Friday, January 21, 2022

Sociology UGC NET Paper Practice Question-Answer :-

1. Which among the following is an example of a Community?

(A) Family
(B) Marriage
(C) Village
(D) Refugee Camp

2. The Weberian model of Social Stratification has been used in the Study of Caste by:-

(A) SC Dube
(B) MN Srinivas
(C) TN Madan
(D) Andre Beteille

3. Which one of the following is not an Institution?

(A) Marriage
(B) Education
(C) Policing
(D) Pick-pocketing

4. Which one of the following is an example of Ascribed status?

(A) Teacher
(B) Student
(C) Brahmin
(D) Doctor

5. Which of the following Thinkers used a System of Binary Opposition in Structural Approach to Social Phenomena?

(A) SF Nadel
(B) Radcliffe-Brown
(C) Levi-Strauss
(D) Malinowski

6.  Calculation of Number of Deaths Per Thousand People falls under the Measure of:-

(A) Nominal scale
(B) Ordinal scale
(C) Ratio scale
(D) Interval scale

7. "The 'Self' in modern society becomes a sacred object in the same way that the collective symbols of Primitive Societies." Who has propounded this view?

(A) Max Weber
(B) Emile Durkheim
(C) George Herbert Mead
(D) Erving Goffman

8. Who has written the Book "Theoretical Logic in Sociology"?

(A) NJ Smelser
(B) JC Alexander
(C) Paul Colomy
(D) Bernhard Giesen 

9. Provisions for divorce among Hindus are provided under Hindu Marriage Act of which year?

(A) 1955
(B) 1956
(C) 1961
(D) 1973

10. The concept of "Symmetrical Family" has been propounded by:-

(A) Young and Willmott
(B) Oakley
(C) Bauman and Smart
(D) Smart

11. The Dowry Prohibition (Amendment) Act was passed in which of the following years?

(A) 1963
(B) 1965
(C) 1984
(D) 1961

12. "Even change in Indian society can be understood by studying its Traditions." Who has argued this?

(A) Radha Kamal Mukherjee
(B) DP Mukherjee
(C) MN Srinivas
(D) SC Dube
13. Who has argued that "an empirical sociology of Indian society is not possible"?

(A) GS Ghurye
(B) MN Srinivas
(C) AK Saran
(D) SC Dube

14. Who has used the term "Faction" in the study of rural society at first?

(A) Oscar Lewis
(B) SC Dube
(C) Raymond Firth
(D) None of the above

15. "Rurbanism" is a term that is related to the study of :-

(A) Villages
(B) Town and cities
(C) Rural areas
(D) Life-styles of rural-urban people

16. Warren Simpson Thompson is known for his:-

(A) Cyclic Theory
(B) Demographic Transition Model
(C) Optimum Population Theory

(D) Social Capillarity Theory

17. “Sociology is a Science which attempts an interpretative understanding of social action.” Who defined Sociology in this manner?

(A) Talcott Parsons
(B) MacIver and Page
(C) Emile  Durkheim

(D) Max Weber

18. The term "Sociological Imagination" was coined by whom?

(A) Peter Berger
(B) CW Mills
(C) Anthony Giddens
(D) John Stuart Mill

19. Which of the following is not a Primary Group?

(A) Scouts
(B) A peer group
(C) A class of Students
(D) Family

20. Who among the following is a proponent of cyclical theory of evolution?

(A) Talcott Parsons
(B) Emile Durkheim
(C) Oswald Spengler
(D) Herbert Spencer

21. In which of the book has Mannheim propounded the idea of Sociology of Knowledge?

(A) The End of Ideology
(B) The End of History
(C) Ideology and Utopia
(D) The German Ideology

22.  Who among the following used the word "Anomie"?

(i) Max Weber
(ii) Karl Marx
(iii) Emile Durkheim
(iv) Robert King Merton

Find out the correct combination:-

(A) (ii) and (iii)
(B) (i) and (ii)
(C) (iv) and (i)
(D) (iii) and (iv)

23.  Edwin Sutherland founded the theory of:-

(A) Blue collar crime
(B) Crime by dacoits
(C) White collar crime
(D) Cyber-crime

24. India recognized the population problem and adopted an official national programme in family planning in:-

(A) 1950
(B) 1952
(C) 1955
(D) 1975

25. Who among the following sociologists used dramaturgy to explain the presentation of self in everyday life?

(A) Blumer
(B) Erving Goffman
(C) Luckmann
(D) Alfred Schutz

Answer Key :-

1. Option No. C | Village
2. Option No. D | Andre Beteille
3. Option No. D | Pick-Pocketing
4. Option No. C (Brahmin)
5. Option No. C | Levi-Strauss
6. Option No. C | Ratio Scale
7. Option No. C (George Herbert Mead)
8. Option No. B | Jeffrey Charles Alexander
9. Option No. A (1955)
10. Option No. A (Michael Young & Peter Willmott)
11. Option No. D | 1961
12. Option No. B | Dhurjati Prasad Mukerji
13. Option No. C (Awadh Kishore Saran) 
14. Option No. C | Raymond Firth
15. Option No. D (Life-Styles of Rural-Urban People)
16. Option No. B ( Demographic Transition Model)
17. Option No. D | Max Weber
18. Option No. B | Charles Wright Mills
19. Option No. A (Scouts)
20. Option No. C (Oswald Spengler)
21. Option No. C | Ideology & Utopia
22. Option No. Correct Code is Option No. D (Emile Durkheim & Robert King Merton)
23. Option No. C | White Collar Crime
24. Option No. B (1952)
25. Option No. B (Erving Goffman)

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