ना : लगातार गरीबी को समाप्त करना, सभी लोगों और हमारे ग्रह का सम्मान करना।"

Sustainable Development Goals :- (Goal 1) No Poverty
Millennium Development Goals :- (Goal 1) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger (अत्यधिक गरीबी और भूख मिटाना)

21. Which edition of the annual General Assembly of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) has been organized in October 2021? अक्टूबर 2021 में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सौर गठबंधन की वार्षिक आम सभा का कौन-सा संस्करण आयोजित किया गया है?
(A) 3rd
(B) 4th
(C) 6th
(D) 5th

(B) Fourth (4th)
The fourth general assembly of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), is to be held virtually between October 18th and October 21st, 2021, and will be presided over by Shri R.K. Singh, Minister for Power, New and Renewable Energy, Government of India and the President of the ISA Assembly.

22. What is the rank of India in the Global Food Security (GFS) Index 2021? वैश्विक खाद्य सुरक्षा सूचकांक 2021 में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
(A) 71
(B) 87
(C) 57
(D) 63

(A) 71
India has achieved 71st position in the Global Food Security (GFS) Index 2021 from among a list of 113 countries. The GFS Index is designed and constructed by London-based Economist Impact and is sponsored by Corteva Agriscience (American Agricultural chemical company).

23. The 4th General Assembly of International Solar Alliance (ISA) has decided to achieve what amount of global investments in solar energy by 2030? अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सौर गठबंधन की चौथी महासभा ने 2030 तक सौर ऊर्जा में वैश्विक निवेश की कितनी राशि हासिल करने का फैसला किया है?
(A) USD 1 billion
(B) USD 5 trillion
(C) USD 5 billion
(D) USD 1 trillion

(D) USD 1 trillion
The 4th General Assembly of multilateral body International Solar Alliance (ISA) concluded with the member nations promising to achieve USD 1 trillion global investments in solar energy by 2030.

24. Who shall head the National Steering Committee (NSC) constituted for implementation of the NIPUN Bharat Mission? NIPUN भारत मिशन के कार्यान्वयन के लिए गठित राष्ट्रीय संचालन समिति (NSC) का नेतृत्व कौन करेगा?
(A) Dharmendra Pradhan 
(B) Mansukh Mandaviya
(C) Amit Shah
(D) Narendra Modi

(A) Dharmendra Pradhan 
The Department of School Education and Literacy has constituted a National Steering Committee (NSC) for implementation of the NIPUN Bharat Mission. The Union Education Minister, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan will be the Chairperson of the NSC and Minister of State for Education, Smt. Annpurna Devi will be the Vice Chairperson.

The Ministry of Education has launched NIPUN (National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy) (समझ और संख्यात्मकता के साथ पढ़ने में प्रवीणता के लिए राष्ट्रीय पहल) Bharat Scheme. It aims to cover the learning needs of children in the age group of 3 to 9 years. इसका उद्देश्य 3 से 9 वर्ष के आयु वर्ग के बच्चों की सीखने की जरूरतों को पूरा करना है।

This initiative is being launched as a part of NEP (National Education Policy) 2020.

NIPUN Bharat Scheme will be implemented by the Department of School Education and Literacy.

25. India’s first ever Radio over Internet Protocol (ROIP) System for Major port of the country has been unveiled at which of these ports? देश के प्रमुख बंदरगाह के लिए भारत के पहले रेडियो ओवर इंटरनेट प्रोटोकॉल सिस्टम का अनावरण इनमें से किस बंदरगाह पर किया गया है?
(A) Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port 
(B) Port Blair Port
(C) Cochin Port
(D) Kandla Port

(A) Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port 
The Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port (SPM) in Kolkata has become the first Major Indian Port to get a Radio over Internet Protocol (ROIP) System.

Radio over Internet Protocol, or RoIP, is similar to Voice over IP (VoIP), but augments two-way radio communications rather than telephone calls.

(Mock TEST #41)

1. Email messages that cannot be delivered to the recipient because of a temporary error, such as a full mailbox? ईमेल संदेश जो एक अस्थायी त्रुटि, जैसे पूर्ण मेलबॉक्स के कारण प्राप्तकर्ता को डिलीवर नहीं किया जा सकता है?
(A) Snail mail
(B) Soft bounces
(C) Spam

(B) Soft bounces
Email messages that fail to reach their intended destination. "Hard" bounces are caused by invalid email addresses, whereas "soft" bounces are due to temporary conditions, such as overloaded inboxes.

