Wednesday, February 09, 2022

(NTA UGC NET Paper 1) (Information and Communication Technology)

1. The "IBM-DOS" is a :- 
(A) Single user operating system
(B) Multiuser operating system
(C) Batch operating system
(D) Time-sharing operating system 

(A) Single user operating system

2. Which of the following are components of Central Processing Unit (CPU) ?
(A) Arithmetic logic unit, Mouse
(B) Arithmetic logic unit, Control unit
(C) Arithmetic logic unit, Integrated Circuits
(D) Control Unit, Monitor

(A) Arithmetic logic unit, Mouse

3. Which among following first generation of computers had ?
(A) Vaccum Tubes and Magnetic Drum
(B) Integrated Circuits
(C) Magnetic Tape and Transistors
(D) All of above

C) Magnetic Tape and Transistors

4. Full form of URL is ?
(A) Uniform Resource Locator
(B) Uniform Resource Link
(C) Uniform Registered Link
(D) Unified Resource Link

(A) Uniform Resource Locator

5. In which of the following form, data is stored in computer ?
(A) Decimal
(B) Binary
(C) HexaDecimal
(D) Octal

(B) Binary

6. Technology used to provide internet by transmitting data over wires of telephone network is ? टेलीफोन नेटवर्क के तारों पर डेटा संचारित करके इंटरनेट प्रदान करने के लिए कौन-सी तकनीक का उपयोग किया जाता है?
(A) Transmitter
(B) Diodes

(D) DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)

7. Which level language is Assembly Language ?
(A) High-level programming language
(B) Medium-level programming language
(C) Low-level programming language
(D) Machine language

(C) Low-level programming language

8. What is full form of GUI in terms of computers ?
(A) Graphical user Instrument
(B) Graphical unified Interface
(C) Graphical unified Instrument
(D) Graphical user Interface

(D) Graphical user Interface

9. Who was the Founder of Bluetooth ?
(A) Ericson
(B) Martin Cooper
(C) Steve Jobs
(D) Apple

(A) Ericson

10. Who was the father of Internet ?
(A) Chares Babbage
(B) Vint Cerf
(C) Denis Riche
(D) Martin Cooper

(B) Vint Cerf

11. Verification is process of ?
(A) Access
(B) Login
(C) Logout
(D) Authentication

(D) Authentication

12. What is LINUX ?
(A) Malware
(B) Operating System
(C) Application Program
(D) Firmware

(B) Operating System

13. What is the name of first super computer of India ?
(A) Saga 220
(B) PARAM 8000
(D) PARAM 6000

(B) PARAM 8000

14.  Who is also known as Father of Computer ?
(A) Vint Cerf
(B) Tim Berners Lee
(C) Charles Babbage
(D) Steve Jobs

(C) Charles Babbage

15. What is full form CMOS ?
(A) Content Metal Oxide Semiconductor
(B) Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
(C) Complementary Metal Oxygen Semiconductor
(D) Complementary Metal Oscillator Semiconductor

(B) Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

16. Second generation of computers consist of which of following ?
(A) Vacuum Tubes
(B) Diodes
(C) VLSI Microprocessor
(D) Transistors

(D) Transistors

17. What is full form of SMPS ?
(A) Switch Mode Power Supply
(B) Simple Mode Power Supply
(C) Storage Mode Power Supply
(D) Storage Mode Power Shortage

(A) Switch Mode Power Supply

18. Which component of computer is also considered as it Heart ?
(A) Monitor
(B) Keyboard
(C) Scanner
(D) Microprocessor

(D) Microprocessor

19. What is used to make computer chips ?
(A) Copper
(B) Steel
(C) Silicon
(D) Iron

(C) Silicon

20. What is full form of EXIF ?
(A) Exchangeable Image Fine Finish
(B) Exchangeable Image File Format
(C) Executable Image File Format
(D) Executable Image File Finish

(B) Exchangeable Image File Format

21. BIOS (basic input/output system) is used for ?
(A) Updating system information on network
(B) Loading operating system
(C) It helps in routing
(D) It take inputs from keywords and other devices

