Friday, January 28, 2022

(Books and Authors) (Part 4)

1. Invitation to Sociology (Peter L Berger)
2. Human Society (Kingsley Davis)
3. The New Class (Milovan Djilas)
4. The Human Group (George Casper Homans)
5. The Mind and Society (Vilfredo Pareto)
6. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (Joseph Schumpeter)
7. Social Demography : A Systematic Exposition (Mahendra K Premi)
8. Population and Society : An Introduction to Demography (Dudley L Poston & Leon F Bouvier)
9. The Population of India and Pakistan (Kingsley Davis)
10. The Sociology of Industry (Stanley Robert Parker)
11. Industrial Democracy (Beatrice Webb)
12. Industrial Sociology (Narendar Singh)
13. Caste in Modern India : And Other Essays (MN Srinivas)
14. An Essay on the Principle of Population (Thomas Robert Malthus)
15. Modernization of Indian Tradition (Yogendra Singh)
16. When a Great Tradition Modernizes (Milton Singer)
17. Caste, Class and Power (Andre Beteille)
18. Women and Crime (Stacy L Mallicoat) 
19. Passing By (Gender and Public Harassment) (Carol Brooks Gardner)
20. Women, Violence and Social Change (R Emerson Dobash)
21. Violence Against Wives (R Emerson Dobash) 
22. Races and Cultures of India (DN Majumdar)
23. The Scheduled Tribes (GS Ghurye)
24. Tribal Life in India (NK Bose)
25. India : Social Structure (Originally Published 1969) (MN Srinivas)

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