2. A method of determining whether email recipients are capable of receiving HTML-formatted messages? यह निर्धारित करने का एक तरीका है कि ईमेल प्राप्तकर्ता HTML-स्वरूपित संदेश प्राप्त करने में सक्षम हैं या नहीं?
(A) Snailing
(B) Tracking
(C) Spoofing
(D) Sniffing

(D) Sniffing

3. _______ is software that is distributed free on a trial basis with the understanding that the user may need or want to pay for it later. _______ एक ऐसा सॉफ्टवेयर है जिसे परीक्षण के आधार पर मुफ्त में इस समझ के साथ वितरित किया जाता है कि उपयोगकर्ता को इसकी आवश्यकता हो सकती है या बाद में इसके लिए भुगतान करना चाहते हैं।
(A) Open Source Software
(B) Firmware
(C) Shareware
(D) Freeware

(C) Shareware
Shareware is software that is distributed free on a trial basis with the understanding that the user may need or want to pay for it later. Shareware is software that we use for free for some days.

4. Text in an email message that contains no formatting elements? एक ईमेल संदेश में टेक्स्ट जिसमें कोई स्वरूपण तत्व नहीं है?
(A) Plain text
(B) Rich text
(D) None of these

(A) Plain text

There are three different types/formats of email :- 
(1) Plain text email :- plain old text & No formatting, nothing. You’re limited to one font, you can’t make text bold or italic.

(2) Rich text email :- They allow you to make text bold and italic, you can change the colour of text, resize it. 

(3) HTML email :- HTML email is by far the most flexible format: you can have a header, a footer, background colours, and logos and other images can appear right there on the email instead of as attachments. Just like a website. 

The big downside is that HTML emails require a lot of coding and even more testing to make sure they’ll work properly in your recipient’s email program.

5. The act of removing duplicate email addresses from a coalesced list that is composed of two or more existing lists? दो या अधिक मौजूदा सूचियों से बनी एक समेकित सूची से डुप्लिकेट ईमेल पतों को हटाने का कार्य?
(A) Mail-merge
(B) Merge-purge

(B) Merge-purge
When an email that contains sensitive information needs to be completely purged from your inbox, simply deleting the email isn't enough.

6. _______ is most often used to print or email form letters to multiple recipients. _______ का उपयोग अक्सर कई प्राप्तकर्ताओं को पत्र प्रिंट करने या ईमेल करने के लिए किया जाता है।
(B) Achieved Mails
(C) Snoozed mails
(D) Mail Merge

(D) Mail Merge

7. _______ are sometimes used to reject incoming mail at the server level before the email reaches the recipient. कभी-कभी ईमेल प्राप्तकर्ता तक पहुंचने से पहले सर्वर स्तर पर आने वाली मेल को अस्वीकार करने के लिए _______ का उपयोग किया जाता है।
(A) Spam
(B) Snooze
(C) Blacklists
(D) Block

(C) Blacklists

8. Mark the Correct Statement.
(1) B2B :- The exchange of information, products or services between two businesses.
(2) B2C :- The exchange of information, products or services between a business and a consumer.

Code :-
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both
(D) None

(C) Both

Both Statement are Correct :- 
(1) B2B :- Business-to-Business – The exchange of information, products or services between two businesses – as opposed to between a business and a consumer (B2C).

(2) B2C :- Business-to-Consumer – The exchange of information, products or services between a business and a consumer – as opposed to between two businesses (B2B).

(Mock TEST #42)

1. A/An _______ is a third-party technology organization that provides users with software applications, usually a local area network (LAN) or Internet. _______ एक तृतीय-पक्ष प्रौद्योगिकी संगठन है जो उपयोगकर्ताओं को सॉफ़्टवेयर एप्लिकेशन प्रदान करता है, आमतौर पर एक लोकल एरिया नेटवर्क (LAN) या इंटरनेट। 
(B) Broadband

(D) ASP (Application Service Provider)
One of the most basic forms of ASP is a vendor that provides access to an application software using the HTTP protocol.