(B) Loading operating system

22. An electronic path, that sends signals from one part of computer to another is ?
(A) Logic Gate
(B) Modem
(C) Bus
(D) Serial Port

(C) Bus

23. Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) defines an IP address as a _____ number ?
(A) 4-bit
(B) 8-bit
(C) 16-bit
(D) 32-bit

 (D) 32-bit

24. In banking, railways etc. which computers are used ?
(A) Mini Computers
(B) Micro Computers
(C) Main Frames
(D) Super Computers

(C) Main Frames

25. Which type of software is an operating system ?
(A) Utility Software
(B) System Software
(C) Application Software
(D) Firmware Software

(B) System Software

26. Which type of switching is used in Internet ?
(A) Packet
(B) Telephone
(C) Circuit
(D) Telex

(A) Packet

27. Microsoft office is type of ?
(A) System software
(B) Application software
(C) Utility Software
(D) Firmware

(B) Application software

28. Intersection of columns and rows is called a ?
(A) Data
(B) Table
(C) Cell
(C) Schema

(C) Cell

29. ARP stands for ?
(A) Address Reverse Protocol
(B) Address Resolution Protocol
(C) Address Representative Protocol
(D) Address Recording Protocol

(B) Address Resolution Protocol

30. Who is also known as father of jQuery JavaScript ?
(A) Vint cerf
(B) John Resig
(C) Larry Page
(D) Charles Babbage

(B) John Resig

31. Who invented C++ ?
(A) Steve Jobs
(B) James Gosling
(C) Bjarne Stroustrup
(D) Dennis Ritchie

(C) Bjarne Stroustrup

32. What is the meaning of OSI, in terms of computers ?
(A) Open Software Interrelation
(B) Open System Interrelation
(C) Open Software Interconnection
(D) Open System Interconnection

(D) Open System Interconnection

33. ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) microprocessor is used in which generation of computers ?
(A) Second generation
(B) Third generation
(C) Fourth generation
(D) Fifth generation

(D) Fifth generation

34. Who invented keyboard ?
(A) James Gosling
(B) Steve Jobs
(C) Martin cooper
(D) Christopher Latham Sholes

(D) Christopher Latham Sholes

35. What is meaning of EEPROM ?
(A) Electronically Erasable Programmable Read only Memory
(B) Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only Memory
(C) Electronically Erasable Programmable Reach only Memory
(D) Electrically Erasable Practical Reach only Memory

(B) Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only Memory

36. What is meaning of OMR ?
(A) Optical Mark Reader
(B) Optical Message Reader
(C) Optical Message Render
(D) Optical Mark Render

(A) Optical Mark Reader 

37. Which is a application software among following ?
(A) Assembler
(B) Complier
(C) Operating System
(D) Microsoft office

(D) Microsoft office

38. What is full form of TIFF ?
(A) The Image File Format
(B) Tagged Image File Format
(C) Tagged Image File Front
(D) The Image Fax Format

(B) Tagged Image File Format

39.  Computer resolution measures ?
(A) Size of screen
(B) Shape of screen
(C) Number of pixels
(D) Number of colors it support

(C) Number of pixels

40. From which year 5th generation of computers is considered ?
(A) 1970
(B) 1980
(C) 1990
(D) 2000

(B) 1980

41. What is full form of CAM ?
(A) Computer Aided Manufacturing
(B) Computer And Manufacturing
(C) Computer Aided Manifesto
(D) Computer And Manifesto

(A) Computer Aided Manufacturing

42. Which term is related to database ?
(B) Java
(C) Oracle
(D) Assembly

(C) Oracle

43. What is full form of BMP ?
(A) Byte map
(B) Bit map
(C) Byte map process
(D) Bit map process

(B) Bit map

44. Which language was used as first generation language ?
(A) Machine language
(B) Assembly language
(C) Java
(D) C language

