Sunday, February 06, 2022

(Sociology UGC NET Paper) | Books & Authors

1. Urbanization and family change (Madhav Sadashiv Gore)
2. The dominant caste and other essays (MN Srinivas)
3. A Rajasthan village (Brij Raj Chauhan) 
4. Tribal Movements in India (KS Singh) 
5. From population to people (Ashish Bose) (Originally published 1988) 
6. Gender inequalities and demographic behavior (Sonalde Desai)
7. Regulating reproduction in India's population (K Srinivasan)
8. Social change in modern India (MN Srinivas)
9. India's Changing Villages (SC Dube) 
10. Hindu Social Organization (Pandharinath H Prabhu)
11. The consequences of modernity (Anthony Giddens) 
12. The Problem of Social Reality (Alfred Schutz) 
13. Studies in Ethnomethodology (Harold Garfinkel)
14. The Sacred Canopy (Peter L Berger) 
15. The Social Construction of Reality (Peter L Berger and Thomas Luckmann)
16. Who Were the Shudras? (Dr. BR Ambedkar)
17. Social Background of Indian Nationalism (AR Desai) 
18. Homo Hierarchicus (Louis Dumont) 
19. Caste, Class & Occupation (GS Ghurye)
20. The coming of post-industrial society (Daniel Bell)
21. Post-Capitalist Society (Peter Drucker)
22. The Third Wave (Alvin Toffler)
23. The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture (Manuel Castells)
24. The Postmodern Condition (Jean-François Lyotard)
25. Writing and Difference (Jacques Derrida)

(Sociology NTA NET Paper) | Books & Authors 

1. Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (Fredric Jameson) 
2. The Archaeology of Knowledge: And the Discourse on Language (Micheal Foucault)
3. The social system (Talcott Parsons)
4. Liquid Love (Zygmunt Bauman)
5. The Division of Labour in Society (Emile Durkheim)
6. The Religion of India (Max Weber) (Originally published 1916)
7. Deschooling Society (Ivan Illich) 
8. The Politics of the Family, and Other Essays (Ronald David Laing)
9. The anti-social family (Michele Barrett)
10. Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational Reform and the Contradictions of Economic Life (Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis)
11. Crime and Personality (Hans Eysenck)
12. Human deviance, social problems, and social control (Edwin Lemert)
13. Delinquency and Drift (David Matza)
14. Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas (Clifford R Shaw & Henry D McKay)
15. Beyond Globalization: Shaping a Sustainable Global Economy (Hazel Henderson)
16. Rethinking Globalization: Critical Issues and Policy Choices 
(Martin Khor & Kok Peng Khor)

17. Globalization and Its Impact on Indian Culture (Subhasish Chatterjee)
18. Discipline and Punish (Michel Foucault)
19. The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration (Anthony Giddens)
20. Sociology of deviant behavior (Marshall Barron Clinard)
21. Delinquency and opportunity (Richard Cloward) 
22. Delinquent Boys: The Culture of the Gang (Albert K Cohen)
23. Forty-four juvenile thieves: Their characters and home-life (John Bowlby)
24. India's Path of Development: A Marxist Approach (AR Desai) (Originally published 1984)
25. Antinomies of Society : Essays on Ideologies & Institutions (Andre Beteille) 

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(Sociology UGC NET) (15 Most Expected Concepts and Sociologists)

1. Westernization, Sanskritization and Modernization (पश्चिमीकरण, संस्कृतिकरण और आधुनिकीकरण) (MN Srinivas) 
2. Universalization and Parochialization (McKim Marriot) 
3. Great Tradition and Little Tradition (महान परंपरा और छोटी परंपरा) (Robert Redfield)
4. Social Status and Social Dynamics (सामाजिक स्थिति और सामाजिक गतिशीलता) (Auguste Comte)
5. Mechanical and Organic solidarity (यांत्रिक और जैविक एकजुटता) (Emile Durkheim)
6. Law of three stages (तीन चरणों का कानून) (Auguste Comte)
7. Dialectical Materialism (द्वंद्वात्मक भौतिकवाद) | Joseph Dietzgen | Karl Marx |The term dialectical materialism was coined in 1887 by Joseph Dietzgen, a socialist tanner who corresponded with Marx, during and after the failed 1848 German Revolution. 
8. Dramaturgy (नाट्य शास्त्र) (Erving Goffman)
9. Achieving Society (David C McClelland)  
10. Reflexive Role Taking (George Herbert Mead)
11. Sensate, Ideational, and Idealistic Cultures (संवेदनशील, आदर्श, और आदर्शवादी संस्कृतियां) (Pitirim Sorokin) 
12. Cosmopolitan and Locals (विश्ववादी और स्थानीय) (RK Merton) 
13. Law of Similarity and Contact (समानता और संपर्क का कानून) (James Frazer)
14. Human Nature and the Social Order (मानव प्रकृति और सामाजिक व्यवस्था) (CH Cooley)
15. Lifeworld (Edmund Husserl) 

(Sociology UGC NET) (15 Most Expected Concepts and Sociologists)

1. Dramaturgical Approach (Erving Goffman)

2. Who introduced the concept of "Sociology of Knowledge"?
(A) Berger and Luckmann
(B) Peter Berger 
(C) Harold Garfinkel 
(D) None of the above 

(A) Berger and Luckmann | The Social Construction of Reality is a 1966 book about the sociology of knowledge by the sociologists Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann.

