Wednesday, November 30, 2022

(Computer Full Forms List NET June 2020) (Information and Communication Technology) ICT :- General abbreviations and terminology

Some Important Abbreviations (Quick Revision)

1. ALGOL :- Algorithmic Language
2. ARP :- Address Resolution Protocol
3. ASCII :- American Standard Code for Information Interchange
4. ALU :- arithmetic logic unit
5. APRANET :- Advanced Research Project Agency Network
6. AGP :- Accelerated Graphics Port
7. AMR :- audio/modem riser
8. ASP :- Active Server Page/Application service provider
9. AMD :- Advanced Micro Devices
10. API :- Application Programming Interfaces
11. AMOLED :- Active-matrix organic light – emitting diode

12. BASIC :- Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
13. BINAC :- Binary Automatic Computer
14. BCC :- blind carbon copy
15. BIOS :- Basic Input/Output System
16. BSNL :- Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
17. BERT :- bit error rate test
18. BIPS :- Billion Instructions Per Second
19. BPI :- bits per inch
20. BCD :- binary-coded decimal
21. BBC :- British Broadcasting Corporation

22. CC :- Carbon copy
23. CAD :- Computer-aided design
24. COBOL :- common business-oriented language
25. CRT :- Cathode-ray tube
26. CD-R :- Compact Disc Recordable
27. CD-ROM :- compact disc read-only memory
28. CD-RW :- Compact Disc-ReWritable
29. CDMA :- Code-division multiple access
30. CGI :- Computer-generated imagery/Common Gateway Interface
31. CDDA or CD-DA :- Compact Disc Digital Audio || also known as Audio CD
32. CD-i :- Compact Disc-Interactive
33. CHAT :- Conversational Hypertext Access Technology
34. cXML :- commerce eXtensible Markup Language
35. CAE :- Computer-aided engineering
36. CASE :- Computer-aided software engineering
37. CLI :- command-line interface
38. CSS :- Cascading Style Sheets

39. DBA :- database administrator/database analyst/database architect
40. DBMS :- Database Management System
41. DPI :- Dots Per Inch
42. DNS :- Domain Name System
43. DRAM :- Dynamic Random Access Memory
44. DVD :- Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc
45. DVR :- Digital Video Recorder || whereas NVR stands for Network Video Recorder.
46. DOS :- Disk Operating System
47. DMA :- Direct memory access
48. DSL :- Digital Subscriber Line
49. DDR :- Double Data-Rate
50. DBML :- Database Markup Language
51. DHTML :- Dynamic HTML
52. DML :- data manipulation language
53. DAT :- digital audio tape
54. DDL :- Data Definition Language
55. DNA :- Digital network Architecture
56. DSA :- data source name
57. DARPA :- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

58. EBCDIC :- Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code 
59. EDP :- Electronic data processing
60. EEPROM :- electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
61. ENIAC :- Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
62. EOF :- end-of-file
63. EDO DRAM :- Extended Data Out Dynamic Random Access Memory
64. EAP :- Extensible Authentication Protocol
65. EDI :- Electronic Data Interchange
66. EDSAC :- Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
67. EDVAC :- Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
68. EXIF :- Exchangeable Image File Format

69. FAX :- facsimile/Far Away Xerox
70. FDC :- floppy-disk controller
71. FDD :- Floppy Disk Drive
72. FORTRAN :- Formula Translation/Formula Translator
73. FTP :- File Transfer Protocol
74. FAQs :- frequently asked questions
75. FDM :- Frequency division multiplexing
76. FLOPS :- floating point operations per second
77. FM :- frequency modulation
78. FMS :- Flight management System/Feedback Management System
79. FDMA :- frequency division multiple access
80. FPS :- Frames Per Second/Fast packet switching
81. FSP :- File Service Protocol
82. FTAM :- File Transfer Access Method/ also known as File Transfer Access and Management 
83. EFTAM :- Electronic File Transfer Access Method

84. GIF :- Graphics Interchange Format
85. GSM :- Global System for Mobile Communications
86. GUI :- graphical user interface
87. GDP :- Gateway Discovery Protocol
89. GPRS :- General Packet Radio Service
90. Google :- Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth

91. HDD :- hard disk drive
92. HP :- Hewlett-Packard
93. HTML :- Hypertext Markup Language
94. HTTP :- Hyper Text Transfer protocol
95. HID :- Human interface device
96. HDMi :- High Definition Media Interface
97. HDML :- Handheld Device Markup Language
98. HSSI :- High Speed Serial Interface
99. HTTPS :- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure

100. IBM :- International Business Machines
101. IMAP :- Internet Message Access Protocol
102. ISP :- Internet service provider
103. IRC :- Internet Relay Chat
104. ISDN :- Integrated Services Digital Network
105. ICMP :- Internet Control Message Protocol
106. IOS :- Internetwork Operating System
107. IPP :- Internet Printing Protocol
108. ITSP :- Internet telephony service provider
109. IMEI :- International Mobile Equipment Identity
110. INTEL :- Integrated Electronics
111. IMDb :- Internet Movie Database
112. ISD :- International Subscriber Dialing
113. IBN :- Indian Broadcasting Network

114. JPEG :- Joint Photographic Experts Group

115. LCD  :- Liquid Crystal Display
116. LED :- Light Emitting Diode
117. LPI :- Lines per inch
118. LSI :- Large-scale integration
119. LG :- Life’s Good