2. Mark the correct chronological order. सही कालानुक्रमिक क्रम को चिह्नित करें।
(1) Benaras Sanskrit College
(2) Calcutta Madrasa
(3) Asiatic Society of Bengal
(4) Fort William College

Code :- 
(A) 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
(B) 1 - 2 - 4 - 3
(C) 2 - 3 - 4 - 1
(D) 2 - 3 - 1 - 4

(D) 2 - 3 - 1 - 4
(2) Calcutta Madrasa
(3) Asiatic Society of Bengal
(1) Benaras Sanskrit College
(4) Fort William College

(Calcutta Madrasa)
:- The first institution of higher learning set up by the British East India Company was the Calcutta Madrasa in 1781.

:- Aliah Madrasah, also called Calcutta Madrasah, was established by Warren Hasting, the first Governor General of India in 1780-81. 

Q. Who set up the Calcutta Madrasa?
Warren Hastings

Q. Why was the Calcutta Madrasa set up?
Madrasa in Calcutta was set up to promote the study of Arabic, Persian and Islamic law. कलकत्ता में मदरसा अरबी, फारसी और इस्लामी कानून के अध्ययन को बढ़ावा देने के लिए स्थापित किया गया था।

(The Asiatic Society)
:- It was founded by the philologist (भाषाविद) William Jones on 15 January 1784 in a meeting presided over by Justice Robert Chambers in Calcutta, the then capital of the British Raj.

:- to encourage Oriental studies

(Benaras Sanskrit College)
Q. Who started Sanskrit College at Banaras?
Banaras Sanskrit College was established in 1791-92 by Jonathan Duncan, the East India Company Resident in Banaras for the study of Hindu law and Philosophy.

(Fort William College)
:- Fort William College was an academy of oriental studies and a centre of learning, founded on 10 July 1800 by Lord Wellesley, then Governor-General of British India.

3. Mark the Incorrect pair.
(A) Calcutta Madrasah :- Warren Hasting
(B) Wood's Despatch Created in 1854.
(C) Banaras Sanskrit College :- Jonathan Duncan
(D) Fort William College - Sir Charles Wood

(D) Fort William College - Sir Charles Wood
(D) Fort William College - Lord Wellesley

4. Mark the correct chronological order.
(1) University Education Commission 
(2) Secondary Education Commission
(3) National Education Commission
(4) National Knowledge Commission

Code :-
(A) 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
(B) 1 - 2 - 4 - 3
(C) 2 - 1 - 3 - 4
(D) 2 - 1 - 4 - 3

(A) 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
(1) University Education Commission 
(2) Secondary Education Commission
(3) National Education Commission
(4) National Knowledge Commission

University Education Commission :- The Government of India appointed a University Education Commission under the chairmanship of Dr. Radhakrishnan in November 1948. The Commission made a number of significant recommendations on various aspects of higher education and submitted its report in August 1949. आयोग ने उच्च शिक्षा के विभिन्न पहलुओं पर कई महत्वपूर्ण सिफारिशें की और अगस्त 1949 में अपनी रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत की। It is the first education commission in independent India, to study the problems of university education in India. 

Secondary Education Commission :- The Government of India established the Secondary Education Commission on 23 September 1952 under the chairmanship of Dr. Lakshmanaswamy Mudaliar. It was called the Mudaliar Commission after him.

Education Commission :- The Indian Education Commission popularly known as Kothari Education Commission (1964-66) was set up by the government of India on July 14, 1964, under the chairmanship of Dr. D.S. Kothari. 

National Knowledge Commission :-  It was constituted on 13 June 2005, by the Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh. The NKC website was launched in February 2006.
Headquarters :- New Delhi
First executive :- Sam Pitroda
Dissolved :- July 2014

5. When was National Policy on Education 1986 Revised? राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 1986 को कब संशोधित किया गया था?
(A) 2002
(B) 1988
(C) 1992
(D) 1994

(C) 1992
The National Policy on Education-1986 was modified in 1992 by the P. V. Narasimha Rao government.
In 1986, the government led by Rajiv Gandhi introduced a new National Policy on Education.