3. Who introduced the concept of "Frame Analysis"?
(A) T Parsons 
(B) E Goffman 
(C) Alfred Schtuz 
(D) H Garfinkel 

(B) E Goffman | The concept is generally attributed to the work of Erving Goffman and his 1974 book Frame analysis: An essay on the organization of experience and has been developed in social movement theory, policy studies and elsewhere. 

4. Who gave the concept of sector model ?
(A) Homer Hoyt
(B) Louis Wirth
(C) McKim Marriot 
(D) Brij Raj Chauhn

(A) Homer Hoyt | The sector model, also known as the Hoyt model, is a model of urban land use (शहरी भूमि उपयोग) proposed in 1939 by land economist Homer Hoyt. It is a modification of the concentric zone model of city development. 

5. Who is associated with concept of "Universe of Meaning"? 
(A) Berger and Luckmann
(B) T Luckmann
(C) P Berger 
(D) E Husserl 

(A) Berger and Luckmann | Berger and Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality, claim that a sociology of knowledge is impossible without a sociology of religion, and vice verse. They claim that in all societies there exists a universe of meaning, which becomes institutionalised and is seen as the true and objective way of seeing the world. र्गर और लकमैन, द सोशल कंस्ट्रक्शन ऑफ रियलिटी, का दावा है कि ज्ञान की समाजशास्त्र धर्म के समाजशास्त्र के बिना असंभव है, और उपाध्यक्ष। वे दावा करते हैं कि सभी समाजों में अर्थ का एक ब्रह्मांड मौजूद है, जो संस्थागत हो जाता है और इसे दुनिया को देखने का सही और उद्देश्यपूर्ण तरीका माना जाता है। 

6. Who gave the concept of "Phenomenogy of Cuture"?
(A) E Goffman 
(B) Althusser
(C) A Schutz 
(D) Georg Simmel  

(D) Georg Simmel  
7. Studies in ethnomethodology (Harold Garfinkel)
8. Phenomenology of Social World (Alfred Schutz)

9. Who gave the concept of "Bhumij-Kshatriya Continuum"? "भुमीज-क्षत्रिय निरंतरता" की अवधारणा किसने दी?
(A) D Hardiman
(B) SC Dubey 
(C) AR Desai 
(D) Surajit Sinha 

(D) Surajit Sinha 

10. Concept of pollution and purity given by :- 
(A) MN Srinivas
(B) DP Mukherjee
(C) Louis Dumont 

(D) GS Ghurye 

(C) Louis Dumont

11. The "concept of hegemony" was coined by :- 
(A) Antonio Gramsci  
(B) DR Kelley 
(C) Louis Althusser 
(D) Talcott Parsons 

(A) Antonio Gramsci

12. The concept of "Symmetrical Family" has been propounded by :-
(A) Young and Willmott 
(B) Oakley 
(C) Bauman and Smart  
(D) J Derrida  

(A) Young and Willmott 

13.  When was Indira Awaas Yojana launched ? इंदिरा आवास योजना कब शुरू हुई थी?
(A) 1980
(B) 1985 
(C) 1990
(D) 1995 

(B) 1985 | to provide housing for the rural poor in India.

14. Concept of Cultural Lag (William Fielding Ogburn)
15. Looking Glass Self (Charles Horton Cooley) 
(Introduced in 1902)

(Sociology UGC NET Paper) | Books & Authors

1. The city (Max Weber)
2. The Culture of Cities  (Lewis Mumford)
3. Cities of Tomorrow: An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design Since 1880 (Peter Hall)
4. Rural Sociology in India (AR Desai) 
5. Urbanism As a Way of Life (Louis Wirth) (Originally Published 1938) 
6.  Democracies of the East: A Study in Comparative Politics (Book by Radhakamal Mukerjee)
7. Folkways (William Graham Sumner) (Originally published 1906) 
8. The psychology of status (Herbert Hiram Hyman) (Originally published 1980)
9. The American soldier (Book by Samuel A Stouffer) (Originally published 1949)
10. The Social Organization (Book by Anthony J Bradley and Mark P McDonald) (Originally published 2011)
11. Primitive Culture (Edward Burnett Tylor)
12. Society, Culture, and Personality: Their Structure and Dynamics, a System of General Sociology (Book by Pitirim Sorokin)
13. Peasant society and culture (Book by Robert Redfield)
14. Culture and Society (Raymond Williams) (Originally published 1958)
15. Systematic sociology (Karl Mannheim)