120. MPEG :- Moving Picture Experts Group
121. MMS :- Multimedia Messaging Service
122. MICR :- Magnetic Ink Character Recognition technology
123. MIPS :- Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages/Million instructions per second
124. MAN :- metropolitan area network
125. MS-DOS :- MicroSoft Disk Operating System
126. MAPI :- Messaging Application Programming Interface
127. Mbps :- Megabits per second
128. MFLOP :- mega floating-point operations per second
129. MGCP :- Media Gateway Control Protocol
130. MIME :- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
131. MAC :- Media Access Control

132. NIC :- National Informatics Center/network interface card || It is also called network interface controller, network adapter or LAN adapter.
133. NOS :- Network Operating System
134. NICNET :- National Informatics Centre Network
135. NVRAM :- Non-Volatile Random Access Memory

136. OMR :- Optical mark recognition/optical mark reading
137. OOP :- Object-oriented programming
138. OSS :- Operations Support Systems/Operational Support Systems/Open-source software
139. OCR :- Optical character recognition/optical character reader
140. OSI Model :- Open Systems Interconnection Model
141. OTP :- one-time password
142. OLED :- Organic Light Emitting Diode

143. PAN :- personal area network
144. PDA :- personal digital assistant
145. PDF :- Portable Document Format
146. POS :- point of sale
147. POP :- point of purchase/Post Office Protocol
148. PNG :- Portable Network Graphics
149. PPM :- Pages Per Minute
150. PNG :- Portable Network Graphics
151. PROM :- Programmable Read-Only Memory
152. PSTN :- public switched telephone network
153. POST (or P.O.S.T.) :- Power On Self Test
154. PING :- Packet InterNet Groper
155. Perl :- Practical Extraction and Reporting Language
156. PHP :- Hypertext Preprocessor (earlier called, Personal Home Page)
157. PnP :- Plug and play
158. PCI :- Peripheral Component Interconnect
159. PPP :- Point-To-Point Protocol
160. PPTP :- Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
161. PDN :- public data network
162. PIN :- Personal Identification Number
163. PCO :- Public Call Office

164. RDBMS :- relational database management system
165. RIP :- Routing Information Protocol
166. RTF :- Rich Text Format
167. RDF :- Resource Description Framework
168. RTSP :- Real Time Streaming Protocol
169. RARP :-  Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

171. SMTP :- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
172. SSD  :- Solid State Disk
173. SMPS :- Switch Mode Power Supply
174. SDSL :- symmetric digital subscriber line
175. SQL :- Structured Query Language
176. SRAM :- Static random-access memory
177. SDRAM :- Synchronous dynamic random-access memory
178. SNMP :- Simple Network Management Protocol
179. SLIP :- Serial Line Internet Protocol
180. SMDS :- Switched Multimegabit Data Service
181. SCSI :- Small Computer System Interface
182. SIM :- subscriber identity module or subscriber identification module
183. SEQUEL :- structured English query language
184. SGML :- Standard Generalized Markup Language
185. STP :- Spanning Tree Protocol
186. SNMP :- Simple Network Management Protocol
187. SOAP :- Simple Object Access Protocol
188. Sysop :- system operator
189. SD cards :- Secure Digital 
190. STD :- Subscriber Trunk Dialing
191. SAP :- Service Access Point

192. TCP :- Transmission Control Protocol
193. TDM :- Time-division multiplexing
194. TIFF :- Tagged Image File Format
195. TED :- Technology, Entertainment and Design

196. UPS :- uninterruptible power supply or uninterruptible power source
197. URI :- Uniform Resource Identifier
198. URL :- Uniform Resource Locator
199. USB :- Universal Serial Bus
200. ULSI :- Ultra Large Scale Integration
201. UNIVAC :- Universal Automatic Computer
202. UDP :- User Datagram Protocol
203. UTF :- Unicode Transformation Format

204. VAR :- Value-added reseller
205. VGA :- Video Graphics Array
206. VSNL :- Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited
207. VDU :- Visual Display Unit
208. VoIP :- Voice over Internet Protocol
209. VRAM :- Video Random Access Memory
210. VIRUS :- Vital information Recourse Under Siege
211. VLSI :- Very large-scale integration
212. VAN :- value-added network
213. VCR :- videocassette recorder
214. VDT :- Video Display Terminal
215. VOD :- Video on demand
216. VSAT :- very small aperture terminal
218. VPN :- Virtual Private Network

219. WLAN :- wireless local area network
220. WPA :- Wi-Fi Protected Access
221. WORM :- Write Once, Read Many
222. WiFi :- Wireless Fidelity
223. WAN :- wide area network
224. WAP :- Wireless Application Protocol
225. WiMAX :- Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
226. WCCP :- Web Cache Communication Protocol

227. XHTML :- EXtensible HyperText Markup Language
228. XGA :- Extended Graphics Array

229. YAHOO :- Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle

230. ZB :- zettabyte
231. ZIP :- Zone Information Protocol

Domain Name Extensions :-
(138) .com :- Commercial Internet Sites (For-profit businesses) Commercial entities (वाणिज्यिक संस्थाओं)
(139) .net :- Intended for organizations involved in networking technologies, such as Internet service providers and other infrastructure companies. Actual use :- ISPs; miscellaneous sites; used sometimes when desired name is not available
(140) .org :- Organizations
(141) .edu :- Educational institutions
(142) .gov :- Governmental entities
(143) .int :- International treaty-based organisations (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संधि-आधारित संगठन)
(144) .mil :- Military entities
(145) .mobi :- Mobile content providers (Actual use :- Mobile products and services websites)
(146) .io :- Entities connected with British Indian Ocean Territory
Actual use :- Popular with startup companies;
(147) .store :- A Retail Business
(148) .in :- Entities connected with India (.in is the Internet country code top-level domain for India)
(149) .us :- Entities connected with the United States of America