(A) Machine language

45. Where is cache memory is located ?
(B) Monitor
(C) Scanner
(D) On file server


46. Who invented Java ?
(A) Denis Ritchie
(B) James Gosling
(C) Bjarne
(D) Linus Torvalds

(B) James Gosling

47. Which among following is an image name extension ?
(A) gif
(B) docx
(C) ppt
(D) lib

(A) gif

48. Charles Babbage designed the first mechanical computer named :-
(A) Analytical Engine
(B) Processor
(C) Comp Engine
(D) Abacus

(A) Analytical Engine

49. What is the name of a device that converts digital signals to analog signals ?
(A) Router
(B) Switch
(C) Modem
(D) None of above

(C) Modem

50. From the following which is known as the administrative section of the computer system ?
(A) Control Unit
(B) Input Unit
(D) Central Processing Unit

(D) Central Processing Unit

51.  What is kind of CD-ROM ?
(A) Optical disk
(B) Magnetic disk
(C) Magneto-Optical disk
(D) None of above

(B) Magnetic disk

52. C is what kind of language ?
(A) An assembly language
(B) A third generation high level language
(C) A machine language
(D) Future language

(B) A third generation high level language

53. Which among following is not an input device ? निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा इनपुट डिवाइस नहीं है?
(A) Mouse
(B) Scanner
(C) Keyboard
(D) Printer

(D) Printer

54. Word "INTERPRETER" is related to ?
(A) Address resolution
(B) IP address ranges
(C) Programming Languages
(D) None of above

(C) Programming Languages

55. DPI means ?
(A) Dots processing Inch
(B) Dots per Inch
(C) Diagram per Inch
(D) Diagram processing Inch

(B) Dots per Inch

56.  Firewall is ?
(A) a hardware
(B) a software
(C) can be a hardware as well as software
(D) can neither be a hardware nor a software

(C) can be a hardware as well as software

57.  What is full form of MBR ?
(A) Mini Boot Record
(B) Master Break Record
(C) Master Boot Race
(D) Master Boot Record

(D) Master Boot Record

58. Which among following is Linux operating system ?
(A) Fedora
(B) Mint
(C) Red Hat
(D) All of above

(D) All of above

59. What is algorithm ?
(A) Application code
(B) Type of programming language
(C) Step by step procedure for calculations
(D) None of above

(C) Step by step procedure for calculations

60. Compiler is related to ?
(B) Programming Language
(C) Database
(D) Internet

(B) Programming Language

61. DNS is the abbreviation of ?
(A) Domain Network Service
(B) Dynamic Network System
(C) Domain Name System
(D) Domain Name Service

(C) Domain Name System

62. Who invented Java language ?
(A) James Gosling
(B) Denis Ritchie
(C) Grace Hopper
(D) John Backus

(A) James Gosling

63. What is motherboard ?
(A) Scanner and other things are part of motherboard
(B) Keyboard otherwise known as motherboard
(C) A circuit board which connects all the elements
(D) It is a type of file server

(C) A circuit board which connects all the elements

64. Who is the founder of Apple Computers ?
(A) Bill Gates
(B) Steve Jobs
(C) John McCarthy
(D) Stephane Lyndsey

(B) Steve Jobs

65. Which among following is considered a volatile memory ?
(C) Hard Disk


66. LAN stands for ?
(A) Local Area Network
(B) Long Area Network
(C) Least Area Network
(D) Leave All Network

(A) Local Area Network

67. Who invented Linux operating system ?
(A) Denis's Ritchie
(B) Linus Torvalds
(C) Steve Jobs
(D) Madam Curie

(B) Linus Torvalds

68.  What is full form of USB ?
(A) Unidirectional Serial Bus
(B) Universal Serial Bus
(C) Unidirectional Standard Bus
(D) Universal Standard Bus

(B) Universal Serial Bus

69. Firmware is stored in ?
(B) Cache
(D) Hard Disk


70. When a document is opened in computer it is temporarily stored in? जब कंप्यूटर में कोई दस्तावेज़ खोला जाता है तो यह अस्थायी रूप से संग्रहीत होता है?
(A) Hard Disk
(D) All of above