Books & Authors

1. The social order (Robert Bierstedt) (Originally Published 1949)
2. The Politics of Untouchability (Book by Owen M Lynch) (Originally published 1969)
3. The Structure of Social Action (Talcott Parsons)
4. The Theory of Social and Economic Organization (Max Weber)
5. The Golden Bough (James George Frazer)
6. Theory and practice (Book by Jürgen Habermas)
7. The Hindu family in its urban setting (Aileen D Ross)
8. Encyclopaedia Of Indian Tribal Ethnography (Book by Gyanendra Yadav) (Originally published 2009)
9. Coming of Age in Samoa (Book by Margaret Mead) (Originally published 1928)
10. Caste and the economic frontier (FGBailey)
11. Structure and Function in Primitive Society (Alfred Radcliffe-Brown) (Originally published 1952)
12. The Discovery of India (Book by Jawaharlal Nehru) (Originally published 1946)
13. The challenge of world poverty (Gunnar Myrdal)
14. The conditions of economic progress (Colin Clark) (Originally published 1940)
15. Working Class of India (Sukomal Sen)

Books & Authors

1. The Process of Economic Growth (WW Rostow) (Originally published 1952)
2. Economic Theory and Underdeveloped Regions (Gunnar Myrdal) (Originally published 1957)
3. The Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith) (Originally published 9 March 1776)
4. The Ruling Elite (Deanna Spingola) (Originally published 2012)
5. The Power Elite (Charles Wright Mills) (Originally published 19 April 1956)
6. Elites and society (Book by Thomas Bottomore) (Originally published 1964)
7. Beyond the ruling class (Suzanne Keller) (Originally published 1963)
8. Who Governs? (Robert A Dahl) (Originally published 1961)
9. Business and politics in India (Stanley Kochanek) (Originally published 1974)
10. Family Kinship and Marriage in India (Uberoi Patricia) (Originally published 1993)

Books & Authors

1. Kinship organization in India (Irawati Karve) (Originally published 1953)
2. (Family and Kinship: A Study of the Pandits of Rural Kashmir) (Triloki Nath Madan) (Originally published 1966)
3. Marriage and Family in India (KM Kapadia) (Originally published 1955)
4. The Household Dimension of the Family in India (AM Shah)
5. Family, socialization and interaction process (Talcott Parsons & Robert Freed Bales)
6. World Revolution and Family Patterns (William J Goode)
7. Family and Kinship in East London (Peter Willmott) (Originally published 1957)
8. The Rise of the Meritocracy (Michael Young) (Originally published 1958)
9. Adolescent boys of East London (Peter Willmott)
10. Family and social network (Book by Elizabeth Spillius)
11. Soziologie und Philosophie (Book by Theodor W Adorno and Émile Durkheim)
12. Education and Sociology (Émile Durkheim)
13. Economy and Society (Max Weber) (Originally published 1922)
14. Capitalism and Modern Social Theory (Anthony Giddens)
15. Exchange, Action, and Social Structure (Milan Zafirovski) (Originally published 2001)
16. Social Stratification and Mobility (KL Sharma) (Originally published 1994)
17. The Bhils: A Study (Thakorlal Bharabhai Naik)
18. Tribal Culture, Continuity, and Change: A Study of Bhils in Rajasthan (Book by Anita Srivastava Majhi)
19. The Parsis of India (Lata Narayan and S Siva Raju) (Originally published 1999)
20. The Second Sex (Simone de Beauvoir)
21. The Dialectic of Sex (Book by Shulamith Firestone) 
22. Gender Trouble (Judith Butler) (Originally published March 1990)
23. The Whole Woman (Germaine Greer)
24. Sexual Politics (Kate Millett) (Originally published 1970)
25. Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies (MARGARET MEAD)
26. An Anthropologist at Work (Ruth Benedict)
27. The Decline of the West (Oswald Spengler) (Originally published 1918)
28. A Study of History (Book by Arnold J Toynbee)
29. Social and Cultural Dynamics (Book by Pitirim Sorokin)
30. The Beautiful Boy (Book by Germaine Greer)
31. Male and Female (Book by Margaret Mead)
32. Sex and destiny (Book by Germaine Greer)
33. The Third Wave (Book by Alvin Toffler)
34. Protest and change (Book by TK Oommen) (Originally published 1990)
35. Social Change in Western Europe (Book by Colin Crouch) (Originally published 1999)
36. Purity and pollution (Book by Alison Bashford) (Originally published 1998)

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