6. In 1911, who among the following introduced a bill in the Imperial Legislative Council for introduction of compulsory and free primary education in India? 1911 में, निम्नलिखित में से किसने भारत में अनिवार्य और मुफ्त प्राथमिक शिक्षा शुरू करने के लिए शाही विधान परिषद में एक बिल पेश किया?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi 
(B) Gopal Krishna Gokhle
(C) Lord Ripon
(D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(B) Gopal Krishna Gokhle
:- Gopal Krishna Gokhale was a member of the Imperial Legislative Council.
:- He was popularly famous as a great champion of compulsory primary education for the first time in India. वे भारत में पहली बार अनिवार्य प्राथमिक शिक्षा के महान समर्थक के रूप में प्रसिद्ध हुए।
:- Gokhale introduced the Elementary Education Bill in the Imperial Legislative Council on 18th March 1911. The bill made a plea for introduction of compulsory and free education in India. इस बिल ने भारत में अनिवार्य और मुफ्त शिक्षा की शुरुआत करने का अनुरोध किया।

(Mock TEST #43)

1. Mark the correct chronological order. सही कालानुक्रमिक क्रम को चिह्नित करें।
(1) Montreal Protocol
(2) Biodiversity Convention 
(3) Kigali Amendment
(4) Kyoto Protocol

Code :-
(A) 1-3-4-2
(B) 2-1-4-3
(C) 3-2-4-1
(D) 1-2-4-3

(D) 1-2-4-3
(1) Montreal Protocol
(2) Biodiversity Convention 
(4) Kyoto Protocol
(3) Kigali Amendment

(Montreal Protocol)
Signed :- 16 September 1987
Effective :- 1 January 1989

(Biodiversity Convention)
Drafted :- 22 May 1992
Signed :- 5 June 1992 – 4 June 1993
Effective :- 29 December 1993

Kyoto Protocol :- The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005.

(Kigali Amendment)
Signed :- October 15, 2016
Effective :- January 1, 2019

2. Which one of the following is the biggest Thermal Power Plant in India with an installed capacity of 4,760MW? 4,760MW की स्थापित क्षमता वाला भारत का सबसे बड़ा थर्मल पावर प्लांट निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा है?
(A) Mauda Super Thermal Power Plant, Maharashtra
(B) Mundra Thermal Power station, Gujarat
(C) Amravati Thermal Power plant, Maharashtra
(D) Vindhyanchal Thermal Power station, Madhya Pradesh

(D) Vindhyanchal Thermal Power station, Madhya Pradesh

The Vindhyachal Thermal Power Station in the Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh, it is the largest power station in India, and the 9th largest coal-fired power station in the world, with an installed capacity of 4,760 MW is currently the biggest thermal power plant in India. It is a coal-based power plant owned and operated by NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation Limited).

Thermal power plants converts the heat energy of primary fuels such as coal, to the electric power.

3. Which is the largest Nuclear Power Plant in India?
(A) Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, Tamil Nadu
(B) Kalapakkam Nuclear Power Plant, Tamil Nadu
(C) Tarapur Nuclear Reactor, Maharashtra
(D) Narora Nuclear Reactor, Uttar Pradesh

(A) Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, Tamil Nadu
Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant is the largest nuclear power station in India, situated in Kudankulam in the Tirunelveli district of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu with an installed capacity of 6,000 MW of electricity.
Nuclear Power is the fifth-largest source of generating electricity in India after coal, gas, wind power, and hydroelectricity. 

4. A product sell directly online to a consumer by a business is called _______. किसी व्यवसाय द्वारा उपभोक्ता को सीधे ऑनलाइन बेचे जाने वाले उत्पाद को _______ कहा जाता है।
(A) C2B
(B) Enterprise commerce
(C) B2C
(D) B2B

(C) B2C
Direct-to-consumer or business-to-consumer refers to selling products directly to customers, bypassing any third-party retailers, wholesalers, or any other middlemen.