71. What is the meaning of FTP ?
(A) File Training Protocol
(B) File Transfer Protocol
(C) File Transit Protocol
(D) File Tracking Protocol

(B) File Transfer Protocol

72. Which among following is considered as fastest memory ?
(A) External Hard Disk
(B) Cache

(B) Cache

73. Which is not a function of operating system ?
(A) Process management
(B) Memory Management
(C) Internet Server management
(D) File Management

(C) Internet Server management

74. Secondary memory is also known as ?
(A) Second pass memory
(B) Dynamic memory
(C) Auxiliary memory
(D) Temporary memory

(C) Auxiliary memory

75. Mouse, trackball and joystick are the examples of ?
(A) Scanning devices
(B) Multimedia devices
(C) Pointing devices
(D) Storing devices

(C) Pointing devices

76. Which of following is not an application software ?
(A) Photoshop
(C) Dreamweaver
(D) WinRAR

(D) WinRAR

77. What is full form of VDU ?
(A) Visible Display Unit
(B) Visible Diode Unit
(C) Visual Display Unit
(D) Visual Diode Unit

(C) Visual Display Unit

78. What is full form of IP ?
(A) Interface Program
(B) Internet Program
(C) Internet Protocol
(D) Interface Protocol

(C) Internet Protocol

79. In which generation of computers microprocessor was introduced ?
(A) First Generation
(C) Second Generation
(C) Third Generation
(D) Fourth Generation

(D) Fourth Generation

80. What is meaning of LAT ?
(A) Local Area Transport
(B) Large Area Transport
(C) Local Area Transmission
(D) Large Area Transmission

(A) Local Area Transport

81. One million bytes of information are ?
(A) 1 MB
(B) 1 GB
(C) 1 KB
(D) None of above

(A) 1 MB

82. SNMP full form is ?
(A) Single Network Management Protocol
(B) Simple Network Mail Protocol
(C) Simple Network Management Protocol
(D) Simple Network Management Procedure

(C) Simple Network Management Protocol

83. SLIP stands for ?
(A) Serial Line Internet Processing
(B) Serial Line Internet Protocol
(C) Serial Line Protocol
(D) None of above

(C) Serial Line Protocol

84. BIND full form is ?
(A) Berkeley Internet Name Domain
(B) Binary Internet Domain
(C) Benefited Internet Name Domain
(D) None of above

(A) Berkeley Internet Name Domain


85. What is meaning of FORTRAN ?
(A) Formula train
(B) Formula translation
(C) Formula train network
(D) Formula translation network

(B) Formula translation

86. What is full form of ISDN ?
(A) Integrated Services Digital Network
(B) Integrated Services Double Network
(C) Inter Services Digital Network
(D) Integrated Server Digital Network

(A) Integrated Services Digital Network

87. What is full form of PNG ?
(A) Portable Natural Graphics
(B) Portable Network Graph
(C) Pretty Network Graphics
(D) Portable Network Graphics

(D) Portable Network Graphics

88. What is full form of USB ?
(A) Unicode Smart Bus
(B) Universal Smart Bus
(C) Unicode Serial Bus
(D) Universal Serial Bus

(D) Universal Serial Bus

89. In terms of network what is meaning of SAP ?
(A) Smart Access Point
(B) Service Access Point
(C) Service At Point
(D) Service Access Permission

(B) Service Access Point

90. What is full form of CSS ?
(A) Creative Style Shots
(B) Creative Style Sheets
(C) Cascading Style Sheets
(D) Cascading Style Shots

(C) Cascading Style Sheets

91. What is full form of PHP ?
(A) Processor Hypertext Program
(B) Hypertext Preprocessor
(C) Pre Hypertext Processor
(D) Pre Processor Hypertext

(B) Hypertext Preprocessor

92. What is the full form of IC ?
(A) Interrelated Circuit
(B) Integrated Conductor
(C) Integrated Conductor
(D) Integrated Circuit

