Thursday, January 27, 2022

(Books & Authors) (Part 3)

1. The Handbook of Economic Sociology (Neil Smelser)
2. The Social Structure of Values (Radhakamal Mukerjee)
3. Capitalism, The Family and Personal Life (Eli Zaretsky)
4. The Anti-Social Family (Michele Barrett)
5. Leisure and the Family Life Cycle (Rhona Rapaport)
6. The Liberal Virus (Samir Amin)
7. Republic (Plato)
8. The Religions Book (Shulamit Ambalu)
9. Religion and Society among the Coorgs of South India (MN Srinivas)
10. India's Changing Villages (SC Dube)
11. Socio-Economic Profile of Rural India (SC Patra)
12. The Study of Sociology (Herbert Spencer)
13. Das Kapital (Karl Marx)
14. The Society (Jodie Andrfski)
15. Who Shall Survive (JL Moreno)
16. The Religion of Humanity (T Wright)
17. The Course in Positive Philosophy (Auguste Comte)
18. The Underdevelopment of Development (Andre Gunner Frank)
19. The Holy Family (Friedrich Engels & Karl Marx)
20. The Principles of Sociology (Herbert Spencer)
21. Social Thought From Lore To Science (Harry Elmer Barnes)
22. Contemporary Sociological Theory (1983) (George Ritzer)
23. Caste and Communication in an Indian Village (DN Majumdar)
24. The Splendour that was Egypt (Margaret Murray)
25. The City (Max Weber)

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