Sunday, July 31, 2022

Primary and Secondary Sources of Data in Research

Q. Which among the following is a secondary source of data? निम्न में से कौन डेटा का द्वितीयक स्रोत है?

(A) Archival data 

(B) Participants' diary 

(C) National Sample Survey Organization data 

(D) Oral narratives 

Correct Answer is Option (C) National Sample Survey Organization data

(Secondary data)

:- It refers to data that is collected by someone other than the primary user.

:- It is basically Past data.

Common sources of secondary data are :- Census data, tax records data, Information collected by government departments, like National Sample Survey Organization data  or Election commission of India, Organizational records and data that was originally collected for other research purposes.

(Primary data)

:- It refers to the first-hand data gathered by the researcher himself.

:- It is always specific to the researcher's needs.

:- It is available in the Crude form or Raw form.

:- Its examples include :- Surveys, Participants' diary, observations, experiments, Archival data, questionnaires, Oral narratives, personal interviews, etc.

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