(D) Integrated Circuit

93. What is full form of PDF ?
(A) Printed Document Format
(B) Public Document Format
(C) Portable Document Format
(D) Published Document Format

(C) Portable Document Format

94. What is full form of CRT ?
(A) Crystal Ray Tube
(B) Cathode Ray Tube
(C) Cabin Ray Tube
(D) Carbon Ray Tube

(B) Cathode Ray Tube

95. What is full form of SOAP ?
(A) Small Object Access Procedure
(B) Simple Object Access Protocol
(C) Simple Object Access Procedure
(D) Small Object Access Protocol

(B) Simple Object Access Protocol

96. What is full form of HTTP ?
(A) High Text Transfer Protocol
(B) Hyper Text Transfer Procedure
(C) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
(D) Hyper Typo Transfer Protocol

(C) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

97. What is full form of HTML ?
(A) Hyper Text Magic Line
(B) Hyper Text Markup Line
(C) Hyper Text Markup Language
(D) High Text Markup Language

(C) Hyper Text Markup Language

98. What is full form of ISO ?
(A) International Systems Organization
(B) International Standard Ora
(C) Indian Standard Organization
(D) International Standard Organization

(D) International Standard Organization

99. What is full form of VLSI ?
(A) Very Low Scale Immunity
(B) Very Low Scale Integrated
(C) Very Large Scale Integrated
(D) Very Large Scale Immunity

(C) Very Large Scale Integrated

100. What is full form of MAC ?
(A) Mass Access Control
(B) Media Access Control
(C) Mass Access Carriage
(D) Media Access Carriage

(B) Media Access Control

101. What is full form of Wi-Fi ?
(A) Wireless Fidelity
(B) Wired Fidelity
(C) Wireless Focus
(D) Wired Focus

(A) Wireless Fidelity

102. What is meaning of docx
(A) Document copied and Xeroxed
(B) Document extended
(C) Draft extended
(D) Draft copied and Xeroxed

(B) Document extended

103. What is full form of ASP ?
(A) Active Service Process
(B) Active Service Pages
(C) Active Server Pages
(D) None of above

(C) Active Server Pages

104. What is full form of RTC ?
(A) Real time clock
(B) Real time check
(C) Related to check
(D) Related to clock

(A) Real time clock

105. What is full form of UDP ?
(A) User Data Process
(B) User Data Protocol
(C) User Datagram Process
(D) User Datagram Protocol

(D) User Datagram Protocol

106. What is full form of TCP ?
(A) Transmission Centric Protocol
(B) Transfer Control Protocol
(C) Transmission Control Protocol
(D) Transmission Control Process

(C) Transmission Control Protocol

107. What is full form of SQL ?
(A) Straight Query Language
(B) Structured Query Language
(C) Structured Query Lainson
(D) Structured Query Linear

(B) Structured Query Language

108. What is full form of XML ?
(A) Extensible Maria Letters
(B) Extensible Media Language
(C) Xtensible Markup Language
(D) Extensible Markup Language

(D) Extensible Markup Language

109. What is full form of ARP ?
(A) Address resolution protocol
(B) Allied resolution protocol
(C) Address resolution process
(D) Address rectification protocol

(A) Address resolution protocol

110. What is full form of BASIC ?
(A) Basic All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Codes
(B) Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Codes
(C) Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Intelligent Codes
(D) Beginners Anti Purpose Symbolic Instruction Codes

(B) Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Codes

111. What is full form of BPS ?
(A) Bytes Per Second
(B) Bits Per Second
(C) Bytes Pro Second
(D) Bits Per Secure

(B) Bits Per Second

112. What is full form of COMPUTER ?
(A) Competent Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Education and Research
(B) Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Education and Research
(C) Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Trade Education and Research
(D) Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Electron and Research

(B) Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Education and Research

113. What is full form of DRAM ?
(A) Duo Random Access Memory
(B) Dynamic Random Access Memory
(C) Different Random Access Memory
(D) Defector Random Access Memory