5. Mark the Incorrect pair.
(A) COP 26 :- Glasgow, Scotland
(B) COP 25 :- Madrid, Spain
(C) COP 1 :- Berlin, Germany
(D) COP 3 :- Geneva, Switzerland

(D) COP 3 :- Geneva, Switzerland
COP 3 :- Kyoto, Japan

Conference of the Parties (COP) :- The COP is the supreme decision-making body of the Convention. The Conference of Parties, known as COP, is the decision-making body responsible for monitoring and reviewing (निगरानी और समीक्षा) the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). COP assesses the effects of measures introduced by the Parties to limit climate change against the overall goal of the UNFCCC.
:- to assess progress in dealing with climate change (जलवायु परिवर्तन से निपटने में प्रगति का आकलन करना)

6. Which of the following is an international treaty that was designed to reduce the movements of hazardous waste between nations? निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी एक अंतरराष्ट्रीय संधि है जिसे राष्ट्रों के बीच खतरनाक कचरे की आवाजाही को कम करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया था?
(A) Kyoto Protocol
(B) Basel Convention
(C) Ramsar Convention
(D) Rotterdam Convention

(B) Basel Convention
Basel Convention, is an international treaty that was designed to reduce the movements of hazardous waste between nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of hazardous waste from developed to less developed countries (LDCs). The convention was opened for signature on 21 March 1989, and entered into force on 5 May 1992.

(Mock TEST #44)

1. 2021 तक UNFCCC (United Nations Climate Change conference) के कितने COP हो चुके है?
(A) 24
(B) 25
(C) 26
(D) 27 

(C) 26
COP 26 :- Glasgow, United Kingdom
COP 27 :- Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

2. Which of the following is an international treaty designed to protect human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury? निम्नलिखित में से कौन मानव स्वास्थ्य और पर्यावरण को मानवजनित उत्सर्जन और पारे के विमोचन से बचाने के लिए डिज़ाइन की गई एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संधि है?
(A) Montreal Protocol
(C) Rotterdam Convention
(D) Minamata Convention

(D) Minamata Convention
The Minamata Convention on Mercury is an international treaty designed to protect human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury.
Signed :- 10 October 2013
Effective :- 16 August 2017

3. TDMA stands for?
(A) Top Division Multiple Access
(B) Telecommunication Division Multiple Access
(C) Time Database Multiple Access
(D) Time Division Multiple Access

(D) Time Division Multiple Access
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is a digital modulation technique used in digital cellular telephone and mobile radio communication. Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is a digital cellular telephone communication technology.
CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access.
FDMA :- Frequency-division multiple access

4. MICR technology used mainly by the _______. MICR तकनीक मुख्य रूप से _______ द्वारा उपयोग की जाती है।
(A) E-Commerce Sector
(B) Airports & Railway Stations
(C) Education Sector
(D) Banking Sector

(D) Banking Sector
MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) is a technology used to verify the legitimacy or originality of paper documents, especially cheques. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) is a 9-digit code. 

5. _______ is often called Internet language. _______ को अक्सर इंटरनेट भाषा कहा जाता है।
(A) C & C++
(B) Python
(C) Fortran
(D) Java

(D) Java

6. Who was the Developer of Java? जावा के विकासकर्ता कौन थे?
(A) Dennis Ritchie
(B) Apple
(C) Oracle
(D) Microsoft

(C) Oracle Corporation
Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which has since been acquired by Oracle) and released in 1995.

7. Gmail can only handle attachments up to how many MB? जीमेल केवल कितने एमबी तक के अटैचमेंट को ही हैंडल कर सकता है?
(A) 10MB
(B) 25MB
(C) 50MB
(D) 100MB

(B) 25MB
If you want to send a file larger than 25MB via email, than you can do so by using Google Drive.

8. World Computer Literacy Day is observed on _______ every year all over the world. विश्व कंप्यूटर साक्षरता दिवस पूरी दुनिया में हर साल _______ को मनाया जाता है।
(A) 1st December
(B) 2nd December
(C) 3rd December
(D) 4th December

(B) 2nd December
World Computer Literacy Day was first observed and held in the year 2001 on 2nd December.