(B) Dynamic Random Access Memory

114. What is full form of DSU ?
(A) Digital Service Unit
(B) Digital Security Unit
(C) Digital Service Union
(D) Digital Service Uno

(A) Digital Service Unit

115. What is full form of FM ?
(A) Frequent Modulation
(B) Frequency Modulation
(C) Frequency Method
(D) Frequency Molecules

(B) Frequency Modulation

116. What is full form of FAT ?
(A) Frequent Allocation Table
(B) File Allocated Table
(C) File Allocation Table
(D) File Allocation Theory

(C) File Allocation Table

117. What is full form of ISDN ?
(A) Integrated Service Digital Network
(B) Intelligent Service Digital Network
(C) Integrated Service Double Network
(D) Integrated Secure Digital Network

(A) Integrated Service Digital Network

118. What is full form of JPEG ?
(A) Joint Photo Electronic Group
(B) Joint Picture Electronic Group
(C) Joint Photo Expert Group
(D) Joint Picture Expert Group

(C) Joint Photo Expert Group

119. What is full form of MODEM ?
(A) Modulation And Demodulation
(B) Modulator And Demodulator
(C) Modulator And Electronic Demodulator
(D) Modulator Or Digital Electronic Demodulator

(B) Modulator And Demodulator

120. What is full form of OMR ?
(A) Optical Mark Registers
(B) Optical Mark Recognition
(C) Optical Meter Recognition
(D) Oral Mark Recognition

(B) Optical Mark Recognition

121. What is full form of PSTN ?
(A) Process Switched Telephone Network
(B) Public Switched True Network
(C) Public Serial Telephone Network
(D) Public Switched Telephone Network

(D) Public Switched Telephone Network

122.  What is full form of SMTP ?
(A) Simple Mail Transmit Protocol
(B) Smart Mail Transfer Protocol
(C) Smart Mailbox Transfer Protocol
(D) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

(D) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

123. What is full form of STP ?
(A) Serial Twisted Pair
(B) Shielded Twisted Pair
(C) Shielded Three Pair
(D) Serials Three Pair

(B) Shielded Twisted Pair

124. What is full form of URL ?
(A) Uniform Resource Location
(B) Uniform Resource Locator
(C) Universal Resource Locator
(D) Uniform Retention Locator

(B) Uniform Resource Locator

125. What us full form of GOOGLE ?
(A) Global Orient Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth
(B) Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth
(C) Global Orient Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth
(D) Global Oriented Of Organization Group Language Of Earth

(B) Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth

126. What is full form of YAHOO ?
(A) Yet Another Hierarchical Officio Oracular
(B) Yahoo Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle
(C) Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracular
(D) Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle

(D) Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle

127. What is full form of VIRUS ?
(A) Vitalize Information Resources Under Siege
(B) Vital Informational Resources Under Siege
(C) Vital Information Resources Under Siege
(D) Vital Information Resources Undead Siege

(C) Vital Information Resources Under Siege

128. What is full form of OLED ?
(A) Organic Light Emitted Diode
(B) Organic Light Emitting Diode
(C) Organ Light Emitting Diode
(D) Oscar Light Emitting Diode

(B) Organic Light Emitting Diode

129. What is full form of ESN ?
(A) Electronic System Number
(B) Electronic Serial Number
(C) Electronic Serial Network
(D) Equipment Serial Number

(B) Electronic Serial Number

130. What is full form of AMOLED ?
(A) Active-math organization light – emitting diode
(B) Active-matrix organic light – emitting data
(C) Active-matrix organization light – emitting diode
(D) Active-matrix organic light – emitting diode

(D) Active-matrix organic light – emitting diode

131. What is full form of WINDOW ?
(A) Wide interactive Network Development for Office work solution
(B) World interactive Network Development for Office work solution
(C) Wide internet Network Development for Office work solution
(D) Wide interact Network Development for Office work solution

(A) Wide interactive Network Development for Office work solution

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