9. India has collaborated with which country to launch the Green Grids Initiative One Sun One World One Grid (GGI-OSOWOG)?
(A) France
(B) Germany
(C) Denmark
(D) United Kingdom

(D) United Kingdom

10. India has committed to become carbon neutral and achieve net zero carbon emissions by which year at the COP26 Summit? भारत ने COP26 शिखर सम्मेलन में किस वर्ष तक कार्बन तटस्थ बनने और शुद्ध शून्य कार्बन उत्सर्जन प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध किया है?
(A) 2030
(B) 2040
(C) 2050
(D) 2070

(D) 2070

(Mock TEST #45)

1. Match the following.
(a) The Analytical Engine (1) John Mauchly
(b) Pascaline (2) Machine language
(c) ENIAC (3) Charles Babbage
(d) 1st generation computer (4) Arithmetic Machine

Code :-
(A) a-1, b-4, c-3, d-2
(B) a-3, b-2, c-1, d-4
(C) a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2
(D) a-3, b-1, c-4, d-2

(C) a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2

:- The Analytical Engine was a proposed mechanical general-purpose computer designed by English mathematician and computer pioneer Charles Babbage.

:- Pascaline, also called Arithmetic Machine, the first calculator or adding machine. The Pascaline was designed and built by the French mathematician-philosopher Blaise Pascal between 1642 and 1644.

:- ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was the first programmable, electronic, general-purpose digital computer made in 1945.
Invented by :- John Mauchly & J. Presper Eckert

Q. Which language is used in first generation computer? प्रथम पीढ़ी के कंप्यूटर में किस भाषा का प्रयोग किया जाता है?
(Machine language)

2. During the second generation, the size of computers was decreased by replacing vacuum tubes with _______. दूसरी पीढ़ी के दौरान, वैक्यूम ट्यूबों को किसके साथ बदलकर कंप्यूटर के आकार को कम कर दिया गया था?
(A) Magnetic drums
(B) Semiconductors
(C) Transistors
(D) Microprocessor
(E) Integrated chips

(C) Transistors
A transistor computer, now often called a second generation computer, is a computer which uses discrete transistors instead of vacuum tubes. The first generation of electronic computers used vacuum tubes, which generated large amounts of heat, were bulky and unreliable.

3. What number system do computers use to store information? कंप्यूटर सूचनाओं को संग्रहीत करने के लिए किस संख्या प्रणाली का उपयोग करते हैं?
(A) Binary
(B) Octal
(C) Decimal
(D) Hexadecimal

(A) Binary

4. Who is known as the father of Wikipedia? विकिपीडिया के जनक के रूप में किसे जाना जाता है?
(A) Charles Babbage
(B) Ray Tomlinson
(C) Jimmy Wales
(D) Tim Berners-Lee

(C) Jimmy Wales
Wikipedia began with its first edit on 15 January 2001, two days after the domain was registered by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.

5. NIC stands for?
(A) network internet card
(B) network Integrated card
(C) network Information card
(D) network interface card

(D) network interface card
A network interface controller (NIC, also known as a network interface card, network adapter, LAN adapter or physical network interface, and by similar terms) is a computer hardware component that connects a computer to a computer network.

6. A computer that is used to store data or information for users on the internet is called _______. इंटरनेट पर उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए डेटा या सूचना को स्टोर करने के लिए उपयोग किए जाने वाले कंप्यूटर को _________ कहा जाता है।
(A) web server
(B) web client
(C) web database
(D) web application

(A) web server
A web server is a computer that runs websites. It's a computer program that distributes web pages as they are requisitioned. The basic objective of the web server is to store, process and deliver web pages to the users. This intercommunication is done using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Web server is a computer where the web content is stored. A web server is also known as an internet server.

7. A small piece of data sent from a website and stored in the user’s web browser is called _______. एक वेबसाइट से भेजे गए और उपयोगकर्ता के वेब ब्राउज़र में संग्रहीत डेटा का एक छोटा-सा टुकड़ा _______ कहलाता है।
(A) Anonymous file
(B) Cookie
(C) Web page
(D) Bookmarks & History

(B) Cookie
Cookies are files created by websites you visit. They make your online experience easier by saving browsing information. With cookies, sites can keep you signed in, remember your site preferences, and give you locally relevant content. A computer “cookie” is more formally known as an HTTP cookie, a web cookie, an Internet cookie or a browser cookie.

8. How many types of RAM (Random Access Memory) are available?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

(B) 2
There are two main types of RAM :- Dynamic RAM (DRAM) and Static RAM (SRAM).

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